In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

"A review" by an asshole like yourself doesn't discredit a well respected and established professor, author, and historian.

Wrong again Rude-ee strikes again! Not my review, just one of many. Eric J Sundquist is not a historian, he's a professor of English and a rabid Zionist, it appears.

Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars and teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


He holds the chair in English although he teaches courses in American literature and culture; doesn't make him an authority on the Palestine conflict. I don't have to approve or disapprove a source, for it to be valid, but I do reserve the right to highlight a biased or flawed source when I see one. thanks for the personal attack; proves I'm right. :)

I'd say a Harvard approved researcher and writer has more credibility than an IslamoNazi scumbag named challenger. Plus he isn't the only one using these legitimate quotes. Arab leaders told the Palistinians to clear out. Why is it such a big surprise?

Still waiting for you to show me actual copies of these alleged "orders to clear out".

We're talking about quotes by Arab leaders and their armies, which have been recorded, dufus.
Wrong again Rude-ee strikes again! Not my review, just one of many. Eric J Sundquist is not a historian, he's a professor of English and a rabid Zionist, it appears.

Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars and teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


He holds the chair in English although he teaches courses in American literature and culture; doesn't make him an authority on the Palestine conflict. I don't have to approve or disapprove a source, for it to be valid, but I do reserve the right to highlight a biased or flawed source when I see one. thanks for the personal attack; proves I'm right. :)

I'd say a Harvard approved researcher and writer has more credibility than an IslamoNazi scumbag named challenger. Plus he isn't the only one using these legitimate quotes. Arab leaders told the Palistinians to clear out. Why is it such a big surprise?

Still waiting for you to show me actual copies of these alleged "orders to clear out".

We're talking about quotes by Arab leaders and their armies, which have been recorded, dufus.
You were talking about newspaper articles that stated there were orders given to the Palestinians to leave. So now you agree there were no orders given to the Palestinians to evacuate prior to the intervention by the surrounding Muslim states?
what are you blaberring now?

And the British news magazine The Economist, no friend of Israel or the Zionist movement, reported on October 2, 1948, while the war was still in progress, that

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in [the Palestinian, now Israeli, city of] Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

On May 3, 1948, the American news magazine Time reported that

The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city.... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa .

Sir Alan Cunningham, the last high commissioner for the British administration of Palestine, which was in the process of withdrawing from the country while the fighting raged, wrote to the Colonial Office in London on February 22, 1948, and again on April 28, 1948, that

British authorities in Haifa have formed the impression that total evacuation is being urged on the Haifa Arabs from higher Arab quarters and that the townsfolk themselves are against it.
Wrong again Rude-ee strikes again! Not my review, just one of many. Eric J Sundquist is not a historian, he's a professor of English and a rabid Zionist, it appears.

Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars and teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


He holds the chair in English although he teaches courses in American literature and culture; doesn't make him an authority on the Palestine conflict. I don't have to approve or disapprove a source, for it to be valid, but I do reserve the right to highlight a biased or flawed source when I see one. thanks for the personal attack; proves I'm right. :)

I'd say a Harvard approved researcher and writer has more credibility than an IslamoNazi scumbag named challenger. Plus he isn't the only one using these legitimate quotes. Arab leaders told the Palistinians to clear out. Why is it such a big surprise?

Still waiting for you to show me actual copies of these alleged "orders to clear out".

We're talking about quotes by Arab leaders and their armies, which have been recorded, dufus.

None of those quotes have been recorded. They have been fabricated by the Hasbara machine. Facts are
what are you blaberring now?

And the British news magazine The Economist, no friend of Israel or the Zionist movement, reported on October 2, 1948, while the war was still in progress, that

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in [the Palestinian, now Israeli, city of] Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

On May 3, 1948, the American news magazine Time reported that

The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city.... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa .

Sir Alan Cunningham, the last high commissioner for the British administration of Palestine, which was in the process of withdrawing from the country while the fighting raged, wrote to the Colonial Office in London on February 22, 1948, and again on April 28, 1948, that

British authorities in Haifa have formed the impression that total evacuation is being urged on the Haifa Arabs from higher Arab quarters and that the townsfolk themselves are against it.

You will never find the original quotes as they are fabricated by the Hasbara. The Time quote is completely absurd as the official dispatch to the UN sent on April 23, 1948 states that women and children were evacuated to safe areas. IAbsolutely, nothing about Arab orders to evacuate and the Christians and Muslims of Haifa were still defending themselves from the European Jew onslaught up to that date, as stated in the dispatch. So you see, you are just promulgating lies as usual.

Communication Received from United Kingdom
Delegation Concerning Haifa Situation

The following communication, containing additional information on the situation in Haifa, has been received from Mr. Fletcher-Cooke of the United Kingdom Delegation.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success.

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948
So are they free to return to their native lands, should they so desire?

If a Palestinian state is established in the West Bank, they can go there. Gaza is already overpopulated. They will never be allowed into Israel proper.
So are they free to return to their native lands, should they so desire?

If a Palestinian state is established in the West Bank, they can go there. Gaza is already overpopulated. They will never be allowed into Israel proper.
Why not, if that is their native land, why should east europeans have more right to live there than natives?
"Every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe."
-- Haifa District HQ of the British Police, April 26, 1948, (quoted in Battleground by Samuel Katz).

"Chief among them the effort to prepare plans and military guidelines for the clearing of palestinian towns like Dalet, the effort to put palestinian villages under military siege and bombardment like Beisan, the effort to raze palestinian villages to the ground like Lydda, the effort to build fences and walls surrounding the West Bank and Gaza in the early fifties patrolled by armed soldiers with orders to kill "infiltrators", the effort to murder more than 2000 unarmed civilians trying to return between 1947 and 1951 and the effort to launch retaliatory attacks against palestinian "border" towns from which the "infiltrators" used to enter Israel like Qalqilia."

Ruins of Lydda


Which is what the likes of the US do under International law. So why are you singling out Israel for special attention, unless you are a NAZI RACIST JEW HATER ?
So are they free to return to their native lands, should they so desire?

If a Palestinian state is established in the West Bank, they can go there. Gaza is already overpopulated. They will never be allowed into Israel proper.
Why not, if that is their native land, why should east europeans have more right to live there than natives?

Because International law gives them that right, and at the same stops the arab muslims who have never seen Israel from taking it.

Lets apply the same laws to the arab muslims as they apply to the Jews shall we. If the arab muslims did not live there prior to 1948 then they cant be Israeli citizens. So anyone under 67 years of age is not allowed in
Literature and culture.
You are no award winning historian but you feel you are qualified to deny others a voice by belittling them for not 'enough' of the right education.
and we have seen how your views are tainted by devotion to too much anti-semitism and rabid anti zionists.

All other sources are invalid except those you personally preapprove? Right, you see yourself as smarter than scholars and teachers that have actually researched their works, not just spent 30 seconds or less typing on some post?


He holds the chair in English although he teaches courses in American literature and culture; doesn't make him an authority on the Palestine conflict. I don't have to approve or disapprove a source, for it to be valid, but I do reserve the right to highlight a biased or flawed source when I see one. thanks for the personal attack; proves I'm right. :)

I'd say a Harvard approved researcher and writer has more credibility than an IslamoNazi scumbag named challenger. Plus he isn't the only one using these legitimate quotes. Arab leaders told the Palistinians to clear out. Why is it such a big surprise?

Still waiting for you to show me actual copies of these alleged "orders to clear out".

We're talking about quotes by Arab leaders and their armies, which have been recorded, dufus.

None of those quotes have been recorded. They have been fabricated by the Hasbara machine. Facts are
what are you blaberring now?

And the British news magazine The Economist, no friend of Israel or the Zionist movement, reported on October 2, 1948, while the war was still in progress, that

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in [the Palestinian, now Israeli, city of] Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

On May 3, 1948, the American news magazine Time reported that

The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city.... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa .

Sir Alan Cunningham, the last high commissioner for the British administration of Palestine, which was in the process of withdrawing from the country while the fighting raged, wrote to the Colonial Office in London on February 22, 1948, and again on April 28, 1948, that

British authorities in Haifa have formed the impression that total evacuation is being urged on the Haifa Arabs from higher Arab quarters and that the townsfolk themselves are against it.

You will never find the original quotes as they are fabricated by the Hasbara. The Time quote is completely absurd as the official dispatch to the UN sent on April 23, 1948 states that women and children were evacuated to safe areas. IAbsolutely, nothing about Arab orders to evacuate and the Christians and Muslims of Haifa were still defending themselves from the European Jew onslaught up to that date, as stated in the dispatch. So you see, you are just promulgating lies as usual.

Communication Received from United Kingdom
Delegation Concerning Haifa Situation

The following communication, containing additional information on the situation in Haifa, has been received from Mr. Fletcher-Cooke of the United Kingdom Delegation.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success.

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

Actually those are quotes recorded in U.S., British, and Arab newspapers, and a few quotes from British officials such as High Commissioner Cunningham who reported that Arabs were being told to evacuate by Arab armies. So you are a shit out of luck, bullshit propagandist.

Posting a UN report of what happened AFTER the Arabs attacked, is irrelevant and meaningless.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas. Why did they evacuate...BECAUSE ARAB LEADERS THREATENED THEM TO.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.
He holds the chair in English although he teaches courses in American literature and culture; doesn't make him an authority on the Palestine conflict. I don't have to approve or disapprove a source, for it to be valid, but I do reserve the right to highlight a biased or flawed source when I see one. thanks for the personal attack; proves I'm right. :)

I'd say a Harvard approved researcher and writer has more credibility than an IslamoNazi scumbag named challenger. Plus he isn't the only one using these legitimate quotes. Arab leaders told the Palistinians to clear out. Why is it such a big surprise?

Still waiting for you to show me actual copies of these alleged "orders to clear out".

We're talking about quotes by Arab leaders and their armies, which have been recorded, dufus.

None of those quotes have been recorded. They have been fabricated by the Hasbara machine. Facts are
what are you blaberring now?

And the British news magazine The Economist, no friend of Israel or the Zionist movement, reported on October 2, 1948, while the war was still in progress, that

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in [the Palestinian, now Israeli, city of] Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

On May 3, 1948, the American news magazine Time reported that

The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city.... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa .

Sir Alan Cunningham, the last high commissioner for the British administration of Palestine, which was in the process of withdrawing from the country while the fighting raged, wrote to the Colonial Office in London on February 22, 1948, and again on April 28, 1948, that

British authorities in Haifa have formed the impression that total evacuation is being urged on the Haifa Arabs from higher Arab quarters and that the townsfolk themselves are against it.

You will never find the original quotes as they are fabricated by the Hasbara. The Time quote is completely absurd as the official dispatch to the UN sent on April 23, 1948 states that women and children were evacuated to safe areas. IAbsolutely, nothing about Arab orders to evacuate and the Christians and Muslims of Haifa were still defending themselves from the European Jew onslaught up to that date, as stated in the dispatch. So you see, you are just promulgating lies as usual.

Communication Received from United Kingdom
Delegation Concerning Haifa Situation

The following communication, containing additional information on the situation in Haifa, has been received from Mr. Fletcher-Cooke of the United Kingdom Delegation.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success.

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

Actually those are quotes recorded in U.S., British, and Arab newspapers, and a few quotes from British officials such as High Commissioner Cunningham who reported that Arabs were being told to evacuate by Arab armies. So you are a shit out of luck, bullshit propagandist.

Posting a UN report of what happened AFTER the Arabs attacked, is irrelevant and meaningless.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas. Why did they evacuate...BECAUSE ARAB LEADERS THREATENED THEM TO.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

No, the women and children were evacuated for their safety, as stated in the British reports to the UN.

The Arabs in Haifa stopped shooting and after the truce, the Jews evicted them. Haifa was attacked by the Jews in January 1948. The neighboring countries intervened in May 1948.

You need to consult the timeline before making stupid illogical comments. Tell your handlers at the Hasbara, their lame response did not work.
No, the women and children were evacuated for their safety, yeah, because the Arabs had told them to, and NOWHERE DOES IT ACCUSE THE JEWS OF MAKING THEM EVACUATE as stated in the British reports to the UN. Misrepresenting and mutilating a document again, that's not what it says, retard.

The Arabs in Haifa stopped shooting and after the truce, the Jews evicted them. Yeah, where does it say "Jews evicted them" ya lying asshole? But at least the document admits that the Palestinians had joined their Arab brethern in attacking the Jews, DUFUS. Haifa was attacked by the Jews in January 1948. BULL. AGAIN, THAT'S NOT WHAT THE DOCUMENT SAYS. The neighboring countries intervened in May 1948. MORE "MONTE CONCLUSIONS" brought to you by an antisemitic lying asshole.

You need to consult the timeline before making stupid illogical comments. Tell your handlers at the Hasbara, their lame response did not work.

No, the women and children were evacuated for their safety, yeah, because the Arabs had told them to, and NOWHERE DOES IT ACCUSE THE JEWS OF MAKING THEM EVACUATE as stated in the British reports to the UN. Misrepresenting and mutilating a document again, that's not what it says, retard.

The Arabs in Haifa stopped shooting and after the truce, the Jews evicted them. Yeah, where does it say "Jews evicted them" ya lying asshole? But at least the document admits that the Palestinians had joined their Arab brethern in attacking the Jews, DUFUS. Haifa was attacked by the Jews in January 1948. BULL. AGAIN, THAT'S NOT WHAT THE DOCUMENT SAYS. The neighboring countries intervened in May 1948. MORE "MONTE CONCLUSIONS" brought to you by an antisemitic lying asshole.

You need to consult the timeline before making stupid illogical comments. Tell your handlers at the Hasbara, their lame response did not work.


Of course, the official documents are irrelevant when they disprove your bullshit.

(c) The representative of the Mandatory Power informed the Commission at its sixteenth meeting on 21 January 1948, that

    • “in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable. The Arabs are determined to show that they will not submit tamely to the United Nations Plan of Partition; while the Jews are trying to consolidate the advantages gained at the General Assembly by a succession of drastic operations designed to intimidate and cure the Arabs of any desire for further conflict."

      A AC.21 7 of 29 January 1948
spamming ain't gonna help either document mutilator, liar extraordinaire:

Here's what you conveniently cut off from the rest of that prargraph you keep posting:

A AC.21 7 of 29 January 1948

  • “in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable. The Arabs are determined to show that they will not submit tamely to the United Nations Plan of Partition; while the Jews are trying to consolidate the advantages gained at the General Assembly by a succession of drastic operations designed to intimidate and cure the Arabs of any desire for further conflict. Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks…The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated, and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations. Thus, the Commission will be faced with the problem of how to avert certain bloodshed on a very much wider scale than prevails at present.”
(d) Mr. Fletcher-Cooke of the United Kingdom delegation elaborated on the above by further informing the commission that:

    • “The view held by the Government of Palestine is that the arrival of the Commission will be the signal for widespread attacks by the Arabs both on the Jews and on the members of Commission itself. In addition, some 62 per cent of the present Government staff in Palestine are Arabs, and there is reason to believe that none of these will be willing or able to serve the commission. The Arabs have made it quite clear and have told the Palestine government that the do not propose to co-operate or to assist the Commission, and that, far from it, they propose to attack and impede its work in every possible way. We have no reason to suppose that they do not mean what they say.”

Thanks to scumbag Monte, I now have even more to bitchslap the antisemitic asshole with! Ha ha ha.

And now for some truth:

And the British news magazine The Economist, no friend of Israel or the Zionist movement, reported on October 2, 1948, while the war was still in progress, that

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in [the Palestinian, now Israeli, city of] Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

On May 3, 1948, the American news magazine Time reported that

The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city.... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa .

Sir Alan Cunningham, the last high commissioner for the British administration of Palestine, which was in the process of withdrawing from the country while the fighting raged, wrote to the Colonial Office in London on February 22, 1948, and again on April 28, 1948, that

British authorities in Haifa have formed the impression that total evacuation is being urged on the Haifa Arabs from higher Arab quarters and that the townsfolk themselves are against it.
Of course the Arabs would want to kill Jews that had begun attacking them. What is wrong with you.
I clicked on your link, asshole. Then I read your paragraph and lo and behold I realized what you omitted once again, and began to wipe the floor with your face.

You don't take being humiliated too well do you, you Nazi whore?
Poor c*nt face Nazi Monte got caught mutilating and misrepresenting a document and now the snake is trying to make it look as if I used another document. Give it up, game over.


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