In just a few short years it will be all over but the crying

I think making $26k a year for unskilled labor sounds pretty fair to me.

What is minimum wage? $7.50? So paying someone $12.50 an hour is not enough?

If you have an 8 man crew, you are paying $100 an hour (plus the taxes and other expenses of employees) for warm bodies and muscles.

And the starting pay is just that, what you make starting out. At that point you need more supervision and produce less. After 90 days, you get a bump. After you learn, you get a bump. Employers will pay to keep good employees. But they shouldn't have to pay thru the nose just because you are a warm body taking up space.

Everyone should make a living wage, regardless of whether their job is "skilled" or not.


i know this is a concept you wingnuts don't understand.

Oh I understand it, I just think you're full of shit.
Now of course I have to keep in mind that you obviously believe the purpose of a business is to provide an income for other people.
Hate to break it to you, but that's never been the case here in America. You probably won't however have any trouble finding another country where that concept is alive and well.
How soon are you leaving ?

You seem to be operating under the mistaken impression that businesses exist to provide income for workers.

A worker is paid for what he can produce or do. It is that simple. If you want a living wage (whatever that is) you need to have something to offer.

This is why union jobs have disappeared. They have not been outsourced overseas as much as they have been replaced by automation.

You're under the impression I care about business. I don't.

If you can't operate your business without paying a fair wage, without polluting the air and water, without providing safe products... you shouldn't be in business.

And simple enough solution for the "outsourcing'. YOu go back to funding the government with tariffs. You want to buy cheap shit from China, we make sure it ain't so cheap anymore.

Oh I understand it, I just think you're full of shit.
Now of course I have to keep in mind that you obviously believe the purpose of a business is to provide an income for other people.
Hate to break it to you, but that's never been the case here in America. You probably won't however have any trouble finding another country where that concept is alive and well.
How soon are you leaving ?

WHy should I do that when we can finally fix this country?

You dumb-ass southern slack-jaws might think it's great to be exploited by the 1%, but the rest of us have had enough.

Those who have money risked their capital and/or have a skill that is worth more money.

Someone who has no skills is not worth nearly as much on the market. This has nothing to do with their worth as a person, which is what the heart transplant analogy suggests.

No, actually, it's totally an accurate analogy.

shit, we need to free-range these welfare people. Totally collect their organs and give them to the "special" folks who are talented and contributing.

I mean, why not?

Free Market, baby.

Those who have money risked their capital and/or have a skill that is worth more money.

Someone who has no skills is not worth nearly as much on the market. This has nothing to do with their worth as a person, which is what the heart transplant analogy suggests.

No, actually, it's totally an accurate analogy.

shit, we need to free-range these welfare people. Totally collect their organs and give them to the "special" folks who are talented and contributing.

I mean, why not?

Free Market, baby.

Jeez, talk about off the deep end.

No one is talking about harvesting the poor or whatever.

But we are trying to get you to defend your argument that someone deserves access to someone elses finances, whether they have a skill or earn them or whatever.

You seem to be operating under the mistaken impression that businesses exist to provide income for workers.

A worker is paid for what he can produce or do. It is that simple. If you want a living wage (whatever that is) you need to have something to offer.

This is why union jobs have disappeared. They have not been outsourced overseas as much as they have been replaced by automation.

You're under the impression I care about business. I don't.

If you can't operate your business without paying a fair wage, without polluting the air and water, without providing safe products... you shouldn't be in business.

And simple enough solution for the "outsourcing'. YOu go back to funding the government with tariffs. You want to buy cheap shit from China, we make sure it ain't so cheap anymore.

NIce deflection, but no one is talking about pollution or safe products!

And if they can't afford to pay a guy $28 an hour to sweep the floors, they go out of business. That will show'em, huh?? Oh yeah, those union workers are out of work too. But not the union bosses, huh?

Oh, and if you try to make it too expensive to outsource and bring back into the US, businesses can simply sell to the ever-growing markets overseas.

And I see you ignored the automation threat to unskilled labor. Don't mind being replaced by a machine.

BTW, the reason the wages were what they were in Tampa & Sarasota is that if it cost any more the company would hire a HydroVac to do it. Safer and better than unskilled labor.
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

I consider myself liberal but I'm not so sure why other liberals are happy to celebrate the decline of a white population. A few years ago in a speech to an Ivy League college, bill clinton said that by the year 2040 I believe it was, that the white population would be in a minority in this country. This group of mostly white, privileged students, clapped in delight over this statement.
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

I consider myself liberal but I'm not so sure why other liberals are happy to celebrate the decline of a white population. A few years ago in a speech to an Ivy League college, bill clinton said that by the year 2040 I believe it was, that the white population would be in a minority in this country. This group of mostly white, privileged students, clapped in delight over this statement.

makes you wonder dont it?...but then Guno does not seem to like White people....and he is also pretty naive about "Brown" people....
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

If you are white and young enough to live to see your prediction come true, the only ones doing the crying will be you and your miserable liberal ilk.

Jeez, talk about off the deep end.

No one is talking about harvesting the poor or whatever.

But we are trying to get you to defend your argument that someone deserves access to someone elses finances, whether they have a skill or earn them or whatever.

I'd have no problem if everyone did a fair's day work for a fair day's pay.

I have no desire to pay people to lounge around and collect money.

But frankly, letting those with money abuse those without money is not hte way to get there.

Eventually, they figure out they are on the majority.
NIce deflection, but no one is talking about pollution or safe products!

And if they can't afford to pay a guy $28 an hour to sweep the floors, they go out of business. That will show'em, huh?? Oh yeah, those union workers are out of work too. But not the union bosses, huh?

Oh, and if you try to make it too expensive to outsource and bring back into the US, businesses can simply sell to the ever-growing markets overseas.

And I see you ignored the automation threat to unskilled labor. Don't mind being replaced by a machine.

BTW, the reason the wages were what they were in Tampa & Sarasota is that if it cost any more the company would hire a HydroVac to do it. Safer and better than unskilled labor.

Guy, when i see a Robot in the cube next to me, I'll buy the whole 'You can be replaced by a machine' argument.

And horseshit on the whole 'Well, you'd better not give your workers fair wages or you can't get that sale to someone working in a third world shithole".

It wasn't like he was a real market, anyway.

Seriously, man, Conservatives are like people who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. You keep sympathizing with your abusers.

Jeez, talk about off the deep end.

No one is talking about harvesting the poor or whatever.

But we are trying to get you to defend your argument that someone deserves access to someone elses finances, whether they have a skill or earn them or whatever.

I'd have no problem if everyone did a fair's day work for a fair day's pay.

I have no desire to pay people to lounge around and collect money.

But frankly, letting those with money abuse those without money is not hte way to get there.

Eventually, they figure out they are on the majority.

This is a different tune you are now singing.

Not sure how you think those with money abuse anyone. But your statement that everyone deserves a living wage, regardless of whether they have any skills is still nonsense.

I have asked before, but let me repeat, What is a living wage?
NIce deflection, but no one is talking about pollution or safe products!

And if they can't afford to pay a guy $28 an hour to sweep the floors, they go out of business. That will show'em, huh?? Oh yeah, those union workers are out of work too. But not the union bosses, huh?

Oh, and if you try to make it too expensive to outsource and bring back into the US, businesses can simply sell to the ever-growing markets overseas.

And I see you ignored the automation threat to unskilled labor. Don't mind being replaced by a machine.

BTW, the reason the wages were what they were in Tampa & Sarasota is that if it cost any more the company would hire a HydroVac to do it. Safer and better than unskilled labor.

Guy, when i see a Robot in the cube next to me, I'll buy the whole 'You can be replaced by a machine' argument.

And horseshit on the whole 'Well, you'd better not give your workers fair wages or you can't get that sale to someone working in a third world shithole".

It wasn't like he was a real market, anyway.

Seriously, man, Conservatives are like people who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. You keep sympathizing with your abusers.

What part of this do you not understand?

You claimed that the laborers working in Tampa were underpaid. I explained that spending more on wages would make it as expensive as a Vac Truck, which does the same work better, and a little bit safer. So if you demand higher pay, the unskilled laborers will be replaced with automation. I did not say all jobs would be replaced.

As for your "...conservatives like you..." blah blah " syndrome..." blah blah blah
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

I consider myself liberal but I'm not so sure why other liberals are happy to celebrate the decline of a white population. A few years ago in a speech to an Ivy League college, bill clinton said that by the year 2040 I believe it was, that the white population would be in a minority in this country. This group of mostly white, privileged students, clapped in delight over this statement.

As a purely demographic matter, then, the “white America” that Lothrop Stoddard believed in so fervently may cease to exist in 2040, 2050, or 2060, or later still. But where the culture is concerned, it’s already all but finished. Instead of the long-standing model of assimilation toward a common center, the culture is being remade in the image of white America’s multiethnic, multicolored heirs.:eusa_whistle:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
"U.S. minorities now represent more than half of America's population under the age of , the Census Bureau said, a historic demographic milestone with profound political, economic and social implications.

The bureau - defining a minority as anyone who is not "single race white" and "not Hispanic" - released estimates on Thursday showing that 50.4% of children younger than 1 were minorities as of July 1, 2011, up from 49.5% from the 2010 Census taken in April 2010.

"2011 is the first time the population of infants under age 1 is majority minority," said Robert Bernstein, a Census Bureau spokesman.

The latest statistics - which also count the national population younger than 5 as 49.7% minority in 2011, an increase from 49% in 2010 - portend a future of a more racially diverse America, with new and growing populations playing more important roles politically and economically in years to come, analysts say."

Census: Fewer white babies being born ? In America - Blogs

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As a purely demographic matter, then, the “white America” that Lothrop Stoddard believed in so fervently may cease to exist in 2040, 2050, or 2060, or later still.

You leave out a hugely important variable - along with the end of White America is the ever-increasing possibility of the End of America.

Racial give-aways, which is what unites minorities together in the Democratic Party, are increasingly unsustainable as the white population continues to decline in proportion to total population.

What can't continue on forever, won't continue on forever.

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