In a First, U.S. Admits Drones Have Killed 4 Americans

CaféAuLait;7273378 said:
In a First, U.S. Admits Drones Have Killed 4 Americans
That should serve as a warning to any other Americans who plan to take up arms against their fellow citizens.

Right, even if you're not taking up arms and we have due process in this country. You turds are a special version of sycophant.
For those that don't have a problem with drone assassinations of American citizens without due process, how do you feel about wasting time on a trial for Major Hassan or the surviving Boston Marathon bomber?

Why haven't these men just been taken out and executed if it's alright to assassinate others without trial?

You apparently cannot tell the difference between someone who is inside US domestic jurisdiction and someone who is operating outside the US in a military operating theater!


Fortunately, sane people can.

I know we were "in theater" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yemen and Pakistan, though??

Presidential Letter
Since September 24, 2001, I have reported, consistent with Public Law 107-40 and the War Powers Resolution, on the combat operations in Afghanistan against al-Qaida terrorists and their Taliban supporters, which began on October 7, 2001, and the deployment of various combat-equipped and combat-support forces to a number of locations in the Central, Pacific, and Southern Command areas of operation in support of those operations and of other operations in our global war on terrorism.

In furtherance of the U.S. worldwide efforts against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the United States, our friends and allies, and our forces abroad, the United States continues to work with friends and allies in areas around the globe. For example, combat-equipped and combat-support forces deployed to Georgia to assist in training and equipping the Georgian government's forces will be completing their task in May 2004. United States combat-equipped and combat-support forces are also located in Djibouti. The U.S. forces headquarters element in Djibouti provides command and control support as necessary for military operations against al-Qaida and other international terrorists in the Horn of Africa region, including Yemen. These forces also assist in enhancing counterterrorism capabilities in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The United States is engaged in a continuous process of assessing options for working with other nations to assist them in this respect.
"For those that don't have a problem with drone assassinations of American citizens without due process..."

What about drone assassinations of American citizens AFTER due process has been accomplished?

Due process in such a case being Judicial or Executive Review and a legal Kill-Order being issued, complete with all appropriate paper-trails and accountability issues resolved...

( never mind... I just saw your answer [below] )
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For those that don't have a problem with drone assassinations of American citizens without due process, how do you feel about wasting time on a trial for Major Hassan or the surviving Boston Marathon bomber?

Why haven't these men just been taken out and executed if it's alright to assassinate others without trial?

You apparently cannot tell the difference between someone who is inside US domestic jurisdiction and someone who is operating outside the US in a military operating theater!


Fortunately, sane people can.

I don't believe any American citizen should be assassinated. Plain and simple.

And assassination is what we are discussing.
CaféAuLait;7273378 said:
In a First, U.S. Admits Drones Have Killed 4 Americans
That should serve as a warning to any other Americans who plan to take up arms against their fellow citizens.

Right, even if you're not taking up arms and we have due process in this country. You turds are a special version of sycophant.

Why even if you're not taking up arms?
"...I don't believe any American citizen should be assassinated..."

1. an American citizen is known to have engaged in terror activity against the United States

2. he is overseas in some country or region where he cannot be arrested - we can't get at him.

3. we have a narrow window of opportunity to hit him.

4. we may very well never find him again if we let him live.

5. allowing him to continue living poses a grave and mortal danger to your fellow countrymen.

The decision is yours.

You have gone through all the 'Due Process' that is practicable under the circumstances.

But, ultimately, you are the one who is going to have to sign the Kill Order, if, indeed, one is to be signed.

Your countrymen are counting upon you to keep them safe.

You have taken an oath to protect your countrymen even if it goes against your personal grain.

You only have two choices:

a. Let him live, and allow this grave and mortal danger to your fellow Americans to continue to exist.

b. Kill him, and eliminate this grave and mortal danger to your fellow Americans.

What is your decision?
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One more very chilling time. Gibbs explained why the boy was assassinated.

He was the son of a terrorist. It's really that simple. His father was a bad guy. So too bad, so sad to Gibbs.

Robert Gibbs, former White House press secretary and a senior official in President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, was also asked about the strike that killed Abdulrahman.

“It’s an American citizen that is being targeted without due process of law, without trial. And he’s underage.

He’s a minor,” reporter Sierra Adamson said.

Gibbs shot back: “I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children. I don’t think becoming an Al Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business.”
One more very chilling time. Gibbs explained why the boy was assassinated.

He was the son of a terrorist. It's really that simple. His father was a bad guy. So too bad, so sad to Gibbs.

Why did Bush kill Hussein's son?

Because they were leading the resistance. They were insurgents.

Awlakis son was just a kid from Denver looking for his dad. An innocent.

You only have two choices:

a. Let him live, and allow this grave and mortal danger to your fellow Americans to continue to exist.

b. Kill him, and eliminate this grave and mortal danger to your fellow Americans.

What is your decision?


Shall we assume (a) by default?

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