I'm Beginning to Feel Sorry for Biden

Rarely does a day go by when Brandon isn't mocked for his stuttering, flubs and all manner of confusion. Like him or not, it is not easy to see a man degenerate.
It isn't easy, it is hilarious. Hilarious that they ran him at all much less claim he overcame the most liked and successful president of my lifetime and by 7 million votes; Obumma by 16 million. :auiqs.jpg:

Instead we have what should be the most exposed man in the world fall apart both mentally and physically before very public eyes.
It was HIS choice to run for the most public office in the world. Now he shall bear the brunt, especially for the heinous and diabolical evil he has allowed the Radical Left to perpetrate on our nation.

Enough is enough. The man should be given some dignity allowed to fade away privately
You mean like they gave Trump? He endured 10,000X as much criticism. He could resign. The Dims could 25th him. The GOP could 25th him in another year. Maybe a little more shame will help him make up what little of a mind he still has.

deep fake.gif
no way with his condition he'll last 6 more years with the ability to talk and walk.
No, I think his handlers are already choreographing 90% of everything he says and does. I think they can plop him in a wheelchair, push him around with a whirlybird beanie on, shove a card in his hand and tell him to read it.

Question is, are our elections so far gone now that they can rig another election.
Uh, people who mock others for having a stutter sound like terrible human beings. Don’t feel bad for Biden because he has a stutter, feel bad for the people who make fun of stuttering

But mocking someone for being "orange" is OK?
Mocking someone for his hairstyle is OK?
Mocking someone for being a bit overweight, THAT is OK?
Do you want 25 more?

Thanks for confirming that democrats are terrible human beings.
The choice is between a mentally failing career politico or an out of her depth "check the boxes" VP appointment special.

Put another way, the choice is between a man destroying his party with his incompetence and a woman who would annihilate her party with her utter inability!

Joe and Kamela I thought would be dull to death after the vivacious Donald-- -- but Biden and Harry have turned out more fun than as barrel of monkeys!
Rarely does a day go by when Brandon isn't mocked for his stuttering, flubs and all manner of confusion. Like him or not, it is not easy to see a man degenerate. It is part & parcel of life if one lives long enough, but these are things that should happen in the seclusion of one's domicile and witnessed alone by his/her loved ones.

Instead we have what should be the most exposed man in the world fall apart both mentally and physically before very public eyes.

Enough is enough. The man should be given some dignity allowed to fade away privately instead of being paraded in the limelight of the presidency. This is no longer 1920 when Wilson could be hidden by the lack of visual recording of the time. Keeping Brandon hidden is not an option today.

I am not a fan, but this simply should not be.
It just blows my mind how you people just pretend Trump doesn’t sound like a moron any time he talks. Do you simply find him intelligent? Is that the issue? Yikes.
It just blows my mind how you people just pretend Trump doesn’t sound like a moron any time he talks. Do you simply find him intelligent? Is that the issue? Yikes.
What's this got to do with Trump? The Dems are parading man in obvious and severe decline in front of the world. It's simply abuse of the elderly watching Brandon fall down stairs, bewildered by his failing cognitive skills and spells of incoherent mumbling.

Trump has nothing to do with this.
What's this got to do with Trump? The Dems are parading man in obvious and severe decline in front of the world. It's simply abuse of the elderly watching Brandon fall down stairs, bewildered by his failing cognitive skills and spells of incoherent mumbling.

Trump has nothing to do with this.
Well not surprising you left him out of the post, sure. Your glaring double standard is just embarrassing and childish.
He always was and always has been a fuck up, I don't feel sorry for him at all.

I don't even really care about him because he isn't the problem, it's the people he has been putting in seats of power that I don't like because they will still be here when he is gone.
Sorry, I sometimes refer to Biden as Brandon, as in Let's Go ...
Yep, you’re still not going to acknowledge Trump. See if you were at all objective, you could say, “look, I know Trump says stupid shit all the time, but we need to talk about how Biden sounds everyday.

Yeah and god is that “Let’s go Brandon” shit stupid. It’s astounding to me how you people think that is at all clever and witty. It’s so dumb lol
Yep, you’re still not going to acknowledge Trump. See if you were at all objective, you could say, “look, I know Trump says stupid shit all the time, but we need to talk about how Biden sounds everyday.

Yeah and god is that “Let’s go Brandon” shit stupid. It’s astounding to me how you people think that is at all clever and witty. It’s so dumb lol
Yeah, that Let's Go Brandon was hilarious when that dingbat of an NBC reporter said it and still is.

Trump was very clear. If you didn't like what he said that's for you to deal with. Brandon, on the other hand, mumbles incoherently and is likely saying stupid shit, but he's hard to understand.

I just think Brandon should be allowed to fade away with whatever dignity he has left at this point away from the public eye. As much as the Dems would like to spit him out, they can't because that's all those dog-faced pony soldiers have left. Still, his family should intervene.
Yeah, that Let's Go Brandon was hilarious when that dingbat of an NBC reporter said it and still is.

Trump was very clear. If you didn't like what he said that's for you to deal with. Brandon, on the other hand, mumbles incoherently and is likely saying stupid shit, but he's hard to understand.

I just think Brandon should be allowed to fade away with whatever dignity he has left at this point away from the public eye. As much as the Dems would like to spit him out, they can't because that's all those dog-faced pony soldiers have left. Still, his family should intervene.
Look, Biden is an old man. He stutters. Sometimes it takes a moment to choose the right word. However, he is always coherent. Trump just rambles like a 9 year old and is often incoherent. It’s just embarrassing.
Look, Biden is an old man. He stutters. Sometimes it takes a moment to choose the right word. However, he is always coherent. Trump just rambles like a 9 year old and is often incoherent. It’s just embarrassing.
Stuttering and mumbling incoherently are not the same thing. Brandon's simply confused. Never the brightest of bulbs, he visibly dimming fast.
Why do you think they kept him hidden in his basement during the campaign--they knew then. They didn't want anyone else to know.
I'm pretty sure they have had Joe on some concoction of stuff designed to boost and revitalize his mind since around the Fall 2020 campaigning, because Joe saw a decided improvement in his speech and behavior from then on compared to before he had the nomination, but now, he seems to be slipping away again.

When they go the 2nd time, they go fast.
I'm pretty sure they have had Joe on some concoction of stuff designed to boost and revitalize his mind since around the Fall 2020 campaigning, because Joe saw a decided improvement in his speech and behavior from then on compared to before he had the nomination, but now, he seems to be slipping away again.

When they go the 2nd time, they go fast.
Who'd a thunk that 1968's Charly would be reenacted by the vegetable. Charly (1968) - IMDb

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