Immigration is Destroying America.


Soooooooooo , we have too many people........hummmmmmmmmmmmm..........can you then help alleviate the problem by leaving .

I can. But there's no reason why I should. Since I was born here, Have lived here all my life. Worked and paid taxes here for 50 years and served in the Us military for 5 years.
To the contrary, new arriving immigrants have done none of these things. They have no right to be here. Or should I say YOU ? (instead of they) :badgrin:

Another white manpig who thinks he's better than everyone else.

By the way, since you list being born here and having lived here all your life as part of the credentials that should allow you to stay in the U.S., I assume you won't be a complete, unrepentant hypocrite when all those "anchor babies" conservatards rail against claim that they, too, should not be deported along with their "illegal" parynts (as if humyn beings can be illegal!) because they, like you, were born here and have lived in this country their entire lives.

Look at this bullshit.

Business owner Jerry Schill receives a phone call almost daily from condo or commercial businesses looking to hire his North Ridgeville, Ohio, landscaping company, but he has to turn nearly all of them away.

With just 106 employees, he has passed on potential clients with multiple locations and other big projects. The problem: He needs five managers to oversee work crews, quality control and safety.

He has advertised the managerial positions, which pay up to $75,000 a year and include retirement benefits, for Schill Grounds Management Inc. since October. So far, he hasn't found anyone with both managerial and landscaping experience. If these jobs weren't still vacant, "we could easily add 20% more business," he says.

There are two problems with this. The first, this jackass is hiring for only for managers. What the fuck. This is why costs are so fucking high--idiots like him ARE LITERALLY REFUSING TO LET THEIR WORKERS WORK without some moron making $75,000 standing around and pointing fingers at the job site.

The second problem: The whiny bitch in this example is setting his standards way too high, and crying about not being able to find someone to meet his ridiculous demands. He wants an overpaid babysitter but doesn't take skill into account at all, only the magical word experience. I am forced to wonder how many well-educated applicants he's turned away because they didn't have enough experience. Employers forget that "experience" is merely code for "I avoided getting fired for X number of months," and does not reflect ability in the least.

So, Unkotare, your argument about unfilled jobs hinges upon douchebags like this corporate Schill who REFUSE to hire people who don't have years worth of extremely specific experience. They have dug, and continue to dig, their own grave.

In the latest WSJ/Vistage survey, 35% of 270 services businesses said they couldn't identify qualified candidates, versus 12% of the 135 manufacturing firms, and 8% of 85 wholesale trade businesses.

There's that reference again, "qualified candidates," because non-existent-omniscient-being forbid these capitalist pigs actually hire someone with real skills and not just the ability to claim they didn't get fired from their last job for however many months in a row.

All of the above are EXACTLY why we need to abolish markets and establish a global economic system of pure communism. Capitalism clearly isn't working because capitalists literally won't let it. Communists like myself have no problem letting other people succeed.

There are two problems with this. The first, this jackass is hiring for only for managers. What the fuck. This is why costs are so fucking high--idiots like him ARE LITERALLY REFUSING TO LET THEIR WORKERS WORK without some moron making $75,000 standing around and pointing fingers at the job site.

Something doesn't ring true with that story - I hire managers from within -people who have worked their way up and demonstrated intelligence, judgement and leadership qualities, and that has worked out very well . You certainly don't need a Moron "college-boy" standing around making 75,000 - and in the Landscaping business - anyone worth 75,000 or up with landscaping experience is probably already involved in their own enterprise and not looking to work for someone else - I would also be weary of hiring such a person - management level people are generally the first ones who will venture out on their own - taking your clientelle with them [with or without a non-compete clause]

The whole scenario just doesn't sound copasetic
Soooooooooo , we have too many people........hummmmmmmmmmmmm..........can you then help alleviate the problem by leaving .

I can. But there's no reason why I should. Since I was born here, Have lived here all my life. Worked and paid taxes here for 50 years and served in the Us military for 5 years.
To the contrary, new arriving immigrants have done none of these things. They have no right to be here. Or should I say YOU ? (instead of they) :badgrin:

Another white manpig who thinks he's better than everyone else.

By the way, since you list being born here and having lived here all your life as part of the credentials that should allow you to stay in the U.S., I assume you won't be a complete, unrepentant hypocrite when all those "anchor babies" conservatards rail against claim that they, too, should not be deported along with their "illegal" parynts (as if humyn beings can be illegal!) because they, like you, were born here and have lived in this country their entire lives.

Not that I should need to explain myself to a racist pig like you, but I happen to only be 50% white. My paternal grandparents both immigrated to the US from British Honduras
(now called Belize) in Central America, I am Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish. Try reading the thread before you come stumbling in here making an idiot out of yourself.

As for the rest of that unintelligible gobbledegook you posted, try again. Or better yet, maybe you might take up needlepoint instead of political forum posting. So far this doesn't look like your thing. I mean really.
Not that I should need to explain myself to a racist pig like you, but I happen to only be 50% white. My paternal grandparents both immigrated to the US from British Honduras
(now called Belize) in Central America, I am Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish. Try reading the thread before you come stumbling in here making an idiot out of yourself.

Muy interesante.

Y entonces por quieres crear otra republica socialista como la mierda que dejastes?!?!?!?!?
Soooooooooo , we have too many people........hummmmmmmmmmmmm..........can you then help alleviate the problem by leaving .

I can. But there's no reason why I should. Since I was born here, Have lived here all my life. Worked and paid taxes here for 50 years and served in the Us military for 5 years.
To the contrary, new arriving immigrants have done none of these things. They have no right to be here. Or should I say YOU ? (instead of they) :badgrin:

Another white manpig who thinks he's better than everyone else.

By the way, since you list being born here and having lived here all your life as part of the credentials that should allow you to stay in the U.S., I assume you won't be a complete, unrepentant hypocrite when all those "anchor babies" conservatards rail against claim that they, too, should not be deported along with their "illegal" parynts (as if humyn beings can be illegal!) because they, like you, were born here and have lived in this country their entire lives.

Another white manpig who thinks he's better than everyone else.

Another Racist Sexist Rant from the new resident pig in lipstick :lol:

as if humyn beings can be illegal!

Criminals are Illegal - Foreigners invading our country to drain our resources, live tax free, and thumb their noses at our culture and way of life -demanding instead that we conform to their language and their customs are illegal . ¿ Comprende coño ?
The welfare/warfare state and not immigration is destroying the USA.

Immigration is destroying our public services(aka the welfare state) among other things, like flooding our labor markets(taking jobs from Americans and driving wages down for the rest).

If it were up to insane and autistic libertarians like yourself that advocate open borders and privatization, there would be no social safety net or public services,and we would be brought down to the wages and living standards present in the third world countries these immigrants come from.

All you guys care about is the almighty dollar before anything else.

Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force.


Don't dude me faggot.

And yes it does, Americans shouldn't have to compete with foreigners for jobs in America. And Americans guaranteed public services shouldn't be strained by foreigners at the expense of struggling Americans.

Sorry, I view America as an actual country, not a third world open air market where everything and everyone is for sale like you do.
The welfare/warfare state and not immigration is destroying the USA.

Immigration is destroying our public services(aka the welfare state) among other things, like flooding our labor markets(taking jobs from Americans and driving wages down for the rest).

If it were up to insane and autistic libertarians like yourself that advocate open borders and privatization, there would be no social safety net or public services,and we would be brought down to the wages and living standards present in the third world countries these immigrants come from.

All you guys care about is the almighty dollar before anything else.

!!!!!!What welfare state.....compared to us......YOU DON'T HAVE ONE:D
Not that I should need to explain myself to a racist pig like you, but I happen to only be 50% white. My paternal grandparents both immigrated to the US from British Honduras
(now called Belize) in Central America, I am Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish. Try reading the thread before you come stumbling in here making an idiot out of yourself.

Muy interesante.

Y entonces por quieres crear otra republica socialista como la mierda que dejastes?!?!?!?!?


este medio liberal perra es un verdadero no-cerdo es ella?
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I read in the paper the other day in an article about how Indians had won a land claim, then they asked the Chief how he felt, he said: it's a proud day to be an Indian. Or is this like niggas calling each other nigga, but white people can't called them nigga?

FYI, people from India are called: "Hey you! Get out of here, you stink." :D

What.......A white man in America I thought was a Whitenigga..Enjoy the racism because I am:D:D:D but I'M NOT RACIST:lol::lol::lol:

This thread is about immigration. It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with race. Got that ? You are now cordially invited to :anj_stfu:

You are talking SHIT as has everything to do with Racism to Trolls like you...What planet do You live on:mad:
The welfare/warfare state and not immigration is destroying the USA.

Immigration is destroying our public services(aka the welfare state) among other things, like flooding our labor markets(taking jobs from Americans and driving wages down for the rest).

If it were up to insane and autistic libertarians like yourself that advocate open borders and privatization, there would be no social safety net or public services,and we would be brought down to the wages and living standards present in the third world countries these immigrants come from.

All you guys care about is the almighty dollar before anything else.

Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force

When that "competing labor force" is low-wage foreigners, here for reasons that pertain only to VESTED INTERESTS (as I listed numerous times earlier in the thread), and no other good reason, while being HARMFUL to the American people (as I listed 16 reasons why, in the OP), then that "competing labor force" is an entity which is adverse to national security and the interests of the American people.
Furthermore the "competing labor force" is far more than just that. It is the invasion army of countries who are carrying on an imperialist/economic war against the US, and sacking it of its wealth ($123 Billion/year just in remittances alone). This invasion of these cheap labor "troops" is the means with which Mexico is obtaining their 3 1 source of income (US remittances$$$ + the US paying their welfare bill)
The welfare/warfare state and not immigration is destroying the USA.

Immigration is destroying our public services(aka the welfare state) among other things, like flooding our labor markets(taking jobs from Americans and driving wages down for the rest).

If it were up to insane and autistic libertarians like yourself that advocate open borders and privatization, there would be no social safety net or public services,and we would be brought down to the wages and living standards present in the third world countries these immigrants come from.

All you guys care about is the almighty dollar before anything else.

Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force

When that "competing labor force" is low-wage foreigners, here for reasons that pertain only to VESTED INTERESTS (as I listed numerous times earlier in the thread), and no other good reason, while being HARMFUL to the American people (as I listed 16 reasons why, in the OP), then that "competing labor force" is an entity which is adverse to national security and the interests of the American people.
Furthermore the "competing labor force" is far more than just that. It is the invasion army of countries who are carrying on an imperialist/economic war against the US, and sacking it of its wealth ($123 Billion/year just in remittances alone). This invasion of these cheap labor "troops" is the means with which Mexico is obtaining their # 1 source of income (US remittances$$$ + the US paying their welfare bill)
The welfare/warfare state and not immigration is destroying the USA.

They're basically two arms of the same Monster - it all evolves a socio-fascist strategy known as Cloward-Piven

With all due respect to Messrs Cloward and Piven I disagree. The problem is demagogue politicians who are willing to set aside principles in favor of electability.


That's another tentacle of the "Monster" - but from the Obama Regimes perspective - I believe they are trying to bring about a collapse - the Democratic Party -including the Politicians and grass roots naive Democratic voters are simply useful idiots
Immigration is destroying our public services(aka the welfare state) among other things, like flooding our labor markets(taking jobs from Americans and driving wages down for the rest).

If it were up to insane and autistic libertarians like yourself that advocate open borders and privatization, there would be no social safety net or public services,and we would be brought down to the wages and living standards present in the third world countries these immigrants come from.

All you guys care about is the almighty dollar before anything else.

Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force.


Don't dude me faggot.

And yes it does, Americans shouldn't have to compete with foreigners for jobs in America. And Americans guaranteed public services shouldn't be strained by foreigners at the expense of struggling Americans.

Sorry, I view America as an actual country, not a third world open air market where everything and everyone is for sale like you do.

Look , the only way to protect your job is to limit competition . Become a neurosurgeon. Otherwise Juan is going to take your dishwasher job away from you.

They're basically two arms of the same Monster - it all evolves a socio-fascist strategy known as Cloward-Piven

With all due respect to Messrs Cloward and Piven I disagree. The problem is demagogue politicians who are willing to set aside principles in favor of electability.


That's another tentacle of the "Monster" - but from the Obama Regimes perspective - I believe they are trying to bring about a collapse - the Democratic Party -including the Politicians and grass roots naive Democratic voters are simply useful idiots

Again the trend is towards fascism/socialism but is not due to a great master plan.

How else would you explain the reason a left wing liberal like Ted Kennedy voted for airline deregulation.

Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force.


Don't dude me faggot.

And yes it does, Americans shouldn't have to compete with foreigners for jobs in America. And Americans guaranteed public services shouldn't be strained by foreigners at the expense of struggling Americans.

Sorry, I view America as an actual country, not a third world open air market where everything and everyone is for sale like you do.

Look , the only way to protect your job is to limit competition . Become a neurosurgeon. Otherwise Juan is going to take your dishwasher job away from you

NO, that's not the only way to PROTECT your job. When you use the word "PROTECT", you are talking my language, and my niche in this forum. Protectionism is done through government. That is its # 1 responsibility. To PROTECT the American people from harm. And that includes the 16 items listed in my list of Harms of Immigration, in the OP.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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Dude, you should not have to pay because immigrants are here.

But that doesn't mean that you should be free of a competing labor force.


Don't dude me faggot.

And yes it does, Americans shouldn't have to compete with foreigners for jobs in America. And Americans guaranteed public services shouldn't be strained by foreigners at the expense of struggling Americans.

Sorry, I view America as an actual country, not a third world open air market where everything and everyone is for sale like you do.

Look , the only way to protect your job is to limit competition . Become a neurosurgeon. Otherwise Juan is going to take your dishwasher job away from you.


Another way is to stop immigration. also, like a typical libertarian, you are so far out of touch with reality that you make statements that all immigrants are mexican dishwashers. Immigrants are not primarily employed as agricultural labor or dishwashers or gardeners. They are employed in the service industry(the largest economic sector), construction, and tech among other thing. They aren't just taking lower class jobs(since apparently the lower class doesn't matter to you), they are taking middle class jobs as well. Since 2010 alone, immigrants have taken 40% of the new jobs and since 2000 all net job growth(5 million jobs) has gone to immigrants and americans have taken a net job loss(around 100 k overall) despite the amount of working age Americans increasing by 17 million people.

All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants | Center for Immigration Studies
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With all due respect to Messrs Cloward and Piven I disagree. The problem is demagogue politicians who are willing to set aside principles in favor of electability.


That's another tentacle of the "Monster" - but from the Obama Regimes perspective - I believe they are trying to bring about a collapse - the Democratic Party -including the Politicians and grass roots naive Democratic voters are simply useful idiots

Again the trend is towards fascism/socialism but is not due to a great master plan.

How else would you explain the reason a left wing liberal like Ted Kennedy voted for airline deregulation.


I'm not familiar with the scenario [Kennedy- airline deregulation] there are probably alot of variables to look into. And I don't really think Kennedy or his Genre of Democratic Party scum was / is part of the Obama Regime Agenda. Just Useful Idiots of the highest order. I will however look into the Kennedy airline dereg. scenario - and if I formulate a useful opinion I'll get back to you. Right now , my pillow is calling my name. Regards "Comrade"
Not that I should need to explain myself to a racist pig like you, but I happen to only be 50% white. My paternal grandparents both immigrated to the US from British Honduras
(now called Belize) in Central America, I am Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish. Try reading the thread before you come stumbling in here making an idiot out of yourself.

Muy interesante.

Y entonces por quieres crear otra republica socialista como la mierda que dejastes?!?!?!?!?


este medio liberal perra es un verdadero no-cerdo es ella?

Como cualquier estudiante de la universidad respetable en los Estados Unidos, yo también hablo español. Usted no debe pensar en su "código secreto" está más allá de mi alcance.
What.......A white man in America I thought was a Whitenigga..Enjoy the racism because I am:D:D:D but I'M NOT RACIST:lol::lol::lol:

This thread is about immigration. It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with race. Got that ? You are now cordially invited to :anj_stfu:

You are talking SHIT as has everything to do with Racism to Trolls like you...What planet do You live on:mad:

I repeat. It has NOTHING to do with racism (despite your feeble attempt to portray it that way). I created the thread. I wrote the OP, and I had no element of racism included in it (with the small possible exception of the anti-white racism that exists in affirmative action discrimination, which increases the job loss harm) And YOU are the "Troll" here, polluting the message of my OP.
Not that I should need to explain myself to a racist pig like you, but I happen to only be 50% white. My paternal grandparents both immigrated to the US from British Honduras
(now called Belize) in Central America, I am Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish. Try reading the thread before you come stumbling in here making an idiot out of yourself.

Muy interesante.

Y entonces por quieres crear otra republica socialista como la mierda que dejastes?!?!?!?!?

Nice try. There is no such word in Spanish as "dejastes" Maybe you mispelled one of the conjugations of dejar.

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