In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

He is a Zionist activist. He believes that regardless who lived in Palestine the Europeans had the right to evict the people living there. That's just absurd.

You haven't proven the Europeans evicted anybody. What's been proven without a doubt is that the Arab armies warned the Palestinians to get out of the way.

“The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.”

— Palestinian Authority (then) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (Falastin a-Thaura, (March 1976)

Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America
By Eric J Sundquist

Pages displayed by permission of
Harvard University Press. Copyright.

Eric Sundquist

Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities

Department Chair

Department of English

Johns Hopkins University

26 Gilman Hall

3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (410) 516-1103
Email: [email protected]

Eric J. Sundquist teaches courses in American literature and culture, with special interests in African American literature, Jewish American literature, and the literature of the Holocaust. Before returning to Johns Hopkins, where he received his Ph.D. in 1978, he taught at Berkeley, Vanderbilt, UCLA, and Northwestern, where he was also Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

*sigh* Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America By Eric J Sundquist, a review;

"Sundquist adopts a boilerplate Zionist narrative of the history of Palestine and Israel that would not pass muster in any college classroom worth its name, which romanticizes Israelis and denigrates Palestinians."

it goes on,

"This virtually propagandistic obfuscation is typical of Sundquist's treatment of Israel and Palestine throughout his historical account, from 1948 to 1967 to 1973, with Israel's survival always assumed to be at stake from hateful Arab nations. The most significant and brutal Jewish massacre of Arabs is buried in a sea of equivocation (including a veiled reference to the myth of "Arab broadcasts") in a selective and distorted historical context-without regard, for example, to what is now known about Zionist plans for transfer (carried out before and after Deir Yassin), collusion between Zionist leaders and the leader of Trans-Jordan (Emir Abdullah) to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state, or the tepidness of Arab intervention, arguably not a serious threat to the nascent but already well-armed Jewish state. Again, in spite of the Sundquist's references to new Israeli historians like Avi Shlaim and to Rashid Khalidi, he seems unwilling to seriously address the implications of what is now conventional scholarly wisdom, which well explains the ongoing destruction of Palestinian national aspirations." Strangers in the Land Blacks Jews Post-Holocaust America 9780674030695 Eric J. Sundquist Books

"A review" by an asshole like yourself doesn't discredit a well respected and established professor, author, and historian.

Wrong again Rude-ee strikes again! Not my review, just one of many. Eric J Sundquist is not a historian, he's a professor of English and a rabid Zionist, it appears.

Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars an teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


The only literature that supports the Zionist myth is generated and promulgated by Zionist propaganda sites. If one reads the source documents from the archives of universities, the UN etc., none of it supports the Zionist myth.
"Even though much material about the Palestinian refugees in Israeli archives is still classified, what has been uncovered provides enough information to establish that in many cases senior commanders of the Israel Defense Forces ordered Palestinians to be expelled and their homes blown up......Most historians who have researched the subject paint a radically different picture. They present evidence that Ben-Gurion knew in real time about the expulsion of Palestinians and apparently authorized expulsions in a number of cases. In the absence of reliable information from the period, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether Ben-Gurion had actually persuaded himself that the majority of Palestine’s Arabs had left of their own volition, or did not even believe this himself but wanted history to believe it. "


Squirm like a worm all that you want. It still won't change the historical fact that Arab armies ordered the Palestinians out of the way prior to their attack on Israel. Case closed.

“The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.”

— Palestinian Authority (then) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (Falastin a-Thaura, (March 1976)

Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America
By Eric J Sundquist

Pages displayed by permission of
Harvard University Press. Copyright.

Eric Sundquist

Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities

Department Chair

Department of English

Johns Hopkins University

26 Gilman Hall

3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (410) 516-1103
Email: [email protected]

Eric J. Sundquist teaches courses in American literature and culture, with special interests in African American literature, Jewish American literature, and the literature of the Holocaust. Before returning to Johns Hopkins, where he received his Ph.D. in 1978, he taught at Berkeley, Vanderbilt, UCLA, and Northwestern, where he was also Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
You haven't proven the Europeans evicted anybody. What's been proven without a doubt is that the Arab armies warned the Palestinians to get out of the way.

“The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.”

— Palestinian Authority (then) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (Falastin a-Thaura, (March 1976)

Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America
By Eric J Sundquist

Pages displayed by permission of
Harvard University Press. Copyright.

Eric Sundquist

Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities

Department Chair

Department of English

Johns Hopkins University

26 Gilman Hall

3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (410) 516-1103
Email: [email protected]

Eric J. Sundquist teaches courses in American literature and culture, with special interests in African American literature, Jewish American literature, and the literature of the Holocaust. Before returning to Johns Hopkins, where he received his Ph.D. in 1978, he taught at Berkeley, Vanderbilt, UCLA, and Northwestern, where he was also Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

*sigh* Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America By Eric J Sundquist, a review;

"Sundquist adopts a boilerplate Zionist narrative of the history of Palestine and Israel that would not pass muster in any college classroom worth its name, which romanticizes Israelis and denigrates Palestinians."

it goes on,

"This virtually propagandistic obfuscation is typical of Sundquist's treatment of Israel and Palestine throughout his historical account, from 1948 to 1967 to 1973, with Israel's survival always assumed to be at stake from hateful Arab nations. The most significant and brutal Jewish massacre of Arabs is buried in a sea of equivocation (including a veiled reference to the myth of "Arab broadcasts") in a selective and distorted historical context-without regard, for example, to what is now known about Zionist plans for transfer (carried out before and after Deir Yassin), collusion between Zionist leaders and the leader of Trans-Jordan (Emir Abdullah) to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state, or the tepidness of Arab intervention, arguably not a serious threat to the nascent but already well-armed Jewish state. Again, in spite of the Sundquist's references to new Israeli historians like Avi Shlaim and to Rashid Khalidi, he seems unwilling to seriously address the implications of what is now conventional scholarly wisdom, which well explains the ongoing destruction of Palestinian national aspirations." Strangers in the Land Blacks Jews Post-Holocaust America 9780674030695 Eric J. Sundquist Books

"A review" by an asshole like yourself doesn't discredit a well respected and established professor, author, and historian.

Wrong again Rude-ee strikes again! Not my review, just one of many. Eric J Sundquist is not a historian, he's a professor of English and a rabid Zionist, it appears.

Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars an teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


The only literature that supports the Zionist myth is generated and promulgated by Zionist propaganda sites. If one reads the source documents from the archives of universities, the UN etc., none of it supports the Zionist myth.

Said the false propagandist paid liar who supports the Islamist Neo Nazi Palestinian myth.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers
Just facts from official UN documents that contradict the Zionist myth nonsense you constantly post. Posting Zionist propaganda written by a self-proclaimed Zionist doesn't change the facts.
"Even though much material about the Palestinian refugees in Israeli archives is still classified, what has been uncovered provides enough information to establish that in many cases senior commanders of the Israel Defense Forces ordered Palestinians to be expelled and their homes blown up......Most historians who have researched the subject paint a radically different picture. They present evidence that Ben-Gurion knew in real time about the expulsion of Palestinians and apparently authorized expulsions in a number of cases. In the absence of reliable information from the period, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether Ben-Gurion had actually persuaded himself that the majority of Palestine’s Arabs had left of their own volition, or did not even believe this himself but wanted history to believe it. "


I see you have stopped using the part that say just 3% of the arab muslims were forcibly removed.
Just facts from official UN documents that contradict the Zionist myth nonsense you constantly post. Posting Zionist propaganda written by a self-proclaimed Zionist doesn't change the facts.

Posting ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA even if it is in the UN archives does not mean it isn't ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA
Just facts from official UN documents that contradict the Zionist myth nonsense you constantly post. Posting Zionist propaganda written by a self-proclaimed Zionist doesn't change the facts.

What facts are those, you cannot disprove that the attacking Arab armies threatened the Palestinians leave in advance of an all out attack on the newly formed Jewish state. You cannot disprove it because it is recorded, corroborated and verified historical fact from a variety of unbiased and official sources. And historical facts cannot be changed no matter how many irrelevant posts you keep responding with, like a monkey throwing its own feces at the wall. You're just a nazi scumbag having a hissyfit.
No, it is not as the British communiques to the UN demonstrate. No official source corroborates the Zionist myth. Besides the UN documents, Israeli documents confirm much the same thing.

The file in the state archives contains clear evidence that the researchers at the time did not paint the full picture of Israel’s role in creating the Palestinian refugee problem.

By Shay Hazkani May.16, 2013

The Israeli censor’s observant eye had missed file number GL-18/17028 in the State Archives. Most files relating to the 1948 Palestinian exodus remain sealed in the Israeli archives, despite the fact that their period as classified files – according to Israeli law – expired long ago. Even files that were previously declassified are no longer available to researchers. In the past two decades, following the powerful reverberations triggered by the publication of books written by those dubbed the “New Historians,” the Israeli archives revoked access to much of the explosive material. Archived Israeli documents that reported the expulsion of Palestinians, massacres or rapes perpetrated by Israeli soldiers, along with other events considered embarrassing by the establishment, were reclassified as “top secret.”

Most historians today – Zionists, post-Zionists and non-Zionists – agree that in at least 120 of 530 villages, the Palestinian inhabitants were expelled by Jewish military forces, and that in half the villages the inhabitants fled because of the battles and were not allowed to return. Only in a handful of cases did villagers leave at the instructions of their leaders or mukhtars (headmen).

Ben-Gurion appeared to have known the facts well. Even though much material about the Palestinian refugees in Israeli archives is still classified, what has been uncovered provides enough information to establish that in many cases senior commanders of the Israel Defense Forces ordered Palestinians to be expelled and their homes blown up.

Haaretz Catastrophic thinking Did Ben-Gurion try to rewrite history Independent Australian Jewish Voices
So your "proof" is a conspiracy that lies hidden deep in those sealed secret Zionist files that nobody even knew existed? Ha ha ha ha. You can't pay for this entertainment.

What you posted just made you look even more foolish and desperate.

Meanwhile there is a vast archive of indesputable historical records that the Arabs made the Palestinians leave before the attack.
So your "proof" is a conspiracy that lies hidden deep in those sealed secret Zionist files that nobody even knew existed? Ha ha ha ha. You can't pay for this entertainment.

What you posted just made you look even more foolish and desperate.

Meanwhile there is a vast archive of indesputable historical records that the Arabs made the Palestinians leave before the attack.

File number GL-18/17028 was released in error and the information was gleaned from that file, as the article indicates.

No archive, no official document anywhere claims that the Arabs "made the Palestinians leave" as you put it. It has always been a Zionist fabrication that Ben Gurion believed could justify the Jew's eviction of the non-Jews. As stated in the article.
Nope. Various quotes corroborated by even Arabs themselves. Look them up.

Wall Street Journal, 5 June, 2003.

“Abu Mazen Charges that the Arab States are the Cause of the Palestinian Refugee Problem
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) wrote an article in March 1976 in Falastin al-Thawra, the official journal of the PLO in Beirut: ‘The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny, but instead they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe.’”

Jordan Daily Newspaper Falastin 19 February 1949

The Arab states which had encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promise to help these refugees.

Cairo Daily Newspaper Akhbar El-Yom 12 October 1963

May 15 1948 arrived; on that very day the Mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the
Arabs of Palestine to leave the country because the Arab armies were about to enter
and fight in their stead.

Memorandum by the Arab National Committee to the Arab League Governments on their refusal to sign a truce 27 April 1948

When the Arab delegation entered the conference room, it proudly refused to sign the truce and asked that the evacuation of the Arab population and their transfer to neighbouring Arab countries be facilitated. The Jewish Representatives expressed their profound regret. The Mayor of Haifa adjourned the meeting with a passionate appeal to the Arab population to reconsider its decision...
Poor Monte, can't refute these quotes.

  • ON APRIL 23, 1948 Jamal Husseini, acting chairman of the Palestine ArabHigher Committee (AHC), told the UN Security Council: "The Arabs did notwant to submit to a truce ... They preferred to abandon their homes, belongings and everything they possessed."
  • ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1948, the Beirut Daily Telegraph quoted Emil Ghory, secretary of the AHC, as saying: "The fact that there are those refugees is the direct consequence of the action of the Arab states in opposingpartition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously..."
  • ON JUNE 8, 1951, Habib Issa, secretary-general of the Arab League, wrote in the New York Lebanese daily al-Hoda that in 1948, Azzam Pasha, then League secretary, had "assured the Arab peoples that the occupation of Palestine and of Tel Aviv would be as simple as a military promenade ... Brotherly advice was given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave their land, homes and property, and to stay temporarily in neighbouring fraternal states."
  • IN THE MARCH 1976 issue of Falastin a-Thaura, then the official journal of the Beirut-based PLO, Mahmud Abbas ("Abu Mazen"), PLO spokesman, wrote: "The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live."
  • ON APRIL 9, 1953, the Jordanian daily al-Urdun quoted a refugee, Yunes Ahmed Assad, formerly of Deir Yassin, as saying: "For the flight and fall of the other villages, it is our leaders who are responsible, because of the dissemination of rumours exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs ... they instilled fear and terror into the hearts of the Arabs of Palestine until they fled, leaving their homes and property to the enemy."
  • ANOTHER refugee told the Jordanian daily a-Difaa on September 6, 1954: "The Arab governments told us, 'Get out so that we can get in.' So we got out, but they did not get in."
  • THE JORDANIAN daily Falastin wrote on February 19, 1949: "The Arab states... encouraged the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies."
  • ON OCTOBER 2, 1948, the London Economist reported, in an eyewitness account of the flight of Haifa's Arabs: "There is little doubt that the most potent of the factors [in the flight] were the announcements made over the air by the Arab Higher Executive urging all Arabs in Haifa to quit ... And it was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades."
  • THE PRIME Minister of Syria in 1948, Khaled al-Azem, in his memoirs, published in 1973, listed what he thought were the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948: " ... the fifth factor was the call by the Arab governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and leave for the bordering Arab countries ... We brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees bycalling on them and pleading with them to leave their land."
Of course I can refute that bullshit. It comes from a Hasbara propaganda sites, that's why you don't post the links. You are so transparent. You know how many quotes from Israeli leaders are available to post from similar sites on the other side? You see Ruddy, you are a propagandist, I am not.
Well refute it then! What are you waiting for, you Nazi dirtbag? I am quoting the exact document that these quotes come from.

"… while they express no bitterness against the Jews...they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states: 'We know who our enemies are,' they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes."

Foreign Office of Britain
Report on the Arab refugees
Document #371/75342/XC/A/4991, 1948

[When the United Nations partitioned Palestine into a Jewish and a Palestinian State the Arab Countries all jointly attacked the fledgling Jewish State of Israel. Despite the Israeli’s being overwhelmingly out numbered in man and weapons, they beat back the invaders. However while many Arabs stayed on their Israeli land and some helped the Jews defend against the Arab Armies some abandoned their homes and land and went to neighboring Arab Counties. This is what they had been asked to do by the Arab governments who wanted to be able to attack communities without worrying about killing Arabs. To spur the evacuation the spread false propaganda about Israeli atrocities and frightened them into leaving. As a motivation to leave they were told that they could move into the Jewish lands and property when the Jews had been driven outIn at least one case Arabs who stayed were subjected to violence. After the defeat of the Arabs, the Israelis had a dilemma in that they could not tell which Arabs were residents who had just been frightened and which had fought on the Arab side or helped the invaders. Meanwhile, the Arab countries would not allow the refugees to settle and become citizens of the Arab countries (except for Jordan). The Palestinian refugees were a particularly fertile population and were cared for by the United Nations and have multiplied too many times their original size maintaining a continuous festering problem.]

Eigen—Arnett Educational & Cultural Foundation Inc.
An IRS Approved 501 c3 Non Profit Foundation
Well refute it then! What are you waiting for, you Nazi dirtbag? I am quoting the exact document that these quotes come from.

"… while they express no bitterness against the Jews...they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states: 'We know who our enemies are,' they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes."

Foreign Office of Britain
Report on the Arab refugees
Document #371/75342/XC/A/4991, 1948

[When the United Nations partitioned Palestine into a Jewish and a Palestinian State the Arab Countries all jointly attacked the fledgling Jewish State of Israel. Despite the Israeli’s being overwhelmingly out numbered in man and weapons, they beat back the invaders. However while many Arabs stayed on their Israeli land and some helped the Jews defend against the Arab Armies some abandoned their homes and land and went to neighboring Arab Counties. This is what they had been asked to do by the Arab governments who wanted to be able to attack communities without worrying about killing Arabs. To spur the evacuation the spread false propaganda about Israeli atrocities and frightened them into leaving. As a motivation to leave they were told that they could move into the Jewish lands and property when the Jews had been driven outIn at least one case Arabs who stayed were subjected to violence. After the defeat of the Arabs, the Israelis had a dilemma in that they could not tell which Arabs were residents who had just been frightened and which had fought on the Arab side or helped the invaders. Meanwhile, the Arab countries would not allow the refugees to settle and become citizens of the Arab countries (except for Jordan). The Palestinian refugees were a particularly fertile population and were cared for by the United Nations and have multiplied too many times their original size maintaining a continuous festering problem.]

Eigen—Arnett Educational & Cultural Foundation Inc.
An IRS Approved 501 c3 Non Profit Foundation

No link as usual. Because it is a Zionist front.
Now, what the British really wrote and reported to the UN and from the UN archives with a link directly to the archives.



  • General Assembly
29 January 1948



"(c) The representative of the Mandatory Power informed the Commission at its sixteenth meeting on 21 January 1948, that:

    • “in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable. The Arabs are determined to show that they will not submit tamely to the United Nations Plan of Partition; while the Jews are trying to consolidate the advantages gained at the General Assembly by a succession of drastic operations designed to intimidate and cure the Arabs of any desire for further conflict.
A AC.21 7 of 29 January 1948
Meaning? Absolutely nothing. The Arabs engaged in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Jews by instruction of the Nazi mufti. Your post doesn't prove that the Arab armies didn't threaten the Palestinians to leave, JACKASS. As usual you post an irrelevant document and act as if you've accomplished something. Ha ha ha. Is this your idea of disproving those quotes. Time to put up or shut up.
Well refute it then! What are you waiting for, you Nazi dirtbag? I am quoting the exact document that these quotes come from.

"… while they express no bitterness against the Jews...they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states: 'We know who our enemies are,' they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes."

Foreign Office of Britain
Report on the Arab refugees
Document #371/75342/XC/A/4991, 1948

[When the United Nations partitioned Palestine into a Jewish and a Palestinian State the Arab Countries all jointly attacked the fledgling Jewish State of Israel. Despite the Israeli’s being overwhelmingly out numbered in man and weapons, they beat back the invaders. However while many Arabs stayed on their Israeli land and some helped the Jews defend against the Arab Armies some abandoned their homes and land and went to neighboring Arab Counties. This is what they had been asked to do by the Arab governments who wanted to be able to attack communities without worrying about killing Arabs. To spur the evacuation the spread false propaganda about Israeli atrocities and frightened them into leaving. As a motivation to leave they were told that they could move into the Jewish lands and property when the Jews had been driven outIn at least one case Arabs who stayed were subjected to violence. After the defeat of the Arabs, the Israelis had a dilemma in that they could not tell which Arabs were residents who had just been frightened and which had fought on the Arab side or helped the invaders. Meanwhile, the Arab countries would not allow the refugees to settle and become citizens of the Arab countries (except for Jordan). The Palestinian refugees were a particularly fertile population and were cared for by the United Nations and have multiplied too many times their original size maintaining a continuous festering problem.]

Eigen—Arnett Educational & Cultural Foundation Inc.
An IRS Approved 501 c3 Non Profit Foundation

No link as usual. Because it is a Zionist front.

Ha ha ha, you are a pathetic dirtbag that can't handle the truth. It's a site that simply stores historical quotes. Eat shi'ite:

Foreign Office of Britain- Quote About Arab Refugee Problem Arabs Israel Palestine refugees

"… while they express no bitterness against the Jews...they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states: 'We know who our enemies are,' they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes."

Foreign Office of Britain
Report on the Arab refugees
Document #371/75342/XC/A/4991, 1948

[When the United Nations partitioned Palestine into a Jewish and a Palestinian State the Arab Countries all jointly attacked the fledgling Jewish State of Israel. Despite the Israeli’s being overwhelmingly out numbered in man and weapons, they beat back the invaders. However while many Arabs stayed on their Israeli land and some helped the Jews defend against the Arab Armies some abandoned their homes and land and went to neighboring Arab Counties. This is what they had been asked to do by the Arab governments who wanted to be able to attack communities without worrying about killing Arabs. To spur the evacuation the spread false propaganda about Israeli atrocities and frightened them into leaving. As a motivation to leave they were told that they could move into the Jewish lands and property when the Jews had been driven outIn at least one case Arabs who stayed were subjected to violence. After the defeat of the Arabs, the Israelis had a dilemma in that they could not tell which Arabs were residents who had just been frightened and which had fought on the Arab side or helped the invaders. Meanwhile, the Arab countries would not allow the refugees to settle and become citizens of the Arab countries (except for Jordan). The Palestinian refugees were a particularly fertile population and were cared for by the United Nations and have multiplied too many times their original size maintaining a continuous festering problem.]

Eigen—Arnett Educational & Cultural Foundation Inc.
An IRS Approved 501 c3 Non Profit Foundation

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