Imagine working in the White House under Trump

The Trump White House is a house of horrors. Based on all that I read, it led by a toddler who can't control his impulses. His own staff, not any careerists, but his own staff has to keep shit away from him because he is so unstable.

When the book is written on the Trump White House it should be called "Batshit crazies in the White House Belfry."
The Trump White House is a house of horrors. Based on all that I read, it led by a toddler who can't control his impulses. His own staff, not any careerists, but his own staff has to keep shit away from him because he is so unstable.

When the book is written on the Trump White House it should be called "Batshit crazies in the White House Belfry."
It would be WONDERFUL to work under our wonderful president, wouldn't it?
That's the truth as I see it.

Now is the time to make an argument if you have one. But of course... you don't.

When you have a bad case of TDS, all you can do is drool and throw insults around. Lol!
You guys always feel the need to gang up in me these days. I take it as a good sign.

Just stating the facts!
Lol, no.

Go ahead a lie, I expect it of you.

Just don't try to pretend you aren't. That's insulting.

Lie about what? Face it, you have nothing. Most of the time, you drool and insult.
About me.

You guys always feel the need to gang up in me these days. I take it as a good sign.

We're trying to help you stop making such a complete fool of yourself. You follow the marching orders you get from MSNBC, CNN, DailyKOS, Facebook, and others.

Is it possible, just possible that President Donald Trump really has not committed a crime and is making very positive changes in our country? If not, how are all these great things happening now to our country?
He has committed a crime. He admits it.

Our country is changing for the worse, not better.

The stock market isn't the country.
"Pretty lucky ,, your name will be in the history books as the most S̶u̶c̶c̶e̶s̶s̶f̶u̶l̶ corrupt administration in the history of America. Amazing"
Fixed it.

30 million was spent investigating Trump and nothing.

Best AND cleanest administration. Unapologetically American....
Wow,. Just wow.

Are you lying or are you gullible enough to really believe that load of shit?

That's the truth as I see it.

Now is the time to make an argument if you have one. But of course... you don't.

What about all the folks in jail or about to be?

Under investigation?

Resigned or pushed out?

Impeachment anyone?

Ethics, emoluments, and so on? How many current lawsuits?

Wake up and smell the subpoenas kid!
President Donald Trump would be fabulous to work with. You'd get SO much done and never be idle. THAT would be exciting.
So, that's why nobody stays long?
30 million was spent investigating Trump and nothing.

Best AND cleanest administration. Unapologetically American....
Wow,. Just wow.

Are you lying or are you gullible enough to really believe that load of shit?

That's the truth as I see it.

Now is the time to make an argument if you have one. But of course... you don't.

What about all the folks in jail or about to be?

Under investigation?

Resigned or pushed out?

Impeachment anyone?

Ethics, emoluments, and so on? How many current lawsuits?

Wake up and smell the subpoenas kid!
President Donald Trump would be fabulous to work with. You'd get SO much done and never be idle. THAT would be exciting.
So, that's why nobody stays long?
He's QUITE wonderful and exciting. I'm SO glad you finally see this.
Wow,. Just wow.

Are you lying or are you gullible enough to really believe that load of shit?

That's the truth as I see it.

Now is the time to make an argument if you have one. But of course... you don't.

What about all the folks in jail or about to be?

Under investigation?

Resigned or pushed out?

Impeachment anyone?

Ethics, emoluments, and so on? How many current lawsuits?

Wake up and smell the subpoenas kid!
President Donald Trump would be fabulous to work with. You'd get SO much done and never be idle. THAT would be exciting.
So, that's why nobody stays long?
He's QUITE wonderful and exciting. I'm SO glad you finally see this.
You've got a little orange, right there on the end of your nose.....
That's the truth as I see it.

Now is the time to make an argument if you have one. But of course... you don't.

What about all the folks in jail or about to be?

Under investigation?

Resigned or pushed out?

Impeachment anyone?

Ethics, emoluments, and so on? How many current lawsuits?

Wake up and smell the subpoenas kid!
President Donald Trump would be fabulous to work with. You'd get SO much done and never be idle. THAT would be exciting.
So, that's why nobody stays long?
He's QUITE wonderful and exciting. I'm SO glad you finally see this.
You've got a little orange, right there on the end of your nose.....
Donald Trump is a fantastic president. I'm glad you FINALLY recognize this.
Hundreds of millions, not tens, and he really doesn't have billions.

You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting that false allegation. Would you please correct that oversight?
Trump's father gave his son at least $413 million: New York Times

I don't make false allegations. I'm not some slobbering tRumpkin after all.

Of course, you make false allegations. You stated that he is not a multi-billionaire which is not in question.

Further, do you really trust the New York Times today?
If you respect the law and like to eat sausage, don't watch either of them being made.
To work with the most successful president in the history of the United States, that was schemed on to remove him from office since before he even won the election by corrupt democraps, and has turned America into a dynamo envied by the rest of the world in SPITE of the crap stain democraps? Ya... I'd not only love to work for his White House, but I'd love just to MEET him and shake his hand and THANK HIM for doing such an OUTSTANDING job.

Democrats are the party of TRASH... literally.
I see we have another one who majored in stupidity at trump University, lol.
The only thing you see is your gut overhanging your pathetic little peanut sized dick... you ignorant democrap cuck.
Is that really the best you could do scooter, lol?
No, but that's the best you deserve. You're too pathetic to even get my good replies... skippy... lol.

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