In just a few short years it will be all over but the crying

Also, the population is increasingly becoming gay and lesbian.

So much for human reproduction.

Asshats like guano are ready to bite off their own nose just to spite their face.

So reporting on the demographic shit is bad to you?

No problem for me as my family is multi racial and multi cultural , it is going to be tough for people like you who are one dimensional and fear others not like you , but that is your problem not mine

it will be tough for you too when you find that when the "brown" people take over bias and bigotry will still be will just be another color in charge....

I know, the idea that whites are the only ones with biases, racism and bigotry, is hysterical. Whites in fact display more diversity than any other race.
Ever been to Mexico outside the tourist areas ?
I've been all over Central America, and anyone thinking the people there are all full of love and respect for others have a shock coming.
It's funny to see guano's flailing and failing posts.

That poor addled nitwit piece of shit can't even persuade the easily misled liberals.

he shys away from questions asked about what he says too....he is another C_Clayton_Jones....says a lot of shit but doesnt want to field the responses to the shit he puts up....
So reporting on the demographic shit is bad to you?

No problem for me as my family is multi racial and multi cultural , it is going to be tough for people like you who are one dimensional and fear others not like you , but that is your problem not mine

it will be tough for you too when you find that when the "brown" people take over bias and bigotry will still be will just be another color in charge....

I know, the idea that whites are the only ones with biases, racism and bigotry, is hysterical. Whites in fact display more diversity than any other race.
Ever been to Mexico outside the tourist areas ?
I've been all over Central America, and anyone thinking the people there are all full of love and respect for others have a shock coming.

i know more than one Mexican guy who does not like Blacks and certain other Latinos and gay men.....woman always seen to be alright....:eusa_eh:
it will be tough for you too when you find that when the "brown" people take over bias and bigotry will still be will just be another color in charge....

I know, the idea that whites are the only ones with biases, racism and bigotry, is hysterical. Whites in fact display more diversity than any other race.
Ever been to Mexico outside the tourist areas ?
I've been all over Central America, and anyone thinking the people there are all full of love and respect for others have a shock coming.

i know more than one Mexican guy who does not like Blacks and certain other Latinos and gay men.....woman always seen to be alright....:eusa_eh:

When I worked on the Verizon FTTP build in Tampa & Sarasota, we had a significant number of subcontractors using hispanic laborers. The equadorians hated the guatamalens. The mexicans hated the puerto ricans. And nobody seemed to like the nicaraguans. Put the wrongs crews together and you had drama all day long. Put the right crews together and we got more work done than anyone else.
And yet it is liberals who are anti-science, what with their belief that Astrology is a science, that GMO food is toxic, that vaccines kill people.

All 3 of those types of pseudoscience show fairly even liberal-conservative splits in the population. There's somewhat more liberals believing in astrology, but that's because evangelicals say astrology is witchcraft and substitute different superstitions. There are more liberal celebrities saying dopy things about GMOs and vaccines, but the numbers for the general population are the same for liberals and conservatives.
And yet it is liberals who are anti-science, what with their belief that Astrology is a science, that GMO food is toxic, that vaccines kill people.

All 3 of those types of pseudoscience show fairly even liberal-conservative splits in the population.

Um, do you similarly come to the defense of conservatives when the issue of evolution is raised? Do you claim that almost as many liberals believe in creationism as do conservatives? I'm honestly curious.

Look, 1 in 8 Democrats believes that Astrology is "Very Scientific" compared to 1 in 20 Republicans. That's a significant difference and it's not accurate to say that there is a "fairly even split" unless you put massive error bars on your analysis, 1/8 and 1/20 are almost identical. No rational person that I know actually believes that 1/8 and 1/20 are too close to tell the difference.
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

And this is why liberals loose elections: because they believe they can just rely on demographics and the inexorable tide of history to be on their side. They're not trying to persuade anyone or change anyone's mind any more than the Tea Party conservatives do.
The republicans threw it all away because they gave away the educational system and spit at science, infastructure and common sense.

And yet it is liberals who are anti-science, what with their belief that Astrology is a science, that GMO food is toxic, that vaccines kill people.

The best economic period in America's history for all Americans was during the 50s, 60's and 70's. The rich fucked the republican party and they don't realize it.

Amazing what an immigration moratorium can achieve, huh?

Is that right? How do I join the Astrology wing of the Democratic party? Are they affiliated with the Christian Science Democrats or what? Please feel free to elaborate on this fascinating theory of yours,
And yet it is liberals who are anti-science, what with their belief that Astrology is a science, that GMO food is toxic, that vaccines kill people.

All 3 of those types of pseudoscience show fairly even liberal-conservative splits in the population.

Um, do you similarly come to the defense of conservatives when the issue of evolution is raised? Do you claim that almost as many liberals believe in creationism as do conservatives? I'm honestly curious.

Look, 1 in 8 Democrats believes that Astrology is "Very Scientific" compared to 1 in 20 Republicans. That's a significant difference and it's not accurate to say that there is a "fairly even split" unless you put massive error bars on your analysis, 1/8 and 1/20 are almost identical. No rational person that I know actually believes that 1/8 and 1/20 are too close to tell the difference.

Issue of evolution? There is no actual controversy, only the imagined perception of one.
Issue of evolution? There is no actual controversy, only the imagined perception of one.

There's no controversy about Astrology either, except so damn many Democrats believe it to be a science. I'm not sure where you picked up the habit of cramming words into people's mouths, but I didn't write that evolution was controversial.
Issue of evolution? There is no actual controversy, only the imagined perception of one.

There's no controversy about Astrology either, except so damn many Democrats believe it to be a science. I'm not sure where you picked up the habit of cramming words into people's mouths, but I didn't write that evolution was controversial.

So then you must be saying that there just as many stupid liberals as stupid conservatives.
Um, do you similarly come to the defense of conservatives when the issue of evolution is raised? Do you claim that almost as many liberals believe in creationism as do conservatives? I'm honestly curious.

Of course not, because those would be wildly inaccurate statements. I won't be PC and adjust the data just for the sake of your feelings.

Look, 1 in 8 Democrats believes that Astrology is "Very Scientific" compared to 1 in 20 Republicans.

That's a significant and deliberate distortion of data on your part, by leaving out the rest of the data. When you put all the astrology believers in, it's more like 55% liberal and 45% conservative, which is a fairly even split. I'm using all the data, and you're attempting to to mislead by leaving data out.

I am, of course, willing to entertain the notion that your distortion was due to ignorance instead of deliberate dishonesty. Was that the case? If so, you can be excused, since it's expected that conservatives be kind of dim about such things.
So then you must be saying that there just as many stupid liberals as stupid conservatives.

This call for fairness that you're making seems to be one-sided for I rarely see liberals jumping in to correct the record when one of their comrades is slamming conservatives for believing that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. What I see is a blanket condemnation, so I'm learning to do the same.

If all conservatives are stupid because some believe in creationism, then doesn't it follow that all liberals are stupid because some believe in Astrology.

In the GSS data there is a 16 pt gap where more Republicans than Democrats believe humans did not evolve from animals. With respect to Astrology there is an 11 point gap where more Democrats than Republicans believe that Astrology is a science. Moving on, more Republicans than Democrats understood that it takes one year for the Earth to orbit around the sun, that it is the Earth which orbits around the sun rather than the reverse and again we see 10% deltas where more Republicans than Democrats understand that being exposed to radiation doesn't lead to death nor does exposure to pesticides lead to cancer. These last two probably tie into the GMO and vaccine issue.
Um, do you similarly come to the defense of conservatives when the issue of evolution is raised? Do you claim that almost as many liberals believe in creationism as do conservatives? I'm honestly curious.

Of course not, because those would be wildly inaccurate statements. I won't be PC and adjust the data just for the sake of your feelings.

Give it a rest, buddy. Wildly inaccurate? Why are you willing to argue that a 10% delta is meaningless but a 16% delta on the issue of creationism as believed by Republicans and Democrats is wildly significant? For Republicans 41.5% believe that humans evolved from animals compared to 57.6% of Democrats. So this creationism business isn't a phenomena which presents as 90% Republicans and 5% Democrat of whatever proportions you imagine in your mind.
So then you must be saying that there just as many stupid liberals as stupid conservatives.

This call for fairness that you're making seems to be one-sided for I rarely see liberals jumping in to correct the record when one of their comrades is slamming conservatives for believing that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. What I see is a blanket condemnation, so I'm learning to do the same.

If all conservatives are stupid because some believe in creationism, then doesn't it follow that all liberals are stupid because some believe in Astrology.

In the GSS data there is a 16 pt gap where more Republicans than Democrats believe humans did not evolve from animals. With respect to Astrology there is an 11 point gap where more Democrats than Republicans believe that Astrology is a science. Moving on, more Republicans than Democrats understood that it takes one year for the Earth to orbit around the sun, that it is the Earth which orbits around the sun rather than the reverse and again we see 10% deltas where more Republicans than Democrats understand that being exposed to radiation doesn't lead to death nor does exposure to pesticides lead to cancer. These last two probably tie into the GMO and vaccine issue.

You have yet to quote any actual science.
That's a significant and deliberate distortion of data on your part, by leaving out the rest of the data. When you put all the astrology believers in, it's more like 55% liberal and 45% conservative, which is a fairly even split. I'm using all the data, and you're attempting to to mislead by leaving data out.

Results which upset your tender sensibilities don't equate to distortion on my part. There is meaningful information garnered by focusing on the "true believers" those who believe that Astrology is "Very Scientific" and that's lost when we mix in the people who are wishy washy and hedging.

You're using all of the data because it softens the blow to your ideological ego, not because it better explains HOW and WHY people believe what they believe. Those who "somewhat believe" are like fence-sitting moderates who straddle the political spectrum. Do you also include moderates when you speak of the proportion of liberals in the population?
Give it a rest, buddy. Wildly inaccurate?

I see you've moved on to a big honkin' logical fallacy. Since I doubt you'd be able to spot it yourself, I'll have to help you out.

Conservative != Republican
Liberals != Democrat

You've been using R/D polls to state conclusions about C/L beliefs. Major blunder on your part, and it invalidates everything you've been doing.
Results which upset your tender sensibilities don't equate to distortion on my part. There is meaningful information garnered by focusing on the "true believers" those who believe that Astrology is "Very Scientific" and that's lost when we mix in the people who are wishy washy and hedging.

Ah, more of that "because I say so" stuff from you.

You're using all of the data because it softens the blow to your ideological ego, not because it better explains HOW and WHY people believe what they believe.

I'm using all the data because it's better to use all the data. It's a habit I picked up in the reason-based community.

Those who "somewhat believe" are like fence-sitting moderates who straddle the political spectrum. Do you also include moderates when you speak of the proportion of liberals in the population?

If you're so sure of that, you must have data to back it up. So please show us your data that says political moderates have less extreme beliefs about astrology. After all, you wouldn't want anyone to think you're just yanking stuff out of your butt.

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