"I'm not f*cking paying for that"...Bill Maher lets loose on free college

Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is an entitlement.
Let's take a step back here.

With the bazillions of taxpayer dollars we in the U.S. spend on "education," doesn't it make perfect sense to voluntarily pay for "advanced" education for children who (a) lack the resources to pay themselves, (b) are actually "college material," and (c) intend to study, and actually DO study, subjects that have value to the overall community? Good Lord, how could anyone object to that?

In Germany, ANYONE can attend a University for "free," even foreigners (e.g., Americans). No shit. For free.

So let's look at what the REAL problem is here in the U.S. with "free" college education.

We lack the balls to DISCRIMINATE, as we should. These slots should only be given to those students who are academically prepared to SUCCEED in college, as measured by a combination of HS grades and standardized tests. For those who don't meet the standard (about 75% of graduating seniors), they will still have both public and private colleges to choose from; they will simply have to finance it themselves, as they do now. BUT WE KNOW that such academic discrimination would never happen in these United States. Because a system based on true academic merit would result in a group of qualifying students who are almost exclusively white and Asian, so the standards would "have to" be watered down or simply tossed out with respect to POC's, rendering the whole thing a fiasco.

Second, public tax dollars should not be spent providing a college education in which the course of study is...how can I say this?..."bullshit." No Gender Studies, no Ethnic Studies - indeed NOTHING that ends with the word, "Studies." You get the idea.

So in summary, there is NOTHING WRONG with providing "free college" in a rational, academically discriminatory fashion. But we lack the balls to do it. So for what it's worth, and for apparently different reasons, I agree with Maher.
Solving for a simple poverty of capital in our market based economy is more market friendly.

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