In Defense of God


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
I cannot post this enough about the nature of God.

God could have easily created the world so we didn't have sin (and thus any reason for all the pain that comes from sin) but didn't. He's all knowing, all seeing, all wise, all wise, all beneficent...but has to torture us for our physical lifetimes with all kinds of ailments and pain and war and loss but didn't. He wants us to hurt and what kind of loving being wants his creations to suffer?
I cannot post this enough about the nature of God.

God could have easily created the world so we didn't have sin (and thus any reason for all the pain that comes from sin) but didn't. He's all knowing, all seeing, all wise, all wise, all beneficent...but has to torture us for our physical lifetimes with all kinds of ailments and pain and war and loss but didn't. He wants us to hurt and what kind of loving being wants his creations to suffer?

He gave man a choice. Man exercised his right to make that choice. God did not force man to choose one way or another. When man made his choice, God left man to his own devices but has provided a way to regain His favor. Again, whether one chooses to regain His favor or not, is once again, each man's individual choice to make.
So countless generations and innumerable people must suffer because Adam and Eve took a bite? Babies get cancer, they EARNED it? Thousands die in a moment in a mudslide because THEY HAD IT COMING? Millions die in death camps because it was a JUST REWARD of the actions of two people in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago?

That's Jehovah. Wars, diseases, genocides, natural disasters, because God loves us.

Fuck that noise.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
There's no physical proof that the earth was ever completely flooded. Please explain. :popcorn:
And in defense of god, you acknowledge that it's a murderer because it can't control the stuff it makes.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
There's no physical proof that the earth was ever completely flooded. Please explain. :popcorn:
And in defense of god, you acknowledge that it's a murderer because it can't control the stuff it makes.

I'm not getting into a discussion of the flood with you. It is not my intent to take anyone including you through a discussion of the entirety of the Bible. God gave man a choice and man made his choice. God also provided a path by which man can restore himself to God. That too, is a free choice.

It might be worth while to point out that many will rebel against God even when Christ returns and establishes His earthly kingdom. That will be a time of peace, no wars, long lifespans, and prosperity. Many will still rebel against God's rule. They will face a final death.
So countless generations and innumerable people must suffer because Adam and Eve took a bite? Babies get cancer, they EARNED it? Thousands die in a moment in a mudslide because THEY HAD IT COMING? Millions die in death camps because it was a JUST REWARD of the actions of two people in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago?

That's Jehovah. Wars, diseases, genocides, natural disasters, because God loves us.

Fuck that noise.

Yes, you are exercising your free choice. Man has always rebelled against God. Even the Israelites did. Many will do it yet again. It is a free choice. Bring your complaints up to Him when you come face to face with Him.
God Loves Us To Death!

Yes, you're going to die. I know the Democrats have promised us all a Utopia but even the Democrats haven't promised you eternal life. Only God has provisionally made us that promise.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
No worries – there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; consequently only humans are capable of mass murder and being absolute mean and evil entities.

Your 'god' is only as good or as evil as those who practice a belief in deities.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
No worries – there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; consequently only humans are capable of mass murder and being absolute mean and evil entities.

Your 'god' is only as good or as evil as those who practice a belief in deities.

I take it that you have so deemed yourself as being the final say in such matters. LOL!!
So countless generations and innumerable people must suffer because Adam and Eve took a bite? Babies get cancer, they EARNED it? Thousands die in a moment in a mudslide because THEY HAD IT COMING? Millions die in death camps because it was a JUST REWARD of the actions of two people in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago?

That's Jehovah. Wars, diseases, genocides, natural disasters, because God loves us.

Fuck that noise.
Religion has been used to justify all manner of evil over the millennia.

Religion and 'god' are creations of man, the consequence of his fear, ignorance, and hate.

What's troubling is religion continues to this day to be 'justification' to disadvantage or harm one's fellow man – in the United States religion is used as 'justification' to deny citizens their civil rights; in other parts of the world religion is used as 'justification' to make war and kill.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
Interesting but I will say you rely heavily on the gnostic gospels in your belief. That is fine. But then do you believe in the gnostic gospels, such as Adams first wife called Lillith, and if not, why do you accept some of them but not the others.

I will say most christians have never read the gnostic gospels and most denominations call them heresies. You could be walking a narrow bridge that could lead to excommunication.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
Interesting but I will say you rely heavily on the gnostic gospels in your belief. That is fine. But then do you believe in the gnostic gospels, such as Adams first wife called Lillith, and if not, why do you accept some of them but not the others.

I will say most christians have never read the gnostic gospels and most denominations call them heresies. You could be walking a narrow bridge that could lead to excommunication.

Everything I have posted is derived from the King James Bible. It is based upon the beliefs of many in the early Church. The Books of Enoch and of Jasher are referenced in the Bible. Giants are mentioned several times in the King James as well. The Book of Daniel contains the only references using the word "Watcher".
So countless generations and innumerable people must suffer because Adam and Eve took a bite? Babies get cancer, they EARNED it? Thousands die in a moment in a mudslide because THEY HAD IT COMING? Millions die in death camps because it was a JUST REWARD of the actions of two people in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago?

That's Jehovah. Wars, diseases, genocides, natural disasters, because God loves us.

Fuck that noise.
Religion has been used to justify all manner of evil over the millennia.

Religion and 'god' are creations of man, the consequence of his fear, ignorance, and hate.

What's troubling is religion continues to this day to be 'justification' to disadvantage or harm one's fellow man – in the United States religion is used as 'justification' to deny citizens their civil rights; in other parts of the world religion is used as 'justification' to make war and kill.

I find it interesting that the old and uneducated of the Bible spoke easily and described the atheists and agnostics who discount their words and claim a superior knowledge of science, physics, and astronomy today even though these uneducated and unlearned men spoke of them over two thousand years ago. More even in that David also called them "fools" back in his day. You think you are new with your "discoveries" yet you are almost as old as time.
"Those guys saying Jehovah isn't real because nobody ever seems to see him or talk to him? Yeah, they're the fools. Don't listen to them. Jehovah is totally real. Trust us...and don't forget to tithe. Or else."
-Every Jewish Priest Ever

At best, it's a fairy tale that has gained the veneer of truth because everybody wants to believe there is someone behind this mess. It's unsettling to think this madness is just how it is and there's nothing we can do about it. People are indoctrinated as children and just go along with it because it's a family tradition, the same as having Aunt Jenny's Green Bean Casserole at Thanksgiving. babies don't die because they just got unlucky, that house didn't just fall on grandma during the last earthquake by chance, famines and wars and genocides are all part of some divine plan and/or because of Adam and Eve.
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
There's no physical proof that the earth was ever completely flooded. Please explain. :popcorn:
And in defense of god, you acknowledge that it's a murderer because it can't control the stuff it makes.

I'm not getting into a discussion of the flood with you. It is not my intent to take anyone including you through a discussion of the entirety of the Bible. God gave man a choice and man made his choice. God also provided a path by which man can restore himself to God. That too, is a free choice.

It might be worth while to point out that many will rebel against God even when Christ returns and establishes His earthly kingdom. That will be a time of peace, no wars, long lifespans, and prosperity. Many will still rebel against God's rule. They will face a final death.
Because you know the flood never happened? And god hasn't given you a choice: obey god or you'll burn in hell for all eternity, that's not a choice, that's a threat, like either kiss my ass or I'll fry your ass forever. Your god must be insecure and a douchebag.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: God is an abusive husband. The entire Bible boils down to God standing over a cowering humanity saying "See what you did? Why do you make me hit you? Don't you know I love you so much?"
I see all these OP's and posts claiming God to be a mass murderer and totally just an absolute mean and evil entity. Perhaps we need to look at things from His viewpoint?

It is said that God hates sin. It is said that God simply cannot abide sin. Disobedience in the Garden resulted in the sentence of death befalling all men. That is a fact whether we agree with that sentence or not, matters not because it remains a settled fact. All die.

Man's lifespan is but the blink of God's eye. Man's lifespan has little effect in the overall scope of things. Since we all die, does it really matter in the overall scope of things, when we die since die we will?

So one protests that God flooded the world and killed all but eight souls. Murderer you scream! Read the Bible. Noah and his family were the only ones pure in their bloodlines at the time of the flood. The entirety of mankind had become tainted with the intermarriage with the Watchers. The offspring of these unions between the daughters of men and the Watchers were giants and had taken up cannibalism to satisfy their enormous appetites. It was these hybrid people that God killed off in the flood. They were not of His creation and He saved those eight who had remained of His creation.

Move on to Sodom. The plains cities were filled with sin. God destroyed the plains cities rather that allow them to continue in sin. Yes, he killed the children as well as the adults. Murderer you scream. Since we live under the sentence of death already, what does it matter? Rather than have even the children grow up and become even more sinful than their parents, God in his mercy killed them too.

Realize that God does not view this fleshly life in much esteem. It is the spiritual life that God is most concerned with. All these people will live again in a world in which Satan and his influence is safely locked away. The people of these plains cities will live again without satanic influence. It would be well to remember that unlike us, the Law was not given unto these people and the Bible plainly states that it will be more tolerable for them in the judgment.

Many of the people the Israelites killed and took their lands during the time Moses was leading them were also hybrid creatures because the Watchers also intermarried with the daughters of men after the flood. It was not until the time of David and his men that the last of the Giants were finally killed off. That is one major reason God so loved David. He finally got the job done that even Samuel refused to do.

Everyone who ever lived will live again. It is not the first death or the death of this fleshly body we are to be concerned with. It is the second death that those who partake of will be the ultimate death and final and lasting consequence.
There's no physical proof that the earth was ever completely flooded. Please explain. :popcorn:
And in defense of god, you acknowledge that it's a murderer because it can't control the stuff it makes.

I'm not getting into a discussion of the flood with you. It is not my intent to take anyone including you through a discussion of the entirety of the Bible. God gave man a choice and man made his choice. God also provided a path by which man can restore himself to God. That too, is a free choice.

It might be worth while to point out that many will rebel against God even when Christ returns and establishes His earthly kingdom. That will be a time of peace, no wars, long lifespans, and prosperity. Many will still rebel against God's rule. They will face a final death.
Because you know the flood never happened? And god hasn't given you a choice: obey god or you'll burn in hell for all eternity, that's not a choice, that's a threat, like either kiss my ass or I'll fry your ass forever. Your god must be insecure and a douchebag.

Read and try to understand my OP. I stated that one of the arguments people use to claim God is a murderer is that He destroyed all those people in the flood. My Op was in response to that argument. If you wish to argue over the flood, then by all means start your own OP on here. It's free to do, costs absolutely nothing. You answered your own complaint when you said obey God or you'll burn in hell for eternity. That's really not what the Bible says but if it makes you feel good, I'll let you think that. Not my problem.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: God is an abusive husband. The entire Bible boils down to God standing over a cowering humanity saying "See what you did? Why do you make me hit you? Don't you know I love you so much?"

Your problem remains that God does not consider the first death as of any major importance. Even Christ suffered a very cruel and painful first death.

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