In just a few short years it will be all over but the crying

Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

Old news. Gets even worse in fact, anthrpologists and geneticists say the world's becomming increasingly female too. And eventually males may well go extinct. :)

Also, the population is increasingly becoming gay and lesbian.

So much for human reproduction.

Asshats like guano are ready to bite off their own nose just to spite their face.

So reporting on the demographic shit is bad to you?

No problem for me as my family is multi racial and multi cultural , it is going to be tough for people like you who are one dimensional and fear others not like you , but that is your problem not mine
Its all over but the crying for you
Hopefully the mods will catch up to you and your racist posts and kick you out of here. Hopefully for good.
I can guarantee, you would not have the stones to say these things to the faces of those you hate.

What is racist about posting about the facts of the demographic shift

Because you're doing it specifically to irritate other members here. This is what you do continually. No one is fooled.
Only in your wet dreams, buddy boy.

No, he's right. We see secession movements all over the world. Yugoslavia broke up. Czechoslovakia broke up. Quebec almost seceded but for the ethnic vote. Scotland is trying to secede. The Flemish in Belgium have had enough with supporting the Walloons. Catalonia just tried to secede from the rest of Spain. The Basques have been fighting a long battle. The Kurds want their own homeland. The list goes on.

White people found it manageable to carry blacks when the country was 85% white. It will become unmanageable for whites when they're carrying half the population on their backs. An 85/15 nation is a 5.7:1 nation. When America is less than half white it becomes a 1:1 nation. The financial burdens and the loss of freedom needed to make that work is going to put a lot of pressure on the secession steam kettle.

Look at what is happening at the University of Texas at Austin - the University finds it necessary to pass over highly qualified poor white students in order to admit the mediocre students who come from wealthy black and Hispanic professional families. The University took this right to the Supreme Court.

Our children, the 'mongrels' that people like Nugent talk about, will be just as patriotic as prior generations.

Basing an argument on fantasy is not really a good way to make a convincing case. If you look at Census data on neighborhood segregation you see very stark VOLUNTARY racial segregation boundaries. If you look at mating patterns you see same-race preferences overwhelmingly dominate.

Appealing to the mongrelization of America as a solution means you're appealing to fantasy. The degree of interracial mating that does occur is not likely to change much and so it doesn't have the power to bring about the harmonization you pray it should.

And just as committed to the laws that create a good and just society.

Bullshit. If this was the case then after 9/11 we should have seen a flood of Muslim-Americans signing up to go fight Muslims in Afghanistan to avenge what happened to America and to clearly demonstrate their loyalty to America. The textbook example of this is the Japanese-American staffed 442 Infantry Regiment in WWII:

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team of the United States Army was a regimental size fighting unit composed almost entirely of American soldiers of Japanese ancestry who fought in World War II, despite the fact that many of their families were subject to internment. Beginning in 1944, the regiment fought primarily in Europe during World War II,[2] in particular Italy, southern France, and Germany. The 442nd is "the most decorated unit in U.S. military history."[3] It was awarded eight Presidential Unit Citations and twenty-one of its members were awarded the Medal of Honor for World War II.[4] Its motto was "Go for Broke".​

Actions like that do wonders to bind people deep into the American fabric. What happened with the Muslims? They didn't want to fight fellow Muslims.

We see the same dynamic with Hispanic-Americans. They care more about Hispanic illegal infiltrators than they do about their fellow American citizens.

Look at black and Hispanic voting patterns. When America was mostly white, white voters split evenly between Republicans and Democrats and their racial identity was immaterial. Whites voted based on public policy interests. Blacks voted for Obama because he was black and because Democrats give special favors to blacks for being black. Hispanics also vote for Democrats because of gimmes. This indicates that racial identity is a stronger group identity than national identity or political identity. Exactly the opposite of what we see amongst white Americans.

White Americans lived their lives to create a just society. Minorities are living their lives in a racially defined cultural ghetto, the exact opposite of what you claim.

When a Hispanic-American shows greater concern for Mexican illegal infiltrators than he does for his fellow American citizens, then my bond of citizenship with this person is fractured. He's shown his loyalty to foreigners and so I'm not inclined to feel any bond towards him.

The rest of the time it has been at the ballot box, and that is where it will continue to be.

As we see all around the world, the mix of Democracy, Free Market Economics and Multiculturalism is explosive in the extreme and in massively unstable. One, or more of the pillars, must always be sacrificed.

In a Free Market economy there are always winners and losers. With the introduction of multiculturalism we invariably see a racial overlay to the winners and losers. This adds a huge complication to the winners-loser dynamic, especially when you're in the loser group and you see "the others" in the winner group. If the groups are not equal in size, and they rarely are, then we see the losers using the power of the vote to take income and assets away from the winners, one racial group using the power of the ballot box to target another racial group.

Anyone who believes that the targeted racial group just accepts being raked over the coals is likely a moron. This is where the revolutions always begin.
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the US will survive, and I am not crying over diversity, diversity is STRENGTH.

When I see North Koreans wailing in grief about the death of their Dear Leader because for their whole lives they've been taught that he is a God who walks amongst them and they are now terrified at how he could have died, I see the power of propaganda.

When I see Americans mindlessly mouthing the propaganda slogan "Diversity is our Strength" and believing it I also see the overwhelming power of propaganda.

All over the world, diversity in society is ripping societies apart. Iraq is currently dealing with it's diversity issue. People from the Bronze Age and up have known that "Divide and Conquer" is a very effective tactic. But no, propaganda teaches us that "Divide and Conquer" is wrong, instead we've been taught that "Diversity is our Strength."

If people can be convinced that some short Korean gnome is a Living God then I suppose Americans can be convinced that Diversity is our Strength despite history books filled with cogent examples of this clearly not being the case and there not being a single instance where division in society has worked to create a stronger society.
In the near future with the demographic shift both the senate and Congress will look much different then it does today which is packed with old christian white men as the majority.,

What's stopping the Democrats from taking action this year? Why are almost ALL announced Democrat candidates for high office white?

At this writing, the Democrats are running a candidate in 62 Senate and Governors’ races this fall (nobody has really stepped forward yet in the Nevada, Tennessee or Wyoming Governors’ races). And depending how you count the frontrunners, anywhere from 57 to 60 of those 62 candidates will be white (92-96%), and 47 to 49 of them will be white males (more than 75%).
The one thing that is hilarious, and god I hope Goono lives long enough to see it.

Is that this country might not be so white in the coming decades, but it will become even MORE of a Christian majority than it is today ! :badgrin:

It will be more like it was decades ago, than it is right now.

You forget Goono, that Hispanics are MUCH more likely to be socially conservative as a whole than whites of today.
They have larger families due in part, if not mostly because of their Catholic faith, and the fact that they are more likely to not be using birth control as their white counterparts.

So get used to the idea Goono, that if you're around long enough, you're much MORE likely to get a visit in your nursing home from the grandkids of that nun that slapped you around as a kid. This time though, the nun will be changing your diaper, and smearing your sheets with your crap you're laying in. :badgrin:

Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.
The one thing that is hilarious, and god I hope Goono lives long enough to see it.

Is that this country might not be so white in the coming decades, but it will become even MORE of a Christian majority than it is today ! :badgrin:

It will be more like it was decades ago, than it is right now.

You forget Goono, that Hispanics are MUCH more likely to be socially conservative as a whole than whites of today.
They have larger families due in part, if not mostly because of their Catholic faith, and the fact that they are more likely to not be using birth control as their white counterparts.

So get used to the idea Goono, that if you're around long enough, you're much MORE likely to get a visit in your nursing home from the grandkids of that nun that slapped you around as a kid. This time though, the nun will be changing your diaper, and smearing your sheets with your crap you're laying in. :badgrin:

Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.

And they won't be rightwing catholics , they have a sense of community and social conscience and justice


Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

The next three phases this country will go through are collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.

100% correct.

A huge majority doesn't want to face the facts and I get it.......its a terrifying thing to confront and have to deal with. Most folks just will continue to embrace the crap dispensed by the reality manufacturing company. Easier to navigate life in the comfy zone.:D:D
The one thing that is hilarious, and god I hope Goono lives long enough to see it.

Is that this country might not be so white in the coming decades, but it will become even MORE of a Christian majority than it is today ! :badgrin:

It will be more like it was decades ago, than it is right now.

You forget Goono, that Hispanics are MUCH more likely to be socially conservative as a whole than whites of today.
They have larger families due in part, if not mostly because of their Catholic faith, and the fact that they are more likely to not be using birth control as their white counterparts.

So get used to the idea Goono, that if you're around long enough, you're much MORE likely to get a visit in your nursing home from the grandkids of that nun that slapped you around as a kid. This time though, the nun will be changing your diaper, and smearing your sheets with your crap you're laying in. :badgrin:

Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.

And they won't be rightwing catholics , they have a sense of community and social conscience and justice



New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans

New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans | Latino Decisions
Uh, guy, there aren't going to be any nuns in the future.

Because becoming a nun was what you did if you couldn't hack being a Catholic Lesbian.

Now those chicks just get themselves some Scented Candles and some Indigo Girl albums and they are totally cool.

Now, that said and done, perhaps the Hispanics will be more religious, but they won't be your kind of nutty religious. While they might be a bit more socially conservative, they will still be fiscally liberal.

They won't be slack jawed Southern Rednecks voting against their own economic interests.

And they won't be rightwing catholics , they have a sense of community and social conscience and justice



New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans

New Poll: Latino voters strongly reject anti-immigrant posturing from House Republicans | Latino Decisions

Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism, Study Suggests

triggering the resurgence of conservatism. Research suggests that the more whites understand about the changing demographics in America, the more likely they are to embrace conservatism. So in a sense, the embrace of right wing rhetoric could be, at least for some, a self-preservation mechanism.

The Census reports that by 2042, minorities will become the majority, and researchers say that this shift is pushing some whites toward conservatism

Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism, Study Suggests |
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Well I wish you all luck being a minority

under the new rulers it should be a Utopia

Press two for English
Well I wish you all luck being a minority

under the new rulers it should be a Utopia

Press two for English
And we wish you well in your ongoing battle with persecution complex.

Tell Edna we said hello.

Press three to start rolling.
Well I wish you all luck being a minority

under the new rulers it should be a Utopia

Press two for English

Rulers? your fear and paranoia is showing. My family is multiracial and multi cultural so no problems for me, that is what will make our country even better. Your ilk on the other hand fear others not like you , and it shows with predictions of doom for America with the demographic shift, hopefully your kids and grandkids aren't anything like you as they will be the ones having to live in this Country..

Press two for English

It would be a good idea for yours to get an education an learn another language as we are living in a global economy, unless they only to aspire to be a clerk at Quiky mart or waffle house as a hash slinger.:eusa_whistle:
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Well I wish you all luck being a minority

under the new rulers it should be a Utopia

Press two for English

And just what do you think will change?

That the leaders will ignore us? Hell, they do that now.

That the leaders will not act in our best interest? They do that now.

That someone else will get all the attention? lol Yep, they do that now.

Anyone operating under the misconception that race matters at all is simply either naive, delusional, or has been ignoring the reality of our political system for decades.

What matters is what is spent by major corporations. They have bought our leaders and have no shame about it. As long as there is this stupid bickering about black/white/hispanic, or about gay/straight, we will continue to ignore the fact that our gov't exists to further the goals of big business.

Want proof? Why to we give tax breaks to companies posting record profits? Now I am not talking about taxing them out of existence. But giving them tax breaks & credits is ridiculous.
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The next three phases this country will go through are collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.

Only in your wet dreams, buddy boy. Our children, the 'mongrels' that people like Nugent talk about, will be just as patriotic as prior generations. And just as committed to the laws that create a good and just society. And will continue the Jeffersonian tradition of a revoltion every generation. Only once has that revolution been with guns, and that ended rather badly for the people that started it. The rest of the time it has been at the ballot box, and that is where it will continue to be.

And people like you will continue to cry 'it ain't like it used to be'.

Nice rant...Completely irrelevant but you got to vent. I guess it's cheaper than therapy. No one cares about mongrels or ted nugent or any of that nonsense.

You believe the u.s. is eternal and will never collapse? :lol:

As far as "revolution", the only one tried here was a great success. The patriots threw off an oppressive monarchy and set up this (now failing) republic.

The war of northern aggression wasn't a "revolution" it was an attempt to peacefully secede from an oppressive fed gvt. Lincoln wanted war, though.


Confederate treasonous traitor slaver southern scumbags started shooting first.

And got their asses roundly kicked.

Too bad each and every one of them weren't impaled and put on public display.
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year :eusa_whistle:

"The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers." :eek:

So what we are witnessing now from the white christian party is a result of the realization its all over for them. :eusa_whistle:

What a troll you are.

Making this post in some sort of belief that Whites and Christians are the bane of American society is a bit childish. Moreover, three quarters of this country identifies as Christian. Heck, atheists are but a small minority themselves here among religions other than Christianity.

So, why does this warrant your celebration? What are the odds that you are white as well?
Well I wish you all luck being a minority

under the new rulers it should be a Utopia

Press two for English
And we wish you well in your ongoing battle with persecution complex.

Tell Edna we said hello.

Press three to start rolling.

And I wish you well in your quest to widen the racial divide (well no not really).

Tell Al Sharpton that all is going to plan.

Press four to speak to a NAACP rep.
Old news. Gets even worse in fact, anthrpologists and geneticists say the world's becomming increasingly female too. And eventually males may well go extinct. :)

Also, the population is increasingly becoming gay and lesbian.

So much for human reproduction.

Asshats like guano are ready to bite off their own nose just to spite their face.

So reporting on the demographic shit is bad to you?

No problem for me as my family is multi racial and multi cultural , it is going to be tough for people like you who are one dimensional and fear others not like you , but that is your problem not mine

it will be tough for you too when you find that when the "brown" people take over bias and bigotry will still be will just be another color in charge....

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