I'm not white, but I do sympathize with white Americans

Genetics don't determine nationhood you moron.
Dont call yourself a moron. Get educated instead.

noun: nation; plural noun: nations
  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Maybe read the last part a little closely, moron. Lmao.

Which "particular" country was there in India- encompassing the entirety of modern day borders- before 1947?

India was the aftermath of a colonial blunder. It should've never been created.
Why should india not have been created dude india encompasses a cultural sphere like greek city states in antiquity or european union or united states nowadays not exactly but similar why do you hate india


The EU example is quite fitting, actually. A common economic nexus, yes, but the various ethnic groups/nationalities have autonomy and political sovereignty.


Did Brexit fly over head, now?
What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.

That is a racist post. It makes me want to spit on your face.

I just used Israel as an example to calm down the Jewish bigots who were making racist remarks against Indians. It was not an invitation for you to make racist remarks against Jews.

What makes you think that I will latch on to your anti-semite post?

I don't care. I will fight fire with napalm if any of these Jew maggots wants a go.

Ooooh, a tough boy! :lmao:

Never said anything of the sort, dumbfck. LMAO. Learn to discern figures of speech....or maybe just read the post I'm quoting for better context.
I'm Indian, and have no illusions. I know I'm not white.

Still, this country feels like the freaking United Nations now. Believe me, I never wanted or asked for all of these people. Everywhere you go, hispanics, asians, muslims, blacks, of every hue and race.

Just 15 years ago it still seemed like this country was white. Now, if i see a white person, it seems like they are the minority.

No problem. Obama isn''t black, but he plays one on TV.

It's about culture and ethics, not skin tone anyway, despite what the media and violent racist Democrats keep babbling.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.

That is a racist post. It makes me want to spit on your face.

I just used Israel as an example to calm down the Jewish bigots who were making racist remarks against Indians. It was not an invitation for you to make racist remarks against Jews.

What makes you think that I will latch on to your anti-semite post?

I don't care. I will fight fire with napalm if any of these Jew maggots wants a go.

Ooooh, a tough boy! :lmao:

Never said anything of the sort, dumbfck. LMAO. Learn to discern figures of speech....or maybe just read the post I'm quoting for better context.

I have differences of opinion with Unkotare but let me tell you something about him. He has consistently spoken out against bigotry on this forum time and time again.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."
Vikrant is a cool guy and a true Indian.

Thank you sir! I do not know if I deserve that honor but I will humbly accept that.

Way before you joined this forum, I defended Gypsies on the European forum against pack of bigots. It is just hard for me to watch bigots attacking innocent people.
You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.
Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.
I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.

Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
Peace and justice for all humans regardless of color is my motto. I am a big supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr King. They both devoted their lives fighting against injustice. We need to carry their torch.
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”
I think thats one of the things we disagree on. Gandhi. Not only was he racist towards Africans he also didnt like the Dahlits.

Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People - Atlanta Black Star

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”

Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste)

"I believe in caste division on the basis of birth because the roots of the caste system start from birth."

Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Your source is not correct. Gandhi is widely respected by African Americans and peace loving people of the world. Beyond that, I do not have any desire to engage you on this topic. We will just agree to disagree and move on.

I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had. This is from an article that actually is giving him a pass.

Was Gandhi a racist or a pedophile? - Quora

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."
I agree, Ghandi was the one to unite indians and do away with caste divisions and with religious divisions like muslim/hindu/sikh etc. he was respected by most indians.

Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are lots of sources out there. Here is one for example. Its not really a secret if you look for it. No one has been able to prove to me he did not say these things. In this link his grandson even admits he said these things but passes it off to youthful expression.

Was Mahatma Gandhi a racist? - BBC News

"Gandhi's biographer and grandson, Rajmohan Gandhi, says the younger Gandhi - he arrived in South Africa as a 24-year-old briefless lawyer - was undoubtedly "at times ignorant and prejudiced about South Africa's blacks". He believes Gandhi's "struggle for Indian rights in South Africa paved the way for the struggle of black rights". He argues that "Gandhi too was an imperfect human being", but the "imperfect Gandhi was more radical and progressive than most contemporary compatriots".

Ramachandra Guha, writer of the magisterial Gandhi Before India, writes that "to speak of comprehensive equality for coloured people was premature in early 20th Century South Africa". Attacking Gandhi for racism, wrote another commentator, "takes a simplistic view of a complex life"."
Gandhi was a great man. Unfortunately though, there are people who do not mind maligning even great souls like Gandhi if it suits their agenda. There are some fringe elements that have been spreading non-sense about Gandhi for decades now.

Agree, just like about Mother Theresa. Some people say she was a charlatan etc. but the catholic church proclaimed her a saint. Some talk also bs about Dr Martin Luther King, I saw some WNs saying he was a pedophile etc.
I cant agree. I actually was quite disappointed when I learned the truth. Until someone can explain quotes such as the below quotes or prove he didnt say them then I cant consider him great. I can only consider him and opportunistic racist that used Blacks to better his situation.

Sept. 9, 1906: “Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take out passes.”

I really dont know if he said that. I judge him by his actions not his words, he was the first to outlaw caste discrimination in a united india, thats what I know and is historically recorded. And he was not "upper caste" he was a merchant (middle caste). Do you know that Narendra Modi is a low caste? I think not exactly Dalit but still low caste. But people say he is a racist.
Thats not the only thing he has said and its not like only one person heard him say it. Remember he was just a man and subject to the same prejudices everyone else had.

""We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

Whats your source? Maybe those quotes are made up. I judge him by his actions, he outlawed caste discrimination and wanted to unite all religions. He was killed by a nationalist Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well said, brother. Gandhi's actions spoke louder than his words. British committed some of the most horrible crimes imaginable against Indians and yet not even once Gandhi advocated revenge against British people. He was a man of peace. Men like him are born rarely. He instantiated human ideals. There is a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in San Francisco. I used to eat my lunch there when I used to work in the vicinity. It was one of the most peaceful places in San Francisco.

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