I'm Beginning to Feel Sorry for Biden


Doesn't that twist your shit into a meathead...

Protecting the President: Big Tech Censors Biden Criticism 646 Times Over Two Years​

Big Tech’s campaign to protect President Joe Biden and his agenda has continued unabated. The Media Research Center found more than 640 examples of bans, deleted content and other speech restrictions placed on those who criticized Biden on social media over the past two years. This included 140 cases of Big Tech censoring people over the New York Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden story in late 2020.


MRC Free Speech America tallied 646 cases in its CensorTrack database of pro-Biden censorship between March 10, 2020, and March 10, 2022. The tally included cases from Biden’s presidential candidacy to the present day.

Not only the MSM are in the bucket for old Quid Pro Quo Joe...
No. You are a meathead and I always liked how he was tossed around by the man. I'll take over here.

Go to the corner then and peddle your wares if you can't find a boyfriend. While I feel sorry for Brandon, your weirdness I'm sure is inflicted by a combination of idiocy and loneliness.

They have gay porn sites I'm sure. You could try masturbating. Failing that, go groom someone.
They have gay porn sites

You would know.
All democrats and progressives (the "left") must be removed, with prejudice, from all positions of authority or influence in politics, education, and society.

Failure to do so consigns the United States - land of the free, home of the brave, the last best hope for liberty and prosperity in all the civilized word - to death.


Huge Group of Protesters From Multiple States Greet Joe Biden in New Hampshire With #BidenGasHike and “Vote GOP” Signs​

Patriots showed up to #LeadRight and let Biden know he's failing us!

These Granite Staters know the #RedWave is coming to NH! pic.twitter.com/7CSSdUsKAg

— Joseph Gagnon (@allamericanjoe1) April 19, 2022

Rarely does a day go by when Brandon isn't mocked for his stuttering, flubs and all manner of confusion. Like him or not, it is not easy to see a man degenerate. It is part & parcel of life if one lives long enough, but these are things that should happen in the seclusion of one's domicile and witnessed alone by his/her loved ones.

Instead we have what should be the most exposed man in the world fall apart both mentally and physically before very public eyes.

Enough is enough. The man should be given some dignity allowed to fade away privately instead of being paraded in the limelight of the presidency. This is no longer 1920 when Wilson could be hidden by the lack of visual recording of the time. Keeping Brandon hidden is not an option today.

I am not a fan, but this simply should not be.

What are you talking about? He is of perfect cognitive ability.


Biden stood in that pose for a long long time.

This is just one of dozens of examples.

If Trump did all the same shit Biden is doing, they would demand to 25th his ass.
Obviously, but it's abusive. Society has obligations to the senile especially when those who should be protecting him are in on the abuse.

Well yeah, his own family should have stopped him from seeking the office. They knew he had dementia and was not capable of holding the office. That's on them and now the country is paying the price. Even worse though, he was installed and placed there to serve the globalists.
Thank you

You are welcome, concern troll.

COME ON! PolitiFact Claims Biden's Invisible Handshake Was 'Gesturing at the Audience'​

PolitiFact acts like its role is not to check facts, but to suppress embarrassing videos of Biden and Harris. Last month, they cried False about an embarrassing Harris performance at a press conference in Europe. Now, they're ruling it's False to say Biden “turned around and shook hands with thin air” after a speech in North Carolina on April 14.

He wasn't trying to shake hands with a non-existent person, he was gesturing at the audience! Doesn't everyone point with all five fingers?

After @POTUS' April 14 speech at @ncatsuaggies, social media users spread the rumor that he "tried to shake hands with thin air," then "wandered around looking confused." Different angles show that claim is false— he was actually gesturing at the audience. PolitiFact - Biden was gesturing towards his audience, not shaking hands with “thin air” pic.twitter.com/MRm6On7vjE

— Gabrielle Settles (@GPSettles) April 19, 2022


You are welcome, concern troll.

COME ON! PolitiFact Claims Biden's Invisible Handshake Was 'Gesturing at the Audience'​

After @POTUS' April 14 speech at @ncatsuaggies, social media users spread the rumor that he "tried to shake hands with thin air," then "wandered around looking confused." Different angles show that claim is false— he was actually gesturing at the audience. PolitiFact - Biden was gesturing towards his audience, not shaking hands with “thin air” pic.twitter.com/MRm6On7vjE

— Gabrielle Settles (@GPSettles) April 19, 2022


As long as you understand that you are a moron, keep wearing it like a badge of honor. It fits.
As long as you understand that you are a moron, keep wearing it like a badge of honor. It fits.
You sure are concerned.

This is good. I like to keep concern trolls concerned.

Saudi Ruler Screamed at Top Biden Official, Told Him to 'Forget About' Boosted Oil Production: Report​

Wonder why?

In the summer of 2021, Biden told Americans to blame low Saudi oil output for rising gas prices.

Biden is such a moron and his administration are maroons.

You sure are concerned.

This is good. I like to keep concern trolls concerned.

Saudi Ruler Screamed at Top Biden Official, Told Him to 'Forget About' Boosted Oil Production: Report​

Wonder why?

In the summer of 2021, Biden told Americans to blame low Saudi oil output for rising gas prices.

Biden is such a moron and his administration are maroons.

Wow, you're the conservative answer to Clipper and GiGi. You are almost as good as they are at hijacking threads. You better get back to the mine, I think I hear the other six dwarves calling for you.

Well said.

you're the conservative answer to Clipper and GiGi.

And you're a poor concern troll, failing by the post.

You are almost as good as they are at hijacking threads. You better get back to the mine, I think I hear the other six dwarves calling for you.
Poor Concern troll is really concerned now.

Wuhan-CCP Collaborator – Peter Daszak Wants $1T from Biden​

Peter Daszak, the CEO of Eco-Health Alliance, who lied about the origins of COVID-19, wants a trillion dollars from Biden. He is demanding that US taxpayers pay out the money for infrastructure in pandemic prevention.


He made the demand in a new opinion editorial published by Fortune magazine. Daszak’s research with the Chinese lab is under suspicion of causing the COVID-19 outbreak.

Daszak wants the trillion to protect his work.

Democrats are very happy to have the senile and confused Biden acting as their obedient scapegoat. All he has to do is follow the party's directions and that is exactly what he does. But actually, Joe shouldn't have to shoulder all the criticism for the multitude of insane positions his administration has taken because they were all creations of the Dem. party. The Democrat party is the real villain in this equation.
Democrats are very happy to have the senile and confused Biden acting as their obedient scapegoat. All he has to do is follow the party's directions and that is exactly what he does. But actually, Joe shouldn't have to shoulder all the criticism for the multitude of insane positions his administration has taken because they were all creations of the Dem. party. The Democrat party is the real villain in this equation.
The DNC, is collectively, no more than the people that are members making every one of them culpable.

Heritage Foundation
"You could take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together and they would not have done the damage that Joe Biden has done in one year.
How right they are.
Yeah, Brandon is terrible. No doubt about it. Still, he should not be being paraded in public in his precipitous decline.

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