In just a few short years it will be all over but the crying

The one thing that is hilarious, and god I hope Goono lives long enough to see it.

Is that this country might not be so white in the coming decades, but it will become even MORE of a Christian majority than it is today ! :badgrin:

It will be more like it was decades ago, than it is right now.

You forget Goono, that Hispanics are MUCH more likely to be socially conservative as a whole than whites of today.
They have larger families due in part, if not mostly because of their Catholic faith, and the fact that they are more likely to not be using birth control as their white counterparts.

So get used to the idea Goono, that if you're around long enough, you're much MORE likely to get a visit in your nursing home from the grandkids of that nun that slapped you around as a kid. This time though, the nun will be changing your diaper, and smearing your sheets with your crap you're laying in. :badgrin:

Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.
they wont? ever see how many of these people react when someone says the image of Jesus or Mary is on a tortilla or the side of a building because of the way the shade hits it?...thats pretty nutty Joe.....
Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.

And they won't be rightwing catholics , they have a sense of community and social conscience and justice



New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans

New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans | Latino Decisions

you believe to much shit that you read.....most of the native born Mexicans that i have talked to are some of the most anti-illegals i have heard from....they think illegals are giving them a bad it is not STRONGLY rejected.....the only reason they are not siding with the Republicans is because the far right has made it a racial thing instead of an unlawful immigration thing.....and they are getting sick and tired of those assholes who assume any Brown person must be one of them illegals.......what else can you be if you are brown?... ....
The republicans threw it all away because they gave away the educational system and spit at science, infastructure and common sense.

The best economic period in America's history for all Americans was during the 50s, 60's and 70's. The rich fucked the republican party and they don't realize it.
....and the crying will be done by race baiting scum like guno, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. There won't be any more whites to blame their failings on.

What's funny is white people supported education, science and infrastructure. We also supported taxing the rich! During the 50's, 60's and 70's!!!

We fucked ourselves.
Don't feed the Jew Troll. He's a stupid old man and his clock is ticking fast.

Chow down on some pork goyim boy

save yourself sometime you anti Semite

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The racist douchebag, Batshit Boy, is nothing but a coward and a troll.
How White People React to Losing Their Majority Status in America

While researching for "On the Precipice of a 'Majority-Minority' America: Perceived Status Threat from the Racial Demographic Shift Affects White Americans' Political Ideology," psychologists Maureen A. Craig and Jennifer A. Richeson conducted four experiments to assess how people who identify as white reacted to racial demographic changes regarding three different population sets.

How White People React to Losing Their Majority Status in America - Mic
For the Radical Right, Obama Victory Brings Fury and Fear

"The loss of a white majority in the United States has helped drive a truly explosive growth of the radical right in the last three years, and that now seems likely to accelerate. Hate groups in recent years have risen to more than 1,000, and the number of antigovernment “Patriot” groups has shot up from just 149 in 2008 to 1,274, according to research by the Southern Poverty Law Center. For months now, groups on the radical right have increasingly fretted about a possible Obama victory. Now that that has occurred, the radical right may grow more dangerous still."
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

And U.S. tax dollars are supporting this. Disgrace.
How White People React to Losing Their Majority Status in America

Nobody here seems to give half as much a shit as you, batshit boy. Even your fellow racists don't seem as obsessed as you. You overcompensating for something, coward?
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For the Radical Right, Obama Victory Brings Fury and Fear

"The loss of a white majority in the United States has helped drive a truly explosive growth of the radical right in the last three years, and that now seems likely to accelerate. Hate groups in recent years have risen to more than 1,000, and the number of antigovernment “Patriot” groups has shot up from just 149 in 2008 to 1,274, according to research by the Southern Poverty Law Center. For months now, groups on the radical right have increasingly fretted about a possible Obama victory. Now that that has occurred, the radical right may grow more dangerous still."
Democratic Party...America's #1 hate group.
"The disappearance of the old, familiar landscape scares them and terra incognita loons. Instead of swimming with the tide they are struggling against the flow – and panicking.

In his 2008 campaign for President, Obama famously – and accurately – said:

“And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

I suspect, that at the time, he had no idea how prophetic his remarks were. He knew he would be a lightening rod for the fears of “real Americans”. But the depth and persistence of the rumors that he was Kenyan, Muslim and socialist – all patently and provably untrue – must have shocked him.

Fear is nothing new in American politics. Especially for whites. Which is curious because for the entirety of the nation’s history whites have had it good – while minorities - from blacks, to Chinese, to Hispanics have been enslaved, discriminated against and treated as sub-human.

Minority whites have also been the victims of racial abuse. WASPs considered themselves the “right” kind of white"

Gun Owning White Christians Are not Going Gentle into that Good Night. ? The Critical Mind
And I wish you well in your quest to widen the racial divide (well no not really).

Tell Al Sharpton that all is going to plan.

Press four to speak to a NAACP rep.
You've one a great job attacking a bunch of shit I never said... sign of a shallow mind.
The republicans threw it all away because they gave away the educational system and spit at science, infastructure and common sense.

And yet it is liberals who are anti-science, what with their belief that Astrology is a science, that GMO food is toxic, that vaccines kill people.

The best economic period in America's history for all Americans was during the 50s, 60's and 70's. The rich fucked the republican party and they don't realize it.

Amazing what an immigration moratorium can achieve, huh?

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