In Case You Missed Jessie William...


I doubt its due to any observation on your part. Its a genetic predisposition you have depending on the percentage of neanderthal DNA you as a white cave chimp personally possess.
What is your opinion of Allen West?
From what I know about him he is shameless uncle tom. I havent really listened to much of his opinions after realizing he was an uncle tom. HIs career as a military man is perfect for him. He needs to be somewhere a white boy can order him around.
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I wasnt referring to you as a cop. i already know you are not one.

It has a lot to do with Black kids releasing some tension onto whites.
Some of this ". . . releasing some tension onto Whites..." has resulted in the deaths of several elderly people, including two women.

They cant hit the cops back without getting shot or arrested so they go for whites that are not armed and have the same legal authority they do. BTW whites made up the knock out game not Blacks so you may want to do your research so you dont appear to be so ignorant.
". . . Whites made up the knockout game...?"

Really? Do you know what delusional schizophrenia is and what causes it?
I wasnt referring to you as a cop. i already know you are not one.

It has a lot to do with Black kids releasing some tension onto whites.
Some of this ". . . releasing some tension onto Whites..." has resulted in the deaths of several elderly people, including two women.

They cant hit the cops back without getting shot or arrested so they go for whites that are not armed and have the same legal authority they do. BTW whites made up the knock out game not Blacks so you may want to do your research so you dont appear to be so ignorant.
". . . Whites made up the knockout game...?"

Really? Do you know what delusional schizophrenia is and what causes it?
Lynchings resulted in the deaths of more than several elderly Blacks and Black women.

Yes really. You should educate yourself before talking to me. Yes I know what it is and yes I know whites such as yourself suffer from it. I can only assume its genetic.
Thank you. And the reason why people might be getting mad is because he's speaking the truth.
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
House nigga, field nigga syndrome. One of the ways the southern whites used to keep Blacks divided.
how does that excuse it's use today?
What are you talking about? Excuse what?
how do you excuse it's use today?

black American not bowing to the system is called a house nigga or an uncle tom.
(Like I did since I rarely watch TV) My man made a statement that upset a lot of people it seems. Here is a Black brother that is risking his career to speak the truth about the racist system Blacks deal with on a daily basis.

I never watch TV so that's my excuse for knowing next to nothing about Jesse til now. I have a feeling we're going to hear a lot more from this apparently very talented young man. That was a powerful in your face speech, it brought back memories of Kwame Ture. I hope we don't lose his voice like we did Kwame's who just gave up hope that reform would get Black people to where they needed to be. Black Power still strikes fear in a certain strain of Americans like the fear of Slave uprisings did in Nat Turner's time. I think it's fomented by secret guilt, latent White Supremacism and outright racism. While we liberals still hope for Black patience after 250 years of slavery, almost 100 years of Jim Crow, and decades of continuing discrimination we have to wonder how Black people have so far not let the logical answer of Black Power reach the logical conclusion. Maybe one day soon they will just occupy every courthouse, every State Legislature, every police station in the land until Justice delayed somehow finally becomes Justice served. Something has to happen, you can hear it in the voices of Black Lives Matter and in the voices of the Jesse Williams's all around us.
And the response of the fearful White? Boycott his TV show, take away the N****** job! Financial revenge, a tried and true tactic to keep the Black man humble and in his place. Pathetic. Good Luck Jesse.
What is especially ironic with afro american social justice warriors like the douchebag in the video is when they congratulate afro american "mothers" as if they are special. Maybe there is a reason afro american fathers can't wait to leave them. :confused-84:

It is always a concern when they want to learn their history also, as if living in huts and fighting with other tribes was an accomplishment. :p That is why they have to borrow Whitey history as their own. Their history is embarrassingly pathetic.

Obviously you're descended from a long line of philosopher kings, full of pride for brother Jim Bob almost learning to wipe his own ass by the time he's 13 and your ability to nail the spittoon with a wad shot thru the gap in your front teeth. Yep, a real front porch intellectual rocking there hoping it's Friday and the dole cheque comes today. Yessir, another front porch Friday to get drunk and be somebody. Fucking loser.
Searcher44, did you graduate high school, you limp wristed fag?
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
House nigga, field nigga syndrome. One of the ways the southern whites used to keep Blacks divided.
how does that excuse it's use today?
What are you talking about? Excuse what?
how do you excuse it's use today?

black American not bowing to the system is called a house nigga or an uncle tom.
First off I dont excuse things. Secondly be specific. Are you talking about calling someone a house nigga or an uncle tom or both?
(Like I did since I rarely watch TV) My man made a statement that upset a lot of people it seems. Here is a Black brother that is risking his career to speak the truth about the racist system Blacks deal with on a daily basis.

I never watch TV so that's my excuse for knowing next to nothing about Jesse til now. I have a feeling we're going to hear a lot more from this apparently very talented young man. That was a powerful in your face speech, it brought back memories of Kwame Ture. I hope we don't lose his voice like we did Kwame's who just gave up hope that reform would get Black people to where they needed to be. Black Power still strikes fear in a certain strain of Americans like the fear of Slave uprisings did in Nat Turner's time. I think it's fomented by secret guilt, latent White Supremacism and outright racism. While we liberals still hope for Black patience after 250 years of slavery, almost 100 years of Jim Crow, and decades of continuing discrimination we have to wonder how Black people have so far not let the logical answer of Black Power reach the logical conclusion. Maybe one day soon they will just occupy every courthouse, every State Legislature, every police station in the land until Justice delayed somehow finally becomes Justice served. Something has to happen, you can hear it in the voices of Black Lives Matter and in the voices of the Jesse Williams's all around us.
And the response of the fearful White? Boycott his TV show, take away the N****** job! Financial revenge, a tried and true tactic to keep the Black man humble and in his place. Pathetic. Good Luck Jesse.

i think Black people have an inherent flaw in that we excuse the behavior of the group if we can find one person that doesnt fit the mold. I believe that if all whites were racist it would be easier for Blacks to move forward. Now I am seeing Black people finally wake up and realize that their few white friends doesn't mean there still isnt a lot of white racism still out there. No they cant stop you (at the moment) but they will try to make laws to place obstacles in your way if given a chance.
White as fuck person checking in here!

I thought his speech was excellent.
You seem like one of the few intelligent whites that understand fighting white racism doesnt mean someone hates random white people.

Thank you. And the reason why people might be getting mad is because he's speaking the truth.
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
It was an early porn tape that did her in. Unfortunate. She only recently got an apology.

It was not a porn tape. It was nude photographs.
You seem like one of the few intelligent whites that understand fighting white racism doesnt mean someone hates random white people.

Thank you. And the reason why people might be getting mad is because he's speaking the truth.
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
It was an early porn tape that did her in. Unfortunate. She only recently got an apology.

It was not a porn tape. It was nude photographs.
Typsy is a little uptight about sex every since that incident she had in college.
i think Black people have an inherent flaw in that we excuse the behavior of the group if we can find one person that doesnt fit the mold. I believe that if all whites were racist it would be easier for Blacks to move forward. Now I am seeing Black people finally wake up and realize that their few white friends doesn't mean there still isnt a lot of white racism still out there. No they cant stop you (at the moment) but they will try to make laws to place obstacles in your way if given a chance.
The word, racism, much like the words, love and hate, is grossly over-used and mis-used. I once heard a young black girl on a radio call-in program say, "My daddy is racist against cats!" So I would like to know what your definition of the word racism is.
i think Black people have an inherent flaw in that we excuse the behavior of the group if we can find one person that doesnt fit the mold. I believe that if all whites were racist it would be easier for Blacks to move forward. Now I am seeing Black people finally wake up and realize that their few white friends doesn't mean there still isnt a lot of white racism still out there. No they cant stop you (at the moment) but they will try to make laws to place obstacles in your way if given a chance.
The word, racism, much like the words, love and hate, is grossly over-used and mis-used. I once heard a young black girl on a radio call-in program say, "My daddy is racist against cats!" So I would like to know what your definition of the word racism is.
What you heard on the radio is what you probably would call an inside joke. Being white you wouldnt get it.

My definition of the word racism is simple. First what you want to do is break it down by finding the latin meaning of the suffix "ism" out of "isma". This means a system or philosophy. Therefore racism is a system based on race. One where those that have the means to oppress one or more races does so by virtue of defining superiority. For example. Whites have defined themselves as superior to Blacks. They own a vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country. Therefore they have set up a system based on race which benefits them while at the same oppressing races that they feel are less superior such as Black people.
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From what I know about him he is shameless uncle tom. I havent really listened to much of his opinions after realizing he was an uncle tom. HIs career as a military man is perfect for him. He needs to be somewhere a white boy can order him around.
My understanding is Lt. Col. West has resigned from the military as the result of charges made against him for "mistreating" a POW. What I've learned about his history is he does not fit the description of an Uncle Tom. Instead, he is an intelligent man whose life has followed a constructive path and he managed to rise rapidly through the commissioned officer ranks in the Army by demonstrating superior capabilities -- not by sycophantic conduct. In fact, he was known to be a "hard-nosed," risk-taking soldier who earned the respect of his subordinates, most of whom were White.

I've never met the man but if I did I would regard him with as much respect as I would any White man in the same position. Briefly stated, the fact that Mr. West is neither a n!igger or a social malcontent does not make him an Uncle Tom.
From what I know about him he is shameless uncle tom. I havent really listened to much of his opinions after realizing he was an uncle tom. HIs career as a military man is perfect for him. He needs to be somewhere a white boy can order him around.
My understanding is Lt. Col. West has resigned from the military as the result of charges made against him for "mistreating" a POW. What I've learned about his history is he does not fit the description of an Uncle Tom. Instead, he is an intelligent man whose life has followed a constructive path and he managed to rise rapidly through the commissioned officer ranks in the Army by demonstrating superior capabilities -- not by sycophantic conduct. In fact, he was known to be a "hard-nosed," risk-taking soldier who earned the respect of his subordinates, most of whom were White.

I've never met the man but if I did I would regard him with as much respect as I would any White man in the same position. Briefly stated, the fact that Mr. West is neither a n!igger or a social malcontent does not make him an Uncle Tom.
I cant say I agree with you. I hadnt heard much about him until I read some of his comments in context. He was a hero for the tea party. Any Black man that has said the things he has said is a certifiable uncle tom. Not the real uncle tom but the common meaning when Black people use that label. The show he put on for whites was pretty sickening.

I see no merit in earning the respect of white people. Its not something I see as valuable since most white people are beneath my level of respect. I've never met the sellout myself but I would respect him about as much as I respect most white people.
What you heard on the radio is what you probably would call an inside joke. Being white you wouldnt get it.
I'll appreciate it if you would educate me by explaining the inside joke which my Whiteness has impeded my understanding of.

My definition of the word racism is simple. First what you want to do is break it down by finding the latin meaning of the suffix "ism". This means a system or philosophy. Therefore racism is a system based on race. One where those that have the means to oppress one or more races does so by virtue of defining superiority. For example. Whites have defined themselves as superior to Blacks. They own a vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country. Therefore they have set up a system based on race which benefits them while at the same oppressing races that they feel are less superior such as Black people.
Would you say this system of White racism applies to Chinese Americans as well as African Americans? If so, please tell us how you see it manifested.
What you heard on the radio is what you probably would call an inside joke. Being white you wouldnt get it.
I'll appreciate it if you would educate me by explaining the inside joke which my Whiteness has impeded my understanding of.

My definition of the word racism is simple. First what you want to do is break it down by finding the latin meaning of the suffix "ism". This means a system or philosophy. Therefore racism is a system based on race. One where those that have the means to oppress one or more races does so by virtue of defining superiority. For example. Whites have defined themselves as superior to Blacks. They own a vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country. Therefore they have set up a system based on race which benefits them while at the same oppressing races that they feel are less superior such as Black people.
Would you say this system of White racism applies to Chinese Americans as well as African Americans? If so, please tell us how you see it manifested.
Note how Black cats are considered bad luck by white standards? The Black ancient Egytians regarded Black as the color of divinity. They thought Black cats were good luck.

The white racist system applies to everyone not white but affects different ethnic groups differently. I'm glad you chose the Chinese. They were never conquered by whites and actually believe they are better than them. They are very aware of their history and their place in it as a race. They have their own religions, beliefs, and support systems. They study your white racism and other methods of oppression and simply out perform you on your own terms. Since they are starting from a history of strength, knowledge, and believed superiority the system barely affects them. In essence they prove the lie vividly of whites being superior.

Now lets take the NA's. They were conquered, killed, raped, lied to repeatedly, addicted to fire water, and confined to living in ghettos called reservations. They were shattered and basically never tried for awhile to overcome white racism.
Thank you. And the reason why people might be getting mad is because he's speaking the truth.
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
It was an early porn tape that did her in. Unfortunate. She only recently got an apology.

It was not a porn tape. It was nude photographs.
Typsy is a little uptight about sex every since that incident she had in college.
You must have some proof. Let's see it.

You admit to being tree decorations.
I'm not black, so you can take my opinion or leave it. What I found unsettling about the rise of Lt Col West was that he "surprised" the white world. It was unique, at the time, for a black man to "earn the respect" of white subordinates. To me, that indicated that he either overcame inherent biases or that he excelled above and beyond his white counterpoints. The reason he became a conservative darling is because he is a black man who met white standards.

Don't get me wrong. I admire him and think he is a great American, but there are countless white men who behaved just as he did and did not get the praise West did. I can see how the black population would take that as being praised for behaving white. I don't necessarily agree he was praised for acting white, but I can see where that viewpoint comes from.
What pissed me off is some Black people were upset because they dont think he is Black enough. I had to tell a couple of them to wake up and stop allowing Blacks to be divided.

I felt the same about Vanessa Williams. First black Miss America and she got hate about not being black enough. WTF
It was an early porn tape that did her in. Unfortunate. She only recently got an apology.

It was not a porn tape. It was nude photographs.
Typsy is a little uptight about sex every since that incident she had in college.
You must have some proof. Let's see it.

You admit to being tree decorations.
I ddint take any pictures but i remember.

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