In honor of Black History month

I see what you're saying Foxfyre and agree - we need to start treating all people as Americans regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender etc...but, there are still hurdles to overcome.

Technically, slavery was over "150 years ago" but the reality is it's affects endure up to today.

There are people alive who remember, were affected by:

Jim Crowe segregation. Seperate but equal. Drinking fountains for coloreds and drinking fountains for whites.


It wasn't until 1964 that miscegenation laws were ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.

Civil Rights era: black churches firebombed, voting rights workers murdered, poll taxes, firehoses and police dogs turned on black demonstrators.

This is just a tiny handful of a very long post-slavery legacy that still exists in living memory - both in the memories of those who opposed equality and those who supported it. I don't think they can dismiss it so easily.

That same legacy is the one that taught us history from a primarily white male centered view point: the founding fathers, the western expansion, the civil war and the end of slavery. When I was in school - the civil rights era had not yet entered into history. It was too recent and unsettled. Contributions by blacks, native Americans, and women were a footnote. I think recognizing these groups and eventually incorporating them into the larger narrative is good - they shouldn't just disappear into oblivian again though. :dunno:

How many believe that the American Civil War ended in the 1860's?

If it was all about freedom for blacks as a group, blacks as a group didn't demand their piece of the US Constitution until the 1960's.

If they tell you things were different in the 1950's, well no shit.


The 1960's in The United States...

[ame=]Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream on August 28, 1963 [Sous-titres & Subtitles] [FULL SPEECH] - YouTube[/ame]

Very exciting times! :thup:

Past history, not recent history.

But the details of that OP are indeed correct. And I'm glad you brought it up.

The story of Oklahoma/Kansas is especially heartening, in many ways.

The GOP would do itself a world of good look at that long-past history and remember what it did back then and ask itself why it is not doing that now.

nuff said.
No need to derail anything. add something to the link i provided if you'd like? History is history, some people don't know their history...They should learn it
Black history month is a racist concept.

True. But racism per se isn't evil.

There's nothing wrong with noticing and understanding both differences and similarities between the races of Monkeys... it's hate that's based in racial differences that sucks, not the acknowledgment of the differences.
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.

One of my favorites

Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin

For any of you piano savvy people out there try playing this monster!


[ame=]Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin ~ Aaron Robinson, piano - YouTube[/ame]
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Black history month is a racist concept.

True. But racism per se isn't evil.

There's nothing wrong with noticing and understanding both differences and similarities between the races of Monkeys... it's hate that's based in racial differences that sucks, not the acknowledgment of the differences.

Ya sure. Start a White Pride Month and see what happens. :lol:
A great man...


The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us, I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us!”

Douglass continued, “If the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! Your interference is doing him positive injury.”
I completely understand the reason for this request. In truth however, I can't really think of any black people that I would want to honor in such a fashion. I'm not being racist, just truthful.
Therefore if I have a choice, I'll pass and retain my present avi. If the change is mandatory, then I'll see you all in March.

So who is your current avi honoring?

And don't be silly about the mandatory. Any excuse to fall on one's sword, I assume. :eusa_hand:

Not falling on my sword by any means.

Actually my current avi is a pic of the actor Max Martini who played the character "Mack Gerhardt" in the TV show (2006-2009) "The Unit". I chose that pic as my avi because I like to think I possess many of the same qualities exhibited by that character. And yes, I realize it was only a TV show and the characters therein were only make believe. Hey - I can pretend too. :eusa_eh:
I completely understand the reason for this request. In truth however, I can't really think of any black people that I would want to honor in such a fashion. I'm not being racist, just truthful.
Therefore if I have a choice, I'll pass and retain my present avi. If the change is mandatory, then I'll see you all in March.

So who is your current avi honoring?

And don't be silly about the mandatory. Any excuse to fall on one's sword, I assume. :eusa_hand:

Not falling on my sword by any means.

Actually my current avi is a pic of the actor Max Martini who played the character "Mack Gerhardt" in the TV show (2006-2009) "The Unit". I chose that pic as my avi because I like to think I possess many of the same qualities exhibited by that character. And yes, I realize it was only a TV show and the characters therein were only make believe. Hey - I can pretend too. :eusa_eh:

Okay. You can't think of any black people you'd want to honor, but you will do for a TV character?
So who is your current avi honoring?

And don't be silly about the mandatory. Any excuse to fall on one's sword, I assume. :eusa_hand:

Not falling on my sword by any means.

Actually my current avi is a pic of the actor Max Martini who played the character "Mack Gerhardt" in the TV show (2006-2009) "The Unit". I chose that pic as my avi because I like to think I possess many of the same qualities exhibited by that character. And yes, I realize it was only a TV show and the characters therein were only make believe. Hey - I can pretend too. :eusa_eh:

Okay. You can't think of any black people you'd want to honor, but you will do for a TV character?

In a word, yes.

Boxer Jack Johnson was born in Galveston, Texas, in 1878. In 1908 he became the first African-American to win the world heavyweight crown when he knocked out the reigning champ, Tommy Burns. The fast living Johnson held on to the title until 1915 and continued to box until he was 50. He died in an automobile accident in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1946

Jack Johnson Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

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