Immigration Reform Ideas


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
1) End birthright citizenship because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.

2) End DACA because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.

3) Limit chain immigration to Spouses and Offspring.

4) Create a Citizen National ID card that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote. (this is a virtual fence)

5) Stop giving block grants to racist organizations that seek to block the enforcement of our immigration laws.

6) Fine Sanctuary Cities
If only these people had the ability to make their own countries as nice as Americans, AKA White people
Kill all immigrants and everyone that's descended from immigrants!
yer kyna stoopid, aincha?

Why i
1) End birthright citizenship because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.

2) End DACA because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.

3) Limit chain immigration to Spouses and Offspring.

4) Create a Citizen National ID card that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote. (this is a virtual fence)

5) Stop giving block grants to racist organizations that seek to block the enforcement of our immigration laws.

6) Fine Sanctuary Cities

End the immigration era like we ended the expansionism and pioneering era. We need no more people in the country, and it has to be done someday. Why not now?
2) Limit DACA to those already here (no mas)

7) Build the Wall

This is valid. The deal made here is simple, "give me my money and approval for immediate building of the wall and you get a process to citizenship (hopefully a lengthy and rigid process)".

This way far fewer new issues with illegal immigrants going forward, it's a compromises. Now we will see just who is heartless and who isn't, right? If there is so much concern for these Dreamers, than surely they would sign off on ANY funding number to save them from deportation. Sadly, this is a political issue, but only because some don't want to defend Americas southern border. Giving out citizenship to anyone who crosses illegally is akin to giving ransom to hostage takers.

I know that I feel for these kids without question. I also understand how unfair it is for those going through the immigration process legally. Rule of Law and Due Process, Individual Rights. Purely American ideals, and they have to be upheld, or you become lawless, unaccountable Canada.
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Allow only single, childless women between the ages of 16, and 25, into the country. Citizenship then becomes dependant upon them marrying an American and having a child within 4 years of entrance. Failure to comply results in deportation.
2) Limit DACA to those already here (no mas)

7) Build the Wall

This is valid. The deal made here is simple, "give me my money and approval for immediate building of the wall and you get a process to citizenship (hopefully a lengthy and rigid process)".

This way far fewer new issues with illegal immigrants going forward, it's a compromises. Now we will see just who is heartless and who isn't, right? If there is so much concern for these Dreamers, than surely they would sign off on ANY funding number to save them from deportation. Sadly, this is a political issue, but only because some don't want to defend Americas southern border. Giving out citizenship to anyone who crosses illegally is akin to giving ransom to hostage takers.

I know that I feel for these kids without question. I also understand how unfair it is for those going through the immigration process legally. Rule of Law and Due Process, Individual Rights. Purely American ideals, and they have to be upheld, or you become lawless, unaccountable Canada.
Since the "one-time-only" amnesty of 1986, there have been eight amnesties including DACA

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