impeachment , the magic show performed by Democrat leaders for Democrat voters


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
impeachment of Trump isn't going to happen.
it has to be passed by Congress then it needs a super majority in the Senate (66%)

It's just a big show so Democrat leaders can seem dedicated to their cause.
impeachment of Trump isn't going to happen.
it has to be passed by Congress then it needs a super majority in the Senate (66%)

It's just a big show so Democrat leaders can seem dedicated to their cause.

The Left manufacture another Trump scandal every week or two to keep their base alive and believing as soon as the last one begins to fade. Without the belief that defeat of Trump was "right around the corner," half of the democrats would implode from nothing t look forward to.

Now we have The Mad Pipe Bomber, hates democrats --- Trump's fault.
Before that we had the Honduran Caravan, mass illegal exodus to USA --- Trump's fault.
Before that we had Brett Kavanaugh, out of control drunken serial rapist --- Trump's fault.
Before that we had Hurricane Michael, climate changing --- Trump's fault.

It just goes on and on without end.
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