Imagine how Hillary must feel...

No, the Clintons got off scot free, no charges at all
In other words, exactly what I just said. Slow down.
If I was moving any slower, I'd be backing up.

take your own advice

The implication, as Wilhaftawaite brought up -- oh wait, that's you, big guy -- is that the underlings are falling on their swords. So you sound kind of bizarre or high when you say "trump has not been indicted".

"trump has not been indicted".

has he?

Oh wil....

Oh wil....

Oh, Pancho!!!
Poor Hillary, spending her life bringing out the best......DURR
Irrelevant. What matters is that Trump brought out the worst in people, which did increase the number of votes for him. Dance and prance and pull your taffy all day... this is a fact. This is a weapon than Trump used more effectively than did Hillary. Stop throwing your little fit and realize when your special little man is being praised for tactical prowess!
Most qualified candidate in history, loses by 77 electoral college votes.....hilarious!!!

Yes, that might evoke an emotional response from a moron who is ignorant and incurious and not interested in how the electoral college works, or what this number actually means. So you will be a hit at parties full of morons.

how the electoral college works, or what this number actually means.

It means that drunken, miserable, corrupt, unlikeable bitch will never be President.
Never, ever, ever.
Hillary is not "theoretically" an unlikable bitch...…………...
Of course, dumbass, i meant your theory that this is why she lost. I get trolling -- any attention is good attention, for some people -- but i admit, i have never quite understood the fun in making one's self seem borderline mentally retarded in order to get this attention.

i meant your theory that this is why she lost.

Likeable liberals usually don't lose Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
And the guy emptying the swamp doesn't have a team of dupes too?

of course he does.

and they are the ones being indicted, and convicted.

Just like the sheep used by the Clintons.

ever heard the phrase, falling on ones sword?
Which Clinton campaign staffer is being indicted?

Which Clinton attorney has been raided?

Webb Hubbel.
"History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency"


she lost twice because she doesn't know how to campaign.

Despite nearly 50 years experience.

Because she's an unlikable bitch.

Is that why she got 3 million more votes than Trump?

Boy, you guys are worse than she is.

You'll never get over it...will you.

The system was set up to respect the states. A majority of people in states with enough electoral votes (majority) voted against her.

Suck on it.
The president is said to use a cellphone that lacks top security features and ignores advice to regularly swap his Twitter phone.

President Donald Trump uses a cellphone not equipped with top security features and has rejected repeated attempts by his staff to harden his devices against hackers, Politico reported on Monday.

Trump Reportedly Rejects Phone Security Measures As 'Too Inconvenient'

Okay, so Trump and his NaziCon supporters can stop criticizing Hillary for supposedly using unsecured communication devices.

Is it illegal?

Was it illegal for Hillary?

Yes. Because of the classified documents being sent through it.

Is trump sending classified documents on his cell phone?

Your hypocrisy is hilarious!

WASHINGTON ― The Hillary Clinton email controversy received an enormous amount of coverage during the 2016 presidential election, dogging the former secretary of state’s campaign for months amid allegations from Republicans that she broke laws and put national security at risk.

But Her Emails? Lawmakers Shrug Off Trump’s Lax Cellphone Security

Trump Reportedly Rejects Phone Security Measures As ‘Too Inconvenient’
The president is said to use a cellphone that lacks top security features and ignores advice to regularly swap his Twitter phone.

President Donald Trump uses a cellphone not equipped with top security features and has rejected repeated attempts by his staff to harden his devices against hackers, Politico reported on Monday.

Trump Reportedly Rejects Phone Security Measures As 'Too Inconvenient'

Okay, so Trump and his NaziCon supporters can stop criticizing Hillary for supposedly using unsecured communication devices.

Is it illegal?

Was it illegal for Hillary?

Yes. Because of the classified documents being sent through it.

Is trump sending classified documents on his cell phone?

Your hypocrisy is hilarious!

WASHINGTON ― The Hillary Clinton email controversy received an enormous amount of coverage during the 2016 presidential election, dogging the former secretary of state’s campaign for months amid allegations from Republicans that she broke laws and put national security at risk.

But Her Emails? Lawmakers Shrug Off Trump’s Lax Cellphone Security

Trump Reportedly Rejects Phone Security Measures As ‘Too Inconvenient’

You never watched the video. I am a left leaner with issues when it comes to Hillary and I've yet to meet a Hillary supporter that will address those issues. The video I posted is not right wing propaganda.
Is that why she an amateur politician and a non-politician?
No, she lost, in part, because Trump brought out the worst in people. Angry people vote. Add to that the assistance of the Russian propaganda campaign and sleepy liberals who thought Trump didn't stand a chance, and you get a guy who loses the popular vote but wins 3 swing States by a grand total of 70,000 votes.

Were you not present for the election?

Please. The woman couldn't even attend a 911memorial without passing out. Her coughing and long breaks at events led many to believe something is seriously wrong with her that she didn't talk about. Her Deplorable remark put the final nail in the coffin.

Here in Cleveland, the Police Department wanted to have a meeting with her. Her campaign declined stating that she simply didn't have enough time to meet with our best and bravest. However she had plenty of time to meet with the leader of Black Lies Matter.

The entire Democrat party has become the anti-white party, and more and more whites are coming to realize this.
It’s kind of a vital question when discussing criminality...
The intent is what matters. So yes, numbnuts could be leaking ike a sieve, and there ios no crime, without intent. So,his defense will be, "I'm an idiot".

So what you are saying is I can go to a bar Friday night, get drunk, and if I get into an accident killing somebody, I'm not criminally liable because I didn't intend on killing anybody that night?
The president is said to use a cellphone that lacks top security features and ignores advice to regularly swap his Twitter phone.

President Donald Trump uses a cellphone not equipped with top security features and has rejected repeated attempts by his staff to harden his devices against hackers, Politico reported on Monday.

Trump Reportedly Rejects Phone Security Measures As 'Too Inconvenient'

Okay, so Trump and his NaziCon supporters can stop criticizing Hillary for supposedly using unsecured communication devices.

Is it illegal?

Was it illegal for Hillary?

Yes it was because she had the ability (unlike others) to totally erase criminal evidence. When you use a public server, everything has copies whether you delete them or not. There is only one reason you want your own server, and that is to cover up crimes.
Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.

Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Hey Dumbass....

It's your party that lies, and cheats....

Just ask crazy Bernie dip shit....
Yes, he belived in his work.

That IS NOT the same thing as beliving that all of the raw intelligence he collected was completely accurate.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote.

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump

Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Hey Dumbass....

It's your party that lies, and cheats....

Just ask crazy Bernie dip shit....

Nutter, you are barking up the wrong tree, the concepts I laid out are not partisan.

There is no indication Steele broke any laws, no indication he is in any criminal legal jeopardy, no indication that he should be locked up.
Funny thing...when Steele went to all those media outlets to peddle his smear job on Trump he didn't mention anything about his dossiers not containing verified facts. It's only after he's sued and has to give a deposition for court that he changes his tune. So far he's only had to testify under oath about the December dossier and SURPRISE he's disavowed what in THAT dossier! Gee, I wonder how much Richard Steele's story will change when and if he's ever put under oath and forced to tell the truth?

Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Hey Dumbass....

It's your party that lies, and cheats....

Just ask crazy Bernie dip shit....

Nutter, you are barking up the wrong tree, the concepts I laid out are not partisan.

There is no indication Steele broke any laws, no indication he is in any criminal legal jeopardy, no indication that he should be locked up.
Senators refer Christopher Steele, Trump dossier author, for possible criminal charges
Funny are full of shit.

Steele went to FBI with his findings who treated them as raw intelligence, but they knew parts of it matched up with other indepedent sources.

. . and the is why both he, and the folks he went to in the FBI should be locked up.

Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Hey Dumbass....

It's your party that lies, and cheats....

Just ask crazy Bernie dip shit....

Nutter, you are barking up the wrong tree, the concepts I laid out are not partisan.

There is no indication Steele broke any laws, no indication he is in any criminal legal jeopardy, no indication that he should be locked up.
Senators refer Christopher Steele, Trump dossier author, for possible criminal charges

"Christopher Steele [referred] to the Justice Department for investigation about false statements he may have made about “the distribution of claims contained in the dossier.”"

Article is from JANUARY, nothing was found.

Here is the refute of the Republican referral from Feinstein:

Analysis Refutes Criminal Referral of Christopher Steele
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