I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

There are no actual qualifications except 35 year old Citizen. The largest number of people in campaign History called Hillary the most qualified ever. Soooo you'll excuse me if I don't necessarily give much credence to the qualifications theory.

Trump... With all his buffoonery seems to genuinely care about the future of the nation. What the hell do the Democrats care about?

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
Does that make sense to anyone but a Trumper or a Putin agent?
But the Left is going Full Retard.
Never did I expect them to completely lose their shit like this, ever. That doesn't mean he'll win again, but holy crap.
There’s only two choices. Trump or whoever we nominate. No one should be on the fence.
If the Dems run a nut and/or get any worse, I'll happily vote third party in a swing state

That's as good as a vote for the commies.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

I see you have all the commie talking points down pat.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
This is sheer stupidity. If you don’t like the democrats, it doesnt somehow justify voting for Trump.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Sounds like a buncha bullshit to me. Have any concrete examples, or do you just talk with your ass cheeks?

MSLSD told him to say that.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
The main reason I voted for Trump was the Hillary and her mockery of the election process.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
This is sheer stupidity. If you don’t like the democrats, it doesnt somehow justify voting for Trump.

You are the epitome of sheer stupidity, BillyDerp.
The only shame in being a supporter of President Trump, are the insults hurled at you by his detractors.

Welcome to the human race.
That and you have to be a fan of kidnapping, daily lie fests from the Whitehouse and suspension of the Constitution

Go ahead and please elaborate on that. :abgg2q.jpg:

She can't elaborate. We suspended her First Amendment constitutional right, so her computer doesn't work any more. Then we kidnapped her, threw her in the back of a black van, and told the White House to lie about it.

I'm holding her for ransom in my garage right now. Hoping to get something good in trade, because nobody would pay a ransom.

Any offers?
The only shame in being a supporter of President Trump, are the insults hurled at you by his detractors.

Welcome to the human race.
That and you have to be a fan of kidnapping, daily lie fests from the Whitehouse and suspension of the Constitution

Go ahead and please elaborate on that. :abgg2q.jpg:

She can't elaborate. We suspended her First Amendment constitutional right, so her computer doesn't work any more. Then we kidnapped her, threw her in the back of a black van, and told the White House to lie about it.

I'm holding her for ransom in my garage right now. Hoping to get something good in trade, because nobody would pay a ransom.

Any offers?

The only shame in being a supporter of President Trump, are the insults hurled at you by his detractors.

Welcome to the human race.
That and you have to be a fan of kidnapping, daily lie fests from the Whitehouse and suspension of the Constitution

Go ahead and please elaborate on that. :abgg2q.jpg:

She can't elaborate. We suspended her First Amendment constitutional right, so her computer doesn't work any more. Then we kidnapped her, threw her in the back of a black van, and told the White House to lie about it.

I'm holding her for ransom in my garage right now. Hoping to get something good in trade, because nobody would pay a ransom.

Any offers?


Well that settles it then. Some fat Chinese guy named Kong just offered me $20. He said the body parts business in China is booming, so I may take him up on it.
I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Just curious here.

What specific policies are you referring to?

so many, start with the green new deal

That question wasn't intended for you.

Clearly YOU have plenty of issues with the Democrat party. I was wondering what specific policies would change a NeverTrumper to a Trump supporter.

I get but hes said he doesn't like the far left an socialism, so I told you policies which are those
My goal is to have a Chinese woman cook me my mama's fried chicken next Sunday.

She's the only woman I know on this earth that can do it and am going to make a concerted effort.

My mom's dead, but there's this Chinese woman that cooks just like my mama.

Don't know how, don't know why. I want Fried Chicken and country Ribs!
I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Just curious here.

What specific policies are you referring to?

so many, start with the green new deal

That question wasn't intended for you.

Clearly YOU have plenty of issues with the Democrat party. I was wondering what specific policies would change a NeverTrumper to a Trump supporter.

I get but hes said he doesn't like the far left an socialism, so I told you policies which are those

1) I'm not sure why you feel the need to answer for him.

2) I don't see how something like the green new deal would change a NeverTrumper to a Trump supporter, which is why I'm asking HIM.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
I love it when republicans pretend they aren’t republicans and are going to vote for a republican because bla bla bla

You were always going to vote republican. Stop pretending to be an independent

I love when lefties deny reality, ( all the time).
I've had nasty arguments with Toro. One thing is hes not some closet Republican. First Republicans are proud of being one and we dont use the tricks you lefties use to get your retarded policies through
He’s trying to pretend he was thinking about voting democrat or not for trump but now is thinking about voting for trump for some made up reason.

We all see you cons are shisters liars and bs artists.

How’s the national emergency going?

no we dont fake hate crimes and accuse people of what we do.

were honest we dont care if your rich, but you say you hate them, except when its rumour spide

you try and frame out supreme court nominees, but when you lt Gov has way more evidence agaisnt him you ignore it.

I could come up with tons of examples

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