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In defense of Trump.

By all accounts Trump has been a successful president so why is there a need to defend him? There is so much anti-Trump rhetoric in the media that timid people have lost their perspective. You can't go into some towns wearing a MAGA hat for fear of being assaulted so people who should want to make America great are fearful and become stupid victims of left wing propaganda.
I have an eye appointment so let's let this ride until I get back. I will tell you all about how we got into Iraq. You will be surprised at my analysis.

Trump's efforts to extract the US from foreign excursions that enrich American elites lined up at the trough of the Military Industrial Complex, are well founded. Trump is aware that war is profitable for some sectors of the US economy, but he is also cognizant of US hatred generated by these endless wars.

Today is the anniversary of the destruction rained down on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. None of the Washington politicians that fomented global animosity against America were killed in that attack. When Trump says he wants to put a halt to endless wars he is threatening a long-standing gold mine for US leadership that sends troops to die or get maimed in distant outposts that plant the seeds of revenge against US citizens.

We have to go back many years to trace the origins of that horrible attack on New York City that destroyed the Twin Towers. First, let us remember the revolution in Iran that deposed the western-controlled Shah and the taking of American hostages in 1979. That protracted event was mishandled terribly by then President Jimmy Carter and the hostages were held captive for more than a year until Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980.

But a simultaneous event took place in 1980 that raises suspicions leading to the conclusion that Saddam Hussein may have been acting in the interest of the United States when he Invaded Iranian territory sparking the Iran-Iraq War. It is not out of the question that Hussein, at the urging of the CIA, was functioning as a counterbalance in the region to destabilize Iran. America’s economy was heavily dependent on Arab oil at the time. That conflict lasted eight years, elevating hatred in the Arab world to critical levels for interfering in Arab affairs.

If you study history, you may be familiar with name, April Glaspie, a former ambassador to Iraq in the George Bush, the elder, administration. Glaspie’s fumbling led to the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 with dribble like this:

“We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America”.

Saddam took that as a green light to annex Kuwait further ginning up Arab hatred of the US.

The first attack on the World Trade Center took place in 1993, just five years after the Iran-Iraq conflict ended and a mere three years after the Kuwait invasion. It failed to take the structures down, but the seeds of hatred remained deeply planted. It took another eight years to harvest the new crop which in 2001 was successful.

After the 2001 attack, Bush, the younger, promptly moved to save his father’s reputation by turning on Saddam and accusing him of harboring weapons of mass destruction which he likely had supplied to him by the United States. None were supposedly found which is was incredibly convenient. So, the invasion of Iraq served two purposes, it appeared to extract revenge for the World Trade Center, and it took Saddam out of the picture before he started talking. Oddly, no one followed up on why Iraq was invaded when it had nothing to do with the attack.

Trump wants to end these endless wars that make people all over the world hate us. We need to listen to him before we are attacked again with even greater wrath and destruction next time.

I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

Trump has us currently involved in the Yemen war.
Trump Vetoes Measure to Force End to U.S. Involvement in Yemen War

Evidently you are amiss to the true nature of Trump and his facade...
I forgot about Yemen. Yet another example of Trump’s warmongering.

A media that hates Trump yet won’t tell Americans about the military involvement in Yemen and other places, confirms the media is controlled by hidden forces.
Those hidden forces are wealthy people and wealthy corporations which own out government and tell us what we can get

So you think the wealthy own government and yet you want MORE government. What a terrible liar you are
Do you think the wealthy own the government?

Own? No. But they certainly have extra influence.

I realize you're a government loving leftist, but I'm a libertarian. As I said, I want to limit the size of government so they can do less damage. There is no way to make it competent
Lots wrong with that post, but you did get one thing right. When we say own, we mean influence and control of politicians. You knew this full well.

I’m no leftist dummy. I would love to see drastically limited government, which would also limit the power and influence the wealthy have today. However You’re dreaming if you think this can happen. Wake up and accept reality.

Own means total control over government, not just some. I said a shade of gray. That was butt obvious, I don't know how you missed it. Leftists have no ability to differentiate on gray, you're black or white.

You can spin the leftist however you want, but you support Democrats over Republicans. As bad as they are, you have to be a true government lover to do that.

And I like how you assign me that I can only support things that will happen while you reserve the right to support things that may not happen. Just more of your stupid shit
That’s so funny. No one on this forum was more critical of Ears than me, during his reign of fraud. Lefties here called me a crazy righty and cons loved me. Now, it’s completely flipped.

Binary thinking is all you partisans know and you nicely proved it. Thank you.

When you think Biden is better than Trump, it speaks for itself. Spin rejected
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

Trump has us currently involved in the Yemen war.
Trump Vetoes Measure to Force End to U.S. Involvement in Yemen War

Evidently you are amiss to the true nature of Trump and his facade...
I forgot about Yemen. Yet another example of Trump’s warmongering.

A media that hates Trump yet won’t tell Americans about the military involvement in Yemen and other places, confirms the media is controlled by hidden forces.
Those hidden forces are wealthy people and wealthy corporations which own out government and tell us what we can get

So you think the wealthy own government and yet you want MORE government. What a terrible liar you are
Do you think the wealthy own the government?

Own? No. But they certainly have extra influence.

I realize you're a government loving leftist, but I'm a libertarian. As I said, I want to limit the size of government so they can do less damage. There is no way to make it competent
Lots wrong with that post, but you did get one thing right. When we say own, we mean influence and control of politicians. You knew this full well.

I’m no leftist dummy. I would love to see drastically limited government, which would also limit the power and influence the wealthy have today. However You’re dreaming if you think this can happen. Wake up and accept reality.

Own means total control over government, not just some. I said a shade of gray. That was butt obvious, I don't know how you missed it. Leftists have no ability to differentiate on gray, you're black or white.

You can spin the leftist however you want, but you support Democrats over Republicans. As bad as they are, you have to be a true government lover to do that.

And I like how you assign me that I can only support things that will happen while you reserve the right to support things that may not happen. Just more of your stupid shit
That’s so funny. No one on this forum was more critical of Ears than me, during his reign of fraud. Lefties here called me a crazy righty and cons loved me. Now, it’s completely flipped.

Binary thinking is all you partisans know and you nicely proved it. Thank you.

When you think Biden is better than Trump, it speaks for itself. Spin rejected
You’re really slow. I’ve never stated sniffy Joe is better than dumb Don. Stop being dumb.

You’re so dumb you think Don is better than Joe. Lol.
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

Trump has us currently involved in the Yemen war.
Trump Vetoes Measure to Force End to U.S. Involvement in Yemen War

Evidently you are amiss to the true nature of Trump and his facade...
I forgot about Yemen. Yet another example of Trump’s warmongering.

A media that hates Trump yet won’t tell Americans about the military involvement in Yemen and other places, confirms the media is controlled by hidden forces.
Those hidden forces are wealthy people and wealthy corporations which own out government and tell us what we can get

So you think the wealthy own government and yet you want MORE government. What a terrible liar you are
Do you think the wealthy own the government?

Own? No. But they certainly have extra influence.

I realize you're a government loving leftist, but I'm a libertarian. As I said, I want to limit the size of government so they can do less damage. There is no way to make it competent
Lots wrong with that post, but you did get one thing right. When we say own, we mean influence and control of politicians. You knew this full well.

I’m no leftist dummy. I would love to see drastically limited government, which would also limit the power and influence the wealthy have today. However You’re dreaming if you think this can happen. Wake up and accept reality.

Own means total control over government, not just some. I said a shade of gray. That was butt obvious, I don't know how you missed it. Leftists have no ability to differentiate on gray, you're black or white.

You can spin the leftist however you want, but you support Democrats over Republicans. As bad as they are, you have to be a true government lover to do that.

And I like how you assign me that I can only support things that will happen while you reserve the right to support things that may not happen. Just more of your stupid shit
That’s so funny. No one on this forum was more critical of Ears than me, during his reign of fraud. Lefties here called me a crazy righty and cons loved me. Now, it’s completely flipped.

Binary thinking is all you partisans know and you nicely proved it. Thank you.

When you think Biden is better than Trump, it speaks for itself. Spin rejected
You’re really slow. I’ve never stated sniffy Joe is better than dumb Don. Stop being dumb.

You’re so dumb you think Don is better than Joe. Lol.

Yeah, the green new deal and destruction of our inner cities, no big deal. Sure, Bidenette
Trump is a psycho. he has spite. he wants to break people. he doesn't want anyone to have an honorable name but him. he is a devil, and the devil is learning from him
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!
I have an eye appointment so let's let this ride until I get back. I will tell you all about how we got into Iraq. You will be surprised at my analysis.

Trump's efforts to extract the US from foreign excursions that enrich American elites lined up at the trough of the Military Industrial Complex, are well founded. Trump is aware that war is profitable for some sectors of the US economy, but he is also cognizant of US hatred generated by these endless wars.

Today is the anniversary of the destruction rained down on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. None of the Washington politicians that fomented global animosity against America were killed in that attack. When Trump says he wants to put a halt to endless wars he is threatening a long-standing gold mine for US leadership that sends troops to die or get maimed in distant outposts that plant the seeds of revenge against US citizens.

We have to go back many years to trace the origins of that horrible attack on New York City that destroyed the Twin Towers. First, let us remember the revolution in Iran that deposed the western-controlled Shah and the taking of American hostages in 1979. That protracted event was mishandled terribly by then President Jimmy Carter and the hostages were held captive for more than a year until Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980.

But a simultaneous event took place in 1980 that raises suspicions leading to the conclusion that Saddam Hussein may have been acting in the interest of the United States when he Invaded Iranian territory sparking the Iran-Iraq War. It is not out of the question that Hussein, at the urging of the CIA, was functioning as a counterbalance in the region to destabilize Iran. America’s economy was heavily dependent on Arab oil at the time. That conflict lasted eight years, elevating hatred in the Arab world to critical levels for interfering in Arab affairs.

If you study history, you may be familiar with name, April Glaspie, a former ambassador to Iraq in the George Bush, the elder, administration. Glaspie’s fumbling led to the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 with dribble like this:

“We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America”.

Saddam took that as a green light to annex Kuwait further ginning up Arab hatred of the US.

The first attack on the World Trade Center took place in 1993, just five years after the Iran-Iraq conflict ended and a mere three years after the Kuwait invasion. It failed to take the structures down, but the seeds of hatred remained deeply planted. It took another eight years to harvest the new crop which in 2001 was successful.

After the 2001 attack, Bush, the younger, promptly moved to save his father’s reputation by turning on Saddam and accusing him of harboring weapons of mass destruction which he likely had supplied to him by the United States. None were supposedly found which is was incredibly convenient. So, the invasion of Iraq served two purposes, it appeared to extract revenge for the World Trade Center, and it took Saddam out of the picture before he started talking. Oddly, no one followed up on why Iraq was invaded when it had nothing to do with the attack.

Trump wants to end these endless wars that make people all over the world hate us. We need to listen to him before we are attacked again with even greater wrath and destruction next time.

No one questions the analysis or the timeline? That is odd. Is it too much work to forensically examine history? Does anyone really care how we got here? The President has been nominated twice for a Nobel Peace Prize. Dies anyone remember that Obama got one just for "looking good"? Are the people prepared to get the government they deserve?
If you're still protecting a President who repeatedly lied to you with a deadly global pandemic bearing down on the country, and then who MOCKED Americans when they tried to protect themselves from that pandemic, there is something wrong with you. Seriously, literally, something wrong with you.

This really happened, and you can't deny it. Unless there's literally something wrong with you.
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!

Awwww, Candy has a big old crush on me. Cand E's in love ...

I'll take a hard pass on that
If you're still protecting a President who repeatedly lied to you with a deadly global pandemic bearing down on the country, and then who MOCKED Americans when they tried to protect themselves from that pandemic, there is something wrong with you. Seriously, literally, something wrong with you.

This really happened, and you can't deny it. Unless there's literally something wrong with you.
This is ad hominem. Look it up.
If you're still protecting a President who repeatedly lied to you with a deadly global pandemic bearing down on the country, and then who MOCKED Americans when they tried to protect themselves from that pandemic, there is something wrong with you. Seriously, literally, something wrong with you.

This really happened, and you can't deny it. Unless there's literally something wrong with you.
This is ad hominem. Look it up.
I was quite specific, serious, and entirely literal. But I certainly wasn't expecting to change your mind on anything. This is incredible to watch.
Last edited:
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!

Awwww, Candy has a big old crush on me. Cand E's in love ...

I'll take a hard pass on that

I see fido's still begging for attention.
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!

Awwww, Candy has a big old crush on me. Cand E's in love ...

I'll take a hard pass on that

I see fido's still begging for attention.

I know I passed, but I didn't say you're a dog.

The AMAZING candycorn! She writes posts and gets replies! I heard it's possible, but I never met anyone who could do it before. You're awesome
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!

Awwww, Candy has a big old crush on me. Cand E's in love ...

I'll take a hard pass on that

I see fido's still begging for attention.

I know I passed, but I didn't say you're a dog.

The AMAZING candycorn! She writes posts and gets replies! I heard it's possible, but I never met anyone who could do it before. You're awesome

Look fido, I'm out of treats. Try humping someone else's leg.
I apologize if I make people uncomfortable. I do not come from a different place, but I do come from a different time. The first time I remember being political was in junior high school; in those days it was not called middle school. I wore a campaign button for John F. Kennedy. Mr. May, our social studies teacher, allowed it.

There were picture posters on the wall that kept a running count of the intercontinental missiles we had compared to the Soviet Union. Our textbooks portrayed Russian women as kerchiefed, toothless riders of tractors. I remember being surprised that when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the US he brought a Russian wife, Marina, who was quite beautiful.

Mr. May told us to watch Kennedy debate Nixon, and Nixon’s sweaty brow, hanging jowls, and shifty eyes did him in. Kennedy won, and my thirteen-year-old mind was pleased even if I had some sleepless nights listening to distant fire whistles blow during tests to warn the public of nuclear attacks.

On his way out, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a speech for history. Eisenhower had been a military general, but oddly, he was warning of a growing military industrial complex. I watched the speech, but it was way over my adolescent head. It was apparently over the heads of millions of adults as well.

Donald Trump is no perfect specimen of history, but a lot of us voted for him because the US is hated in the Middle East due to the interventional military adventurism that makes US corporations and politicians rich. Did we not escape the Great depression by winning WW2 with industrial fortitude? Yes, we did. Does that mean we must use war to force our way of life on the poorest of the human race? We think not.

Trump had a frustrating relationship with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. In trump’s words, “Bolton just wants to bomb everybody”. Trump is a builder, not a destroyer. Do we need another World Trade Center to understand that? Trump’s voters may the true progressives; we want to try a different way.

We want to lead the world by example, not by the sword. We can keep a strong military for our defense but not an offensive defense to make politicians rich. We need to go back and listen to Eisenhower’s warning. Trump will make war on our crumbling infrastructure, not on distant places most cannot find on a map.

True or false, you thought it was a great idea to invade Iraq before the blob told you it wasn't; right?

Lie to us and tell us you opposed Bush's great Iraqi mis-adventure....all of the other blobbers have.

So what you're saying is ...

And seriously, calling Trump a "blob" over and over. What are you? Six? Democrats just keep regressing deeper and deeper into childish name calling.

And also again you're needing to be propped up by a bunch of imaginary people, "us." Why the insecurity, toots?

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

My God, government schools. I said it's childish, it is. If you could only read your posts where you have to torque in "blob" repeatedly as if you were an adult. I guess that ship sailed though when you went to government schools and were indoctrinated in leftist politics instead of gaining reading and reasoning skills. Poor dear

Awww... poor baby. I'm sorry that the word "blob" hurts your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps when you pass through puberty and become an adult, you won't bruise so easily. Until then, keep whining like a little bitch...its what we've all come to expect from you.

When you vote for the blob this time, just know you're supporting someone who is responsible for 200,000 deaths.

This is the same thing you said last time. Can't come up with anything new, huh?

candycorn: Blob's a blobber blobbing blob of a blobbing blobber blob ...

Ah the third grade. I don't miss it ...

You shouldn't. It was about 4 years ago.


candycorn: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. Bam! I rule. You are kaz, not me. Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

The irony that your playground shtick is actually directly proving that exact point, LOL

I guess this is your "I'm rubber, you're glue" routine junior?

It's hilarious how you follow me around like a little puppy begging for attention. Heel fido...

LOL, you copied what I said to you about being a playgrounder and now you're copying me about saying you're copying me.


And this is a message board. You really think you're hot shit because someone responds to your post? Why are you in love with me? It's unrequited just FYI

Again with the following me around like a poodle. Down boy!

Awwww, Candy has a big old crush on me. Cand E's in love ...

I'll take a hard pass on that

I see fido's still begging for attention.

I know I passed, but I didn't say you're a dog.

The AMAZING candycorn! She writes posts and gets replies! I heard it's possible, but I never met anyone who could do it before. You're awesome

Look fido, I'm out of treats. Try humping someone else's leg.

It's just so funny, Karen. You think responding to your posts on a message board is somehow a testament to undying love. It must be hell for you going to the grocery store with everyone in the store falling in love with you like that. How do you get your head through doorways?
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