In 2016... What the hell does "Gay" even mean?

The dictionary.

Um no. Sorry. You are just being a jackass like always.
Um yes. sorry.

  1. 1.
    (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
  1. 1.
    a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
    synonyms: gay, lesbian;

No, I'm sorry. Saying that a person is "sexually attractive" is completely different than claiming YOU are sexually ATTRACTED to that particular person. Now you've been told multiple times. Bossy has told you that he is not gay. What is it that you are trying to do here?
How do you know someone is sexually attractive if you dont feel any sexual attraction? Youre not making sense.

In the same sense that I can admire the beauty of a flower and not want to fuck it's brains out.
Admiring a flower is not considering it sexually attractive. Youre still not making sense.
I don't know you well enough to say for sure, but I don't think you come across as if you are interested in men for a sexual relationship. Lol.

I didn't mean to put you on the spot, I know you don't know me well enough... but you've conversed with me a few times and you should get a sense of whether or not I am gay or bi. I just wanted your honest opinion of what you believed based on what you know of me.

I keep telling the idiot that I am not gay or bi but he seems intent on continuing to flood the board with that allegation, as if he is doing it to deliberately insult me. Then he claims I must be a homophobe because I think it's an insult.

He seems to be having a very difficult time understanding a rather simple concept. Seems that is more his problem than yours. :)
Normal homophobic meat heads like you? Yeah, I doubt you see it.

And hey... maybe that's why I got rich making men and women look sexy as fuck? Perhaps I have this "gift" of being able to see what is and isn't sexually appealing without my hormones taking control of my brain like you?

In any event, I can look at a man or woman and say.. they are sexually attractive... she is hot... he is a hunk... without it meaning I want to fuck them on the spot. I guess maybe I am a bit more civilized or cultivated than you? Maybe I am more open minded and secure with my sexuality? Or maybe there are plenty of people just like me who don't have a hangup with recognizing sexual appeal... and YOU are the oddball?
Says the guy that just said someone is as gay as a $3 bill. Youre obviously a latent homosexual or bi Boss. Thats the reason you took that as an insult. I suggest you stop denying it.

And what qualifies you to make such a "diagnosis?"
The dictionary.

Um no. Sorry. You are just being a jackass like always.
Um yes. sorry.

  1. 1.
    (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
  1. 1.
    a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
    synonyms: gay, lesbian;

BUT... as I keep telling you, I am NOT "sexually attracted" just because I find someone sexually attractive. I am sexually attracted to females... that makes me NOT homosexual.

Alaska looks like a wonderful adventure... doesn't mean I want to experience a wonderful adventure in Alaska. I would rather go to Maui... I like the beach more than the snow. Still... Alaska is beautiful and looks like a wonderful adventure!
Says the guy that just said someone is as gay as a $3 bill. Youre obviously a latent homosexual or bi Boss. Thats the reason you took that as an insult. I suggest you stop denying it.

And what qualifies you to make such a "diagnosis?"
The dictionary.

Um no. Sorry. You are just being a jackass like always.
Um yes. sorry.

  1. 1.
    (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
  1. 1.
    a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
    synonyms: gay, lesbian;

BUT... as I keep telling you, I am NOT "sexually attracted" just because I find someone sexually attractive. I am sexually attracted to females... that makes me NOT homosexual.

Alaska looks like a wonderful adventure... doesn't mean I want to experience a wonderful adventure in Alaska. I would rather go to Maui... I like the beach more than the snow. Still... Alaska is beautiful and looks like a wonderful adventure!
Sorry but thats impossible you cant find someone sexually attractive unless you are sexually attracted.
Anyone remember Alan Berg? He was assassinated by the white Aryan brotherhood of Nazis wankers. Poor guy, he once did a radio show that pissed a lot off people off, because he started it off by saying he was ...GAY. But he meant happy, and most everyone else took it the OTHER way. That made a hell of an impression on me, the way language can be manipulated, and just how seriously people take these things.
You just said he didnt say it was an insult but he did.

No.. I said YOU SAID I said it was an insult. I said it wasn't an insult but you were trying to use it to insult me... which you clearly are doing because you refuse to let go of it like a little puppy with a chew toy.

Now... as the OP of this thread on a Zone 2 forum, I am going to ask you respectfully to stop this now and stop harassing me and trolling my thread or I will start reporting your posts to the mods.

Enough is enough.
You just said he didnt say it was an insult but he did.

No.. I said YOU SAID I said it was an insult. I said it wasn't an insult but you were trying to use it to insult me... which you clearly are doing because you refuse to let go of it like a little puppy with a chew toy.

Now... as the OP of this thread on a Zone 2 forum, I am going to ask you respectfully to stop this now and stop harassing me and trolling my thread or I will start reporting your posts to the mods.

Enough is enough.
Sorry dude. You said you thought it was an insult. Here is your quote. You are free to report me.

Then he claims I must be a homophobe because I think it's an insult.

Your words.
Sorry but thats impossible you cant find someone sexually attractive unless you are sexually attracted.

No, really... you CAN... If you're not a homophobic bigot neanderthal.
No you can if you are gay or bi.

What is wrong with you anyway? Something is malfunctioning. That much is clear.
What makes you think something is wrong?

Something is wrong with you if you cannot take a person at his word that he is not gay and you are going around insisting that he is, as if you are a child or something. Get a grip on yourself. Control yourself. You are supposed to be an adult, and I suspect a senior citizen at that.
Is something wrong with him because he cant take me at my word when I say that I dont find any men sexually attractive? Just curious.

I thought seniors were old people? I'm in my 40's
I've pulled the off-topic sidebar and moved it here * if any of y'all want to continue that conversation. This thread also moved to General Discussion because this conversation is not exactly based on a current event.

Try to stay on topic, and if anyone says something that you don't believe, go and mock them in The FlameZone, 'k? That's what it's there for.

* Off Topic Sidebar from: In 2016... What the hell does "Gay" even mean?
There is nothing wrong or 'homosexual' about being able to appreciate the beauty of another person's physical atributes of the same gender & doesn't qualify as being gay or homosexual or even having such tendencies.
I think a true homosexual person is one that is only sexually attracted to the same gender. BUT there are many out there that 'claim' they are gay, but are really only following the crowd because it's kind of the 'big' thing to do. A type of rebellion.

But, am I the only one that remembers the word 'gay' meant happy? And homosexuals were called queer?
Who said anything was wrong with it? I just find it odd that he would find another man sexually attractive and not be gay or bi. Yes I remember when gay meant happy. I never heard the word queer until I was on this site.

Really? What about fag or faggot? All terms used to indicate a homosexual up to around late 70's, early 80's maybe?
Really. Yes I have heard fag. We would call people that all the time to make fun of them.

yes, I (we) have done the same..........but did you also know the term 'fag' is or was used in UK for cigarette? just askin

To the OP, I can understand your dilemma over this, because the term is being used in a broad sense like an 'umbrella'. There is differences between sexual identity (man trapped in a womans body & visa versa) and sexual preferences(being sexually attracted to same gender) and whatever other myriad differences people keep coming up with that center around 'themselves' in a sexual context. There are huge differences to each, but are grouped under the 'gay' label.
Some people are just too closed minded in that respect & think everything is either black or white & not willing to acknowledge any gray areas.

There are some who just like to play or pretend to either dress up or act on some urges, yet at the end of the day are still hetero. Somehow living out those fantasies even in small ways, makes them feel better for whatever psychological reason, but when it comes right down to it, the opposite gender is what makes them orgasmic. Just because a man likes the feel of satin or silk on his skin or a woman likes denim, doesn't really qualify them as being 'gay', they just have a higher sensitivity for touch.
I've also seen a few men who are 'effeminate' in many ways, enough to make you wonder, yet they still are aroused by women. And the same in reverse. Are they gay? NO.....but many think so & classify them as such.

I'm a woman, I can look at another woman's body and my mind may even think of sex because of it, but one thing is for sure she just isn't built with the right equipment. Does that make me lesbian? Or bi? I don't think so because if I were to see a gorgeous hunk of a guy and a 'sexy' woman side by side....I'm going for the guy thank you and not have second thoughts about her.
These all may be 'fine lines', but are very important factors when determining what is really gay or not
Yes I knew it was also a cigarette in Australia as well.

I think like the OP you may be bi on whatever sliding scale there is that determines that.

IF I were bi, I'd follow thru by WANTING to have sex with her .....that's not the case.
*If you desire cock while not desiring pussy, you are gay. Pretty simple

if you desire vagina and dont desire dick, you are straight.

If you desire both cock and vagina, you are bisexual.

Theres no ambiguity, just simply another reason to whine about how others might use language, a meaninglessness.

*opinions above are regarding a male perspective
No rebuttal to the simple truth, winning!!~hashtag
*If you desire cock while not desiring pussy, you are gay. Pretty simple

if you desire vagina and dont desire dick, you are straight.

If you desire both cock and vagina, you are bisexual.

Theres no ambiguity, just simply another reason to whine about how others might use language, a meaninglessness.

*opinions above are regarding a male perspective
No rebuttal to the simple truth, winning!!~hashtag
Way to go, Charlie Sheen! #winning

Now... do you have any comments related to the OP topic?
I've pulled the off-topic sidebar and moved it here * if any of y'all want to continue that conversation. This thread also moved to General Discussion because this conversation is not exactly based on a current event.

Try to stay on topic, and if anyone says something that you don't believe, go and mock them in The FlameZone, 'k? That's what it's there for.

* Off Topic Sidebar from: In 2016... What the hell does "Gay" even mean?

Thank you for moving me back...but I'm still not sure I agree with the reasoning. but whatever.........carry on
*If you desire cock while not desiring pussy, you are gay. Pretty simple

if you desire vagina and dont desire dick, you are straight.

If you desire both cock and vagina, you are bisexual.

Theres no ambiguity, just simply another reason to whine about how others might use language, a meaninglessness.

*opinions above are regarding a male perspective
No rebuttal to the simple truth, winning!!~hashtag
Way to go, Charlie Sheen! #winning

Now... do you have any comments related to the OP topic?
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~

I don't care about your language. You obviously didn't get the OP because you simply posted some off-color comment defining sexuality as if none of us knew those things. That wasn't the point and if that's the point you got, you missed the point. In case I didn't make that clear enough for you.... it means you didn't get it... you missed it... the point of the OP.... which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality. Missed it... like a loser... the loser you are... not a winner...
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~

I don't care about your language. You obviously didn't get the OP because you simply posted some off-color comment defining sexuality as if none of us knew those things. That wasn't the point and if that's the point you got, you missed the point. In case I didn't make that clear enough for you.... it means you didn't get it... you missed it... the point of the OP.... which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality. Missed it... like a loser... the loser you are... not a winner...
No false, you threw your hands in the air when someone answered your simplistic inquiry.............which was you somehow not knowing what gay means anymore. That's your lack of "winning," and letting sound pollution clearly distort your inner "what is."

Now you throw it on me? lolol.

You're an amateur.
I am serious here... what does it actually mean this day and age? Is a person "gay" because they are attracted to the same gender? Or do they have to act upon their attraction and have a homosexual relationship to qualify? If someone acknowledges that someone of the same gender is sexually appealing, does that make them gay? What if you are physically attracted to both genders? Are you gay by default? Do you have to engage in actual sexual relationships and how far can you go without being actually gay? What if you get turned on by making yourself intentionally attractive to same gender but you're not interested in having sexual relations? Like a gay tease? Is that gay? Does that make you a gay person? What if you enjoy the mystique of the closet gay lifestyle, slipping around and frequenting gay bars to have promiscuous sex with same gender but you are happily married to the opposite gender? Does that mean you're gay or straight? What if you are completely heterosexual but you enjoy entertaining people dressed as a transgender? Are you gay then? What if you are straight but attracted to same gender transsexuals? What if you don't have sex at all and you love all people of both genders and see them as equally appealing sexually? Is that gay? What if you have been straight your entire life, always knew you were straight, never had any desire to be with the same gender physically and you get drunk one night and have homosexual relations... are you made gay by that one-off? What if you're in high school and you don't really know what you are and you experiment with homosexual relations but decide you didn't like it... can you become "ungay" or are you forever gay?

:dunno: Just curious... it seems we've painted ourselves into a rather bigoted corner.
Full of shit:

GOP candidates go to kill the gays rallies
It addresses your o-p topic quite plainly and in the most specific and relevant of ways - which - as we all know, is why you're unable to question it but instead take issue with foul language like my 113yr. old Aunt Edna, god bless she still dances and everything!~

I don't care about your language. You obviously didn't get the OP because you simply posted some off-color comment defining sexuality as if none of us knew those things. That wasn't the point and if that's the point you got, you missed the point. In case I didn't make that clear enough for you.... it means you didn't get it... you missed it... the point of the OP.... which is the "original post" which was about society in 2016 and how it's kind of ridiculous to apply labels like "gay" to categorize individuals and their assorted sexuality. Missed it... like a loser... the loser you are... not a winner...
No false, you threw your hands in the air when someone answered your simplistic inquiry.............which was you somehow not knowing what gay means anymore. That's your lack of "winning," and letting sound pollution clearly distort your inner "what is."

Now you throw it on me? lolol.

You're an amateur.

You can't throw your hands in the air on a message board. So already, we see you're lying. Not unusual for you. I've corrected three or four of you idiots already on this... I understand what the definition of homosexual is. Most adults do. That amounts to a simple-minded and idiotic interpretation of the thread title and shows a lack of any comprehension with regard to the posted OP. But you don't really have any intention of discussing the thread topic, either you lack the maturity or intellect to do so, therefore you're going to troll the thread and do what you can to insult me because I'm someone you don't like on your playground. I really do wish this place would get rid of the children.

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