“I’m Done With Him.”

If you don't agree with Trump, he starts right in with the hyperbole, insults and name-calling, and his fans cheer him on.

Pelosi probably held out some hope that he'd grow up a bit in office (as did I), but so much for that idea.
At what point, exactly, did you lose hope in him?
A few months into his term.
Chaos is a good thing… In this case
I don't know how.
If you don't agree with Trump, he starts right in with the hyperbole, insults and name-calling, and his fans cheer him on.

Pelosi probably held out some hope that he'd grow up a bit in office (as did I), but so much for that idea.
At what point, exactly, did you lose hope in him?
A few months into his term.
Chaos is a good thing… In this case
I don't know how.
A few months into his term.
What took you so long? What, finally, did it for you?
There would be no Trump if there was no Obama… Or are you too slow to realize that?
Karma is a bitch ain’t it?
I don't believe that most Trump supporters are racist as you are.
Minority’s can’t be racist... According to political correctness.

It’s like crying wolf… Sooner or later racism is going to be an meaningless term.
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
If you don't agree with Trump, he starts right in with the hyperbole, insults and name-calling, and his fans cheer him on.

Pelosi probably held out some hope that he'd grow up a bit in office (as did I), but so much for that idea.
The only way Trumpy “wins” again is by cheating. It’s going to be a massive landslide for whichever democrat gets the nomination. The media just want to fuel a horse race.
If you don't agree with Trump, he starts right in with the hyperbole, insults and name-calling, and his fans cheer him on.

Pelosi probably held out some hope that he'd grow up a bit in office (as did I), but so much for that idea.
At what point, exactly, did you lose hope in him?
A few months into his term.
Chaos is a good thing… In this case
I don't know how.
... and the question is "what is too much".
TRUMP only goes after people who attack him first.
He is not required to act like a spoiled, petulant child when he "goes after someone".

Evidently his fans don't realize that. Maybe that's how they "go after" people too, I guess. Maybe that's why they aren't embarrassed by his behaviors - he acts just like they do.

It really is possible to make a solid point and act like an intelligent adult at the same time. True story.

That's because it's spoiled, petulant childish Nancy Pelosi who started it.
He dishes same behavior back.
Act like an adult and he treats you like an adult.

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