I'm voting for Obama, and I'll tell you why.

If I vote for Obama, I will keep my job

Nuff said
Really? Are you so sure about that?


Gotta love that.

Yep..no regulations needed..alrighty.
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Why do racist Conservatives keep trotting out this lame video in an attempt to say..

Look at those black people....they expect everything for free

I don't know that they're actual racists....they just can't believe that some of the right wing rhetoric is just as stereotyping and designed to divide as some of the left wing rhetoric. They can't seem to take innuendo and supposition with a grain of salt.....but then, there are those of us Dems that do the same damned thing.

Just my opinion.

its a true opinion......
I will vote for Obama for one reason -- Mitt Romney! And any middle class, working class American who doesn't do the same is making a huge mistake.

Obama is not a good president. In fact his performance as been thoroughly disappointing. But this election is a textbook example of lesser of two evils.

Romney is a predatory corporatist. He has absolutely no interest in what is best for America or its people. He has built a career on legal looting by exploitation and if given the chance he will focus those skills on the U.S. Treasury.

The choice between Obama and Romney is like having a choice between treatable asthma and advanced lung cancer, respectively. America can survive another four years with Obama but the kind of damage Mitt Romney is capable of is likely to mean the end of the middle class and resurrection of the Gilded Age.

Those of you who think in terms of Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative, need to put aside those tribal urges and apply some common sense. Don't allow Mitt Romney to capitalize on your partisan bias.
im tired of hearing about this "im voting for the lesser of 2 evils".....if both guys are so bad then why vote for either one of them?......all thats saying is in 3 years everyone will still be here bitching about the same shit.....cut the cord from these parties....if you want real change your going to have to quit wasting your votes on the same old shit.....
I'm voting for Obama because Republicans want dirty air and water, hate women, want to kill children, and want to put blacks back in chains. They want to take away women's rights to abortion, they want to take away their rubbers, they want to keep them from getting free birth control pills, and they want us to stop having sex.

Republicans hate homosexuals. They want to put them all in ovens and burn them alive.
Republicans hate puppies. They want to put them in pet carriers and make them ride long distances on the top of our car.
Republicans hate Hispanics. They want to send all of those Beaners back over the border where they belong.
Republicans want to raise taxes on the poor and the Middle-class and drop them on the rich.
Republicans want to take away your health care.
Republicans want to start wars.
Republicans hate the military.
Republicans hate this country.
Romney killed somebody's wife once. He wants to kill more.
Romney is a Bull Shitter. If any 5 year old asks me I'll tell them that. I'll swear at the kid so it will be sure to sink in.

The reason I want to vote for Obama is because of trust. I believe that 4 Americans died because of a disgusting video. I believe that even though the price of gas is over $3 per gal Obama has opened up more drilling than ever in our history. I believe that Fast & Furious was just a honest mistake. I believe that Obama hasn't told a lie in his life. He hasn't lied about his past, his birth certificate, his composite girlfriend, or his accomplishments. I believe everything he says about Romney. I believe he's not a Muslim. I believe he has America's best interests in mind. I believe that he wakes up every morning thinking about how he can create more jobs. I believe he has stronger ties with Israel than the Muslim Brotherhood. I believe that sanctions are working on Iran. I believe that wind, solar, and alternative fuels are a better source of energy than fossil-fuels. I believe that Obama stopped Global Warming 16 years ago. I believe Obama will buy me a car, pay my rent, and fill my gas tank. And I believe that Obamacare won't raise taxes and will provide health care for everyone for free.

Oh, sorry, I have to stop. My Obamaphone is ringing.

i thought Dean was here until i saw who was posting this.....
umm obama has been president for 4 years he doesnt pay for any of that shit for me good job finding a video of a stupid person

You're right. Obama doesn't pay for the Obama Phone. We do. :clap2:

Maybe you were unaware, but government assistance for phone services has been around for decades before Obama. Or maybe you were aware and are just being a partisan hack. :dunno:

i believe it started in the mid 80's....
I said they were the rich working class they are the wealthy of labor. I never said they were wealthier than me just that you support the wealthy working class types. You are not for the non union people.

Bullshit....You've seen my rants on the economy....Not once have I ever said or implied that the changes that need to occur should be for "union" people only. I want everyone to have the same decent life that I do. We put one kid through college and our second is attending now. We go on vacation....oh, we have to struggle somewhat to do it.....work some overtime, not buy frivolous things..etc. Going on a 10 day cruise in January. Pretty decent life....we pay our bills without much trouble....we are able to save for the big stuff that goes beyond normal bills.....that's the way it should be.

The point is, I support all of the working class....and most of the working class don't have it near as good as we do.....they need to take some sort of welfare just to get by....be it food stamps, Medicaid or housing assistance. They also, as you guys point out, don't pay Federal Income Tax....which doesn't help pay down the debt or pay for the programs we do have.

Only a blind man can't see that the pandering to the "job creators" has gone too far and our entire country is suffering because of it. There needs to be a change in the attitudes towards American labor.....a job where one would be better off on Welfare isn't much of a job at all.

Unions? yeah, I'm pro-union.....but if things were different and Employers treated their employees right.....there wouldn't be a need for unions. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work means that you don't need welfare for your family to subsist.

A couple of post back you said you were in a union, When a person calls themselves pro labor they talking about unions, your are not for the working class just the wealthy working class called union workers.

who told you that? Rush? Savage? You know, you really are a dumb fuck. Why would you think that me, or any other union member would feel that way? Stop your blind hatred just for a minute and realize that every person who works for someone else is labor....we are all in this together. we work hard to raise our families, to have homes and cars and other necessities and luxuries. Just because I belong to a union and you don't doesn't mean I feel I'm better than you. I want nothing but the best for you and yours and every other person who works hard and provides.

Private sector unions make up about 6% of the workforce. Thinking that 6% doing well and the rest doing shitty is a winning strategy is fucking stupid....We all need decent wages and benefits....not just union members.

Take off your political hat on this....because I wasn't talking to you as a Democrat, a liberal, or a union member.....I was talking to you as a person.
23 years and making $21 an hour and retiring at 60 with medical. If that is a dream and you like it, good for you. Doesn't sound like my idea of a good job or a union taking care of me.

And they are taking 15.00 dollars a week from Steels pay check I call that Robbery.

They take a weeks wages to get him to almost $21 an hour after 23 years. It is sad what unions are credited for doing. He's 48 and thinks he is doing well at a job he has been doing since he was $25. Top it off, he has been working for good health benefits when he retires. One has to wonder if he is the ignorant that Obama speaks about.

the average salary for middle class is around 26 an hour.....so he aint that far off......
You're saying you'd vote Obama and don't believe in redistribution?

No....I vote Democrat for a different reason. I'm pro-labor. Our working class has taken a beating since the lie of "trickle down" economics became the norm. 47% of the people in this country have to accept some sort of government assistance to make ends meet in this God awfully expensive country. The vast majority of these people are working their fingers to the bone....they aren't lazy, irresponsible or feel themselves "victims".....all so some "job creator" can pocket more and more.

I don't hate rich people, I don't hate business.....but I think that the Conglomerate has run this country into the ground long enough for their personal gain. Funny how when wages and employer paid benefits were high enough...paying for government programs wasn't a problem....but now....since private sector unions have been virtually eliminated, wages have virtually stagnated since the late 70's and the cost of living has skyrocketed in the same time span.....all of a sudden those programs are "wealth redistribution"

Face it....you've been lied to by the biggest marketing campaign in the history of our nation. The campaign to make rich people richer at the expense of the rest of our citizens and as a result, the country itself.

Now, do I want government to dictate wages? No, not really.....I want these huge corporations to treat their employees well and remember the country that gave them the Freedom to become the successes they are. No one wants them to be poor, no one wants them not to succeed. They just want to raise their families without struggling so damned much.

You are wrong. Labor took a beating in the seventies when the EPA gained power. You have a steeler avatar; do you remember when the EPA made the "bread belt" into the "rust belt"? (hint, it was before Regan's "trickle down"). The big cities are terribly expensive, why, because of liberal policies that force working (labor) citizens pay for those that are not working. Visit the rural areas, and see how many people are "making it" on low pay. If their taxes are not astronomical, they don't need a six figure income to live a good life.

The policies of the liberals are going to ensure an economic divide. When a person approaches the "wealthy ceiling", the liberals tax them at a far higher rate than they do others, to keep them from "achieving" wealth. The truly wealthy (Obama, Romney) have their wealth protected from taxes, they helped write the laws to keep it that way. In this way, the wealthy does not pay "high" taxes. The "middle class" are prevented from crossing into wealthy status, and the poor are paid to stay poor (if you make over this amount, your benefits will stop).

The liberal policy is the socialist policy: let the gov't run the industry, and everyone can live in equal misery. The wages are fixed. People don't care about other people. Variety and selection of products and services are reduced, exponentially.

In this country you can go from poor to rich, and back again, no guarantees. It is full of oportunity. It is your choice to try or to accept the gov't paying you to stay poor. The democrats/liberals do not support industry (productivity). They support stagnation. The record of job creation (support of businesses) in the last four years is pathetic. Why would you vote for a "party" that is limiting opportunity, and supporting "sloth"?

I'm not wrong.

Who created the EPA?…Oh yeah....Nixon. Fucking liberal asshole that he was. You're right about the wealthy writing the rulebook to their benefit though.....Reagan though, did bust private sector unions...and actually, in the short term....it was a good thing. In the 70's, when the OPEC oil embargo happened, our country was woefully unprepared for it....it hurt consumers and businesses hard. The unions at the time were very powerful and refused to work with businesses in a dire time....After they were busted....Businesses grew and actually did play along with the trickle down thing....for a while....but slowly, the trickling slowed....wages stagnated, benefits were reduced and put more and more pressure on the worker as the employer's share got smaller and smaller. Funny how business profits boomed, CEO salaried went through the roof, golden parachutes became the norm....regardless of how the company did...

You can't possibly sit there and say all of that shit is "librul" policy. If you do, you either aren't being honest....or your just another brainwashed drone who only believes what he wants to believe.

Sloth? Why don't you do yourself a favor....do some research. Go beyond your AM radio driven rhetoric and actually get stats from reliable resources....I've had this argument many times....and you know what? in principle I AGREE with you. People who CAN work, SHOULD be working. I have REPEATEDLY stated on this board that able bodied.welfare recipients should be required to work for their CURRENT benefits....Not a government job....just for what they are getting right now....I figure that if they have to work anyway....they'll look to get off of it relatively quick.

But yeah....back to what I was saying, do some research. Before the crash of '08....folks on pure welfare(get everything from government assistance)....sat around 2% of the population Nationwide, and around 1.5% in my state(PA). Sure...a higher percentage got some kind of subsidization due to being working poor....food stamps, WIC, Medicaid....but the idea of the country is chock full of welfare bums was just completely false.....and it still is today.

We support industry....we just want it to be safe. What's wrong with that? Perhaps you're to young to remember the Love Canal....here in PA, we are already having problems with the fracking industry....our communities are having water issues, we've had four major accidents of tankers hauling toxic fracking liquid crashing and the contents spilling into our streams and soaking into the ground. Maybe it doesn't matter to you if Communities in my neck of the woods are poisoned....but it matters to me.

I'm not the bad guy....you're not the bad guy....but there has to be balance. Balance between industry and public safety. Balance between investment bankers profits and causing a global collapse due to excessive risk taking. Balance between a business maximizing profits and the quality if life for the workers who are the cogs that bring in those profits. Henry Ford got it....he knew he'd sell more cars if his employees made enough to buy one.

IMO....and many other's....We are out of balance....we've been giving American Business and their wealthy upper crust too much power, too many breaks and they are now in the same mindset that the unions had in the 70's.....back then, it didn't matter how hard businesses were.hit....they wanted what they wanted and they weren't going to give in.....Nowadays, it doesn't matter how hard labor is getting hit and how badly they ate struggling....they want what they want and not only are they not giving in....they've lobbied and won from the government the ability to hold a gun to the workers' heads....That gun is....hey....if you don't accept our conditions...
there's plenty of people in China that will do your job for $.75/hr.

I personally think the whole "taxes and regulations" bullshit isn't the issue that our conglomerate says it is....I think.it's dirt cheap labor combined with the fact that the tax code is written that they don't have to pay shit in taxes till they bring that money back home....It's a system that REWARDS them to invest outside of America and letting their own country to rot.
I assume that people who have mortgages have jobs

Conservatives assume black people expect everything for free

Wonder who is right?

Work with "black people", and don't hear them making claims like this. Because a black person is filmed demonstrating their personal willingness to be enslaved (the gov't paying them to stay poor), you want to claim that "others" assume all black people are like this. Talk about bigoted..... If we see an individual making a claim, we do not assume that everyone that "looks like them" think or do the same thing. That is a liberal philosophy.....

Bullshit...look at the OP of this thread...."Typical Obama supporter", I believe was the claim...
Well explain to me when someone say pro labor what are they talking about?
The rich minority class would be union members.
I have yet too see a poor union member being paid 30.00 to 70.00 bucks an hour on unions jobs would not make them poor labor would it?

Well....why don't you join a union, if it's so great? You see, when you belong to a union, you don't stand alone. You negotiate contracts with your employer...the employer says....I'll pay you $$.....the union says....we want $$$$$. They meet at $$$....which is usually a pretty livable wage.

I've been working for my employer for 23 years....I make about $21/hr. I also have a pension that will allow me to retire in 12 years....I'll be 60. I'll also have my medical paid for till I die.

Sorry dude, to me? That's worth the $15 I pay in union dues per paycheck. I spend more than that on Diet Mountain Dew in two weeks.

I am pro-labor.....no matter whether you are union or not. What you fail to realize is that when unions were.in their heyday....non-union workplaces benefited from the union ones....they didn't want the unions in, so they stayed competitive to keep them out. Nowadays....employers hold all the cards...they've been given the ability to instill fear and intimidate the workforce.

I still say a Nationwide strike should happen. Maybe then employers would realize that labor is the lifeblood of their wealth.

Do you live in Greece?

No....you live in your head with all your other personalities?
I said they were the rich working class they are the wealthy of labor. I never said they were wealthier than me just that you support the wealthy working class types. You are not for the non union people.

Bullshit....You've seen my rants on the economy....Not once have I ever said or implied that the changes that need to occur should be for "union" people only. I want everyone to have the same decent life that I do. We put one kid through college and our second is attending now. We go on vacation....oh, we have to struggle somewhat to do it.....work some overtime, not buy frivolous things..etc. Going on a 10 day cruise in January. Pretty decent life....we pay our bills without much trouble....we are able to save for the big stuff that goes beyond normal bills.....that's the way it should be.

The point is, I support all of the working class....and most of the working class don't have it near as good as we do.....they need to take some sort of welfare just to get by....be it food stamps, Medicaid or housing assistance. They also, as you guys point out, don't pay Federal Income Tax....which doesn't help pay down the debt or pay for the programs we do have.

Only a blind man can't see that the pandering to the "job creators" has gone too far and our entire country is suffering because of it. There needs to be a change in the attitudes towards American labor.....a job where one would be better off on Welfare isn't much of a job at all.

Unions? yeah, I'm pro-union.....but if things were different and Employers treated their employees right.....there wouldn't be a need for unions. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work means that you don't need welfare for your family to subsist.

"Job creators", do you mean like the President giving the "greenies" taxpayer monies to pocket by declaring bankrupcy, and those that were supposed to be given jobs, unemployed (at the tax payers' expense)? He works like a two-bit African dictator that is intent on robbing the country blind, while shutting down anyone that points out the truth.

Talking points....you can't debate....you can't think....all you do is parrot bullshit that's been repeated ad nauseum around here....I'm done with you.

Tell you what get your "critical thinking" switch turned off the "Obama" setting and we'll actually have a conversation....
Bullshit....You've seen my rants on the economy....Not once have I ever said or implied that the changes that need to occur should be for "union" people only. I want everyone to have the same decent life that I do. We put one kid through college and our second is attending now. We go on vacation....oh, we have to struggle somewhat to do it.....work some overtime, not buy frivolous things..etc. Going on a 10 day cruise in January. Pretty decent life....we pay our bills without much trouble....we are able to save for the big stuff that goes beyond normal bills.....that's the way it should be.

The point is, I support all of the working class....and most of the working class don't have it near as good as we do.....they need to take some sort of welfare just to get by....be it food stamps, Medicaid or housing assistance. They also, as you guys point out, don't pay Federal Income Tax....which doesn't help pay down the debt or pay for the programs we do have.

Only a blind man can't see that the pandering to the "job creators" has gone too far and our entire country is suffering because of it. There needs to be a change in the attitudes towards American labor.....a job where one would be better off on Welfare isn't much of a job at all.

Unions? yeah, I'm pro-union.....but if things were different and Employers treated their employees right.....there wouldn't be a need for unions. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work means that you don't need welfare for your family to subsist.

A couple of post back you said you were in a union, When a person calls themselves pro labor they talking about unions, your are not for the working class just the wealthy working class called union workers.

who told you that? Rush? Savage? You know, you really are a dumb fuck. Why would you think that me, or any other union member would feel that way? Stop your blind hatred just for a minute and realize that every person who works for someone else is labor....we are all in this together. we work hard to raise our families, to have homes and cars and other necessities and luxuries. Just because I belong to a union and you don't doesn't mean I feel I'm better than you. I want nothing but the best for you and yours and every other person who works hard and provides.

Private sector unions make up about 6% of the workforce. Thinking that 6% doing well and the rest doing shitty is a winning strategy is fucking stupid....We all need decent wages and benefits....not just union members.

Take off your political hat on this....because I wasn't talking to you as a Democrat, a liberal, or a union member.....I was talking to you as a person.
who told you that? Rush? Savage?

Who told me that when someone calls themself pro labor they are talking about pro unions?
Democrats told me that
Pro-labor rally draws tens of thousands
August 12, 2012|By Alfred Lubrano, INQUIRER STAFF WRITER

Democratic party chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz speaks during the "Workers…

They came in buses to Philadelphia, proudly wearing the t-shirts of their unions.

By mid-day Saturday, organizers of a national AFL-CIO rally claimed more than 35,000 attended, exceeding expectations. Police did not provide crowd estimates.
Pro-labor rally draws tens of thousands - Philly.com
Well....why don't you join a union, if it's so great? You see, when you belong to a union, you don't stand alone. You negotiate contracts with your employer...the employer says....I'll pay you $$.....the union says....we want $$$$$. They meet at $$$....which is usually a pretty livable wage.

I've been working for my employer for 23 years....I make about $21/hr. I also have a pension that will allow me to retire in 12 years....I'll be 60. I'll also have my medical paid for till I die.

Sorry dude, to me? That's worth the $15 I pay in union dues per paycheck. I spend more than that on Diet Mountain Dew in two weeks.

I am pro-labor.....no matter whether you are union or not. What you fail to realize is that when unions were.in their heyday....non-union workplaces benefited from the union ones....they didn't want the unions in, so they stayed competitive to keep them out. Nowadays....employers hold all the cards...they've been given the ability to instill fear and intimidate the workforce.

I still say a Nationwide strike should happen. Maybe then employers would realize that labor is the lifeblood of their wealth.

23 years and making $21 an hour and retiring at 60 with medical. If that is a dream and you like it, good for you. Doesn't sound like my idea of a good job or a union taking care of me.

And they are taking 15.00 dollars a week from Steels pay check I call that Robbery.

I missed Papa's. post, so I'll address you both. $21/hr for a guy with nothing more than a high school diploma and a few Microsoft feet's that I don't use? I don't know where you live, but that's decent money around here...it's about $41k. My.wife's an RN and she makes around $70k....we're doing pretty well. You do realize that at one time, the "American Dream" wasn't to become Bill Gates....it was to own a home, buy a car every few years, raise your kids up right, go on vacations and retire in a fairly comfortable manner. So yeah....I'm happy with my life. Sue me.

Now, about the $15/pay....I call that paying for solidarity....I call that contributing to a strike fund if the membership calls for a strike....although, in my line of work, we get court ordered back to work in 2 days and into arbitration.....and before you start....we haven't struck since 1976, and for the past three contracts, we've given up things to help our employer out....it's called negotiation....which is finding an acceptable middle ground.

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