I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Just curious here.

What specific policies are you referring to?

so many, start with the green new deal

That question wasn't intended for you.

Clearly YOU have plenty of issues with the Democrat party. I was wondering what specific policies would change a NeverTrumper to a Trump supporter.

I get but hes said he doesn't like the far left an socialism, so I told you policies which are those

1) I'm not sure why you feel the need to answer for him.

2) I don't see how something like the green new deal would change a NeverTrumper to a Trump supporter, which is why I'm asking HIM.

because its posted on the board not in a private message

he can answer himself, but I'm giving yo uh an idea, it's not what you want to hear....the truth does that at times
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
And I'm thinking of sending men in white jackets for you
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

You righties have lost your gowd damn fucking mind.

You think lefty policies are bad? Fine, let them fail and electorate swing more conservative. But instead lefty boogieman got you so scared you sold off your soul and married your movement to an emberassing clown that will no doubt stain conservatism for a generation. And if you think that is not going to make America lean way more left in the long term you need to seriously think again.

Some things are beyond the policy bag and you need to grow a pair and pull a lever for an honest lefty over a shameless crook like Trump.
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As someone who has not joined the Democratic Party, I hear you. However look at this below….

PNG image.png

Clearly, he’s losing his marbles. I’d rather have a sane bleeding heart Democrat than a mentally incompetent anything else.

And you’re wiling to put up with 6 more years of this fucking idiot? You’re choice. Choose carefully.
OP i've heard that from others

""You righties have lost your gowd damn fucking mind.""

what does it really matter if hes left or right ?
HEll after 100,000 votes IN NYC were declared invalid because Hillary was afraid shed lose the dem primary there
I defended Bernie sanders harder than most leftist AND I NEVER in a million years would of voted for the guy
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Fine, you can be in the much smaller minority that will vote for him this time. Just don't vote for a third party candidate. The only way Trump can win is if there is a strong third party candidate that divides the anti-Trump vote. Without that, Trump will be gone by January 20, 2021.

Trump has sadly destroyed the Republican party. It probably won't recover until 2028.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Who the hell are you kidding?

You're clearly a republican. Your lack of a single example to back up your claim is proof of that.

No intelligent person that isn't pulling down 7 figures votes for Trump.
‘The left’ isn’t running for president, ‘the left’ won’t be nominating anyone for president.

The Democratic Party, on the other hand, will be nominating a mainstream, middle-of-the-road corporate lapdog as they always have, someone funded by corporate America, someone beholden to corporate America, and someone whose policies will benefit corporate America.

And someone far more fit and capable than Trump to be president.
If that were true, the previous Democrats president would have accomplished the lowest unemployment for US blacks, ever. The lowest unemployment for Hispanics, ever. The lowest unemployment for the disabled, ever. The most number of Americans working. The highest US median income ever.

But they didn't. These are all Trump's accomplishments. None of those Democrat presidents was as "fit and capable" as Trump. And none of the current Democrat challengers has any of these accomplishments, or 4 years experience being POTUS.

What they bring to the table, is a drop in the bucket, compared to President Trump.
Who the hell are you kidding?

You're clearly a republican. Your lack of a single example to back up your claim is proof of that.

No intelligent person that isn't pulling down 7 figures votes for Trump.
You have NO IDEA what you're talking about, and are obviously programmed by left wing media, universities, politicians, etc.

See Post # 131.
Fine, you can be in the much smaller minority that will vote for him this time. Just don't vote for a third party candidate. The only way Trump can win is if there is a strong third party candidate that divides the anti-Trump vote. Without that, Trump will be gone by January 20, 2021.

Trump has sadly destroyed the Republican party. It probably won't recover until 2028.
You're invited to read Post # 131, too. :biggrin:
Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.
What deal did he make with Kim jong un? I would love to see those transcripts. He didn’t do so well with Mexico. They told him fu
You can read about the two years of diplomacy after its declassified.

Where’s the documentation on Obama’s peace negotiations with whover he was supposed to bring peace to. Starting two wars was icing I know.
He put one between osamas eyes

Finding and killing bin Laden was in spite of Obama's klutziness!
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Fine, you can be in the much smaller minority that will vote for him this time. Just don't vote for a third party candidate. The only way Trump can win is if there is a strong third party candidate that divides the anti-Trump vote. Without that, Trump will be gone by January 20, 2021.

Trump has sadly destroyed the Republican party. It probably won't recover until 2028.

You are hilarious! If you are not currently doing stand-up, you should give it a try!

I bust a gut reading your posts! I laugh at you like I laugh at AOC every time she opens that horse face of hers!
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Tax receipts dropping?
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Tax receipts dropping?
Corporate Tax Receipts Took an Unprecedented Drop This Year

The Tax Bill Did Not Cause Revenue to Rise
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Tax receipts dropping?
Corporate Tax Receipts Took an Unprecedented Drop This Year

The Tax Bill Did Not Cause Revenue to Rise

I had no idea you were this retarded......

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts | RealClearPolitics

Trump Tax Cuts Send Federal Revenue to All-Time Highs
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.

Tax receipts dropping?
Corporate Tax Receipts Took an Unprecedented Drop This Year

The Tax Bill Did Not Cause Revenue to Rise

I had no idea you were this retarded......

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts | RealClearPolitics

Trump Tax Cuts Send Federal Revenue to All-Time Highs
Yeah... No. Those two articles focus only on individual income tax. If you would have read the links I provided you would have seen the acknowledge that went up. However corporate taxes nosedived by +30%, which far outstrips the increase in individual taxes receipts.

Wake up and smell reality tRumpkin, were living in a house of cards economy-wise.
Yeah... No. Those two articles focus only on individual income tax. If you would have read the links I provided you would have seen the acknowledge that went up. However corporate taxes nosedived by +30%, which far outstrips the increase in individual taxes receipts.

Wake up and smell reality tRumpkin, were living in a house of cards economy-wise.

Overall tax receipts have reached record levels under Trump.
You cant argue that.

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