In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Just more lies form Billy knows triple nothing. If 30-40 million illegal aliens weren't competing for jobs and housing, wages would go up faster and housing would be more affordable. But hey, why let things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, RIGHT????

1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency

They just keep on repeating the same lie over and over and over
And Im no BUsh fan

Bush saw it coming in 2002 and presented a 733 billion buyout to congress in 2003 where he was laughed off of capital hill. So don't give me this, "It's Obama's Fault". It isn't even Bush, Jrs fault.
/—-/ There was a novelty in pumping your own gas. But the first heavy rain or snow storm and you needed gas at s station with no cover over the pumps, the thrill was gone. Today’s cars with builtin in tire gauges and oil and tranny sensors make most of that old school services obsolete.

How can a car sense a Tranny?
/—-/ Tranny cars dress funny.
Need a credible source for this. The posted article tries to set an arbitrary rent affordability standard, then uses ONLY metropolitan areas as a means of supporting their cherry-picked data.

If you can't afford a two-bedroom apartment, rent a one-bedroom apartment. If you can't afford that, move back in with mommy and daddy.

Both of My daughters make more than minimum wage, but they are not making huge wages, along with their husbands who are also not making huge wages; yet they both own their own homes on less than I would say is 25 per hour combined income.

The OP is full of shit.

Now, have one of the couples have only one income coming in due to a lot of possibilities that can arise. Both your Daughters and the Husbands work and don't make much more than min wage in many areas. Each of their incomes are just above poverty level. It takes both spouses to make a minimum living but it takes talent to make it work even so. My hat is off to both couples. But let something go wrong and what then? Do you have room in your house for them when they lose their house? Can you lend them a car when their car breaks down and they can't afford to fix it or they can't afford to make the payments? Both spouses need to work. The American Dream is dead.
No, sorry. That is NOT what this is about. Hard times hits lots of people. You cannot say that the world cannot afford housing, and then change the entire premise that it cannot if it falls on hard times.

The truth is, they picked metro area's and not ALL of America's counties, as the dweeb OP implies.

This is nothing but a cherry-picked set of numbers that are being applied to the whole nation. It's BS and everyone knows it.


There is something fishy about it. I could understand the claim that only 50% can afford a place to live, but not 10%. That would mean 90% are living somewhere with friends, family or in the street.
Then work to improve yourself so that you have those things. It is not your employers job to give you those things, their only job is to make money for their company, which keeps the company in business.
40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

And that just happened under Trump? What did Trump or Republicans do to cause this?
Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time.

This is really not true, especially since it is legal to do so in many states and many companies no longer test for it.

It's very true. Trust me, I work in industry all day long.

Better paying companies drug test their employees because they get cheaper Workman's compensation rates.

One of our customers is a steel manufacturer. The guy who loads my truck was telling me how hard it was for the company to get help. The starting pay isn't bad for non-skilled labor, about fifteen bucks an hour. But if you're not a jerk off, you can move to eighteen or so in a year or two.

They put out ads and have have applicants come to a seminar to apply; usually about 15 to 20 people show up. There they introduce the company, what it is they exactly do, and what kind of jobs they have available. Before the HR person begins the seminar, he tells the applicants up front that the company drug tests, and if they have a problem with that, it's not worth their time to sit through the seminar. He told me about a dozen or so people get up and just leave.

My employer the same way. The only people that are interested in the jobs are people who can't pass the drug test. He tells them when they apply it's not his standard, but governments standard and there is nothing he can do about it. They just thank him for the job offer and mosey on off into the sunset.

It is a huge problem today.

In your industry I am sure it is true. But the statisticians and analyst that work with me will never be tested and have no chance of having an industrial accident.

Even my welding job back in the late 80s, had they tested the welding line of 16 welders there would have been 4 left, maybe. I would not have been one of them. But they did not randomly test, only if you had an accident. Out of the ones that smoked weed, most were great welders and it did not effect their job performance at all. There was one guy when i was still a grinder that would go get stoned at lunch...I could tell by how ugly his welds got. The company found a reason to test him and he was gone. But the rest they never messed with as long as they did their jobs correctly.

I never said their work was unacceptable, but they didn't drug test people like they do today. Today, just about any decent paying job has mandatory drug screens. Me and nearly all of my friends smoked pot in the day and we all had jobs with no problems. Virtually nobody drug tested back then.

Depends on the field. No company in my field is drug testing anyone, they do not care and ti would be a waste of money for them.

Hell my wife and daughter are both nurses and they have been tested twice, once to get into school and once to get their licenses. Not once by their jobs.

I don't know what goes on in the medical sector, but I do know that in the industrial sector, it's almost a guarantee you'll be working at a place that has drug screens.
There appears to be a housing shortage and that would explain why in my neck of the woods they are building houses like crazy. As the price of homes increase the FED is set to raise interested rates. People who can afford it want a new home.

Wages are rising and unemployment is low

Average home prices of new homes are falling after rising with May average new home at of 371000

used homes at 314000

when the crash comes there will be a big hurt and that kid will have to move out or pay rent

Still may cannot afford a new home and have to buy used homes with all the headache that the previous owner didn't tell you about.

Note to the clueless, the fed just lowered interest rates by a quarter point.

Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution.
If fncceo loped his head off above his eyebrows he's still be 10X smarter than you! Minimum wage was never meant to live on, there should be no minimum wage. It is only intended for kids to get their feet wet doing unskilled jobs while still living at home to get some work experience and make some cash. What is a person like that looking for r needing a TWO bedroom apartment for anyway? To raise a family? What's wrong with a ONE bedroom apartment? If you want a TWO bedroom apartment while only making minimum wage, try moving to Huntington Alabama with your life partner and BOTH of you working a burger joint. With the two of you then you can afford to get that two bedroom apartment and you each get your own bedroom! With money left to spare!
Minimum wage was never meant to live on, there should be no minimum wage. It is only intended for kids to get their feet wet doing unskilled jobs while still living at home to get some work experience and make some cash.
Over the years, I've had plenty of them and a lot of the people I worked with had been there for years and weren't making a whole lot more than minimum even then. They really weren't capable of doing much more,
Guess what, OL? You just answered your own question. Minimum wage labor is only worth so much. Do you really expect that if you worked at McDonald's for 20 years you could make $35/hour with full benefits and retirement? Maybe get promoted to president? Minimum wage is minimum wage exactly because it is high demand, easy replacement. Anyone can do it. If you want to make money, other than work for yourself, you need to have a skill in demand that is hard to do, hard to replace and has VALUE, ie., gives something of high value to the company other than filling a $6 burger order. If minimum wage paid very well, exactly why would anyone be compelled to go on to get a higher education?
still way below the cost of living needs for a person working 40 hours a week

So don't work for them.

No one forces anyone to take a job that doesn't support their needs. If you aren't making enough money at your job, change jobs or spend less.
Okay again this a matter of simple mathematics. If everyone took your advice, who would be left behind to fill those jobs?

Kids looking for part time work or are just starting their working life, like it's always been.

'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Maybe bringing in more millions of illegals will reduce housing costs, health care and increase wages. How about it?
Net migration from Mexico has been decreasing since 2008. There is no such thing as a border crisis unless you think any level of illegal immigration through out history was a crisis.

The only one talking about Mexico is you, idiot.


Republicans not only do nothing, but they couldn’t care less about the housing crisis.


Democrats not only do nothing, but they couldn't care less about the housing crisis.

Example: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit ...

What has the republican congress done for the 4 years of GOP maj in both the house and the senate. The GOP House for 8 years and we know where bills get started.

They don't call Mitch the Grim Reaper for nothing, he takes up no bill from the House since the Democrats took control in 2019.

None of them ran these cities:

San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit ...

Again, (I can see you trumpets are avoiding this) name one major city that the Republicans successfully run.

Jacksonville, FL

Been Dems just as much as Repub...
List of mayors of Jacksonville, Florida - Wikipedia

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1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency

They just keep on repeating the same lie over and over and over
And Im no BUsh fan

Bush saw it coming in 2002 and presented a 733 billion buyout to congress in 2003 where he was laughed off of capital hill. So don't give me this, "It's Obama's Fault". It isn't even Bush, Jrs fault.

Well thats what im saying it aint shrubs fault
Its not even jug eard oreos fault

Its democratic policy fault
Those people would either be unemployed or go back to the jobs you think will magically raise in wage.

In a FREE-market system (meaning it's not socialist, communist or fascist) wages rise when companies are productive (profitable and growing) and are competing with one another for employees.

Wages become stagnant when there is an abundance of workers (such as too many immigrants) and/or when business is slow.

This is basic economics.
Um it’s basic mathematics that if everyone left those jobs that can’t support 2 bedroom, the large majority of them would be unemployed because the jobs they seek simply don’t exist.

Yeah, they do, there are almost 10 million unfilled jobs because the companies can't find qualified people. Unfortunately most of those companies require drug tests.

Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

Take a job, for a wage is, at least until Communism is installed in the US, a voluntary act.

There will always be those too lazy or unskilled to work for anything but the lowest wages. But, by agreeing to a wage that somehow doesn't provide you with enough weed or che t-shirts, you've lost the moral right to demand more.

If you aren't satisfied with your low wages, go do something else.

Otherwise, take what you agreed to take when you took the job and like it.
Weed and Che t shirts aren't on the table. A roof over head is.

I don't know what poor people need ... I just go by what I see.
Well let's make a list. Things poor people need.
Medical care.

What on the list can we afford to deny citizens by not regulating real estate markets? Who are we protecting? Landlords or tenants?

Why would either need protecting? Markets determine rents.

Who are we protecting? Landlords or tenants?

It's not the job of the government to protect either. The market does that.

Two people entering into a strictly voluntary agreement that exchanges use of property for money isn't the concern of government.

If either side violates, or is believed to have violated, that agreement, it's up to the courts to decide if redress is required. That should the extend of the state's involvement.
So landlords should be free to discriminate against any tenant for no good reason? Landlords should be free to collide on rents, lease conditions and residency requirements with no in put from representative governments. No health and safety regulations are needed because the landlords who are actually slumlords should have a free hand. What about rent subsidy vouchers? Should the voucher issuing authority not inspect subsidized units?

Owners of rental properties don't have to accept subsidized tenants, you might want to be a little more appreciative.

Me and my friends rented apartments on minimum wage jobs when we were in our early twenties. Granted, seven people and a Rottweiler were packed into a two bedroom apartment that didn't allow pets, except it worked out and was actually a fun time.

"According to the NLIHC report, $22.96 is the 2019 national housing wage for “a modest two-bedroom rental home” and $18.65 is the baseline for a one-bedroom."

I followed the link to the report and I was unable to find specifically how that they came up with those figures. If you make $7.25 an hour and work 60 hours a week (full time and part time job), it averages to about $1,875 a month (4 and 1/3 weeks per month).

I looked for the cheapest apartment in the city I live in and it found one for $585 a month in a very quick search. Let's assume you eat nothing except eggs, lard, bread, and vitamins. We'll say a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread used to make lard sandwiches being a typical daily diet. This is about 150 dollars a month on food. This is now 735 dollars a month. You can walk to work if you live within 5 miles. This leaves about $1,1150 dollars a month. You could actually be stockpiling money that way.
Me and my friends rented apartments on minimum wage jobs when we were in our early twenties. Granted, seven people and a Rottweiler were packed into a two bedroom apartment that didn't allow pets, except it worked out and was actually a fun time.

"According to the NLIHC report, $22.96 is the 2019 national housing wage for “a modest two-bedroom rental home” and $18.65 is the baseline for a one-bedroom."

I followed the link to the report and I was unable to find specifically how that they came up with those figures. If you make $7.25 an hour and work 60 hours a week (full time and part time job), it averages to about $1,875 a month (4 and 1/3 weeks per month).

I looked for the cheapest apartment in the city I live in and it found one for $585 a month in a very quick search. Let's assume you eat nothing except eggs, lard, bread, and vitamins. We'll say a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread used to make lard sandwiches being a typical daily diet. This is about 150 dollars a month on food. This is now 735 dollars a month. You can walk to work if you live within 5 miles. This leaves about $1,1150 dollars a month. You could actually be stockpiling money that way.

No where in your budget is the essentials...

And the latest phone

We're not living in Afghanistan, are we?
Me and my friends rented apartments on minimum wage jobs when we were in our early twenties. Granted, seven people and a Rottweiler were packed into a two bedroom apartment that didn't allow pets, except it worked out and was actually a fun time.

"According to the NLIHC report, $22.96 is the 2019 national housing wage for “a modest two-bedroom rental home” and $18.65 is the baseline for a one-bedroom."

I followed the link to the report and I was unable to find specifically how that they came up with those figures. If you make $7.25 an hour and work 60 hours a week (full time and part time job), it averages to about $1,875 a month (4 and 1/3 weeks per month).

I looked for the cheapest apartment in the city I live in and it found one for $585 a month in a very quick search. Let's assume you eat nothing except eggs, lard, bread, and vitamins. We'll say a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread used to make lard sandwiches being a typical daily diet. This is about 150 dollars a month on food. This is now 735 dollars a month. You can walk to work if you live within 5 miles. This leaves about $1,1150 dollars a month. You could actually be stockpiling money that way.

No where in your budget is the essentials...

And the latest phone

We're not living in Afghanistan, are we?

The library is free, weed and/or beer is the only expense remaining.
Me and my friends rented apartments on minimum wage jobs when we were in our early twenties. Granted, seven people and a Rottweiler were packed into a two bedroom apartment that didn't allow pets, except it worked out and was actually a fun time.

"According to the NLIHC report, $22.96 is the 2019 national housing wage for “a modest two-bedroom rental home” and $18.65 is the baseline for a one-bedroom."

I followed the link to the report and I was unable to find specifically how that they came up with those figures. If you make $7.25 an hour and work 60 hours a week (full time and part time job), it averages to about $1,875 a month (4 and 1/3 weeks per month).

I looked for the cheapest apartment in the city I live in and it found one for $585 a month in a very quick search. Let's assume you eat nothing except eggs, lard, bread, and vitamins. We'll say a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread used to make lard sandwiches being a typical daily diet. This is about 150 dollars a month on food. This is now 735 dollars a month. You can walk to work if you live within 5 miles. This leaves about $1,1150 dollars a month. You could actually be stockpiling money that way.

No where in your budget is the essentials...

And the latest phone

We're not living in Afghanistan, are we?

The library is free, weed and/or beer is the only expense remaining.

It's as I said several times on this subject, I think it's our spending priorities that have changed more than our income.
I think you just defeated your own argument. allowing the influx of illegals has deprived hard working americans of good jobs, glad you finally realized that.

It's business that is inviting them. I'm for extreme measures to stop this. When do you suppose Trump will address the illegal actions of employers?

Get a mirror.

its already happening, those employing illegals are being charged and taken to court. Yes, many businesses like cheap labor, no one ever said otherwise. When will the dems in the house pass a bill to deal with securing the border and enforcing our existing immigration laws?

When will Moscow Mitch allow the bills that you demand to reach the floor of the Senate.
When will the house Dems allow a bill that actually does something pass the House to then go to the Senate

The House has numerous times. Moscow Mitch kills it by not allowing it to go to the floor for a vote. Not much is getting done these days in the Senate unless the Senate is the one that originates it. That means that anything fiscal that only the house can present dies on Moscow Mitch's desk. If you honestly think that the general voter and public isn't noticing......

What makes you think anything fiscal is something only the house can present?


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