Imagine losing your job for indiscretions from your youth 20 30 or 40 years later....

In fairness, Leave it to Beaver was offensive to anybody with eyes and ears.
I liked it. I was small, though.
I watched all them old shows. Loved most of them except Gomer Pyle, hated that show

The 60’s was the golden age of TV shows: Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, The Munsters, Gilligan’s Island, the Addams Family, Batman, Star Trek, Green Acres, Gunsmoke, Hogan's Heroes, Laugh-In, Mannix, Mission Impossible, The Beverly Hillbillies……..aaand the golden age of Pop Music.
Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's. Guess I'll never be able to run for office. Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.

Now, sadly, that is funny! It's even funnier (or sadder) that this is what it has almost come down to these days. Nice post that hits the bullseye.
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

What gives power to all this nonsense is people so accused of insensitive behavior insisting on apologizing for it.

What we need is a round of big "fuck you's" toward all the accusers, and the media who fuel this shit. I did plenty of insensitive things in the name of hilarity when young, and still do.

I have no regrets, and no apologies to give, especially not for giving an opinion.
The bar for running for office these days is literally 'Christ-like'...for anyone other than a Democrats. :p

…..but aren't you forgetting that little incident regarding his unruly disruption of commerce?

He never did repay the money lenders for the chips on those tables.
First time I sat out Halloween I was helping my Mom hand out candy, and this kid in a fake afro and black face came to the door. You know there are pictures of him out there somewhere today. :lol:
funny, the leftists are the ones who forgive those who kill and rape that are let out of prison for their second chances, yet discretionary acts as children are held to higher standard. I piss on the left. They would indeed eat their own. The governor should resign for his comments on killing babies and nothing more. His college days are due to being human and a kid. I don't care he may have been the black face or kkk pictures at all. Just don't.
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Y’all realize he was 25 years old at the time and it was 1984 . Not some dopey middle schooler in the 60s .
and what? who cares? why do you care? why are you out to destroy a person? I bet you're ok with second chances for killers right?
The bar for running for office these days is literally 'Christ-like'...for anyone other than a Democrats. :p

…..but aren't you forgetting that little incident regarding his unruly disruption of commerce?

He never did repay the money lenders for the chips on those tables.
Actually not....they were sinning, violating laws - God's laws in God's house. Besides, he didn't take the coins, he just flipped the tables. 'Righteous indignation'?! Opened a can of 'Holy whoop burro'?! :p
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

What gives power to all this nonsense is people so accused of insensitive behavior insisting on apologizing for it.

What we need is a round of big "fuck you's" toward all the accusers, and the media who fuel this shit. I did plenty of insensitive things in the name of hilarity when young, and still do.

I have no regrets, and no apologies to give, especially not for giving an opinion.
stand up for oneself and stop folding to stupid people who wish to destroy our country.
Everything you see in those pictures of me back then were the result of a drinking game, period.
This morning I mentioned to my wife that what wierd's me out isn't so much he flipped and now says "I'm not in the pic, but I did dress like Michael Jackson back in the 80s."

I said, "did that somehow seem like a good idea at the time."

Wife says, "Lot's of guys dressed as Diana Ross and the Supremes"

I'm thinking OOOOKAY.

Hmmm as a child I was rewarded with sugary treats for dressing up like Mexican Bandits on Halloween too! But that might have been the 60's.

Guess I'll never be able to run for office.

Wait, no pictures so ...... nevermind.
As a 30something, I went to a costume party as a flasher (wearing walking shorts under my rain coat and black wingtips).

Seriously, what I don't get is why a simple apology in Franken's case, and even if this guy was to offer one, is not enough to save a career. When we see Trump, Steve King, Kemp .....

I understand Trumpofiles have double standards. And I know there are republicans here in Mississippi who are embarrassed Cindy Hyde Smith's pattern of social media wasn't uncovered long before she went national, but WE'RE STUCK WITH HER. But why do the Dems eat their own, even when their sins are more of stupidity and they have no evil intent for sexism or racism
When the Democrats want to destroy someone there is nothing in their past, no matter how far back, that is off-limits. If you drank a beer back in high school, they claim it means you are a criminal (under-aged drinking) and makes you an alcoholic today.

The way to stop the madness is to throw it right back at the left. Hold them accountable for every single thing they've ever done, no matter how trivial it seems. Keep pounding them with it until they stop fucking doing it themselves. Let the monster THEY created devour THEM. Then it will stop.

Cool posts bros.

I'll send it along to whoever next brings up, say, Robert Byrd.
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I decided not to run for office the day a picture from 1960 surfaced showing me tearing off the "do not remove under penalty of law" tag from a department store mattress.

I got you beat. I did that when I was a tiny little kid, about four or five. Then I went to the window to watch for Da Police.

My mother set that up by teaching me to read.
funny, the leftists are the ones who forgive those who kill and rape that are let out of prison for their second chances, yet discretionary children are held to higher standard. I piss on the left. They would indeed eat their own. The governor should resign for his comments on killing babies and nothing more. His college days are due to being human and a kid. I don't care he may have been the black face or kkk pictures at all. Just don't.
Leftists don't FORGIVE those who kill and rape - they provide them with a Safe Haven through Sanctuary Cities. :p

They want to kill babies right up to the second of birth, want to kill babies that survive a failed abortion, and call for HS students to be burned alive and thrown head-1st into wood chippers. They have called for the President's son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by Pedophiles. They have called for women in the Trump administration to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped on camera. They hid sexual misconduct for decades while they paid for their victims' silence with tax dollars. Their past is horrifically littered with the KKK, Margaret Sanger, and Louis Farrakhan, etc...yet they are constantly calling others 'racists'.

Enough is damn enough!
This seems to be the hill we have decided to do battle on and it just boggles my mind. All these "offensive" pictures or statements or whatever resurfacing decades later and essentially the outrage machine goes into overdrive to end careers.
We are dooming entire generations to failure now in this instant information age.
We let criminals out of prison and they rejoin society but if you were involved in a practical joke or some other poor decision nonsense (non criminal to boot) you are finished.

This disease of PC Run Amuck is infecting every aspect of our lives now. From something as simple as exercising in a gym while wearing a Trump 2016 shirt (yes a gym here told a patron to remove the shirt or leave) to our movies and music (not rap of course, that is protected). Even walking in public is now offensive if you wear the wrong political partys clothing.
When Leave it to Beaver is considered offensive you know the situation has gone full retard.

We are destroying the social fabric of our nation with this nonsense. A sense of public decency is secondary to your right to walk in public with a pussy on your head.

Especially when leftist hero Senator Robert "Sheets" Byrd wore a Klan rag deliberately as a full fledged member. Now you wore one on halloween 30 years ago and you may as well shoot yourself?

Kinda fucked up.

Here in Lee's Summit we have a school superintendent who is under fire right now because a photo of him surfaced with him holding a beer I think and giving the camera the bird. It's an old photo from a tailgate party.

This is how incredibly stupid this shit has gone.
I agree with you, but I am enjoying watching the show

I think it is likely that Northam got "suicided" because the abortion deal was creating too many problems

it's even better now that Justin Fairfax is in the #metoo crosshairs; looks like THAT story may wind up being even more problematic

while I do think it is a shame that we gave come to this; I have to admit I am enjoying watching ole Coonman squirm; especially after what a race pimp he was in the VA election

If this were a republican, we'd already be seeing protests and riots

the double standard is disgusting

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