I'm not white, but I do sympathize with white Americans

First of all dimwits, I'm not a Native American, I'm Indian American. As in India. Dot, not feather. Curry eater. Hindu. Use whatever description you want to at least get it right.

Second, all I mean is that I sympathize with people who find themselves losing territory and ground and not being able to control it. In America today, it is the whites. Or, perhaps more accurately, the white working and middle class. Of course, I don't feel sorry for the upper 1%.

Though brown, I am not Hispanic or black, and don't identify with them at all. See, that's the other thing you liberal utopians need to understand. There is no coalition of the colored people.

People from India are true indians,period. Historical lies about Asians aka native Americasn have been proven wrong but communist liars have highjacked our history.Archiological remains of european whites have been proven to have been the first settlers in north America centuries before the 'indian' was here.

Also people from INDIA are the best non caucasians on the planet. The few who add to America instead of take from it. Hard working, peaceful people

You can't say this for any other group of non whites who are here.
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Let me say something to the white liberals/race deniers here.

Your idea that people who are not white are automatically not racist is incorrect. If anything, people who are not white are more racist, and it is only deluded white people who are not racist (even though these same white people hypocritically take great pains to separate themselves from people of other race).

I'm a brown Indian and I'm racist. Accept it, I'm not going to change. This doesn't mean I am white washed, it just means I am very racially aware and think in terms of race. Race is about us and them. It's about who you are biologically, and of course it is of supreme importance. You can't change it, any more than you can change being male or female (you know what I mean) or growing old, or change your life history.

Race is who you are.

Everyone can be racist, but you are an indian ...

No, he's not. Don't buy into sock stories.
maybe you are right

Finally, you caught on. Congratulations! May be there is hope for you after all.
Lmao. Also an Indian here. Pretty funny thread all things considered.

Having these afrocentrist and white liberal dumbazzes comment is a treat......and of course... that intrusive Ashkenazi Jewess (IRosie) finds a way to sneak into the convo. /Complete surprise.

You are neither an Indian nor an Indian American. We had this discussion in the past.
Youre an uncle ghandi. Get your nose out of the white mans ass.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.
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Youre an uncle ghandi. Get your nose out of the white mans ass.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racist that we will never wish that on anyone else.

I believe you. We dont always agree on everything but I do believe you speak truthfully.
India was never a nation. In fact prior to the English subjugation, most of the Indian subcontinent was under the rule of ethnic Marathis who were seen as foreigners in other parts of the land as much as White people.

Typical hyprocite Afrocentrist loon talk LMAO. So an African-American can determine that the Pawnee and Seminole are the same, but you take offense (and rightfully so) when non-Blacks essentialize Black people???
Of course it was a nation. Repeating white propaganda doesnt do much for me. I didnt determine they were the same. Genetics did that. No i dont take offense when someone says all Black people are genetically the same. Only people that want to be white like you get offended by such things.

Genetics don't determine nationhood you moron.
Dont call yourself a moron. Get educated instead.

noun: nation; plural noun: nations
  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Maybe read the last part a little closely, moron. Lmao.

Which "particular" country was there in India- encompassing the entirety of modern day borders- before 1947?

India was the aftermath of a colonial blunder. It should've never been created.
Why should india not have been created dude india encompasses a cultural sphere like greek city states in antiquity or european union or united states nowadays not exactly but similar why do you hate india

Who said anything about hate, dumbazz?

Ths Greek city states and the U.S. are terrible examples.

The EU example is quite fitting, actually. A common economic nexus, yes, but the various ethnic groups/nationalities have autonomy and political sovereignty.
A social construct with strong racial and classist undertones.....contrary to your flawed notions of a region of the world you are not familiar with, there was never any large-scale mixing even prior to the establishment of caste precepts.

I don't cluster together with other Indians any more than I do Blacks, Asians, Whites, Juden, etc. Culture>Race.

Some white people disagree with you.

Haq's Musings: Harvard Genetics Study Finds Most Indians Are Not Indigenous

""Genetic Evidence for Recent Population Mixture in India" confirms that North Indians ancestors started migrating to India from outside thousands of years before the advent of Islam. ANIs and ASIs routinely intermarried between 4,200 and 1,900 years ago until the imposition of strict segregation by the Hindu caste system, according to the study.

Neither ANIs nor ASIs are identified as Adivasis. Show me, for example, proof of the invaders of the IVC copulating with the native inhabitants.
Yes ASI and Adivasis are both considered part of the Dravidian.

Dravidian is a cultural term, not racial or genetic.

I am culturally and linguistically a Dravidian. That doesn't make me indigenous to the subcontinent LOL.
If you are not indigenous in india where is your homeland then

I actually don't know.

Where is yours?
Neither ANIs nor ASIs are identified as Adivasis. Show me, for example, proof of the invaders of the IVC copulating with the native inhabitants.
Yes ASI and Adivasis are both considered part of the Dravidian.

Dravidian is a cultural term, not racial or genetic.

I am culturally and linguistically a Dravidian. That doesn't make me indigenous to the subcontinent LOL.

Adivasis is a cultural term, not a racial or genetic term. What exactly is your point?

Adivasi is an umbrella term used to refer to the indigenous peoples. Dravidian merely denotes a cultural subset and the speakers of the Dravidian languages.

Dravidian identity is transient. Indigenous status is not.
Where is your homeland

Youre an uncle ghandi. Get your nose out of the white mans ass.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.
Not that kind of Indian. Tomahawk Indian.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is India to gain from that other than doing the right thing? What is Israel doing to promote human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back in the days of apartheid.
No. He is a curry indian.

You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.
You are welcome to continue with your derision of Indians but for your simple brain: He (OP) is not Indian.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.
I love Indians. I love Indian food. I dont love racist Indians so if i offended you I apologize.

Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.
Neither of those are Indians. I have bitch slapped Roshan in the past for pretending to be Indian American. He disappeared after that and it looks like he resurfaced again. If you want, I will dig up the old thread and point you to that. I do not know Racial Reality dude that much but I know for fact that Roshan is a low life. India and Indians have always stood by black people. India was the first country to stand up to South Africa in the days of apartheid. It was India that repeatedly raised the issue in the UN along with some African countries and only after that western countries one by one started to recognize the heinous crimes of South African government. As a young man when I got my passport when I was coming to the US, I was explained very clearly by passport office not to travel to South Africa as it committed gross crimes against people of color. We Indians have suffered so much at the hands of bigots and racists that we will never wish that on anyone else.

India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.

That is a racist post. It makes me want to spit on your face.

I just used Israel as an example to calm down the Jewish bigots who were making racist remarks against Indians. It was not an invitation for you to make racist remarks against Jews.

What makes you think that I will latch on to your anti-semite post?
My wife is nagging me to get off the computer and get on with my day. So I will make one more post before I go for now.

Indians are not new immigrants by any stretch of imagination. Indians started to arrive in the US way back in the 18th century. Back then US had discriminatory policy towards citizenship so only upper caste Indians were given citizenship because they were considered white. This limited the Indian immigration into the US.

There is a large number of Indian farmers in the farming communities of N California. I have traveled to small farming towns like Yuba City, Buttonwillow, etc and seen Indian farmers that have settled there more than 100 years ago and participated in building America.
India spoke out against apartheid because Indians themselves- along with other Asians- were mistreated at the hands of the Apartheid White SA government.....albeit maybe not to the degree of Blacks.

The Dutch are/were impotent cowards who came up with the concept of racial segregation to try and insulate themselves from the Black reprisals post-empire days.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.

That is a racist post. It makes me want to spit on your face.

I just used Israel as an example to calm down the Jewish bigots who were making racist remarks against Indians. It was not an invitation for you to make racist remarks against Jews.

What makes you think that I will latch on to your anti-semite post?

I don't care. I will fight fire with napalm if any of these Jew maggots wants a go.
Of course it was a nation. Repeating white propaganda doesnt do much for me. I didnt determine they were the same. Genetics did that. No i dont take offense when someone says all Black people are genetically the same. Only people that want to be white like you get offended by such things.

Genetics don't determine nationhood you moron.
Dont call yourself a moron. Get educated instead.

noun: nation; plural noun: nations
  1. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Maybe read the last part a little closely, moron. Lmao.

Which "particular" country was there in India- encompassing the entirety of modern day borders- before 1947?

India was the aftermath of a colonial blunder. It should've never been created.
Why should india not have been created dude india encompasses a cultural sphere like greek city states in antiquity or european union or united states nowadays not exactly but similar why do you hate india


The EU example is quite fitting, actually. A common economic nexus, yes, but the various ethnic groups/nationalities have autonomy and political sovereignty.

This post alone proves that you are a low life non Indian. India is speaking out against maltreatment of Gypsies in the European countries as we speak. What is Israel doing to promote the human rights? BTW, Israel was doing nuclear deal with South Africa back then.

What the hell does Israel have to do with anything? You are hopping from post to post.

You tell me.

Err.....re read some of my older posts from last night wherein I likened Jews to parasites. Dunno what yer trying to accomplish, tbh.

That is a racist post. It makes me want to spit on your face.

I just used Israel as an example to calm down the Jewish bigots who were making racist remarks against Indians. It was not an invitation for you to make racist remarks against Jews.

What makes you think that I will latch on to your anti-semite post?

I don't care. I will fight fire with napalm if any of these Jew maggots wants a go.

Ooooh, a tough boy! :lmao:

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