In Case You Missed Jessie William...

That's why Africaans receive billions in welfare checks from around the world.
then he started lying and making threats

Made threats? Are you insane?
I've noted that if youre Black and you love being Black a lot of whites say you are threatening because they would rather you desire to be white.
And if you're white and love being white blacks call you a racist

double standard

FYI it is fucking stupid to be proud of something that you had no part in doing. That goes for race, nationality or whatever other idiotic things people are proud of
No actually they dont call you a racist. They call you a liar. No one really wants to be white. I could care less if you really did like being white. What you are doesnt effect me in anyway at all.
IDGAF if you're black

But if you could read you'd notice I didn't say I love being white. I realize my skin color was none of my doing so I really have no feelings either way about it. The only things I am proud of are things I actually did myself.
I never claimed you said you love being white. My response was in the same tone as yours A hypothetical. I was just pointing out Black people dont care if whites love being white where you claimed Blacks thought you were racist simply for loving to be white. Its when you start claiming you are proud to be white that we take notice. Whites seem to believe that Blacks should think you whites are not racist when whites say they are proud to be white. However, we know that as a race there is nothing whites have done to be proud of that involves them being white other than be racists.
A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.
A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.

His risk involved angering studio execs who might not want to hire him for future roles, not speaking at the BET awards. Use your brain once in a while, I promise it won't hurt.
Just like you looked up those videos that were compiled by white racists I'm sure you can take it a step further and do your own research regarding white violence which is abundant..

I think the problem with whites such as yourself is that instead of admitting there is a white racism problem that manifests itself in the police departments and reflects societies want to deflect and compare apples to oranges. If you are a cop i dont want to hear excuses as to why you cant be professional and do your job. Your job is not to claim you are racist because you watched some videos online or you deal with violent criminals. Your job is to be professional while doing your job.
I'm not a cop. But I've known enough (NYPD) of them to be sure those (Whites) who work in ghetto neighborhoods have ample cause to be negatively disposed toward most Blacks.

I am no friend of White cops who behave stupidly or egotistically and I do not hesitate to criticize them, but I often see behaviors on the part of some Blacks which calls for the brutal treatment they receive from White cops. Most Blacks do not see those behaviors. No matter the provocation they will insist the White cops are wrong -- "racist." They aggressively and overtly lie and defend the criminal behavior of Blacks who are arrested for obvious offenses. They refer to mature Black habitual criminals as "children" and they refer to White cops as "racists" regardless of any circumstances.

It cannot be logically asserted that innate criminal behavior on the part of some Blacks is the result of police racism, because most of these Black habitual criminals began breaking the law before their first exposure to a White cop.
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A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.

His risk involved angering studio execs who might not want to hire him for future roles, not speaking at the BET awards. Use your brain once in a while, I promise it won't hurt.
If they did that they would be branded as racist and have calls for protest and boycotts against them which the media would cover 24/7 they wouldn't risk that. Try using your own brian before talking about others you will look less stupid.
A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.

His risk involved angering studio execs who might not want to hire him for future roles, not speaking at the BET awards. Use your brain once in a while, I promise it won't hurt.
If they did that they would be branded as racist and have calls for protest and boycotts against them which the media would cover 24/7 they wouldn't risk that. Try using your own brian before talking about others you will look less stupid.

No, that wouldn't happen, because they wouldn't announce publicly why they wouldn't hire him. They simply would pass on him for various roles. No one would ever know the real reason.

So yes, he certainly did take a huge risk.
A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.
I know you are old and out of date but you can be in a cave in Tibet and say something and its tweeted out to the world. He has already experienced back lash from whites as a I posted in the thread earlier.
Just like you looked up those videos that were compiled by white racists I'm sure you can take it a step further and do your own research regarding white violence which is abundant..

I think the problem with whites such as yourself is that instead of admitting there is a white racism problem that manifests itself in the police departments and reflects societies want to deflect and compare apples to oranges. If you are a cop i dont want to hear excuses as to why you cant be professional and do your job. Your job is not to claim you are racist because you watched some videos online or you deal with violent criminals. Your job is to be professional while doing your job.
I'm not a cop. But I've known enough (NYPD) of them to be sure those (Whites) who work in ghetto neighborhoods have ample cause to be negatively disposed toward most Blacks.

I am no friend of White cops who behave stupidly or egotistically and I do not hesitate to criticize them, but I often see behaviors on the part of some Blacks which calls for the brutal treatment they receive from White cops. Most Blacks do not see those behaviors. No matter the provocation they will insist the White cops are wrong -- "racist." They aggressively and overtly lie and defend the criminal behavior of Blacks who are arrested for obvious offenses. They refer to mature Black habitual criminals as "children" and they refer to White cops as "racists" regardless of any circumstances.

It cannot be logically asserted that innate criminal behavior on the part of some Blacks is the result of police racism, because most of these Black habitual criminals began breaking the law before their first exposure to a White cop.
I disagree. There is no behavior that calls for brutal treatment of anyone. As a cop you are to be professional and do your job or find something else you can handle professionally. No where in your job description as a cop does it say you can be brutal to one race because of some prior experience. I grew up in the hood so I have seen it all. I have seen Blacks people robbed, harassed, and killed by cops. Then they wonder why Black people dont comply instantly. So yes the actions of racist cops are a motivating factor in the actions of Black people and Black criminals. I know my intention is to go down fighting since they have proven that simply complying with the officers is an invitation for them to kick your ass after handcuffing you. If you havent experienced such treatment you really have no credibility on the subject.

Your comment regarding how innate criminality is to Black people is a dead giveaway you are cave chimp. The only people that I know for certain that are innately criminal are whites.
A black man talking about white racism at the BET awards that doesn't seem like he's risking his career. He for the most part is speaking to people who share his viewpoint that's about as safe a move as you can get Justin Timberlake got more flak for his tweet in support of the guy than he got for the speech it's self.

His risk involved angering studio execs who might not want to hire him for future roles, not speaking at the BET awards. Use your brain once in a while, I promise it won't hurt.
If they did that they would be branded as racist and have calls for protest and boycotts against them which the media would cover 24/7 they wouldn't risk that. Try using your own brian before talking about others you will look less stupid.
How could anyone prove they didnt hire him because of his speech dummy?
I disagree. There is no behavior that calls for brutal treatment of anyone. As a cop you are to be professional and do your job or find something else you can handle professionally. No where in your job description as a cop does it say you can be brutal to one race because of some prior experience. I grew up in the hood so I have seen it all. I have seen Blacks people robbed, harassed, and killed by cops. Then they wonder why Black people dont comply instantly. So yes the actions of racist cops are a motivating factor in the actions of Black people and Black criminals. I know my intention is to go down fighting since they have proven that simply complying with the officers is an invitation for them to kick your ass after handcuffing you. If you havent experienced such treatment you really have no credibility on the subject.

Your comment regarding how innate criminality is to Black people is a dead giveaway you are cave chimp. The only people that I know for certain that are innately criminal are whites.
Again you are mistakenly referring to me as a cop. Again, I am not a cop so I can't comment with authority on the behavior of White cops in ghetto neighborhoods, except to say it is patently obvious that racial hatred flows between both factions in that environment like an electrical current.

But I will ask what the presumptive racism of White cops has to do with the kind of vicious brutality demonstrated by those young Blacks who engage in the so-called "knockout game" and other forms of opportunistic brutality which is randomly imposed on defenseless Whites? If you don't know offhand what I'm talking about, again I'll remind you that plenty of evidence is available on YouTube by following the "Black violence against Whites" and "The Knockout Game" paths.

So if I am a cave chimp, as you have observed, perhaps it is the behavior of young n!iggers I've been observing which has placed me in that category.
I disagree. There is no behavior that calls for brutal treatment of anyone. As a cop you are to be professional and do your job or find something else you can handle professionally. No where in your job description as a cop does it say you can be brutal to one race because of some prior experience. I grew up in the hood so I have seen it all. I have seen Blacks people robbed, harassed, and killed by cops. Then they wonder why Black people dont comply instantly. So yes the actions of racist cops are a motivating factor in the actions of Black people and Black criminals. I know my intention is to go down fighting since they have proven that simply complying with the officers is an invitation for them to kick your ass after handcuffing you. If you havent experienced such treatment you really have no credibility on the subject.

Your comment regarding how innate criminality is to Black people is a dead giveaway you are cave chimp. The only people that I know for certain that are innately criminal are whites.
Again you are mistakenly referring to me as a cop. Again, I am not a cop so I can't comment with authority on the behavior of White cops in ghetto neighborhoods, except to say it is patently obvious that racial hatred flows between both factions in that environment like an electrical current.

But I will ask what the presumptive racism of White cops has to do with the kind of vicious brutality demonstrated by those young Blacks who engage in the so-called "knockout game" and other forms of opportunistic brutality which is randomly imposed on defenseless Whites? If you don't know offhand what I'm talking about, again I'll remind you that plenty of evidence is available on YouTube by following the "Black violence against Whites" and "The Knockout Game" paths.

So if I am a cave chimp, as you have observed, perhaps it is the behavior of young n!iggers I've been observing which has placed me in that category.
I wasnt referring to you as a cop. i already know you are not one.

It has a lot to do with Black kids releasing some tension onto whites. They cant hit the cops back without getting shot or arrested so they go for whites that are not armed and have the same legal authority they do. BTW whites made up the knock out game not Blacks so you may want to do your research so you dont appear to be so ignorant.

I doubt its due to any observation on your part. Its a genetic predisposition you have depending on the percentage of neanderthal DNA you as a white cave chimp personally possess.
What is especially ironic with afro american social justice warriors like the douchebag in the video is when they congratulate afro american "mothers" as if they are special. Maybe there is a reason afro american fathers can't wait to leave them. :confused-84:

It is always a concern when they want to learn their history also, as if living in huts and fighting with other tribes was an accomplishment. :p That is why they have to borrow Whitey history as their own. Their history is embarrassingly pathetic.
Black women are extremely special. Not only are they mothers of all civilizations, they have been the backbone of the Black family here in the US under odds that would crush a lesser people.

I know white cave chimps get concerned when Blacks learn their history. Once Blacks realize what a joke white boys are they will cease to complain about them and simply out work them knowing they as Black people are stronger mentally and physically. Once they realize they come from royalty and the founders of science, philosophy, literature, and the first civilizations they will see the only things whites were capable of was being taught how to be civilized and how to imitate.

(which we all know monkeys are good at). :laugh:
How could such a strong people become so weak
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
Black women are extremely special. Not only are they mothers of all civilizations, they have been the backbone of the Black family here in the US under odds that would crush a lesser people.

I know white cave chimps get concerned when Blacks learn their history. Once Blacks realize what a joke white boys are they will cease to complain about them and simply out work them knowing they as Black people are stronger mentally and physically. Once they realize they come from royalty and the founders of science, philosophy, literature, and the first civilizations they will see the only things whites were capable of was being taught how to be civilized and how to imitate.

(which we all know monkeys are good at). :laugh:
How could such a strong people become so weak
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.
How could such a strong people become so weak
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.

Yeah....keep telling yourself white Europeans civilized the world, and africans stayed in their keep telling yourself that...
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.

Yeah....keep telling yourself white Europeans civilized the world, and africans stayed in their keep telling yourself that...
Africans taught white boys how to be civilized. Twice. Once via the Greeks then later directly via the Moors after the first lesson was forgotten and white cave chimps almost regressed back to the stone age.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.

Yeah....keep telling yourself white Europeans civilized the world, and africans stayed in their keep telling yourself that...
Africans taught white boys how to be civilized. Twice. Once via the Greeks then later directly via the Moors after the first lesson was forgotten and white cave chimps almost regressed back to the stone age.

Yes......keep saying that over and over as the moors are drowning people in cages and burning women alive because they won't submit to rape....
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.

Yeah....keep telling yourself white Europeans civilized the world, and africans stayed in their keep telling yourself that...
Africans taught white boys how to be civilized. Twice. Once via the Greeks then later directly via the Moors after the first lesson was forgotten and white cave chimps almost regressed back to the stone age.

Yes......keep saying that over and over as the moors are drowning people in cages and burning women alive because they won't submit to rape....
i will everytime one of you silly white boys make the claim you taught anyone civilization when you had to be educated twice.

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