In just a few short years it will be all over but the crying

~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.
~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.

That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.
~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.

That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.

You know, I'm sure that flies on Stormfront, but in the real world?

Kind of easy for whites to succeed when all the people doing the hiring are white.
~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.

Immediately abolishing affirmative action and all other race based government sponsored discrimination would be a good start.

...and of course the negroes don't want that.

They'd have to advance based solely on their own merit and they just aren't used to living that way.

Then there's all these negro organizations that would have to change their names;

Black Legislative Caucus
Black Student's Union
Black Miss America
Black Entertainment Network
Black Policemens Association
Black Liberation and Afrikan Kulcha Empire
Black Male Community Empowerment Forum
Black Millionaires Mentoring Program
Black Voices for Peace
Black Women for Obama
Black Youth Creative Combating Oppression
American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
American Association of Black in Energy
Associated Black Charities
Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
Association of Black Women in Higher Education
Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
Black Caucus of the American Library Association
Black Filmmakers Foundation
Black Psychiatrists of America
Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Black Women in Publishing
Black Women's Network
Blacks in Government
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
National Alliance of Black School Educators
National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
National Association of Black County Officials
National Association of Black Journalists
National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
National Black Caucus of State Legislators
National Black Chambers of Commerce
National Black Child Development Institute
National Black Media Coalition
National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
National Black Police Association, Inc.
National Black Public Relations Society of America
National Black United Fund
National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc.
National Forum for Black Public Administrator

It just won't work. Negroes need to cling to a reason for their dysfunction and inability to adapt to civilized standards.
They've been taught all their lives that everything wrong is the white mans fault..You don't expect them to give up that fantasy and accept responsibility for themselves?...Get serious.
Negroes have been told that they are helpless and incompetent and can't make it without special laws and they accept it.

They were forced to try to assimilate in a society which they could never hope to live up to, to live and work around people who are their intellectual superiors, and to see their own inadequacies mirrored back to them every day of their lives.

It really is better now for everyone to just segregate, and let each race go where it may. There are too many wounds there that will never heal, too much hatred to overcome, and blacks will never improve their lot when they are constantly living in our shadow and being told that they are inferior.
~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.

That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.

Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "
~The healthiest thing for the country to do is STOP counting and measuring and making a big deal about race. Become color blind.

That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.

Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.
That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.

Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).
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Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

and frankly, that's underpaid. that's less than $25,000 a year. That's poverty wages.

Thank you for making a great argumetn as to why we need unions back.
That can't lead to good outcomes because it will result if a very bitter racial stratification. The fortunes of African-Americans and Hispanics will plummet without the aid of affirmative action, civil rights laws and other racial quotas.

A complete merit focused, race blind society would be explosive.

Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

That's easy Joe - just convince the wetback that it's all the Republicans Fault - so they resent him and you still get cheap labor .
Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

and frankly, that's underpaid. that's less than $25,000 a year. That's poverty wages.

Thank you for making a great argumetn as to why we need unions back.

Yes we certainly do need Unions - all our cities should look like Detroit [Thanks UAW] and all the ruling Class Democrats should be free to export our Jobs to China, India , and Mexico.
Affirnative Action is a Racist instrument designed to promote one group over another and instill racial antagonism - it completely ignores the famous speech of MLK jr. that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Ambitous and hard working African Americans , in recent years, have prospered , no thanks to the welfare system . The welfare system is designed to hold people down - which has been the case with many Blacks who lack the requisite ambition and drive to better themselves.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The sticky wickett here is - yes they are superior to the American Laborer. The American Laborer has been watered down by the Union Mentality ---- More Pay /Less Work --- so how do you reconcile millions opf Americans collecting unemployment and welfare while millions of immigrants [largely undoocumented] take their Jobs ?
Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

and frankly, that's underpaid. that's less than $25,000 a year. That's poverty wages.

Thank you for making a great argumetn as to why we need unions back.

For unskilled labor, $26,000 a year is a decent wage. They got raises, just like any job does.

And most of the American laborers were paid the same. It comes to around $12.50 an hour or so. Well over minimum wage. The equipment operators made around $750 a week. But then, they had a skilled. An operator for a HDD rig would make $1k a week.

Learn a skill and you're worth more.

Oh, and we had one company try union labor. Until they had 1,000 of hand digging to do in the summer in Tampa. They guys quit. The hispanics did the work.
Yeah, but these aren't "good" things.

frankly, I want my work done by someone who doesn't resent his employer and his job because they are abusing them.

Not sure why you don't.

Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The sticky wickett here is - yes they are superior to the American Laborer. The American Laborer has been watered down by the Union Mentality ---- More Pay /Less Work --- so how do you reconcile millions opf Americans collecting unemployment and welfare while millions of immigrants [largely undoocumented] take their Jobs ?

I used to say that we demand that all companies provide documentation on their workers. But these companies DID provide documentation. I'm sure it was forged or faked for most of them.

There needs to be some way to check their status. It wouldn't hurt to have American labor that was worth hiring. Most companies would prefer that.
I know, the idea that whites are the only ones with biases, racism and bigotry, is hysterical. Whites in fact display more diversity than any other race.
Ever been to Mexico outside the tourist areas ?
I've been all over Central America, and anyone thinking the people there are all full of love and respect for others have a shock coming.

i know more than one Mexican guy who does not like Blacks and certain other Latinos and gay men.....woman always seen to be alright....:eusa_eh:

When I worked on the Verizon FTTP build in Tampa & Sarasota, we had a significant number of subcontractors using hispanic laborers. The equadorians hated the guatamalens. The mexicans hated the puerto ricans. And nobody seemed to like the nicaraguans. Put the wrongs crews together and you had drama all day long. Put the right crews together and we got more work done than anyone else.

i hear ya....i just think Guno has his head up his ass if he thinks bigotry and bias disappear just because the white man becomes a minority....i dont think the guy has been around to many Latinos.....if he says he has and still says what he said....then i have to say ....he is lying and full of shit...
You know, I'm sure that flies on Stormfront, but in the real world?

Kind of easy for whites to succeed when all the people doing the hiring are white.

Here's the real world for you. This is the dynamic at the core of the recent Fisher vs. University of Texas lawsuit which went to the Supreme Court.

We keep hearing that the children of professionals, the children of the upper class, get all sorts of advantages at schools because their parents are richer, because they go to better schools than the children of poor adults.

And yet we see that the children of white HS graduates outperform the children of the black upper class. Those black kids have all of the advantages, they're raised in wealthy households, their parents are educated, their parents are doctors, lawyers, etc and the the children of poorly educated whites, the children of white garbagemen, white short order cooks show themselves to perform better academically.

That's why the University of Texas felt it necessary to play favorites, to favor the children of black professionals, the black upper class and pick these children over the more qualified children of poor white families.

So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

This is all well and good as it stands but it poses two problems for society.

1.) We are a high standard of living, and also a high cost of living, society. Being a hard worker is terrific, but that doesn't guarantee that the hard work translates into high income. What you're talking about is menial labor. No matter a person's race, it's very difficult to earn enough income via menial labor to pay one's own way through society. In LA right now it costs taxpayers about $10,000 per year to educate one child. Other school districts across the nation have higher costs. It's very difficult for a menial laborer to pay $10,000 per year in taxes, and that's only for one child.

2.) When we import Hispanics, we're not importing REPLACEMENTS for our black underclass, what we're doing is DISPLACING black people out of the labor market. Same too with underclass people in other racial groups. We don't have a shortage of low skilled or no-skilled labor in this country.
Not sure where you mean. But the workers I have been around were paid a decent wage, especially for a laborer.

As I mentioned before, I worked with numerous hispanic crews in Tampa and Sarasota. Greenbean is right, they worked circles around every American worker we had. They worked hard and didn't have to be ridden to keep working. And any man who can work 8 or 9 hours a day, in the summer, in Florida, digging and burying conduit, and not complain, is worth their weight in gold.

The laborers were paid $500 a week and worked 5 days a week (unless there was some emergency).

and frankly, that's underpaid. that's less than $25,000 a year. That's poverty wages.

Thank you for making a great argumetn as to why we need unions back.

For unskilled labor, $26,000 a year is a decent wage. They got raises, just like any job does.

And most of the American laborers were paid the same. It comes to around $12.50 an hour or so. Well over minimum wage. The equipment operators made around $750 a week. But then, they had a skilled. An operator for a HDD rig would make $1k a week.

Learn a skill and you're worth more.

Oh, and we had one company try union labor. Until they had 1,000 of hand digging to do in the summer in Tampa. They guys quit. The hispanics did the work.

It's no mystery why employers like to hire these guys. I get it.

The problem is that they displace American workers. Those American workers don't just disappear from the face of the Earth.

On balance, the country is better off by forcing employers to hire American workers, even though they're not as hard working nor as cheap as the illegal Hispanics that employers prefer to hire.

We have over 25% of young black men, in the prime of their working lives, being idle for periods of a year or more. Yeah, compared to Hispanic workers, employers will have more problems managing such young black men, but too bad, they're Americans and those illegal Hispanics are not.
and frankly, that's underpaid. that's less than $25,000 a year. That's poverty wages.

Thank you for making a great argumetn as to why we need unions back.

For unskilled labor, $26,000 a year is a decent wage. They got raises, just like any job does.

And most of the American laborers were paid the same. It comes to around $12.50 an hour or so. Well over minimum wage. The equipment operators made around $750 a week. But then, they had a skilled. An operator for a HDD rig would make $1k a week.

Learn a skill and you're worth more.

Oh, and we had one company try union labor. Until they had 1,000 of hand digging to do in the summer in Tampa. They guys quit. The hispanics did the work.

It's no mystery why employers like to hire these guys. I get it.

The problem is that they displace American workers. Those American workers don't just disappear from the face of the Earth.

On balance, the country is better off by forcing employers to hire American workers, even though they're not as hard working nor as cheap as the illegal Hispanics that employers prefer to hire.

We have over 25% of young black men, in the prime of their working lives, being idle for periods of a year or more. Yeah, compared to Hispanic workers, employers will have more problems managing such young black men, but too bad, they're Americans and those illegal Hispanics are not.

Except the American workers often won't do the work, to say nothing of doing it slowly or badly.

In PA, on a similar Verizon fiber build, the local unions started causing trouble for the hispanics. So, in order to prevent problems, my company tried to hire all American crew. We posted ads looking for laborers and were paying $15 an hour. We had over 100 applicants the first week (this was in 2006 or so, when the economy was rolling). When we tried to arrange interviews, only 46 came in for the interview. Of that, 20 showed for their first day of work. Only 5 workers finished the first week. The rest never showed. Some of those who didn't come for an interview told us they didn't want to do that kind of work, but they needed something to put on their gov't form showing they were looking for work.
Guano think the country will be in better hands once whites are in the minority?

then why aren't they living in Mexico, Honduras, where the brown reins?

you'll still be peon no matter what color runs things

Sorry Ellie may goober, you have and will continue to live in a trailer park no matter who is in the white house just as you have done for years before the current President
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So far as Hispanics - I can't speak re: all of them - but the ones I've known and seen put American Workers to shame - they are the most hardest working and dedicated people I've ever seen. They work for the half the price of American laborers and frequently do a better job, they don't demand extensive vacations and time off , medical expenses, extensive sick time . three day weekends - will work around the clock if asked to - and don't demand overtime pay ....... Perhaps this is why the ruling Class Democrats simply adore them and promote them emigrating here by any means possible - "Fuck the Law and Fuck the American Worker who needs them ? "

This is all well and good as it stands but it poses two problems for society.

1.) We are a high standard of living, and also a high cost of living, society. Being a hard worker is terrific, but that doesn't guarantee that the hard work translates into high income. What you're talking about is menial labor. No matter a person's race, it's very difficult to earn enough income via menial labor to pay one's own way through society. In LA right now it costs taxpayers about $10,000 per year to educate one child. Other school districts across the nation have higher costs. It's very difficult for a menial laborer to pay $10,000 per year in taxes, and that's only for one child.

2.) When we import Hispanics, we're not importing REPLACEMENTS for our black underclass, what we're doing is DISPLACING black people out of the labor market. Same too with underclass people in other racial groups. We don't have a shortage of low skilled or no-skilled labor in this country.

Plenty of lower and middle class people do not pay enough in taxes to pay for their children's education. That is why everyone pays into it. This is why all those people without children pay into the education system. It is in everyone's best interest to have an educated population.

As for it not translating into anything, quite a few of those guys were promoted, learned a skill, and a few now run their own companies. It is how the system works. Or how it used to work. You start at the bottom and learn. Then you work up.

No, they won't get rich. But they can certainly be middle class citizens.

American kids coming into the job market want big paychecks but don't want to bust their ass to get them. And they want to leave high school and instantly be middle class or better.

I started out as a groundhand. I got cussed, yelled at, and worked my ass off. 15 years later I was the director of safety for the company.

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