I’m thinking the Democrat Party has conceded 2020..They’re building their foundation for the future

It used to be that Democrats weren't so open about hoping millions of Americans suffered from a failing economy.

Now the America-Haters are proud to kneel at Satan's altar and beg for such things.

Honestly, if we were a moral people, we'd have never elected Trump to start with... or allow him to steal the election after the people said no.

It shouldn't take a recession to get rid of Trump. Both parties should have agreed he is unfit for the office, as he proves every day, and removed him.

So when a recession comes because of his policies, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.
Moral people don't support killing children for political advantage
I get what you're saying, but demographics are changing. I would have never thought a Socialist fake like Kyrsten Sinema could defeat Col. Martha McSally here in Arizona, but she did.
That was fraud. McSally was way ahead. Then the boxes of ballots suddenly appeared in the trunks of democrat cars.

Of course that happened... Voter Suppression is supposed to stop this... They must be cheating...

Is this you usual wild accusations with no actual proof..

Arizona had 7 convictions for voter fraud since 2016... No one can tell which side they were voting for...

Arizona has a GOP Governor, AG and Senate and Congress...

Where is your proof?
I get what you're saying, but demographics are changing. I would have never thought a Socialist fake like Kyrsten Sinema could defeat Col. Martha McSally here in Arizona, but she did.
Voter fraud. Hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots got Simena elected

so they got all these illegal ballots in right under the nose of a GOP governor?

Here's the reality. McSally was an awful candidate. That's why she lost. She'll lose again next year defending the seat she was handed.

The Democrats were filling out ballots from a dozen safe houses and paying Illegals to drop off the ballots then return for new ballot

Again evidence...

US Message Board members are making wild allegations with no evidence....
It’s way too early to say that the Democrats have conceded the 2020 election. A lot can happen between now and election night. If the economy shifts this becomes a whole new discussion.

Didn't Biden just come in support for open borders?

Yes, they conceded.

Could you actually put that with evidence... No some right wing rag saying he said this or this out of context...
It’s way too early to say that the Democrats have conceded the 2020 election. A lot can happen between now and election night. If the economy shifts this becomes a whole new discussion.

Didn't Biden just come in support for open borders?

Yes, they conceded.

Could you actually put that with evidence... No some right wing rag saying he said this or this out of context...

Actually it was the Beta:
GENIUS! Beto O'Rourke: "In My Administration We Are Going to Make Sure No One Is Criminally Prosecuted for Being a Human Being"

But then he already conceded when he started campaigning in Mexico.

Beto takes campaign to Mexico to meet with asylum seekers

Apologies, I am not sure if Biden thinks the same, or if he wants to deport the illegals, but with free health care.
I get what you're saying, but demographics are changing. I would have never thought a Socialist fake like Kyrsten Sinema could defeat Col. Martha McSally here in Arizona, but she did.

McSally was no different then Sinema. McSally is there anyway. Hopefully they both go when it's time to vote again.
I think so too. Witch hunt dead and a dud. Muller eventually getting around to talking is too little too late.
I think Gabbard is s player for 2024

I'm a conservative but gotta say....that Gabbard is impressive. Clearly the most formidable at those debates!
Their foundation / base being the people of Mexico.
There’s just no way they can possibly believe they can pull all this anti American bullshit and still have a chance at winning a national election...not yet, no way.
They played their hand a little too early...Thank God this nation is still full of good, real Americans.

Most decent people are disgusted by Trump and his racism.

Good for the Democrats for calling it out.

But "most" people also dont tend to the hyper- hysterical thus laugh about the "racist" tag.:113:
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.
It’s way too early to say that the Democrats have conceded the 2020 election. A lot can happen between now and election night. If the economy shifts this becomes a whole new discussion.

Didn't Biden just come in support for open borders?

Yes, they conceded.

Could you actually put that with evidence... No some right wing rag saying he said this or this out of context...

Actually it was the Beta:
GENIUS! Beto O'Rourke: "In My Administration We Are Going to Make Sure No One Is Criminally Prosecuted for Being a Human Being"

But then he already conceded when he started campaigning in Mexico.

Beto takes campaign to Mexico to meet with asylum seekers

Apologies, I am not sure if Biden thinks the same, or if he wants to deport the illegals, but with free health care.

How many times do we have to explain this...

Asylum Seekers are not in America illegally... Do know and accept that...

Beto is talking about people who are fleeing oppression and seeking asylum...

Where did he say he wanted open borders because:

"I'm not in favor of open borders" - Beto O'Rourke
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.


You're reasonable..

Have they got anyone senior in the Democrats who is advocating open borders... We have a ton of Right Wing Media saying that but I have asked for it but the best they have is misinterpreted out context words of a guy who is polling at 2% in the Dem Presidential race...

AOC is not far left... She would be a moderate in Germany... Germany at present run a €25bn surplus and have strong manufacturing industry...
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.


You're reasonable..

Have they got anyone senior in the Democrats who is advocating open borders... We have a ton of Right Wing Media saying that but I have asked for it but the best they have is misinterpreted out context words of a guy who is polling at 2% in the Dem Presidential race...

AOC is not far left... She would be a moderate in Germany... Germany at present run a €25bn surplus and have strong manufacturing industry...
Of course not, no one is advocating open borders, but this country is now mired in absurd hyperbole and that's the line. So the Trumpsters are running with it to keep their tribe as afraid as possible.

That's where politics are now, and it doesn't improve until each party holds ITS OWN responsible.
Fox might be number one in Cable news but most voters don't watch Cable news. They get their news from commercials during cartoons their kids watch.
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.


You're reasonable..

Have they got anyone senior in the Democrats who is advocating open borders... We have a ton of Right Wing Media saying that but I have asked for it but the best they have is misinterpreted out context words of a guy who is polling at 2% in the Dem Presidential race...

AOC is not far left... She would be a moderate in Germany... Germany at present run a €25bn surplus and have strong manufacturing industry...
Not wanting a wall is for open borders.
Thinking cameras and sensors will stop illegal immigration, is stupidity and for open borders.
Their foundation / base being the people of Mexico.
There’s just no way they can possibly believe they can pull all this anti American bullshit and still have a chance at winning a national election.
That thought has crossed my mind as well. Open borders and free healthcare for illegals - what could possibly go wrong?
How many times do we have to explain this...

Asylum Seekers are not in America illegally... Do know and accept that...

Beto is talking about people who are fleeing oppression and seeking asylum...

Where did he say he wanted open borders because:

"I'm not in favor of open borders" - Beto O'Rourke
That only applies to legal ports of entry.

Everyone that crossed the border illegally is here illegally.

Do know and accept that.
I share the notion that these Democratic candidates are mostly positioning themselves for 2024. History of defeating a president up for re-election hasn't been very favorable.
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.


You're reasonable..

Have they got anyone senior in the Democrats who is advocating open borders... We have a ton of Right Wing Media saying that but I have asked for it but the best they have is misinterpreted out context words of a guy who is polling at 2% in the Dem Presidential race...

AOC is not far left... She would be a moderate in Germany... Germany at present run a €25bn surplus and have strong manufacturing industry...
Of course not, no one is advocating open borders, but this country is now mired in absurd hyperbole and that's the line. So the Trumpsters are running with it to keep their tribe as afraid as possible.

That's where politics are now, and it doesn't improve until each party holds ITS OWN responsible.


Just ask... Where has Democrats not held its own accountable or their senior members said something that was either admonished, apologised or accepted... Democrats are far from perfect but the GOP are running on crazy stuff...

What I am saying is that 6 kids have died in custody, the conditions are dire and GOP have remained largely silent on this... This isn't normal.

What I consider far right or far left are ideas not tried (as too extreme) or tried and failed and the results ignored. So when politician says he wants a Public Option, that has been tried all over the world with considerable success. It doesn't mean it is right for the US but it also doesn't mean the proposer is an extremist...

So if the GOP suggest a Healthcare system which is in operation today in the first world, I am more than ready to listen and discuss... But the GOP is so far down critising the rest if the first world they don't even use them when they can... Example: Birth right citizenship... Many countries in Europe don't grant that...

That is one of the main differences between US and other countries.... In Europe they are consistently robbing ideas of each other... Smoking in Bars was almost funny, Ireland went first and half the heath ministers in Europe were in Dublin within 6 months checking it out... Plastic Bag tax (Ireland), Traffic Congestion Charges(London), Education (Finland, for almost everything), Wind Production (Denmark), Healthcare Care Plans (US)...

Actually there is ton ideas from the US, just have a brain freeze on them...

So there is a lot of comparing of systems and seeing the results...

Note: The main one none would have from America is your voting system. The main reason UK looks a mess is due to a one man one vote system. It would also so be noted that US put in to Iraq a European Style Election system rather than there own.
The Democratic party is clearly in a period of transition, as the liberals are being overrun by the Regressives.

Much like the way the "RINOs" were overrun by the Trumpsters in the Republican party..

What will remain will be two nasty, vulgar, hateful parties. Maybe THAT'S when enough people say enough is enough.


You're reasonable..

Have they got anyone senior in the Democrats who is advocating open borders... We have a ton of Right Wing Media saying that but I have asked for it but the best they have is misinterpreted out context words of a guy who is polling at 2% in the Dem Presidential race...

AOC is not far left... She would be a moderate in Germany... Germany at present run a €25bn surplus and have strong manufacturing industry...
Of course not, no one is advocating open borders, but this country is now mired in absurd hyperbole and that's the line. So the Trumpsters are running with it to keep their tribe as afraid as possible.

That's where politics are now, and it doesn't improve until each party holds ITS OWN responsible.

Haha...Mac, come on man....no one is using the words “we are advocating for open borders”...is that what you really mean?

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

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