In 2016... What the hell does "Gay" even mean?

Full of shit:

GOP candidates go to kill the gays rallies

Another shining example of why I think we need to rid ourselves of labels like this. We really don't need them anymore. The term "gay" is either used to insult people, discriminate against people... or in this case, as a banner of righteous indignity to attack other people. As the thread shows, there is no clear definitive outline as to what makes a person "gay" or "not gay" and it's all a matter of opinion and self-identification...or labeling.

People do what they want to do, they are sexual in the way they feel like being... they don't need for anyone to define them or label them. All this ever does is cause problems, one after another... as exemplified in this very thread. We can't have a civil conversation about it anymore. Too much hate and anger, prejudice and vitriol. Too much need to bash and trash, or ridicule and insult.
lets "eliminate" a word because..

righteous indignation

^^^hard hard hardcore irony.
I am serious here... what does it actually mean this day and age? Is a person "gay" because they are attracted to the same gender? Or do they have to act upon their attraction and have a homosexual relationship to qualify? If someone acknowledges that someone of the same gender is sexually appealing, does that make them gay? What if you are physically attracted to both genders? Are you gay by default? Do you have to engage in actual sexual relationships and how far can you go without being actually gay? What if you get turned on by making yourself intentionally attractive to same gender but you're not interested in having sexual relations? Like a gay tease? Is that gay? Does that make you a gay person? What if you enjoy the mystique of the closet gay lifestyle, slipping around and frequenting gay bars to have promiscuous sex with same gender but you are happily married to the opposite gender? Does that mean you're gay or straight? What if you are completely heterosexual but you enjoy entertaining people dressed as a transgender? Are you gay then? What if you are straight but attracted to same gender transsexuals? What if you don't have sex at all and you love all people of both genders and see them as equally appealing sexually? Is that gay? What if you have been straight your entire life, always knew you were straight, never had any desire to be with the same gender physically and you get drunk one night and have homosexual relations... are you made gay by that one-off? What if you're in high school and you don't really know what you are and you experiment with homosexual relations but decide you didn't like it... can you become "ungay" or are you forever gay?

:dunno: Just curious... it seems we've painted ourselves into a rather bigoted corner.

This encompasses far more than one 3 letter word. No painting in corners but assigning an identifier with a narrow scope. For example a man pinches me in my ass I think he is a gay man three seconds later he is a gay man with a black eye. Neither are bigoted but the popular use of those words are applied. Or I could think that is a homosexual with periorbital hematoma.

Gay to my understanding is Homo. Used to mean happy but what the hell.
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~

I don't care about your language. You obviously didn't get the OP because you simply posted some off-color comment defining sexuality as if none of us knew those things. That wasn't the point and if that's the point you got, you missed the point. In case I didn't make that clear enough for you.... it means you didn't get it... you missed it... the point of the OP.... which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality. Missed it... like a loser... the loser you are... not a winner...
No false, you threw your hands in the air when someone answered your simplistic inquiry.............which was you somehow not knowing what gay means anymore. That's your lack of "winning," and letting sound pollution clearly distort your inner "what is."

Now you throw it on me? lolol.

You're an amateur.

You can't throw your hands in the air on a message board. So already, we see you're lying. Not unusual for you. I've corrected three or four of you idiots already on this... I understand what the definition of homosexual is. Most adults do. That amounts to a simple-minded and idiotic interpretation of the thread title and shows a lack of any comprehension with regard to the posted OP. But you don't really have any intention of discussing the thread topic, either you lack the maturity or intellect to do so, therefore you're going to troll the thread and do what you can to insult me because I'm someone you don't like on your playground. I really do wish this place would get rid of the children.
Well if you know what homosexual means then you are trollilng your own thread. Homosexual is the technical term for gay which I also pointed out to you is what gay people determined they preferred to be call. So all your fake outrage isnt disguising the fact you are trying to come to terms with the your sexual orientation.
Well if you know what homosexual means then you are trollilng your own thread. Homosexual is the technical term for gay which I also pointed out to you is what gay people determined they preferred to be call. So all your fake outrage isnt disguising the fact you are trying to come to terms with the your sexual orientation.

I'm not outraged and my OP wasn't any sort of confusion about what homosexual relations are. I fully understand what homosexual means. What I don't understand is this term "gay" in 2016, and what it means from a societal standpoint. So far, in this thread alone, it has been defined numerous ways... persons who engage in homosexual activity... (butt sex... cock sucking, etc.), persons who have a physical attraction for same gender, whether they act on it or not, and even people who are completely heterosexual but simply recognize sexual attractiveness in others of their same gender.

Now this tells me that, as a society, we really don't have a definitive answer and the term is completely ambiguous depending on viewpoints and opinions. And your continuation of trying to insult me by implying that I am "trying to come to terms with my sexuality" is evidence that for some people, the term is a convenient weapon in which they can attack and denigrate others. I have asked you several times to stop doing this and it merely seems to encourage you to do it more... that tells me your intentions are to flame and harass me because you think it gets under my skin and that's why you're here... to be a nasty little troll.

So... I am going to continue to report your posts each time you do it and hope that a moderator will take action so that mature adults can discuss the thread topic without having to read through your trollery.
Well if you know what homosexual means then you are trollilng your own thread. Homosexual is the technical term for gay which I also pointed out to you is what gay people determined they preferred to be call. So all your fake outrage isnt disguising the fact you are trying to come to terms with the your sexual orientation.

I'm not outraged and my OP wasn't any sort of confusion about what homosexual relations are. I fully understand what homosexual means. What I don't understand is this term "gay" in 2016, and what it means from a societal standpoint. So far, in this thread alone, it has been defined numerous ways... persons who engage in homosexual activity... (butt sex... cock sucking, etc.), persons who have a physical attraction for same gender, whether they act on it or not, and even people who are completely heterosexual but simply recognize sexual attractiveness in others of their same gender.

Now this tells me that, as a society, we really don't have a definitive answer and the term is completely ambiguous depending on viewpoints and opinions. And your continuation of trying to insult me by implying that I am "trying to come to terms with my sexuality" is evidence that for some people, the term is a convenient weapon in which they can attack and denigrate others. I have asked you several times to stop doing this and it merely seems to encourage you to do it more... that tells me your intentions are to flame and harass me because you think it gets under my skin and that's why you're here... to be a nasty little troll.

So... I am going to continue to report your posts each time you do it and hope that a moderator will take action so that mature adults can discuss the thread topic without having to read through your trollery.
Complaining about gay people calling themselves gay and pretending you dont know what it means is merely a disguise for you to try to come to terms with your sexual attraction to the same sex. You were already told what it means numerous times. You shouldnt be insulted because I think you are gay (more likely bi) but you have my permission to report me. You are the one that said you find other men sexually attractive. I ask again. How do you not know what gay means if you claim to know what homosexual is?
Complaining about gay people calling themselves gay and pretending you dont know what it means is merely a disguise for you to try to come to terms with your sexual attraction to the same sex. You were already told what it means numerous times. You shouldnt be insulted because I think you are gay (more likely bi) but you have my permission to report me. You are the one that said you find other men sexually attractive. I ask again. How do you not know what gay means if you claim to know what homosexual is?

I've not complained about anyone calling themselves anything. I didn't say I didn't know what homosexual meant. I'm not trying to come to terms with my sexuality. I'm not insulted by bigots and homophobes. I will continue to report your harassment and flaming. I do find other men sexually attractive but I am not sexually attracted to them.

My OP is actually about assholes like YOU who use and exploit "gay" in order to insult and denigrate others. Assholes like GT and redan who like to parade around the "gay" banner with pride in supposedly "defending" them against conservatives and evil righties and religious folk... because it's such a convenient weapon to use.

I have numerous friends who you would define as "gay" and they never refer to themselves as gay... I've not heard it once. They are some of my best friends. I go to their house all the time, we've gone camping together, I've slept in the same tent with them. I realize, to a homophobe like you, that probably makes me gay. But I am as heterosexual as they come, I just have an open mind when it comes to individual sexuality. I don't fear their "gayness" is going to rub off on me.

Several of them are relatively young people... Millennials. They don't seem to be all hung up on these labels and categories. It's not important to them, they respect each other as individuals and don't judge them based on sexuality. I don't really give two shits who came up with "gay" to be honest, I think our society is moving toward a time where you won't ever hear the word... except from backward-thinking hicks like you who need to keep it in your arsenal of insults. I think time may pass you by, pops. You're going to be one of them old relics muttering about "them damn gays" and the young people will roll their eyes at you in embarrassment because you're so behind the times.
Complaining about gay people calling themselves gay and pretending you dont know what it means is merely a disguise for you to try to come to terms with your sexual attraction to the same sex. You were already told what it means numerous times. You shouldnt be insulted because I think you are gay (more likely bi) but you have my permission to report me. You are the one that said you find other men sexually attractive. I ask again. How do you not know what gay means if you claim to know what homosexual is?

I've not complained about anyone calling themselves anything. I didn't say I didn't know what homosexual meant. I'm not trying to come to terms with my sexuality. I'm not insulted by bigots and homophobes. I will continue to report your harassment and flaming. I do find other men sexually attractive but I am not sexually attracted to them.

My OP is actually about assholes like YOU who use and exploit "gay" in order to insult and denigrate others. Assholes like GT and redan who like to parade around the "gay" banner with pride in supposedly "defending" them against conservatives and evil righties and religious folk... because it's such a convenient weapon to use.

I have numerous friends who you would define as "gay" and they never refer to themselves as gay... I've not heard it once. They are some of my best friends. I go to their house all the time, we've gone camping together, I've slept in the same tent with them. I realize, to a homophobe like you, that probably makes me gay. But I am as heterosexual as they come, I just have an open mind when it comes to individual sexuality. I don't fear their "gayness" is going to rub off on me.

Several of them are relatively young people... Millennials. They don't seem to be all hung up on these labels and categories. It's not important to them, they respect each other as individuals and don't judge them based on sexuality. I don't really give two shits who came up with "gay" to be honest, I think our society is moving toward a time where you won't ever hear the word... except from backward-thinking hicks like you who need to keep it in your arsenal of insults. I think time may pass you by, pops. You're going to be one of them old relics muttering about "them damn gays" and the young people will roll their eyes at you in embarrassment because you're so behind the times.
Yes you did complain about the use of the term gay and gays call themselves gay. I too have gay friends, worked with gays and they call each other gay all the time. I still cant figure out why you would be insulted by being called gay. Nothing is wrong with it. I dont believe you have done much with gay people or you would know that. Being around a gay person doesnt make you gay. Finding the same sex sexually attractive is what makes you gay as you have admitted to as as defined by the word homosexual.
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~

I don't care about your language. You obviously didn't get the OP because you simply posted some off-color comment defining sexuality as if none of us knew those things. That wasn't the point and if that's the point you got, you missed the point. In case I didn't make that clear enough for you.... it means you didn't get it... you missed it... the point of the OP.... which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality. Missed it... like a loser... the loser you are... not a winner...

Just skimming thru the forum browsing for interesting bits. This struck me as interesting and confusing at the same time

"which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality."

So if we're discussing characteristics of person, say his political leanings, we might say "Oh he's a wingnut conservative". Or we want to describe his psychological state we might say "Oh he's a psychopathic loon". To explain his level of intelligence, maybe "he's a know-it-all know nothing". So if someone is curious about a person's sexuality and that person prefers a same-sex partner why is it "kind of ridiculous" to apply a label that everyone could understand? How else could we communicate the fact without applying a descriptive adjective?
So if we're discussing characteristics of person, say his political leanings, we might say "Oh he's a wingnut conservative". Or we want to describe his psychological state we might say "Oh he's a psychopathic loon". To explain his level of intelligence, maybe "he's a know-it-all know nothing". So if someone is curious about a person's sexuality and that person prefers a same-sex partner why is it "kind of ridiculous" to apply a label that everyone could understand? How else could we communicate the fact without applying a descriptive adjective?

Why is it ridiculous to use "colored" to describe black people? Seems we can find ways to communicate without using that word. And we're not really talking about someone who knowingly and openly prefers same sex partners and identifies as such... the term is being applied here in this thread to ME and I am heterosexual.

Why do we need a descriptive adjective to describe someone's sexual preference anyway? Why is that anyone's business? It's a private personal matter. Why would someone need to say... Who's he? Oh, that's whore fucker Searcher! Or... That's limp dick Asclepias! Look... here comes tranny banger GT! I mean... WHY does it matter?

The word "gay" is very often being misused and abused in order to denigrate and insult, as Assclap is doing all through this thread and you can read it for yourself.
Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016?

What does it matter if we do? I'll stop "defining" myself as gay or lesbian when everyone else stops assuming heterosexuality.
Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are?

Why can't you accept people when they are categorized?
Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia?


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