I'm not white, but I do sympathize with white Americans

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

Well many of the Founding Fathers were racist, Abraham Lincoln was racist too. But people like him because he freed the slaves etc. Churchill was a racist but he defeated Hitler. Those quotes I just checked were from Ghandis younger years where his ideology was still in development. He still did great things. I dont judge him by a few comments.
Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things. In this link his grandson even admits he said these things but passes it off to youthful expression.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

BBC is a propaganda outlet. It has been churning out propaganda against Asians and Africans for decades now. It is sad that people fall for propaganda.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

Well many of the Founding Fathers were racist, Abraham Lincoln was racist too. But people like him because he freed the slaves etc. Churchill was a racist but he defeated Hitler. Those quotes I just checked were from Ghandis younger years where his ideology was still in development. He still did great things. I dont judge him by a few comments.
I agree. Most of the founding people of the US were racists. Of course Abe was a racist as well. Thats why I like the truth instead of fairy tales. I dont give Gandhi a pass. He made those statements and to my knowledge never apologized or retracted them.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things. In this link his grandson even admits he said these things but passes it off to youthful expression.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

BBC is a propaganda outlet. It has been churning out propaganda against Asians and Africans for decades now. It is sad that people fall for propaganda.
South Africans...Black South Africans have told me the same thing. Thats actually where I first heard about it.
I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things. In this link his grandson even admits he said these things but passes it off to youthful expression.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

BBC is a propaganda outlet. It has been churning out propaganda against Asians and Africans for decades now. It is sad that people fall for propaganda.
South Africans...Black South Africans have told me the same thing. Thats actually where I first heard about it.

You are entitled to your unfortunate opinion.
Youre an uncle ghandi. Get your nose out of the white mans ass.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.
It's true I remember seeing how the British treated the Indians like the were sub human.

And black people like to stick with their own too. So do us Greeks and arabs. Don't feel bad.
Believe me when I say that I don't want to be anybody else.

It's just that I'm smart enough to understand that there is a backlash coming. This is not a country anymore, by any way you want to look at it. Everywhere I go, all the time, I encounter peoples and names like they are coming from all over the world. Literally the United Nations.

Who does it benefit? Certainly not me! So, another Muslim, another African, another Chinese person comes to the United States. I am none of those things. And even we Indian Hindus, in many places there are a lot of us, it just doesn't make sense for more to come. We have the stores, we are taking over strip malls, places in schools and universities, etc. Even back in the 1990s there were lots of us. It's like we are involved in this nuclear arms race with all the peoples of the world...who can replace whitey the quickest!

Will it be Indians? Asians? Hispanics?

This is going to end in disaster.
A seething alt-right white racist troll pretending to be an Asian Indian, I am sure. One of my best friends is an Indian Gujarati and I showed him this thread just now, he pissed himself laughing. You're not fooling anyone, "racialreality".
Believe me when I say that I don't want to be anybody else.

It's just that I'm smart enough to understand that there is a backlash coming. This is not a country anymore, by any way you want to look at it. Everywhere I go, all the time, I encounter peoples and names like they are coming from all over the world. Literally the United Nations.

Who does it benefit? Certainly not me! So, another Muslim, another African, another Chinese person comes to the United States. I am none of those things. And even we Indian Hindus, in many places there are a lot of us, it just doesn't make sense for more to come. We have the stores, we are taking over strip malls, places in schools and universities, etc. Even back in the 1990s there were lots of us. It's like we are involved in this nuclear arms race with all the peoples of the world...who can replace whitey the quickest!

Will it be Indians? Asians? Hispanics?

This is going to end in disaster.
What an amazingly scary pussy you are!! A backlash? Go turn in your man card immediately. After they use you for a bitch they will kill you anyway. :laugh:

Meanwhile watch how any attack on my people will be dealt with and take notes.
The Nazis were noted for going on and on about 'Aryans' and the White Race, and they seemed to think Indians were white, at least some demographics of them, and even accepted some Gypsie groups as 'Aryan' and left alone while exterminating others. So why aren't Indians considered 'white' as well?

As an historical note, Ghandi was only successful in his activism because he practiced it in British dominated colonies under British law and a free British press to spread his cause around in. If he had done it anywhere else he would have been just another unknown dead body killed by the locals, in his case a Shaka Zulu type who likely would have just shoved a sharpened tree trunk up his ass and stood him up on the side of a road somewhere to die slowly about 2 minutes after he opened his mouth and whined; some of the myths here about other tribes and races is some hilariously slanted bullshit, really.

The stuff about the American natives is just ridiculous nonsense as well. There seems to be some fantasy that savages and 'natives' were all just hapless lil hobbits and primitive proto-environmentalist hippies or something, which isn't even remotely accurate. Treating history as if it has to fit into some sort of naive and preposterous modern morality play is to learn nothing from it and rendering it worthless as an intellectual discipline. Of course, this sort of 'dialogue' only takes place in countries like the U.S., where there is some big money to be made from it, while it's laughed at or ignored over most of the rest of the planet.
It's true I remember seeing how the British treated the Indians like the were sub human.

lol no you don't; quit being ridiculous.

And black people like to stick with their own too.

they are mostly hard core racists, so yeah, they do in some cases, but most of those who can swing it much prefer moving to the Burbs and living in predominantly white neighborhoods with better schools and far away from hood rat vermin like the Michael Johnsons and Freddie Greys.

So do us Greeks and arabs. Don't feel bad.

Yeah, that's something to brag about. Most of you hang together because you're asshole bigots and obnoxious and nobody else ever invites you anywhere, same reason Asclepias wants to be 'Black' on this forum because he thinks it will make him 'special' on the innernetz.
It's true I remember seeing how the British treated the Indians like the were sub human.

lol no you don't; quit being ridiculous.

And black people like to stick with their own too.

they are mostly hard core racists, so yeah, they do in some cases, but most of those who can swing it much prefer moving to the Burbs and living in predominantly white neighborhoods with better schools and far away from hood rat vermin like the Michael Johnsons and Freddie Greys.

So do us Greeks and arabs. Don't feel bad.

Yeah, that's something to brag about. Most of you hang together because you're asshole bigots and obnoxious and nobody else ever invites you anywhere, same reason Asclepias wants to be 'Black' on this forum because he thinks it will make him 'special' on the innernetz.
No. We think white Americans are ignorant and your women are whores. Example: how many men had your wife been with before you married her? Kind of hard to respect American men aka malakas
It's true I remember seeing how the British treated the Indians like the were sub human.

lol no you don't; quit being ridiculous.

And black people like to stick with their own too.

they are mostly hard core racists, so yeah, they do in some cases, but most of those who can swing it much prefer moving to the Burbs and living in predominantly white neighborhoods with better schools and far away from hood rat vermin like the Michael Johnsons and Freddie Greys.

So do us Greeks and arabs. Don't feel bad.

Yeah, that's something to brag about. Most of you hang together because you're asshole bigots and obnoxious and nobody else ever invites you anywhere, same reason Asclepias wants to be 'Black' on this forum because he thinks it will make him 'special' on the innernetz.
No. We think white Americans are ignorant and your women are whores. Example: how many men had your wife been with before you married her? Kind of hard to respect American men aka malakas

Well, yes, it's easily proven that most non-whites are racists and sexist bigots like yourself, more so than whites. Do you think that's news to the informed? This entire thread is littered with stupid racist gibberish against white people, mostly lies and fake 'history'.
It's true I remember seeing how the British treated the Indians like the were sub human.

lol no you don't; quit being ridiculous.

And black people like to stick with their own too.

they are mostly hard core racists, so yeah, they do in some cases, but most of those who can swing it much prefer moving to the Burbs and living in predominantly white neighborhoods with better schools and far away from hood rat vermin like the Michael Johnsons and Freddie Greys.

So do us Greeks and arabs. Don't feel bad.

Yeah, that's something to brag about. Most of you hang together because you're asshole bigots and obnoxious and nobody else ever invites you anywhere, same reason Asclepias wants to be 'Black' on this forum because he thinks it will make him 'special' on the innernetz.
No. We think white Americans are ignorant and your women are whores. Example: how many men had your wife been with before you married her? Kind of hard to respect American men aka malakas

Wasn't for white american males you wouldn't have a computer to use to bitch about white american males.

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