Imagine working in the White House under Trump

On the surface you want to keep your impressive position in the government, but deep down you know that working with Trump is a nightmare and is not worth it.

The anonymous accounts of those telling their story is telling. We see those kinds of articles everyday. I’m gonna try and summarize how they all feel and how most of us feel.

He’s impulsive, stupid, petty, childish, selfish, whiny, insecure, and is made all the more pathetic by his desperate and laughable attempt to seem tough and smart to those around him.
You couldn't pay me enough money to work for any president in the White House.
"impulsive, stupid, petty, childish, selfish, whiny, insecure, and is made all the more pathetic by his desperate and laughable attempt to seem tough and smart to those around him." sounds like most that have ever worked there, at least the ones the wife and I had contact with over the decades she and/or I worked for "beltway bandits". Matter of fact that describes most people in government service.
It WOULD be fun to work for Donald Trump. Mostly to see how he accomplishes so much and to see how he "ticks", so to speak.
Not even remotely interested, dealt with enough political and bureaucratic egos for one lifetime thank you..........
It would be SO damned fun and interesting. To observe how a SUCCESSFUL White House works. THAT would be priceless.
Sooooooo, you actually have hope it's going to make a difference in the long run eh? Good luck.
On the surface you want to keep your impressive position in the government, but deep down you know that working with Trump is a nightmare and is not worth it.

The anonymous accounts of those telling their story is telling. We see those kinds of articles everyday. I’m gonna try and summarize how they all feel and most of us feel.

He’s impulsive, stupid, petty, childish, selfish, whiny, insecure, and is made all the more pathetic by his desperate and laughable attempt to seem tough and smart to those around him.

I’ll go ahead and “summarize” Billy’s super intellectual post...
The End

Is this another one of those “billionaires are stupid, I’m smarter than billionaires” sort of posts posted by someone who will soon post begging for free shit and a touch of commie-lite socialism?
I totally predicted you saying that first sentence because apparently that’s your “bazinga!” on this board.

I already explained this to you more than once. Trump is only rich because daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars. That’s it. That’s the only reason he ever become rich.

Want some peanut butter with that jelly?
If I were in the White House I would try to trip Nancy-Pants and watch her teeth fall out.......Then I'd sneak into Schumer's office and put grease on his glasses and watch them fall off his nose.....I'd sneak up behind Nadler and snip his belt and watch the avalanche of fat roll out.....I'd give Schiff those fake binoculars that leave a black ring around your eyes....It would be tons of fun!! :113:
I’m sorry billions? He’s worth like 1 billion. And yeah, daddy probably gave him some basic investment tips so he’s worth more now. I love how you denigrate poor people as being free loaders yet you think it’s fine Trump was born with an extra silver spoon up his ass. If it wasn’t for daddy, Trump would be working fast food by now.

If I were in the White House I would try to trip Nancy-Pants and watch her teeth fall out.......Then I'd sneak into Schumer's office and put grease on his glasses and watch them fall off his nose.....I'd sneak up behind Nadler and snip his belt and watch the avalanche of fat roll out.....I'd give Schiff those fake binoculars that leave a black ring around your eyes....It would be tons of fun!! :113:

I'd prefer the chance to beat the living hell out of Adam Schitt.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job. Must be why I've already sent his campaign over a $1,000.00, and plan to send more.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
I see we have another one who majored in stupidity at trump University, lol.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
I see we have another one who majored in stupidity at trump University, lol.
The only thing you see is your gut overhanging your pathetic little peanut sized dick... you ignorant democrap cuck.
If I were in the White House I would try to trip Nancy-Pants and watch her teeth fall out.......Then I'd sneak into Schumer's office and put grease on his glasses and watch them fall off his nose.....I'd sneak up behind Nadler and snip his belt and watch the avalanche of fat roll out.....I'd give Schiff those fake binoculars that leave a black ring around your eyes....It would be tons of fun!! :113:

I'd prefer the chance to beat the living hell out of Adam Schitt.

He does have a punchable face, but just a slap would probably break his skinny little pencil neck.
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job. Must be why I've already sent his campaign over a $1,000.00, and plan to send more.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
VERY nicely put, thank you.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
I see we have another one who majored in stupidity at trump University, lol.

What you see is limited through Nancy Pelosi's bellybutton. Your health care provider probably will pay to have your head removed from her ass.
On the surface you want to keep your impressive position in the government, but deep down you know that working with Trump is a nightmare and is not worth it.

The anonymous accounts of those telling their story is telling. We see those kinds of articles everyday. I’m gonna try and summarize how they all feel and how most of us feel.

He’s impulsive, stupid, petty, childish, selfish, whiny, insecure, and is made all the more pathetic by his desperate and laughable attempt to seem tough and smart to those around him.
See what happens when ya put all your eggs in the mueller basket, you're stuck with posts like ^that/this^...does it hurt as badly as it seems?
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Where is this BS source of yours that says he is worth 4 billion? Do you actually believe that shit? It’s questionable if this idiot is worth even 1 billion.
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Where is this BS source of yours that says he is worth 4 billion? Do you actually believe that shit? It’s questionable if this idiot is worth even 1 billion.
It would be SO nice working for BILLIONAIRE Donald Trump!
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Where is this BS source of yours that says he is worth 4 billion? Do you actually believe that shit? It’s questionable if this idiot is worth even 1 billion.

I said he was worth 4.5 BILLION, lost a billion so that comes to 3.5 BILLION.

I don't care what you believe. President Trump could walk on water and you'd scream that he couldn't swim.

Why do hate all the great things President Trump has done for our country?
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Where is this BS source of yours that says he is worth 4 billion? Do you actually believe that shit? It’s questionable if this idiot is worth even 1 billion.

I said he was worth 4.5 BILLION, lost a billion so that comes to 3.5 BILLION.

I don't care what you believe. President Trump could walk on water and you'd scream that he couldn't swim.
Be honest. If Trump was instead completely financially independent since age 18 instead of getting a chunk of daddy’s wealth, would he be a billionaire? Come one be honest.
If daddy just gave you 10’s of millions of dollars, would you be impressed by your own success?

Having turned it into 4.5 BILLION, yes I'd be pretty proud. Since he has lost a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy, I like him all the more. In his later years, he could be just enjoying the fruits of all his hard work for decades. Instead of that, he chooses to work for free, for the American citizens.

Billy000, do you even know how much is a billion dollars?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Where is this BS source of yours that says he is worth 4 billion? Do you actually believe that shit? It’s questionable if this idiot is worth even 1 billion.

I said he was worth 4.5 BILLION, lost a billion so that comes to 3.5 BILLION.

I don't care what you believe. President Trump could walk on water and you'd scream that he couldn't swim.
Be honest. If Trump was instead completely financially independent since age 18 instead of getting a chunk of daddy’s wealth, would he be a billionaire? Come one be honest.

I don't care what you believe. President Trump could walk on water and you'd scream that he couldn't swim.

Once again, why do you hate all the good things President Trump has done for our country?

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