I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

If we were in a courtroom you would learn that what HRC did was not what Trump is accused of doing. Hillary’s alleged crime was conducting State Department official business emails on her personal server in potential violation of one of these:

  • The Federal Records Actrequires agencies hold ontoofficial communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.
  • FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."
  • The NARA regulationsdictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."
  • Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.

Hillary did not have to give personal emails back - the problem was she was the one who filtered what emails were personal versus state official business. She claimed to have given all but personal back. She didn’t destroy or hide physical files marked classified at the highest top secret levels that are meant to be stored in specific way if you handle them. THAT IS WHY Trump lied at first about BEING able to declassify what he was in his possession as actual physical files.

It’s not possible to ever know (unless the Russians ever answer Trump’s 2016 request) that what was deleted from Clinton's private server contained damaging classified material and it was her intent to hide some deliberate nefarious activity or took classified material to use for personal gain or to show to the wrong people. HRC has never been found to have violated the letter of the law.
I agree they were different. Hillary did worse but Trump must pay the price while Hillary got nodda.
I'm fine with prosecuting Trump as long as the others are also prosecuted
Then you are absolutely fine with the grand jury deciding to indict Trump.on obstruction of Justice charges even if Trump did what HRC did with a personal sever - and cooperated with the FBI . Trump wouid never have been indicted UNTIL THE INSURRECTION indictments that are coming. And you surely don’t have any Whataboutism on that. DO YOU ?
Of course he mishandled government documents, just like Pence, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and several others. But they weren't indicted for it, only Trump.
I don't recall Pence, Biden, Hillary, Obama, or any others STEALING top secret war plans and nuclear capability assessments of The U.S. and our allies and waving them around for unauthorized guests at a golf resort to see AND conspiring to obstruct investigations into the recovery of those documents.
Do you?
And we have a two tiered weaponized system of justice where the DOJ goes after Trump and Republicans and lets those on the left go.
Then you are absolutely fine with the grand jury deciding to indict Trump.on obstruction of Justice charges even if Trump did what HRC did with a personal sever - and cooperated with the FBI . Trump wouid never have been indicted UNTIL THE INSURRECTION indictments that are coming. And you surely don’t have any Whataboutism on that. DO YOU ?
But they only go after Trump.
They only went after Trump when he obstructed justice. They went out of their way more than they should have to get the documents back. Trumps co-conspirator (his employee) committed a crime where he can get the maximum sentence of 20 years.

The justice department did not force Trump to tell his butler to hide specific boxes of documents from his attorney to disregard the subpoena.

His attorney told him that it would be a crime not to send every single box back that the justice department was asking for.

But Trump chose not to take the advice of his attorney and then asked his butler to hide some boxes from the attorney. The Butler sent text to other employees about what he was doing with the boxes. On that Trump has lost attorney client privilege because you can’t have your attorney help you commit a crime. Nothing Hillary did is worse than that.
There were 30,000 protesters on Jan 6th and only about 2,000 have been arrested, many for very small violations. So, most of those "insurrectionists" were mostly peaceful.
ok sure. I am sure the lady with the stroller was really there walking around that day peacefully as OAN presented it. But there was the attempt to overthrow the government thing if you turned the camera around. So yea, you are right, most people on Jan 6 and the protests the year before were peaceful. Can you repeat that?
Of course he is guilty, just as Pence, Biden, Obama, Hillary, and others were guilty. But they weren't indicted. In fact, Hillary's carelessness could have been hacked by any of our enemies around the world and yet Comey said that even though she was extremely reckless and careless and knew what she did was wrong and yet did it anyway, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case against her. And yet Biden's DOJ doesn't mind prosecuting Trump.
Pence, Biden, Obama, and others were not indicted because when it was pointed out to them that they have documents they should not have they cooperated with authorities. Trump ignored requests and a suponea and lied to investigators. He mishandled the documents showed them to others and we arenot sure where all of them are. He does what he always does, ignores the law and does as he pleases.
So, you're argument is that it is ok to change precedent as long as it is politically motivated against the other side.


No, brainiac, I literally said it's not a precedent. I made no argument that it changes precedent. :cuckoo:

And again, it can't possibly be precedent as the charges, or in Hillary's case, purported charges, are not the same.

Try explaining in legal terms how a ruling on one law set precedent on another law...
Yes, he had them. And so did Hillary, Biden, Pence, and others. But they only go after Trump.

Well they can't go after Hillary because the statute of limitations expired. And they can go after Biden because he's the sitting president. And they can't go after Pence because indicating a second Republican without indicating Hillary or Biden will cause too many right-leaning heads to explode.

So Trump alone it is.
You tired old black-mouthed blm stooge.

"we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country.”
But they only go after Trump.
Former Trump, Attorney General and oft times toadie plus John Sununu do not agree with your mindless characterization:

During a Sunday appearance on CBS News' Face the Nation, host John Dickerson asked Sununu about his opinion on whether Trump "should be given the responsibility to handle the most sensitive national security documents, again," if he were to win re-election, as well as his thoughts on Republican leaders' expression of outrage towards the Department of Justice (DOJ), instead of the former president.

"He had every chance in the world to hand all those files and documents back," Sununu said. "He did just the opposite. He bragged about keeping him. So this is very self-inflicted."

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