I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

Now that's an understatement
It's a decades problem, but the last election featured two of the very worse major party candidates. Both candidates had high disapproval numbers, prior to their nomination, following the nominations through the election and continued to this present time.Their biggest liability was the public didn't trust them and their lack of character. And yet, their parties nominated them.When both parties keep moving further and further and deeper and deeper into Extreme Land, things for a majority of America are not heard.. Both parties are controlled by people who are out of touch with America in general.
This explain the shrinking two parties.

In the last five presidential elections, four out of five times I voted Independent.
I hope for the well being for my country, that a well run and sustainable party will emerge that features a prime time candidate that is looked at positively, is a known individual, who is a self-made, a winner, trustworthy and understands the Constitution, the United States and the World. Because of these two parties, America's future looks very dim. I'm not looking to just now, I have kids and grand kids, I worry about the kind of world they will face.
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2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Tax receipts dropping?
Corporate Tax Receipts Took an Unprecedented Drop This Year

The Tax Bill Did Not Cause Revenue to Rise

I had no idea you were this retarded......

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts | RealClearPolitics

Trump Tax Cuts Send Federal Revenue to All-Time Highs

Revenues are way down from their normal growth since tax-cuts went into effect - stop reading rightwing bullshit mills.

First line in the IBD (all three links you posted have the same sourcing):

Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018

1. Cherry picked individual taxes. as if corporate revenues don't exist. Because they are full of shit.

2. Tax cuts only went into effect 6 months into Fiscal Year 2018, and in april 2018 people settled 2017 taxes. Why the fuck would they use the entire FY18 to discuss the tax-cut effects? Because they are full of shit.
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Revenues are way down from their normal growth since tax-cuts went into effect - stop reading rightwing bullshit mills.

I guess you're going to claim the job market sucks and the economy is crap next.

Revenues are way down from their normal growth since tax-cuts went into effect - stop reading rightwing bullshit mills.

I guess you're going to claim the job market sucks and the economy is crap next.

Deflection noted.

Read that post again and reply with something sane:

First line in the IBD (all three links you posted have the same sourcing):

Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018

1. Cherry picked individual taxes. as if corporate revenues don't exist. Because they are full of shit.

2. Tax cuts only went into effect 6 months into Fiscal Year 2018, and in april 2018 people settled 2017 taxes. Why the fuck would they use the entire FY18 to discuss the tax-cut effects? Because they are full of shit.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
This is sheer stupidity. If you don’t like the democrats, it doesnt somehow justify voting for Trump.

You are the epitome of sheer stupidity, BillyDerp.
I love how you think this burn of yours is clever when it’s obvious that it is something an 8th grader would say.
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I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
Actually, with the new Democratic far-left loons, we have Marxist/Leninist growth here and thus, we will eventually look more like Venezuela or Cuba, where they lock up political opponents and average citizens disappear.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
Apparently you dont know france :), let me educate about what foxnews didnt tell you :
French people have free health care.
Free education
Maternity leave as long as a year.
Safety net for the unfortunate.
They have a better life expectancy.
They have less crimes and a lot less gun murders.
They have the best food.
Their food is not tampered with as much as in the US.
They stand up for their rights and protest.
They are unlike here where no complaints and everyone pays foe thr increase in prices of goods.

I wish you guys educate yourself about the rest of the world a bit.
I'm thinking I'll get to write in my favorite write-in name again - no way in hell I'll vote for Shitforhair, and do that to my country.
If that were true, the previous Democrats president would have accomplished the lowest unemployment for US blacks, ever. The lowest unemployment for Hispanics, ever. The lowest unemployment for the disabled, ever. The most number of Americans working. The highest US median income ever.

So wait. So what you are saying is that even though the greatest drop in unemployment for those groups was under Obama. Even though the longest run of job creation in US history happened under Obama, even though the longest drop in unemployment for blacks and hispanics happened for Obama... On day 1 of the Trump Presidency, before a single change occurred and that trend continued, that was about Trump?

I mean the median income jumped more in Obama's presidency than the previous 25 years combined. And yes it has edged up a tad higher.

You sound like the guy who a sherpa would carry all the way up to within a step from the top of Mount Everest. And set you down and you take that final step and say "Look what I did, that Sherpa didn't do this!"..

Obama grew median income 4.4% on average in 2015/2016 to the highest ever. That growth stalled by well over half to only grow 1.8% under Trump in 2017. That's what you are celebrating? Income growth slowing down?

Would be like Bill Gates giving all his money to someone, and that person buying a $1 lottery ticket, and winning $3 and bragging about how he's made more money than Bill Gates even did.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
This is sheer stupidity. If you don’t like the democrats, it doesnt somehow justify voting for Trump.

You are the epitome of sheer stupidity, BillyDerp.
I love how you think this burn of yours is clever when it’s obvious that it is something an 8th grader would say.

8th graders know truth when they see it, too. :)
I've fucking had it with the crazy left-wing Democrats!

You mean you've had it with the 50% of the population that has less than 1% of the wealth and has decided to stop waiting for a train that never comes?

Because, really, despite a few crazy things that come out of AOC's mouth, most of the DNC's policies are pretty moderate.
I've fucking had it with the crazy left-wing Democrats!

You mean you've had it with the 50% of the population that has less than 1% of the wealth and has decided to stop waiting for a train that never comes?

Because, really, despite a few crazy things that come out of AOC's mouth, most of the DNC's policies are pretty moderate.

Yeah, like taxing everybody for global warming, amirite?

How about banning Big Gulps? Plastic straws? Global warming?
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We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

I HATED the Apprentice with a passion. Trump was way down the list as far as I was concerned. Heck: I preferred the Pubby sheila in the mix. BUT...I read policies and Trump's looked like he actually thought that he could rejuvenate the Rust Belt. i thought "what the heck" but no one would adopt me so I couldn't vote.

Hillary was always going to lose imo.

I've fucking had it with the crazy left-wing Democrats!

You mean you've had it with the 50% of the population that has less than 1% of the wealth and has decided to stop waiting for a train that never comes?

Because, really, despite a few crazy things that come out of AOC's mouth, most of the DNC's policies are pretty moderate.

Too many AOC loons are getting the oxygen from the media. It worked for Trump but he knew how to use it. When they turned it was too late: he was on his way to the WH.

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

I HATED the Apprentice with a passion. Trump was way down the list as far as I was concerned. Heck: I preferred the Pubby sheila in the mix. BUT...I read policies and Trump's looked like he actually thought that he could rejuvenate the Rust Belt. i thought "what the heck" but no one would adopt me so I couldn't vote.

Hillary was always going to lose imo.


Toro's been "We Americans" for less than a decade.
It's all new and fresh to him.
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

I HATED the Apprentice with a passion. Trump was way down the list as far as I was concerned. Heck: I preferred the Pubby sheila in the mix. BUT...I read policies and Trump's looked like he actually thought that he could rejuvenate the Rust Belt. i thought "what the heck" but no one would adopt me so I couldn't vote.

Hillary was always going to lose imo.


Toro's been "We Americans" for less than a decade.
It's all new and fresh to him.

he was supporting Tommy Tainant if I recall when I was first here. Dunno if he still does or if my memory is just not 100%. I was wrong once before about something; can't remember what.

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

I HATED the Apprentice with a passion. Trump was way down the list as far as I was concerned. Heck: I preferred the Pubby sheila in the mix. BUT...I read policies and Trump's looked like he actually thought that he could rejuvenate the Rust Belt. i thought "what the heck" but no one would adopt me so I couldn't vote.

Hillary was always going to lose imo.


Toro's been "We Americans" for less than a decade.
It's all new and fresh to him.
What was he before that? A pom?


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