I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter, but I am curious about something.

I noticed you dont even know the journalists name. You know why? Because the journalist was not a child slaughtered at school with other children. Different emotional impact on the country. Next time lets compare apples to apples.

Libwit the man had his freaking head cut off on video holy shit. Obama admitted it was a stupid thing to do on his part go argue with Obama.
So what. Was that more emotionally impacting than having kids slaughtered? Are you doing the white boy deflect thing? Why would I argue with Obama? We are talking about Drumpfs failure as a leader.

We are rubbing your nose in the rotted festering stench of your hypocrisy and double standards. You mad bro?
You are? Why would I be mad you guys dont understand leadership. Look who you voted for. A abysmal failure at leadership.

The only other choice was Hillary.
As much as she sucks she still would have been better than Drumpf.
Best leader in your and my lifetime. Thanks for agreeing.
Not sure what you mean by this? I dont have my guns because of Obama. I have them because of people like Drumpf and his supporters.
If you have to ask… LOL
....you have failed to express your point.
Like I said why don’t you just sit on your porch quietly…
I will after you promise to do your hair lice treatment and use some Tide on that wet dog smell of yours. Now what did you mean regarding Drumpf being the gun salesmean of the century?
Best leader in your and my lifetime. Thanks for agreeing.
Not sure what you mean by this? I dont have my guns because of Obama. I have them because of people like Drumpf and his supporters.
If you have to ask… LOL
....you have failed to express your point.
Like I said why don’t you just sit on your porch quietly…

Uh, mods? Hello?.
Halting your normal routines for an arbitrary amount of time after a tragedy is a sign of powerful leadership? That's retarded.
Obviously you have never led anything in your life.
Some days I would gladly take the pay cut.
Well its one of those things you dont get a day off from regardless of your pay. Its a responsibility.
Thus my usage of the word 'would'. You cannot place yourself into Trump's position based on your personal experience. Why, because you are not D. Trump.
Also, you cannot place your leadership model into his position as you have no idea his requirements. There is no 'one size fits all' leadership style. You, in this situation are a follower. What you expect as many followers do is that Trump or any leader would conduct themselves in the manner that you wish. They would make your ideals and your priorities primary on their chart and adopt YOUR specific leadership style.
So, whether you like it or not your opinions reflect a very common, insular opinion that leaders in general encounter.
Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about. There are basic things required of a leader no matter the leadership style. No I'm not a follower. This isnt a dictatorship. Its a democracy. Basically I would need to voluntary follow his lead. I am not forced to. I would never expect Drumpf to conduct himself in the manner I wished. Hes too dumb for that. I do expect him to be a leader in times of crisis just like anyone else. Whats bad is that its not like he doesnt have children of his own.

I don't think you even know what you're talking about, you're just having a tantrum.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

All other types of elected officials did the right thing.

He did his weak impression of human empathy and sympathy. He couldn't have moved through that hospital faster if he was on roller skates.

It is heartbreaking to once again see our President is a sociopath who mimics human decency for the cameras. "These doctors are doing a really great excellent job. They are really the best people, the doctors. And I can't tell you how proud I am of the doctors."

Do you realize the doctors working the hardest after the shooting were the medical examiners, rushing to finish autopsies before Fridays sabbath?

Why don't you take your fucking Orange ass and go downstairs and take a look. Then go meet with the parents and hear about losing the most precious thing in the world...
he's the president

Okay? So he should have done what exactly? What is his great leadership failure in this instance?

you're not a trump supporter? :rofl:

Nope, I didn't and won't vote for him. I just dislike partisan nonsense and intellectual dishonesty. As a Hillary supporter you should be quite familiar with those. ;)
His ability to calm the situation down sucks. He made the issue about the Russians instead of concentrating on the real issue.
BTW, do you know who created the “Not My President” Bullshit?

Russia, so Libtards are nothing but Putin’s Butt Puppets and Agents of The Kremlin!

I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Average citizens don't speak for the country. The president does. Trump is the president, so yeah, he should have offered up something meaningful.

Donald Trump doesn't speak for the 1/3rd of the country that don't even acknowledge him as our president. Just ask them. And for those that support Trump, we don't need any pandering PC TV moment full of sissy words and feelings to make us feel good. We all know its a bad thing and hope a solution can be found. Just get the job done and man up.
Uh, mods? Hello?.

Show us on the doll where the words hurt you

There is a board with "racism" in its title where you crackers and Asclepias can go jerk each other off.

He said "go sit on the porch", OMG someone call the SPLC

Yes, so very subtle. Maybe that counts for clever in your neck of the woods, but in most of the country it's pretty obvious.

Not to mention that idiot MikeTx or whatever the fuck his name is. I make fun of someone a little too much and my shit gets deleted but the Stormfront mods just let the hillbillies say whatever they want I guess.
You aren’t even rational


You certainly seem to have the thought process of a Drumpf supporter. Most people are not the POTUS hence they wouldnt be attempting to show national leadership.
Catch 22 argument. What is one man's leadership is another man's failure.
Thats silly Drumpf supporter talk. Drumpf has been an abysmal failure as a leader the moment he won the GOP primary.
BTW, do you know who created the “Not My President” Bullshit?

Russia, so Libtards are nothing but Putin’s Butt Puppets and Agents of The Kremlin!

I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Average citizens don't speak for the country. The president does. Trump is the president, so yeah, he should have offered up something meaningful.

Donald Trump doesn't speak for the 1/3rd of the country that don't even acknowledge him as our president. Just ask them. And for those that support Trump, we don't need any pandering PC TV moment full of sissy words and feelings to make us feel good. We all know its a bad thing and hope a solution can be found. Just get the job done and man up.

do you mean the 2/3 of this country dearie, and not the 1/3 who are trumploons?

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