In COVID hearing, Pfizer director admits:#vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.

The J&J vaccine worked for me.
That's good, but historically this type vaccine only has a 60% success rate with this type of virus with about 2% of those vaccinated having serious side effects.
And when the expected side effects became was pulled from the market.

I was drinking Irish Whiskey one night after playing poker when a leprechaun appeared and told me that if I burned one of the hundred dollar bills in my wallet he would grant me life until the end of the year. Since this was 2021, and I was scared of COVID but didn't want to get vaccinated, I took a bill and burned it.

Worked like a charm, or I couldn't be posting here. Proof positive!

No stupider than believing Fauci.
Where did I say I believed anything Fauci ever said? My God, you are fucking stupid!
Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout. We now know that answer is a big NO.
How many people lost their jobs because they refused to be injected with the mystery substance that does little if anything and yet may kill you but don’t worry because your surviving family is not allowed to sue Pfizer for the BS mystery substance?
Of course Pfizer knew the vaccine would not stop transmission as would any virologist. The vaccine can lower the rate of transmission because the vaccine reduces the amount of infection in both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases thus there is less virus to be transmited.
That's good, but historically this type vaccine only has a 60% success rate with this type of virus with about 2% of those vaccinated having serious side effects.
And when the expected side effects became was pulled from the market.

It was suspended from use for a short period because they discovered women were getting blood clots. After seeing that every one of those women were smokers on birth control pills, they decided the vaccine was NOT to blame.

You need to educate yourself as I took the J&J on advice from my doctors, based on my health issues, after it had been suspended and restored to usage.
Wha tare you claiming that the so-called vaccine does exactly, and how do you know it worked for you?
Wha tare?

The vaccine reduces your susceptibility to the virus. I am immuno-depressed as I have Stage IV End Stage liver failure. I had COVID (tested positive) less than 4 months after getting the J&J vaccine. Before the vaccines, my doctors told me that if I caught COVID, there would be nothing to save me and I would die in a matter of hours. In fact, I caught COVID from being outside in 95 degree weather at our state fair!

My COVID symptoms were fatigue and a very slight cough. I had already recovered but my doctor wanted me to take the monoclonal antibodies, so I did.

My wife came down with COVID she caught from me, as she had never left the house. She had the same symptoms, never missed a day's work from home, ad the doctor gave her the mono-clonal antibodies too.

For both of us, COVID was no worse than a head cold!
Antivaxxer don't even understand how vaccines work.

So, did your orange fuhrer take credit for the vaccine?

experimental mRNA vaccines

vaccines causing all of these problems

How does that prove anything you have stated regarding the vaccine is true?

Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout.

I also did not take the Pfizer vaccine.

The J&J vaccine should never have been approved.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly are supporters of mandatory COVID vaccines claiming that it does?

The J&J vaccine worked for me.

and I was scared of COVID but didn't want to get vaccinated

this type vaccine

Of course Pfizer knew the vaccine would not stop transmission as would any virologist.

the so-called vaccine

The vaccine reduces your susceptibility to the virus

It's not a vaccine.....

It's not a vaccine.....

That’s right. A better name for it is Clot Shot.

The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs

These two doctors claim they've discovered a way to test for spike protein in human tissue, and they've found spike protein in individuals who were injured or died from the shots.​

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
October 13, 2022

Abnormal blood clotting was one of the first mysterious health effects to emerge in the COVID pandemic, first, as an effect of the natural infection, and later, as a side effect of the COVID jabs.
By mid-March 2021, barely four months after the rollout of the COVID injections, 19 European countries plus Thailand1 had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s injection, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots.2 3
Contrary to the Moderna and Pfizer shots, the AstraZeneca jab uses a viral vector — a genetically modified and supposedly noninfectious chimpanzee cold virus — to deliver double-stranded DNA for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into your cells.4
The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs - LewRockwell
That’s right. A better name for it is Clot Shot.

The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs

These two doctors claim they've discovered a way to test for spike protein in human tissue, and they've found spike protein in individuals who were injured or died from the shots.​

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
October 13, 2022

Abnormal blood clotting was one of the first mysterious health effects to emerge in the COVID pandemic, first, as an effect of the natural infection, and later, as a side effect of the COVID jabs.
By mid-March 2021, barely four months after the rollout of the COVID injections, 19 European countries plus Thailand1 had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s injection, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots.2 3
Contrary to the Moderna and Pfizer shots, the AstraZeneca jab uses a viral vector — a genetically modified and supposedly noninfectious chimpanzee cold virus — to deliver double-stranded DNA for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into your cells.4
The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs - LewRockwell
Lotta these medical professionals put their careers on the line coming out like this Gip......

Lotta these medical professionals put their careers on the line coming out like this Gip......

Yes they did. Mercola was kicked off all the social media sites long ago. They’ve tried to destroy him. That tells us something.
It's not a vaccine.....

The AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines are traditional vaccines made in the traditional vaccine manner...

If you want to refer to the MRNA therapies as therapies instead of as a vaccine (when it is being used as a preventative instead of as a cure like it has been used for a decade against cancer) Then you can....but it is still being used broadly as a preventative.
The AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines are traditional vaccines made in the traditional vaccine manner...

If you want to refer to the MRNA therapies as therapies instead of as a vaccine (when it is being used as a preventative instead of as a cure like it has been used for a decade against cancer) Then you can....but it is still being used broadly as a preventative.
Read this then tell me about the preventative effects again.
The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs - LewRockwell
Read this then tell me about the preventative effects again.
The Trail of Blood From the Covid Jabs - LewRockwell
Not reading a source I know nothing about.
I have extensive knowledge of the research community and requirements including many friendships with researchers and administration personnel in the industry.
What I have stated is the plain truth. Of course nobody likes it as it exposes the hypocrisy of all politicians. (I'm A-political) I have no agenda and don't care to pick one up. I have my own battles to fight and don't plan on fighting someone else's battle.
Not reading a source I know nothing about.
I have extensive knowledge of the research community and requirements including many friendships with researchers and administration personnel in the industry.
What I have stated is the plain truth. Of course nobody likes it as it exposes the hypocrisy of all politicians. (I'm A-political) I have no agenda and don't care to pick one up. I have my own battles to fight and don't plan on fighting someone else's battle.
The AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines are traditional vaccines made in the traditional vaccine manner...

If you want to refer to the MRNA therapies as therapies instead of as a vaccine (when it is being used as a preventative instead of as a cure like it has been used for a decade against cancer) Then you can....but it is still being used broadly as a preventative.
None of them prevent infection and transmission.
None of them prevent infection and transmission.
We are at the beginning of our second year of having them.
The study that would or wouldn't prove these things is a minimum of five years (60 months) in length.

Keep on making obtuse, ignorant statements and claim to be an expert all you want but you are just confirming your internet hogwash academic degree.
We are at the beginning of our second year of having them.
The study that would or wouldn't prove these things is a minimum of five years (60 months) in length.

Keep on making obtuse, ignorant statements and claim to be an expert all you want but you are just confirming your internet hogwash degree.
Tell it to the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs because they refused to get the mystery substance injected that does nothing to prevent infection nor transmission of the ChiCom flu.
Tell it to the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs because they refused to get the mystery substance injected that does nothing to prevent infection nor transmission of the ChiCom flu.
I've never claimed anything like what you are suggesting...
What you are angry because hypocritical politicians lied and coerced Fauci into lying? (Of course the WHO political wing lied)

Tell it to them....not me.

I've never gone beyond the known science.

Currently the number of variants available to infect a person and bypass any protection from severe disease is becoming increasingly more problematic.

Antivaxxers and poor, unvaccinated nations are one of the chief reasons the infections are not contained and uncontainable.
There's always going to be a finite amount of vaccinations available for original or variant strains. And those who lost their immune system to a covid infection have almost no chance of surviving another major outbreak of a variant which bypasses all known antibodies. So there is a good counter argument that antivaxxers aren't personally responsible for the future. They are personally responsible for many other deaths and permanent disability victims from those who got infected because they didn't get vaccinated.
I've never claimed anything like what you are suggesting...
What you are angry because hypocritical politicians lied and coerced Fauci into lying? (Of course the WHO political wing lied)

Tell it to them....not me.

I've never gone beyond the known science.

Currently the number of variants available to infect a person and bypass any protection from severe disease is becoming increasingly more problematic.

Antivaxxers and poor, unvaccinated nations are one of the chief reasons the infections are not contained and uncontainable.
There's always going to be a finite amount of vaccinations available for original or variant strains. And those who lost their immune system to a covid infection have almost no chance of surviving another major outbreak of a variant which bypasses all known antibodies. So there is a good counter argument that antivaxxers aren't personally responsible for the future. They are personally responsible for many other deaths and permanent disability victims from those who got infected because they didn't get vaccinated.
You’re the one whining about people bringing up the ineffectiveness of the mystery jabs in a topic about the ineffectiveness of the mystery jab, shitforbrains.

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