Immigration & Politics

I, too, believe we should have control of our borders and I strongly support immigration reform to deal with the millions of people already here. I find it interesting that you support some laws and not others, but like to call others out on their lack of support for immigration laws....very interesting indeed.

Like what?


Uh oh! He's got you now!! You won't find any evidence of Mac not supporting certain laws.

Mac doesn't make declarative statements. He just nuzzles up to freaks and idiots on here so he can be a shadow of his true self.....but never gave to answer for it.

He's clean as a whistle.

evasion and ad homs

Well, that's it then. You win the debate with that wily tactic. :rolleyes:

You think this is a debate? Yer funny, for a white supremacist.

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

That is why I say Clinton is the worse president in my lifetime.


Crack me up. What happened to most worstist?

Ah, if that is the worst thing I ever post I am pretty lucky.

Just trying to help. You are welcome.
Okay, here's an idea.

How about going after the people who HIRE illegals instead of trying to mess with these folks.

I mean, you can keep rounding them up and deporting them, but they'll just come back. Or someone else will replace them.
Okay, here's an idea.

How about going after the people who HIRE illegals instead of trying to mess with these folks.

I mean, you can keep rounding them up and deporting them, but they'll just come back. Or someone else will replace them.
how about close and enforce the border and they won't be back and some new ones won't replace them.

Why do you want the border left open?
Okay, here's an idea.

How about going after the people who HIRE illegals instead of trying to mess with these folks.

I mean, you can keep rounding them up and deporting them, but they'll just come back. Or someone else will replace them.

Take their crap.

Is that a hotel on beach front property?


I got five that says they don't play that anymore after someone loses the first one.
how about close and enforce the border and they won't be back and some new ones won't replace them.

Why do you want the border left open?

Weird how you want to deflect from a very legit question. Weird. You don't really want to do anything about immigration reform. You all just want to bitch.

If there were no jobs, the illegals would self deport. If the employers can hire them with little or no repercussions, then illegals will be here for the foreseeable future to take the jobs that employers have and pay them cheap wages.

Why you want your beloved corporations to have higher labor costs?

Do you approve of nafta?

No, I think it's a horrible treaty. But it was one that Republicans pushed, negotiated, lobbied for and got Bill Clinton to sign.'s the republicans fault that clinton signed it.

Interesting, joe...did they hold him at gunpoint? Did they kidnap his daughter until he signed?

Did they ask him to push for it harder then anything else during his term?

Who cares?
Are you also saying it's the republican's fault that clinton signed it?

Nice trick there, if you could get away with one is fooled, though

I think you read that wrongly, I was agreeing with you.
An anarchist wouldn't recognize borders, moron.
ravi, I don't care about you redefining things and we aren't talking about me or what I do or and jow like to wander off topic to call people names...very revealing, ravi.
I, too, believe we should have control of our borders and I strongly support immigration reform to deal with the millions of people already here. I find it interesting that you support some laws and not others, but like to call others out on their lack of support for immigration laws....very interesting indeed.

Like what?


Like Public Accommodation.

Do you approve of nafta?

No, I think it's a horrible treaty. But it was one that Republicans pushed, negotiated, lobbied for and got Bill Clinton to sign.'s the republicans fault that clinton signed it.

Interesting, joe...did they hold him at gunpoint? Did they kidnap his daughter until he signed?

Did they ask him to push for it harder then anything else during his term?

Who cares?
Are you also saying it's the republican's fault that clinton signed it?

Nice trick there, if you could get away with one is fooled, though

I think you read that wrongly, I was agreeing with you.

I beg your pardon. I misunderstood.
Forgive my confusion.
I, too, believe we should have control of our borders and I strongly support immigration reform to deal with the millions of people already here. I find it interesting that you support some laws and not others, but like to call others out on their lack of support for immigration laws....very interesting indeed.

Like what?


Like Public Accommodation.

Great, good question. First of all, I support all laws, although there are some that I'm not fond of. But ya still gotta support them until and unless you can get them changed. As you and I have agreed in the past, I think we could change those laws to better effect. My problem with that topic (trying not to derail the thread here) is that I think that law is only being leveraged for political gain, not because its proponents are infatuated with "the law". You & I have the same goals on that issue, we just want to get there from opposite directions.

Back on this topic, the GOP should be in a great position - just pass a new fucking bill, drop it on Obama's desk, and this is over. But they don't seem to want to.

how about close and enforce the border and they won't be back and some new ones won't replace them.

Why do you want the border left open?

Weird how you want to deflect from a very legit question. Weird. You don't really want to do anything about immigration reform. You all just want to bitch.
We don't need "reform". We need to close and enforce our border and current laws.

If there were no jobs, the illegals would self deport.
Every nation in the world has borders. There are reasons.
It's not up to the illegals to decide to "self deport"...that isn't their choice. Come here illegally and get caught, go to jail until the next truck leaves for the border...
What are these illegals going to do in the meantime before they decide to "self deport"? Commit crimes to support themselves? Illegals weaken our infrastructure (you guys like that word, don't you?) and deplete resources that should be going to citizens.
If the employers can hire them with little or no repercussions, then illegals will be here for the foreseeable future to take the jobs that employers have and pay them cheap wages.
If the border were closed and enforced your question would be moot.
Close the border.
Deport illegals.

Why you want your beloved corporations to have higher labor costs?

I don't have "beloved" anything except my wife...trying to slip in snarky comments doesn't make you look very honest.

I'm against the left leaving the border open to allow illegals to come in and be exploited for their cheap labor...not to mention the businesses that hire them don't have to supply insurance or workmans comp for the illegals...Why do you want to allow corporations to continue to get away with that?
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.
The left likes human rights abuses if it suits their agenda.
I, too, believe we should have control of our borders and I strongly support immigration reform to deal with the millions of people already here. I find it interesting that you support some laws and not others, but like to call others out on their lack of support for immigration laws....very interesting indeed.

Like what?


Like Public Accommodation.

Great, good question. First of all, I support all laws, although there are some that I'm not fond of. But ya still gotta support them until and unless you can get them changed. As you and I have agreed in the past, I think we could change those laws to better effect. My problem with that topic (trying not to derail the thread here) is that I think that law is only being leveraged for political gain, not because its proponents are infatuated with "the law". You & I have the same goals on that issue, we just want to get there from opposite directions.

Back on this topic, the GOP should be in a great position - just pass a new fucking bill, drop it on Obama's desk, and this is over. But they don't seem to want to.


Asking to be treated equally (to include PA protections) is not for political gain, it is for equality and civil rights, just like when they originated way back in the mid 60s. And not in a single post in any PA law thread do you give the indication that you support those laws. You don't support the application of those laws and that is apparent, but I won't derail your thread any further.

I will point out, AGAIN, that a bill has been passed by the Senate with 68 votes and has been waiting for the House to take it up. It does not, however, have a "majority of the majority" support so the "both sides do it my ass" Boehner Congress won't allow it to the floor for a vote (also, because it will pass and the Boehner can't give President Obama a "win" in any way)
I, too, believe we should have control of our borders and I strongly support immigration reform to deal with the millions of people already here. I find it interesting that you support some laws and not others, but like to call others out on their lack of support for immigration laws....very interesting indeed.

Like what?


Like Public Accommodation.

Great, good question. First of all, I support all laws, although there are some that I'm not fond of. But ya still gotta support them until and unless you can get them changed. As you and I have agreed in the past, I think we could change those laws to better effect. My problem with that topic (trying not to derail the thread here) is that I think that law is only being leveraged for political gain, not because its proponents are infatuated with "the law". You & I have the same goals on that issue, we just want to get there from opposite directions.

Back on this topic, the GOP should be in a great position - just pass a new fucking bill, drop it on Obama's desk, and this is over. But they don't seem to want to.


Asking to be treated equally (to include PA protections) is not for political gain, it is for equality and civil rights, just like when they originated way back in the mid 60s. And not in a single post in any PA law thread do you give the indication that you support those laws. You don't support the application of those laws and that is apparent, but I won't derail your thread any further.

I will point out, AGAIN, that a bill has been passed by the Senate with 68 votes and has been waiting for the House to take it up. It does not, however, have a "majority of the majority" support so the "both sides do it my ass" Boehner Congress won't allow it to the floor for a vote (also, because it will pass and the Boehner can't give President Obama a "win" in any way)

I just like the idea of the incoming Congress passing a nice, new, shiny, fresh & clean bill so that the Republicans have no excuse for not coming up with clear ideas on this.

..trying to slip in snarky comments doesn't make you look very honest.

I'm against the left leaving the border open to allow illegals to come in and be exploited for their cheap labor.

Trying to slip in snarky comments like the above does not make you look very honest.

Was George Bush a Republican? I believe he was. And what did he do to shut down the border? I forget.
Refresh my memory.

Is there a comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Senate sitting somewhere in the House waiting for a vote? Why there sure is. And why won't Bohoner bring it up for a vote? Why?

You think illegals only started arriving since Obama was elected. Right?

As to whether or not illegals will self deport. Sure they will. I have seen it. When there is snow on the roofs up north and roofing can't be done, there are no illegals around. They went back home to live like kings on the money they made on the Americans roofs.

If no roofing companies would give them a job, they might come back, once. Then they are gonna stay home.
You all act like this is rocket science. Illegals come here for work. If no one will hire them, they won't come here for work.
I will point out, AGAIN, that a bill has been passed by the Senate with 68 votes and has been waiting for the House to take it up. It does not, however, have a "majority of the majority" support so the "both sides do it my ass" Boehner Congress won't allow it to the floor for a vote (also, because it will pass and the Boehner can't give President Obama a "win" in any way)

Have you noticed that NONE of the people posting on here complaining about Obama will even TOUCH this fact?
Got a bill, passed the Senate, Repubs won't bring it to the floor for a vote.

And nothing but silence. Proof once again that Republican do not want to solve problems. They just want to bitch about the black man that kicked their collective asses.
Was George Bush a Republican? I believe he was. And what did he do to shut down the border? I forget.
Refresh my memory.

Just further proof there is little difference between BO and W...and by extension, Rs and Ds.

But sadly, many progs and cons can't see the deception.
..trying to slip in snarky comments doesn't make you look very honest.

I'm against the left leaving the border open to allow illegals to come in and be exploited for their cheap labor.

Was George Bush a Republican? I believe he was. And what did he do to shut down the border? I forget.
Refresh my memory.

Is obama the president now? Why is the border still open?
Using misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct in the present is absurd. Grow up.

Is there a comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Senate sitting somewhere in the House waiting for a vote? Why there sure is. And why won't Bohoner bring it up for a vote? Why?
Who cares? We don't need "reform"..we have laws in place. Enforce them.

You think illegals only started arriving since Obama was elected. Right?
No. That's ridiculous. Why would you even say something like that? Distraction?

As to whether or not illegals will self deport. Sure they will. I have seen it. When there is snow on the roofs up north and roofing can't be done, there are no illegals around. They went back home to live like kings on the money they made on the Americans roofs.
We don't allow lawbreakers to determine our immigration laws or whether or not they'll "self deport" isn't up to them..It's a law enforcement matter..They broke the law..

If no roofing companies would give them a job, they might come back, once. Then they are gonna stay home.

If they can't sneak in illegally..or when they get caught they get handcuffed and put on the next truck to the border, they won't come at all.
You all act like this is rocket science.
I'm not "acting" like anything. Why are you trying to change the subject?

Illegals come here for work.
So? Illegal means illegal.

If no one will hire them, they won't come here for work.

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.

No more cheap labor and human rights abuses for the left and their corporate sponsors.[/QUOTE]

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