Imagine how Hillary must feel...

Yep. Most qualified, proven to be the most honest and all we get are lies from the right.

Funny thing is, RWNJs are obsessed with her.

View attachment 194585

There is a reason the crooked stuck to hillary…….

It’s because she’s crooked...

Please explain - with credible proof.

hillary is a crook in a thousand ways.

We will go one by one if you want.

Number one-

hillary colluded with the Russians

with the Fake Russian dossier to Frame Trump.

Do you deny it?

Give us some "credible" proof.

You Zealots hate facts...

Plain to see....
Let us know when you find an example of Hillary showing an act of kindness, Lakhota.

tycho1572, let me know if you want more...




In Arkansas, Hillary Clinton's Legacy Remains Potent

Hillary Clinton: Charity Work & Causes

What Has Hillary Done? 14 Major Accomplishments

Let us know when you have an example of her actually doing something nice for anyone. Something that required her to give something more than a photo op.
Hillary Clinton was deemed too stupid to understand the rules about emails, private servers and top secret information! You want someone that stupid to run the country?

The fact that nobody was indicted for the emails isn't because Clinton was innocent of wrong's because the Obama Justice Department was a partisan JOKE!
What a stupid, embarrassing, whiny, childish, ignorant post.

Oh, I'm sorry, Fort...I keep forgetting that one's not allowed to point out just how corrupt Hillary Clinton WAS as our Secretary of State!

Did you want to describe Comey's excuse for not charging Hillary Clinton with a crime for the way she handled top secret material in some OTHER way? Comey's the one who declared Clinton too ignorant to be held responsible for her acts...not me!
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources and that over-arching theisis that Russians are out to damage Clinton and help Trump is looking more and more definite.
Last edited:
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.
Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Let us know when you have an example of her actually doing something nice for anyone. Something that required her to give something more than a photo op.

In other words - you're just trolling. I will now place you on permanent ignore. Bye...

History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

The Washington redskin is in love.... apparently
With a loopy kunt
Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?
No. . . actually, just because we don't have the appearance of a Banana Republic, doesn't mean we aren't one. We are, we are no better than the corrupt folks we make fun of. Drugs are epidemic, gangs rule our big cities, there are shootings in schools every week, and every politician is a lying sleaze bag on the take; yeah, it's a shit hole.

The fact is, we have far more corruption than your typical Banana Republic, it is time the people seized control and started kicking these corrupt elites out and generally just started getting a bit rowdy. :mm:

If we don't soon, things are only going to go from bad to worse.
Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?
No. . . actually, just because we don't have the appearance of a Banana Republic, doesn't mean we aren't one. We are, we are no better than the corrupt folks we make fun of. Drugs are epidemic, gangs rule our big cities, there are shootings in schools every week, and every politician is a lying sleaze bag on the take; yeah, it's a shit hole.

The fact is, we have far more corruption than your typical Banana Republic, it is time the people seized control and started kicking these corrupt elites out and generally just started getting a bit rowdy. :mm:

If we don't soon, things are only going to go from bad to worse.

So, you prefer the Trump mafia over the so-called corrupt elites? Interesting...
Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?
No. . . actually, just because we don't have the appearance of a Banana Republic, doesn't mean we aren't one.

you are totaly nuts, surely I'm not the first to tell you this.

Steele broke no laws and thus will not be jailed. [/stupid ass convo]
Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?
No. . . actually, just because we don't have the appearance of a Banana Republic, doesn't mean we aren't one. We are, we are no better than the corrupt folks we make fun of. Drugs are epidemic, gangs rule our big cities, there are shootings in schools every week, and every politician is a lying sleaze bag on the take; yeah, it's a shit hole.

The fact is, we have far more corruption than your typical Banana Republic, it is time the people seized control and started kicking these corrupt elites out and generally just started getting a bit rowdy. :mm:

If we don't soon, things are only going to go from bad to worse.

So, you prefer the Trump mafia over the so-called corrupt elites? Interesting...

Well, barely.

See, the thing about the corrupt elites, if you really have studied them, you understand that they are a global phenomenon, backed up by global power.

The Trump mafia, he has connections to other international gangs, but his reign is only as long as his life span, it isn't embedded in the infrastructure, nor is it stronger than the inherent make-up of the Constitution.

If you really understand what is going on, you really could never find him more of a threat than, say a petty gangster.

As a good analogy, have you ever seen Star Wars?

The Clinton and Bush family are corrupt Statists, they are like the Empire. These folks are intent to always consolidate and control with an iron grip. The Trump family? They are kind of like that Hutt gaming cartel. Dangerous, slimy and evil, but really, over all, just a temporary condition that is more of a nuisance that will fade with time more than anything else. They are not what needs to be resisted but can be used as a tool of resistance.

Now seriously, which do you think is more odious? The Hutts, or the Empire.

For most, they will tell you Trump is less worrisome than the NWO. . . . unless, of course, he is part of the NWO. :ack-1:

Last edited:
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources and that over-arching theisis that Russians are out to damage Clinton and help Trump is looking more and more definite.

Therein lies the problem, Anton! Who would treat the "findings" of someone who is PAID to reach those "findings" on Trump by the Clinton campaign as anything viable? A political hack like James Comey? Who would take the "raw intelligence" (another way of saying intelligence that hasn't been proven correct in any way!) provided by someone paid by Clinton to smear "evidence" that crimes were being committed and present it that way to a FISA court judge OMITTING THE FACT THAT "EVIDENCE" WAS PAID FOR BY CLINTON!

You speak of an "over-arching thesis" that the Russians were out to damage Clinton? Who's "thesis" was that? Hillary Clinton's? Backed up by her supporters in the main stream media? That's the thing that's "full of shit"! It always has been and still is!
how does she feel? like a two time loser. she lost to the Kenyan messiah and to the NY businessman. she is a terrible human being and the people could not stand her. Now she is making a fool of herself with her excuses tour. pathetic old, sick, corrupt, mean woman, go away and stay away.

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