Imagine losing your job for indiscretions from your youth 20 30 or 40 years later....

...It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass...
That was then.

This is now.

The Democratic Party is far more enthralled to Minorities nowadays than they were in Byrd's prime.
I decided not to run for office the day a picture from 1960 surfaced showing me tearing off the "do not remove under penalty of law" tag from a department store mattress.
/——/ There is s photo of me at age 12 drinking a Dr Pepper through a plastic straw. My political prospects are doomed.
...It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass...
That was then.

This is now.

The Democratic Party is far more enthralled to Minorities nowadays than they were in Byrd's prime.
if we can go back 30 years to what someone did in HS to condemn them today with, then we can damn sure show pics of the left hanging with KKK members and it's just as valid.

the left really doesn't think things through and seems to constantly forget the right will do whatever they do back to them.
...It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass...
That was then.

This is now.

The Democratic Party is far more enthralled to Minorities nowadays than they were in Byrd's prime.
if we can go back 30 years to what someone did in HS to condemn them today with, then we can damn sure show pics of the left hanging with KKK members and it's just as valid.

the left really doesn't think things through and seems to constantly forget the right will do whatever they do back to them.

"The left" --- whatever that is ---- has never "hung with KKK members". You can't go any further right than the Klan. KKK were the original fascists before fascism had a name.

Byrd, if that's the reference, quit all that before he ever ran for office. But even if he hadn't it wouldn't have put him anywhere remotely near "the left".
...It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass...
That was then.

This is now.

The Democratic Party is far more enthralled to Minorities nowadays than they were in Byrd's prime.
if we can go back 30 years to what someone did in HS to condemn them today with, then we can damn sure show pics of the left hanging with KKK members and it's just as valid.

the left really doesn't think things through and seems to constantly forget the right will do whatever they do back to them.

"The left" --- whatever that is ---- has never "hung with KKK members". You can't go any further right than the Klan. KKK were the original fascists before fascism had a name.

Byrd, if that's the reference, quit all that before he ever ran for office. But even if he hadn't it wouldn't have put him anywhere remotely near "the left".

Storm Thurmond quit all that too yet when Trent Lott praised him, the Left crucified Lott. I never said anything about The Left hanging with the Klan .... just pointed out the different standards they have depending on the stripes of the people. That’s all.
...It’s all bullshit. Robert Byrd wore a hood and sheets to the highest level and Democrats kissed his ass...
That was then.

This is now.

The Democratic Party is far more enthralled to Minorities nowadays than they were in Byrd's prime.
if we can go back 30 years to what someone did in HS to condemn them today with, then we can damn sure show pics of the left hanging with KKK members and it's just as valid.

the left really doesn't think things through and seems to constantly forget the right will do whatever they do back to them.

"The left" --- whatever that is ---- has never "hung with KKK members". You can't go any further right than the Klan. KKK were the original fascists before fascism had a name.

Byrd, if that's the reference, quit all that before he ever ran for office. But even if he hadn't it wouldn't have put him anywhere remotely near "the left".

Storm Thurmond quit all that too yet when Trent Lott praised him, the Left crucified Lott. I never said anything about The Left hanging with the Klan .... just pointed out the different standards they have depending on the stripes of the people. That’s all.

Maybe learn how to read the quote nest. I didn't quote you. I quoted Iceberg, the poster who actually made the conflation. I even quoted his exact words.

Strom (not "Storm") Thurmond was never associated with the Klan anyway.
I decided not to run for office the day a picture from 1960 surfaced showing me tearing off the "do not remove under penalty of law" tag from a department store mattress.
The bar for running for office these days is literally 'Christ-like'...for anyone other than a Democrats. :p

True. They demand you have to follow Christ to the letter but clutch their pearls in panic at the very thought of a theocracy.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

It's called fascism.
Except when the left does it...
Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.

You're so insensitive. Shame on you.
Here in Lee's Summit we have a school superintendent who is under fire right now because a photo of him surfaced with him holding a beer I think and giving the camera the bird. It's an old photo from a tailgate party.

This is how incredibly stupid this shit has gone.
I agree with you, but I am enjoying watching the show

I think it is likely that Northam got "suicided" because the abortion deal was creating too many problems

it's even better now that Justin Fairfax is in the #metoo crosshairs; looks like THAT story may wind up being even more problematic

while I do think it is a shame that we gave come to this; I have to admit I am enjoying watching ole Coonman squirm; especially after what a race pimp he was in the VA election

If this were a republican, we'd already be seeing protests and riots

the double standard is disgusting

Who is this "Coonman" then?
This is apparently the conservative republican plan....they don't want to share the Racist stage with any democrat.

Apparently, there are far too many racist democrats crowding the stage.
True. They demand you have to follow Christ to the letter but clutch their pearls in panic at the very thought of a theocracy.
Christians are sinners who are called to do better, to try to live a life worthy of Christ's sacrifice. Liberals mock people of faith, morals, integrity, ethics. They mock those who try and stumble while they demonstrate most of them believe it is better not to even try at all. They claim to have faith while attempting to kick God out of our government and while quoting fake Bible verses. :p
I hate the term flip-flopping and do not use it on everyone. I believe SOME people can grow, can become wiser, can learn, and that their minds can be broadened, that their beliefs can change. At the same time one has to be smart enough not to be played for a fool. Pelosi and Schumer, for example - they have voted for the wall twice now. Suddenly they rabidly oppose it, even after voting for the last wall put up, as well. The only thing that has changed is that Trump defeated Hillary. That is not a true change of heart or mind - that's pathetic partisan politics / hatred. Again, wisdom and common sense have to come into play, not JUST blind faith in people. People change. Opinions change. Attitudes change. Facts and real evidence does not.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.
Sad commentary on the world today but welcome to the snowflake generation where phony outrage is all the rage.
I hate the term flip-flopping and do not use it on everyone. I believe SOME people can grow, can become wiser, can learn, and that their minds can be broadened, that their beliefs can change. At the same time one has to be smart enough not to be played for a fool. Pelosi and Schumer, for example - they have voted for the wall twice now. Suddenly they rabidly oppose it, even after voting for the last wall put up, as well. The only thing that has changed is that Trump defeated Hillary. That is not a true change of heart or mind - that's pathetic partisan politics / hatred. Again, wisdom and common sense have to come into play, not JUST blind faith in people. People change. Opinions change. Attitudes change. Facts and real evidence does not.
In away they are using wisdom and common sense, but it's the political kind. A win for Trump on the wall makes it more likely Trump will win in 2020. NP and Schumer want a democrat as president. It's all about power and not what is best for America.
Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.

You're so insensitive. Shame on you.

I blame it on my mother.
Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.

You're so insensitive. Shame on you.

I blame it on my mother.
Always a safe move.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

I think it was Todd Starnes of Fox News who said that today's kids who sing the current racist hip hop/rap music lyrics will someday be in big trouble when the morality of today is found unacceptable by future idiots.

EDIT: Wait a minute...what am I saying???

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