Imagine losing your job for indiscretions from your youth 20 30 or 40 years later....

Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.
As a 30something, I went to a costume party as a flasher (wearing walking shorts under my rain coat and black wingtips).

Seriously, what I don't get is why a simple apology in Franken's case, and even if this guy was to offer one, is not enough to save a career. When we see Trump, Steve King, Kemp .....

I understand Trumpofiles have double standards. And I know there are republicans here in Mississippi who are embarrassed Cindy Hyde Smith's pattern of social media wasn't uncovered long before she went national, but WE'RE STUCK WITH HER. But why do the Dems eat their own, even when their sins are more of stupidity and they have no evil intent for sexism or racism
the problem is that you don't see the double standards from your own side.

when you can do that, we'll get somewhere. but when you rope everyone who doesn't agree with you into 1 stereotype so you can call them all that way - well that's you being lazy.
Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.
As a 30something, I went to a costume party as a flasher (wearing walking shorts under my rain coat and black wingtips).

Seriously, what I don't get is why a simple apology in Franken's case, and even if this guy was to offer one, is not enough to save a career. When we see Trump, Steve King, Kemp .....

I understand Trumpofiles have double standards. And I know there are republicans here in Mississippi who are embarrassed Cindy Hyde Smith's pattern of social media wasn't uncovered long before she went national, but WE'RE STUCK WITH HER. But why do the Dems eat their own, even when their sins are more of stupidity and they have no evil intent for sexism or racism
the problem is that you don't see the double standards from your own side.

when you can do that, we'll get somewhere. but when you rope everyone who doesn't agree with you into 1 stereotype so you can call them all that way - well that's you being lazy.
No matter what you think of the situation, I think we can all appreciate the irony that THIS governor is struggling to make it through his FIRST TERM
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

It was total bullshit.

He should have got fired for saying infanticide is no big deal.
go drown yourself. I'm certainly not voting for these dems. But what was no problem for cindy hyde Smith is enough to get the Va governor to resign. And Trump and Franken. Pfft.
It's the Dem's PC Rulebook, they wrote it, they need to live by it. But I'm not bound.
go drown yourself. I'm certainly not voting for these dems. But what was no problem for cindy hyde Smith is enough to get the Va governor to resign. And Trump and Franken. Pfft.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.

They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than…
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

Keep in mind also that if you were drinking a beer 20-30 years ago, you were walking around raping everything in sight.
dude you were doing the gang bang weekly.
go drown yourself. I'm certainly not voting for these dems. But what was no problem for cindy hyde Smith is enough to get the Va governor to resign. And Trump and Franken. Pfft.

I haven't heard about Cindy Hyde-Smith, what happened?

What part of Mississippi are you in? I've got lotsa kin in the southwest.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

Your past cacthing up to you Gramps....?

This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

Your past cacthing up to you Gramps....?

Nope, already been there, done that. My past only haunts liberals who can not argue the merits of any given subject. Then and only then does my past somehow creep into the discussion.
The LibTards needed to throw one of their own under the bus for political reasons...

To show their even-handedness, when pursuing Republicans far more vigorously...

Hell, in a LibTard Bonus Round, they were even gonna be able to kick-out a Bad White Guy in favor of a Good Black Guy...

Except it backfired... and their Black Guy is apparently facing charges of Sexual Assault... a far worse accusation than his boss faces...

The way the Dems keep chasing their own tail...

They keep traveling in ever-diminishing circles until they finally disappear up their own tailpipe...

LibTards gonna LibTard...

But that does not help us here, and the damage is done... irrevocably and irretrievably.

The (soon-to-be-ex-) governor of Virginia can no longer govern effectively...

As a public servant, he needs to faithfully discharge his final duty to the Commonwealth to the best of his ability...

By resigning.


"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."

MP Leo Amery, citing Oliver Cromwell, to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, after the war disasters of early 1940, paving the way for Winston Churchill.

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I see

so if this is a liberal issue, wtf do you care of it Gramps?
liberals are now worthy of your time....?

Here in Lee's Summit we have a school superintendent who is under fire right now because a photo of him surfaced with him holding a beer I think and giving the camera the bird. It's an old photo from a tailgate party.

This is how incredibly stupid this shit has gone.
I agree with you, but I am enjoying watching the show

I think it is likely that Northam got "suicided" because the abortion deal was creating too many problems

it's even better now that Justin Fairfax is in the #metoo crosshairs; looks like THAT story may wind up being even more problematic

while I do think it is a shame that we gave come to this; I have to admit I am enjoying watching ole Coonman squirm; especially after what a race pimp he was in the VA election

If this were a republican, we'd already be seeing protests and riots

the double standard is disgusting

Who is this "Coonman" then?
This is apparently the conservative republican plan....they don't want to share the Racist stage with any democrat.
I wish I could take credit for this, but I can't

Will share it anyway - Virginia's Line of Succession of Gubernatorial Powers

1. Current Governor - Ralph "Coonman" Northam (D)

2. Lt Governor - Justin "Oral" Fairfax (D)

3. Attorney General - Mark Herring (D)

4. Speaker of the House of Delegates - Kirk Cox (R)

5. House of Delegates convenes to fill vacancy

I can definitely see us getting all the way to number 5, possibly in the next week. There will definitely be a Red Herring thrown out once Fairfax's oral arguments go limp, and the next guy in line is named Cox. No I'm not making that up, so he's definitely going down.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass. “Forgiveness” is in their blood.... for the right price
The way to stop the madness is to throw it right back at the left. Hold them accountable for every single thing they've ever done, no matter how trivial it seems. Keep pounding them with it until they stop fucking doing it themselves. Let the monster THEY created devour THEM. Then it will stop.

The Left has no idea how to be held accountable. They appointed themselves as the Morality Police and even with that, they are inconsistent (SEE ‘Hate Crimes’). The Left is so busy holding everyone else accountable, flinging mud, and crying victim.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

It’s all coming to an end because polititions can have something they said in the past pop up and cause them trouble? So stupid govrener of Virginia, Ol’Coonman is getting taken down by muck rakers? Not really. He did it to himself. Trump has had accusation after accusation made against him yet here he is. The good govrener did it to himself by doing the typical politition thing, he followed his instincts and lied first. Zero sympathy.
Imagine losing your job for indiscretions from your youth 20 30 or 40 years later....
As a generality, yeah, that sure sounds harsh, and unfair...

As a specific or particular, in this context, engaging in racially offensive behaviors...

While trying to govern a diverse State with a slave-holding history, from the former capital of the Confederacy...

In a government leadership role requiring a lifelong commitment to egalitarianism and mutual respect...

Well... yeah... I can imagine it... and so can scores of millions of other Americans...


As a doctoral student, engaging in such behaviors 20 years after the passage of the Civil Rights movement...

He knew better... or should have...

If not... sux to be him... in politics, if you want a friend... buy a dog...

Hell, the optics and smell on this one are so bad that even his own Democrats are throwing him under the bus...

They have to, in order to avoid charges of duplicity and hypocrisy when they bash The Creature in the White House...

The (soon-to-be-ex-) governor's political career is finished...

The only political decision left to him, is whether he goes out with grace and style, or has to be dragged-out kicking and screaming...

He can no longer govern effectively...

It is time for him to resign.
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This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.
Someone's pussy irritated?
Then you agree that vendettas are cool. Personally I would watch areas I lived in be irradiated without guilt. I would watch extended family members dealt with. I would watch people who screwed with me to affect my life be slowly tortured. That pussy talk is a wide avenue. You live off of those who were educated to keep taking the crap. Most of it religiously. Millenials are not as religious. Combined we are a nation of pussies.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

It’s all coming to an end because polititions can have something they said in the past pop up and cause them trouble? So stupid govrener of Virginia, Ol’Coonman is getting taken down by muck rakers? Not really. He did it to himself. Trump has had accusation after accusation made against him yet here he is. The good govrener did it to himself by doing the typical politition thing, he followed his instincts and lied first. Zero sympathy.
it's time to separate VA like the old days. South Va ,North Va and West Virginai.
Build another wall !

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