I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
Sorry if it was a mainstream republican we would look like France.. trump is stopping that
My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
We Americans really suck at picking Presidential candidates.
That’s not the problem.

The problem is the malignancy that is the Imperial Presidency.

The problem is Congress’ decades of abrogating its authority and responsibilities to the Executive.

The problem is the ignorance, laziness, stupidity, and apathy of the voters to allow this to happen.

The problem isn’t ‘bad candidates’ for president, the problem is we’ve abandoned the Framers’ intent, and have allowed the office of president to become too powerful and too influential, and to allow one individual to become too powerful and too influential.

The people are alone responsible for the bad government – and bad president – they get.

I don't disagree.

However, I can't vote for a far leftist.

And that's where the Democratic Party is headed.

Which candidates are “far left”? You seem to be buying misinformation. Did you believe that Obamacare was going to kill your grandmother too?

Maybe he believed he can keep his doctor.
My Daughter's face and my backbone require that I dont vote for Trump.

If there are no other good candidates, I'll do a write-in.

Last election, Hillary vs. Trump was like picking a bigger sludge-burger and I wasnt even very hungry. I was never required to pick between those two, and so I didn't.

Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
This is sheer stupidity. If you don’t like the democrats, it doesnt somehow justify voting for Trump.

You are the epitome of sheer stupidity, BillyDerp.
I love how you think this burn of yours is clever when it’s obvious that it is something an 8th grader would say.

That is about the time he dropped out of school.
The only shame in being a supporter of President Trump, are the insults hurled at you by his detractors.

Welcome to the human race.

If you're tired of insults, then tell him to quit being such a douche.
Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
Way to be irrelevant, bro. :dunno:

Your non-vote did not count.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

WTF does terms of ultimacy mean?
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

The Dims want the US to be Venezuela/Cuba, minus the nice weather.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
I dont believe in indoctrination. I believe in gullible and not gullible. The human brain is not robotic.

For every person that hears propaganda and believes it, theres the guy that says "hey thats propaganda! I wont be misled!"

But for whatever reason, the ego of the latter leads them to believe that most other people are the former ~ but theyre the magical-brained human that it wont work on.

In reality, most folks are just disagreeing on what their beliefs are, and are more susceptible to arguments that are sympathetic to those beliefs.
I'm not beholden to anyone else's views on my vote. I fuck around and bust balls..... but when it comes to putting my integrity into a choice for the future of the Country, I'd rather be shot than to sell myself out to a lesser of the blahblahs. I have a dick, two balls and a spine.

Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

WTF does terms of ultimacy mean?
Decisions that impact the literal history of the world, as opposed to which socks should I wear today.
Most men do. You really didn't even have to tell a damn person who/what you voted for. 'Murica! :rock:
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
I dont believe in indoctrination. I believe in gullible and not gullible. The human brain is not robotic.

For every person that hears propaganda and believes it, theres the guy that says "hey thats propaganda! I wont be misled!"

But for whatever reason, the ego of the latter leads them to believe that most other people are the former ~ but theyre the magical-brained human that it wont work on.

In reality, most folks are just disagreeing on what their beliefs are, and are more susceptible to arguments that are sympathetic to those beliefs.

Students need to be taught to make decisions for themselves based on available information, not programmed to react to bullshit and regard it blindly as truth.
That's right, we agree there. I will tell folks who/what I wont vote for, though, and just hope for the best that the collective heads become removed from the collective asses, as opposed to this oddish dystopian world where the sycophants coddle a candidate who lies straight to their faces' balls for him because he's not the them.

Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
I dont believe in indoctrination. I believe in gullible and not gullible. The human brain is not robotic.

For every person that hears propaganda and believes it, theres the guy that says "hey thats propaganda! I wont be misled!"

But for whatever reason, the ego of the latter leads them to believe that most other people are the former ~ but theyre the magical-brained human that it wont work on.

In reality, most folks are just disagreeing on what their beliefs are, and are more susceptible to arguments that are sympathetic to those beliefs.

Students need to be taught to make decisions for themselves based on available information, not programmed to react to bullshit and regard it blindly as truth.
It wasnt a problem when I was a student and unless youre speaking from experience, Im not sure why youd feel its a problem for anyone else.

A lot of folks will believe anything they hear. A lot of folks wont. Thats human nature, not some profoundly new state of affairs.
Hope in one hand..you know the rest..
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
I dont believe in indoctrination. I believe in gullible and not gullible. The human brain is not robotic.

For every person that hears propaganda and believes it, theres the guy that says "hey thats propaganda! I wont be misled!"

But for whatever reason, the ego of the latter leads them to believe that most other people are the former ~ but theyre the magical-brained human that it wont work on.

In reality, most folks are just disagreeing on what their beliefs are, and are more susceptible to arguments that are sympathetic to those beliefs.

Students need to be taught to make decisions for themselves based on available information, not programmed to react to bullshit and regard it blindly as truth.
It wasnt a problem when I was a student and unless youre speaking from experience, Im not sure why youd feel its a problem for anyone else.

A lot of folks will believe anything they hear. A lot of folks wont. Thats human nature, not some profoundly new state of affairs.

It wasn't when I was either, but apparently it is now in some places. My experience was observing the emergence of these "snowflakes" and their abnormal behavior, which was a bit of a shock to me, so I did some research.
Why is it always the FOX news/ RW radio faithful who accuse others of being unable to think for themselves?

If you voted for or plan to vote for Trump, you’re an idiot who cannot tell fact from fiction. Period.
I'm not delusional. Most people have bad arguments because they don't think things through to their core, and that intellectual laziness is just a human disposition. I've come to accept that, and I do it myself on less important matters and in that way can understand why it's done at all.

People have their own niche, and they're busy with that. It's cool, and all, its just disappointing that nobody gives the credence to things that have a higher impact in terms of ultimacy.

The leftist indoctrination system fosters intellectual laziness.

Just ask a fact-checker!
I dont believe in indoctrination. I believe in gullible and not gullible. The human brain is not robotic.

For every person that hears propaganda and believes it, theres the guy that says "hey thats propaganda! I wont be misled!"

But for whatever reason, the ego of the latter leads them to believe that most other people are the former ~ but theyre the magical-brained human that it wont work on.

In reality, most folks are just disagreeing on what their beliefs are, and are more susceptible to arguments that are sympathetic to those beliefs.

Students need to be taught to make decisions for themselves based on available information, not programmed to react to bullshit and regard it blindly as truth.
It wasnt a problem when I was a student and unless youre speaking from experience, Im not sure why youd feel its a problem for anyone else.

A lot of folks will believe anything they hear. A lot of folks wont. Thats human nature, not some profoundly new state of affairs.

It wasn't when I was either, but apparently it is now in some places. My experience was observing the emergence of these "snowflakes" , which was a bit of a shock to me, so I did some research.
Unless you saw some statistics, anecdotes are a terrible way to glean accurate information.

Most people cant even wrap their heads around the number "1 million," let alone 340 of them or 6-7 billion world-wide.

When youre talking in terms of millions, EVERYTHING logically possible will be found, if you look to data-scoop.

You'll find newborns that were kicked, soccer-style, off of a bridge.

You'll find people that died becase they were shaking a vending machine, and got crushed.

Trends are not observed on the micro, one man's observations couldnt do so without data-sets when speaking in terms of millions.

I call this the sonny clark effect. He sees a murder in the paper and suddenly everyones murdering each other.
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I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

Look at alternative. If a Democrat gets elected they’re going to pass single payer and the green deal. Then it’s fair to say it’s all over. It’s all over anyway, but we have a responsibility to delay the inevitabile

It will be all over
We will have universal healthcare and a clean environment.

Oh, the shame
Rocko said:
The beautiful thing about that is young people grow up
They Can't Reverse The Stupid
They Did When They were Young

The Slippery Slope
Only Slides Down-Hill And To The Left
It Doesn't Turn Back

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