I'm Beginning to Feel Sorry for Biden

LMAO your posts crack me up sometime. “Bumbling speech “ lmao
This is the president of the United States. Progs demonized Trump enough. And are so power hungry tey ran a man who is inferior in verbal and motor skills with an underground tritor group making the laws and rules condemning tens of millions more to eventual poverty for the all mighty Progressive Socialist Utopia that does not exist.
Agree. So so much easier to whine about losing elections than to govern a country. Especially if you have to clean up the mess the orange douche bag left us.

I'm just really curious about something- perhaps you can help me out.

Do you have any idea when you nutcases of the left will finally stop weeping copious amounts of tears over Trump?

It's ok, little lefty.

Trump isn't president anymore, so dry those tears and have a cookie.
I'm just really curious about something- perhaps you can help me out.

Do you have any idea when you nutcases of the left will finally stop weeping copious amounts of tears over Trump?

It's ok, little lefty.

Trump isn't president anymore, so dry those tears and have a cookie.
The left have permanent PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder).
This is the president of the United States. Progs demonized Trump enough. And are so power hungry tey ran a man who is inferior in verbal and motor skills with an underground tritor group making the laws and rules condemning tens of millions more to eventual poverty for the all mighty Progressive Socialist Utopia that does not exist.
Nobody demonized Trump - we simply spoke the truth of the guy. He was a fascist who wanted to be Chancellor
I'm just really curious about something- perhaps you can help me out.

Do you have any idea when you nutcases of the left will finally stop weeping copious amounts of tears over Trump?

It's ok, little lefty.

Trump isn't president anymore, so dry those tears and have a cookie.
When he fades away into the sunset like the loser he is. Let me know if you are still confused.
Looking at a few of his speeches again, it's not even the stuttering, it's the drawn out, almost lethargic way he is speaking that to me shows the dementia issues.
Which if he did not lie so much, it'd be easier for him if he just told the truth. He is fumbling for lies and is not as sharp as he used to be.
Rarely does a day go by when Brandon isn't mocked for his stuttering, flubs and all manner of confusion. Like him or not, it is not easy to see a man degenerate. It is part & parcel of life if one lives long enough, but these are things that should happen in the seclusion of one's domicile and witnessed alone by his/her loved ones.

Instead we have what should be the most exposed man in the world fall apart both mentally and physically before very public eyes.

Enough is enough. The man should be given some dignity allowed to fade away privately instead of being paraded in the limelight of the presidency. This is no longer 1920 when Wilson could be hidden by the lack of visual recording of the time. Keeping Brandon hidden is not an option today.

I am not a fan, but this simply should not be.

I've said from the beginning that what's happening to him is elder abuse. Quite literally.

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