I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
Apparently you dont know france :), let me educate about what foxnews didnt tell you :
French people have free health care.
Free education
Maternity leave as long as a year.
Safety net for the unfortunate.
They have a better life expectancy.
They have less crimes and a lot less gun murders.
They have the best food.
Their food is not tampered with as much as in the US.
They stand up for their rights and protest.
They are unlike here where no complaints and everyone pays foe thr increase in prices of goods.

I wish you guys educate yourself about the rest of the world a bit.

1.45 EU for 1 litre of gas.

=$6.32 per gallon of gas. Oh yeah, and it's smaller than Texas, they get their asses kicked by neighboring European countries, and don't use deodorant and women don't shave their legs. Are they allowed to have guns? You should go get you some of that!

Yeah, like taxing everybody for global warming, amirite?

How about banning Big Gulps? Plastic straws?

So we can be like you guys, and pretend global warming isn't a thing.

It's climate change now remember; the planet's been level for nearly 20years; the US for over a Century. And as the US has the BEST TEMPERATURE RECORD on the planet one must wonder at the "rest".

Yeah, like taxing everybody for global warming, amirite?

How about banning Big Gulps? Plastic straws?

So we can be like you guys, and pretend global warming isn't a thing.

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

Now that's an understatement
It's a decades problem, but the last election featured two of the very worse major party candidates. Both candidates had high disapproval numbers, prior to their nomination, following the nominations through the election and continued to this present time.Their biggest liability was the public didn't trust them and their lack of character. And yet, their parties nominated them.When both parties keep moving further and further and deeper and deeper into Extreme Land, things for a majority of America are not heard.. Both parties are controlled by people who are out of touch with America in general.
This explain the shrinking two parties.
View attachment 246454
In the last five presidential elections, four out of five times I voted Independent.
I hope for the well being for my country, that a well run and sustainable party will emerge that features a prime time candidate that is looked at positively, is a known individual, who is a self-made, a winner, trustworthy and understands the Constitution, the United States and the World. Because of these two parties, America's future looks very dim. I'm not looking to just now, I have kids and grand kids, I worry about the kind of world they will face.

I'll probably wind up voting Libertarian/Kasich/Schultz/whomever.

But I'd rather have a capitalist as President than a socialist.
t's climate change now remember; the planet's been level for nearly 20years; the US for over a Century. And as the US has the BEST TEMPERATURE RECORD on the planet one must wonder at the "rest".

Yeah, I'm sure that's what you read on a Koch brother website, but the real scientists say we really have a problem.

Because that's the driving force behind terrorism, amirite?

Naw, that would be our stupid foreign policy... we can just stop that up by sending some more poor kids off to die.
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

Now that's an understatement
It's a decades problem, but the last election featured two of the very worse major party candidates. Both candidates had high disapproval numbers, prior to their nomination, following the nominations through the election and continued to this present time.Their biggest liability was the public didn't trust them and their lack of character. And yet, their parties nominated them.When both parties keep moving further and further and deeper and deeper into Extreme Land, things for a majority of America are not heard.. Both parties are controlled by people who are out of touch with America in general.
This explain the shrinking two parties.
View attachment 246454
In the last five presidential elections, four out of five times I voted Independent.
I hope for the well being for my country, that a well run and sustainable party will emerge that features a prime time candidate that is looked at positively, is a known individual, who is a self-made, a winner, trustworthy and understands the Constitution, the United States and the World. Because of these two parties, America's future looks very dim. I'm not looking to just now, I have kids and grand kids, I worry about the kind of world they will face.

I'll probably wind up voting Libertarian/Kasich/Schultz/whomever.

But I'd rather have a capitalist as President than a socialist.

You got every leftist shill on the board targeting you now. :auiqs.jpg:
If you are capable of thinking, you shouldn't be considering voting for Trump.

The elites are purposely putting someone SO bad up as a choice to force folks to vote for awful politicians.

THAT is no choice.

Hence, folks have to vote for Trump.

If folks are capable of thinking, the only choice, is to either stay home, or VOTE for Trump. The establishment is expert at giving people no choices.

Liberal Elite Still Luring Us Towards the Abyss
Liberal Elite Still Luring Us Towards the Abyss

". . . But liberal ideology has been very effective at hiding its dark side – or more accurately, at persuading us that this dark side is the consequence of liberalism’s abandonment rather than inherent to the liberal’s political project.

The loss of traditional social bonds – tribal, sectarian, geographic – has left people today more lonely, more isolated than was true of any previous human society. We may pay lip service to universal values, but in our atomized communities, we feel adrift, abandoned and angry.

Humanitarian Resource Grabs

The liberal’s professed concern for others’ welfare and their rights has, in reality, provided cynical cover for a series of ever-more transparent resource grabs. The parading of liberalism’s humanitarian credentials has entitled our elites to leave a trail of carnage and wreckage in their wake in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and soon, it seems, in Venezuela. We have killed with our kindness and then stolen our victims’ inheritance.

Unfettered individual creativity may have fostered some great – if fetishized – art, as well as rapid mechanical and technological developments. But it has also encouraged unbridled competition in every sphere of life, whether beneficial to humankind or not, and however wasteful of resources.

At its worst, it has unleashed quite literally an arms race, one that – because of a mix of our unconstrained creativity, our godlessness and the economic logic of the military-industrial complex – culminated in the development of nuclear weapons. We have now devised the most complete and horrific ways imaginable to kill each other. We can commit genocide on a global scale.

Meanwhile, the absolute prioritizing of the individual has sanctioned a pathological self-absorption, a selfishness that has provided fertile ground not only for capitalism, materialism and consumerism but for the fusing of all of them into a turbo-charged neoliberalism. That has entitled a tiny elite to amass and squirrel away most of the planet’s wealth out of reach of the rest of humanity.

Worst of all, our rampant creativity, our self-regard and our competitiveness have blinded us to all things bigger and smaller than ourselves. We lack an emotional and spiritual connection to our planet, to other animals, to future generations, to the chaotic harmony of our universe. What we cannot understand or control, we ignore or mock. . . . "

We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.

Now that's an understatement
It's a decades problem, but the last election featured two of the very worse major party candidates. Both candidates had high disapproval numbers, prior to their nomination, following the nominations through the election and continued to this present time.Their biggest liability was the public didn't trust them and their lack of character. And yet, their parties nominated them.When both parties keep moving further and further and deeper and deeper into Extreme Land, things for a majority of America are not heard.. Both parties are controlled by people who are out of touch with America in general.
This explain the shrinking two parties.
View attachment 246454
In the last five presidential elections, four out of five times I voted Independent.
I hope for the well being for my country, that a well run and sustainable party will emerge that features a prime time candidate that is looked at positively, is a known individual, who is a self-made, a winner, trustworthy and understands the Constitution, the United States and the World. Because of these two parties, America's future looks very dim. I'm not looking to just now, I have kids and grand kids, I worry about the kind of world they will face.

I'll probably wind up voting Libertarian/Kasich/Schultz/whomever.

But I'd rather have a capitalist as President than a socialist.

That's a wasted vote. They have NO CHANCE!! You want a Capitalist Vote Trump; it's decision time!! Wanna adopt me for 2020??? huh huh huh??? A Socialist US would be a world wide disaster. I'd have to relearn my Mandarin!!!

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
I love it when republicans pretend they aren’t republicans and are going to vote for a republican because bla bla bla

You were always going to vote republican. Stop pretending to be an independent

I love when lefties deny reality, ( all the time).
I've had nasty arguments with Toro. One thing is hes not some closet Republican. First Republicans are proud of being one and we dont use the tricks you lefties use to get your retarded policies through
He’s trying to pretend he was thinking about voting democrat or not for trump but now is thinking about voting for trump for some made up reason.

We all see you cons are shisters liars and bs artists.

How’s the national emergency going?

no we dont fake hate crimes and accuse people of what we do.

were honest we dont care if your rich, but you say you hate them, except when its rumour spide

you try and frame out supreme court nominees, but when you lt Gov has way more evidence agaisnt him you ignore it.

I could come up with tons of examples
Speak English next time
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.
That’s not the problem.

The problem is the malignancy that is the Imperial Presidency.

The problem is Congress’ decades of abrogating its authority and responsibilities to the Executive.

The problem is the ignorance, laziness, stupidity, and apathy of the voters to allow this to happen.

The problem isn’t ‘bad candidates’ for president, the problem is we’ve abandoned the Framers’ intent, and have allowed the office of president to become too powerful and too influential, and to allow one individual to become too powerful and too influential.

The people are alone responsible for the bad government – and bad president – they get.
Alright, you stop that right fucking now. I am required to check My sanity whenever you say something that is the truth. Lucky for Me, this is only the first time. But stop it!
Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.
What deal did he make with Kim jong un? I would love to see those transcripts. He didn’t do so well with Mexico. They told him fu
You can read about the two years of diplomacy after its declassified.

Where’s the documentation on Obama’s peace negotiations with whover he was supposed to bring peace to. Starting two wars was icing I know.
He put one between osamas eyes
Obama gave Bin ‘he’s not a Muslim’ Laden a Muslim funeral.
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.
What deal did he make with Kim jong un? I would love to see those transcripts. He didn’t do so well with Mexico. They told him fu
You can read about the two years of diplomacy after its declassified.

Where’s the documentation on Obama’s peace negotiations with whover he was supposed to bring peace to. Starting two wars was icing I know.
He put one between osamas eyes
Obama gave Bin ‘he’s not a Muslim’ Laden a Muslim funeral.
If you disrespect his body you’ll make other terrorists mad. So we buried him at sea.

He didn’t get to have a funeral
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

That’s awesome. You have really come into your own.
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.
That’s not the problem.

The problem is the malignancy that is the Imperial Presidency.

The problem is Congress’ decades of abrogating its authority and responsibilities to the Executive.

The problem is the ignorance, laziness, stupidity, and apathy of the voters to allow this to happen.

The problem isn’t ‘bad candidates’ for president, the problem is we’ve abandoned the Framers’ intent, and have allowed the office of president to become too powerful and too influential, and to allow one individual to become too powerful and too influential.

The people are alone responsible for the bad government – and bad president – they get.

I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

Which candidates are “far left”? You seem to be buying misinformation. Did you believe that Obamacare was going to kill your grandmother too?
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.
That’s not the problem.

The problem is the malignancy that is the Imperial Presidency.

The problem is Congress’ decades of abrogating its authority and responsibilities to the Executive.

The problem is the ignorance, laziness, stupidity, and apathy of the voters to allow this to happen.

The problem isn’t ‘bad candidates’ for president, the problem is we’ve abandoned the Framers’ intent, and have allowed the office of president to become too powerful and too influential, and to allow one individual to become too powerful and too influential.

The people are alone responsible for the bad government – and bad president – they get.

I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

Which candidates are “far left”? You seem to be buying misinformation. Did you believe that Obamacare was going to kill your grandmother too?

They would if they could, but they can't, so they won't.
My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.
My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.

My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

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