In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
Rediculiously fuckin stupid. 90 percent of the counties in this country barely have any apartments.

He also TRIED to...
He TRIED to take good used cars off the market. Cash for Clunkers! And succeeded!

Who did that fuck!?

It was a full frontal assault on the poor and lower middle classes. Obama and the Democrats were obviously trying to make jobs less available to certain classes of people.

In most parts of the USA, if you do not own reliable transportation, you are not eligible for a good job because you are less free than somebody who does own reliable transportation to go wherever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

It was part of the keep the poor, poor program. Just a part of the OED (Obama Economic Depression) fuck Americans program.

Paying people to destroy material wealth is not sound economic policy.

Cash for Clunkers was intended to help the UAW. Government subsidized automobile purchases to strengthen the UAW.

/——/ It caused many working class poor to give up perfectly serviceable older cars with new ones that required full insurance. Yet another Prog failure because they don’t understand the free market. The Obama administration accidentally accelerated the Corolla conquest of American roads

The Cash for Clunkers didn't take cars from the low income household. It gave middle and upper income households the opportunity to unload the second or third car in the family, get a huge trade in and a brand new car.

That took millions of perfectly good used cars off the market which drove up the cost of used cars penalizing low income households forany years.

The funny thing about Cash for Clunkers is that most of the new cars purchased were foreign automobiles.

Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.
There were people making a liveable wage at Lowes. They had benefits like health care and a 401k. Lowes are firing thousands of them to replace them with minimum wage employees (or illegals).

No, there are not thousands of good paying jobs out there to simply go to.

Wages stalled but costs haven’t, so people increasingly rent or finance what their parents might have owned outright

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class

I think you just defeated your own argument. allowing the influx of illegals has deprived hard working americans of good jobs, glad you finally realized that.

It's business that is inviting them. I'm for extreme measures to stop this. When do you suppose Trump will address the illegal actions of employers?

Get a mirror.

its already happening, those employing illegals are being charged and taken to court. Yes, many businesses like cheap labor, no one ever said otherwise. When will the dems in the house pass a bill to deal with securing the border and enforcing our existing immigration laws?

When will Moscow Mitch allow the bills that you demand to reach the floor of the Senate.
When will the house Dems allow a bill that actually does something pass the House to then go to the Senate

The House has numerous times. Moscow Mitch kills it by not allowing it to go to the floor for a vote. Not much is getting done these days in the Senate unless the Senate is the one that originates it. That means that anything fiscal that only the house can present dies on Moscow Mitch's desk. If you honestly think that the general voter and public isn't noticing......
He TRIED to take good used cars off the market. Cash for Clunkers! And succeeded!

Who did that fuck!?

It was a full frontal assault on the poor and lower middle classes. Obama and the Democrats were obviously trying to make jobs less available to certain classes of people.

In most parts of the USA, if you do not own reliable transportation, you are not eligible for a good job because you are less free than somebody who does own reliable transportation to go wherever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

It was part of the keep the poor, poor program. Just a part of the OED (Obama Economic Depression) fuck Americans program.

Paying people to destroy material wealth is not sound economic policy.

Cash for Clunkers was intended to help the UAW. Government subsidized automobile purchases to strengthen the UAW.

/——/ It caused many working class poor to give up perfectly serviceable older cars with new ones that required full insurance. Yet another Prog failure because they don’t understand the free market. The Obama administration accidentally accelerated the Corolla conquest of American roads

The Cash for Clunkers didn't take cars from the low income household. It gave middle and upper income households the opportunity to unload the second or third car in the family, get a huge trade in and a brand new car.

That took millions of perfectly good used cars off the market which drove up the cost of used cars penalizing low income households forany years.

The funny thing about Cash for Clunkers is that most of the new cars purchased were foreign automobiles.

Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

/—-/ Starting with the original Chevy Nova.
What a steaming pile of shit.

At minimum wage, how many hours of labor were required in 1979 (40 years ago) to buy the least expensive car? What if that car had power steering, power breaks, AM/FM stereo, and power windows? How many hours does it take today to buy a Kia Sonata with those features?

How many hours did it take to buy 1 pound of Top Sirloin Steak? How many today?

How many hours did it take to buy a 19" color TV? An inexpensive stereo? A pair of jeans? A pair of prescription glasses?

See, the thing about you Marxists is that you lie. You put up graphs from ThinkProgress or DailyKOS which are dishonestly stamped "source: St. Louis Federal Reserve" which is just a fucking lie, you got your graph from a Soros hate site, and we ALL know it.

The leftist hate sites attempt to deceive by using metrics that are not equivalent. So I challenge my leftist indoctrinated students to use a consistent metric, how many hours of labor at minimum wage?

Wow, that was an amazing rant. Seems someone did not take their meds today.

I do not know the answers to those things, but clearly you do, so lay out the data for us all to see.

I will happy be awaiting your response. In the mean time I will still be against the concept of a minimum wage while I guess you support one.


It's quite easy to find out Comrade.

Minimum wage in 1979 was $2.90 an hour. The least expensive car was the Ford Pinto Run About at $4,299. To add air conditioning was $500. To "buy" that car cost 1,654.48 hours of labor.

Least expensive car in 2019 is the Kia Rio, it has power everything and air conditioning. I added air to the Pinto but nothing else. It has an MSRP of $11,990. To "buy" this car at minimum wage now will cost 1,453.33 hours of labor at the federal minimum of $8.25. Yeah, it's a piece of crap, but better than the Pinto was.

Minimum Wage in 1979. How much was inflation?

We can do the same with the steak, but with Stater Brothers running Sirloin for $2.99 a pound, there isn't a lot of point. Ditto the TV and virtually ANY consumer good. Shall we talk phone bills? Long Distance?

So, how does this tie into your support of the Fed Minimum wage increasing?

How does that work for housing?

In 1979 the average house was 67,700. That comes out to 23,345.83 hours worked.
Today it is $361,100 or 43,769.70 hours worked.

How about healthcare...

In 1979 the average cost for healthcare per person was $971.00 or 334.83 hours worked.

In 2017 that cost was $10,739 or 1301.70 hours worked.

When you import 50 million illegal aliens, it has an effect on housing.

Health care is bullshit of course. The age of go to the emergency room for the sniffles Health insurance was rare, and doctor visits were cash.
People like the OP want everything handed to them.
Instead of being motivated to improve their skills in order to obtain a higher standard of living, they want the government to fix it for them and not expect them to work for it.
You increase the minimum wage across the board to a so-called "livable wage" and you'll immediately threaten the standard of living for those who have been in the workforce for years.

This works for the individual, not for tens of millions. No, there are not tens of millions better paying jobs out there. And the ones that are, are becoming less so all the time.

how do you gain anything if you make more money but everything you buy costs more? You lefties just don't understand basic economics. If an employer has to pay more for labor he has two choices; hire fewer people or raise his prices. So raising the minimum wage either puts people on unemployment or causes them to pay more for everything they need to live.

the price of labor should be set by supply and demand just like the price of diamonds or big macs. Artificially raising the cost of labor always causes inflation which hurts the low income workers more than anyone else.
Diamonds arent a free market item. Theyd more or less be worthless overnight if Debeers emptied theyre vaults. They are made artificially scarce by the corporations who have vertically integrated everything from mining them to end phase retail sales.

I suppose you see no issue with comcast buying up content creation? Comcast would be much better off if they made sure they competently upgrade their service, or at least competently fix it. Theyve conned 15 states into suing to block the tmo/sprint merger because only a fool would look at their 5g plan and not see the writing on the wall for fixed wire service providers (who are already hemorrhaging subscribers and consistently top the charts for worst customer service in the country).

The more this shit goes on, the more i think the only fix is dismantling it all and starting the federal govt from scratch. Its all too large, wasteful and partisan to do anything, let alone anything competently.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

The diamond market is collapsing regardless of what DeBeers does. Man crafted diamonds simply are too good, even a top jeweler can't tell them apart. Chunk of coal in a hydraulic press and you have a diamond.
Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

Take a job, for a wage is, at least until Communism is installed in the US, a voluntary act.

There will always be those too lazy or unskilled to work for anything but the lowest wages. But, by agreeing to a wage that somehow doesn't provide you with enough weed or che t-shirts, you've lost the moral right to demand more.

If you aren't satisfied with your low wages, go do something else.

Otherwise, take what you agreed to take when you took the job and like it.
Okay you say this shit despite the statistic I quoted in my OP. Are ALL of those workers lazy with the exception of those in the 10% of counties?

Your contention is that 90% of US workers are on minimum wage?

That flies directly in the face of the fact there are only 2.2 million workers at or below the current, federally mandated minimum wage, less than 3% of the entire US labor force.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how anyone in this country is being forced to work for minimum wage.
God you are so dense. No I didn’t say that. I said that 90% of workers make a wage they can’t afford.

More importantly, what you are quoting is the FEDERAL minimum wage. This doesn’t include STATE minimum wages that are barely higher in many states are still way below the cost of living needs for a person working 40 hours a week..

That makes no sense. The homeownership rate in the U.S. is 64%, so clearly, more than 10% can afford their homes.
People like the OP want everything handed to them.
Instead of being motivated to improve their skills in order to obtain a higher standard of living, they want the government to fix it for them and not expect them to work for it.
You increase the minimum wage across the board to a so-called "livable wage" and you'll immediately threaten the standard of living for those who have been in the workforce for years.

This works for the individual, not for tens of millions. No, there are not tens of millions better paying jobs out there. And the ones that are, are becoming less so all the time.

how do you gain anything if you make more money but everything you buy costs more? You lefties just don't understand basic economics. If an employer has to pay more for labor he has two choices; hire fewer people or raise his prices. So raising the minimum wage either puts people on unemployment or causes them to pay more for everything they need to live.

the price of labor should be set by supply and demand just like the price of diamonds or big macs. Artificially raising the cost of labor always causes inflation which hurts the low income workers more than anyone else.
Diamonds arent a free market item. Theyd more or less be worthless overnight if Debeers emptied theyre vaults. They are made artificially scarce by the corporations who have vertically integrated everything from mining them to end phase retail sales.

I suppose you see no issue with comcast buying up content creation? Comcast would be much better off if they made sure they competently upgrade their service, or at least competently fix it. Theyve conned 15 states into suing to block the tmo/sprint merger because only a fool would look at their 5g plan and not see the writing on the wall for fixed wire service providers (who are already hemorrhaging subscribers and consistently top the charts for worst customer service in the country).

The more this shit goes on, the more i think the only fix is dismantling it all and starting the federal govt from scratch. Its all too large, wasteful and partisan to do anything, let alone anything competently.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

The diamond market is collapsing regardless of what DeBeers does. Man crafted diamonds simply are too good, even a top jeweler can't tell them apart. Chunk of coal in a hydraulic press and you have a diamond.
I wasn't the one touting diamonds as proof of concept to free markets working out.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
People like the OP want everything handed to them.
Instead of being motivated to improve their skills in order to obtain a higher standard of living, they want the government to fix it for them and not expect them to work for it.
You increase the minimum wage across the board to a so-called "livable wage" and you'll immediately threaten the standard of living for those who have been in the workforce for years.

This works for the individual, not for tens of millions. No, there are not tens of millions better paying jobs out there. And the ones that are, are becoming less so all the time.

how do you gain anything if you make more money but everything you buy costs more? You lefties just don't understand basic economics. If an employer has to pay more for labor he has two choices; hire fewer people or raise his prices. So raising the minimum wage either puts people on unemployment or causes them to pay more for everything they need to live.

the price of labor should be set by supply and demand just like the price of diamonds or big macs. Artificially raising the cost of labor always causes inflation which hurts the low income workers more than anyone else.
Diamonds arent a free market item. Theyd more or less be worthless overnight if Debeers emptied theyre vaults. They are made artificially scarce by the corporations who have vertically integrated everything from mining them to end phase retail sales.

I suppose you see no issue with comcast buying up content creation? Comcast would be much better off if they made sure they competently upgrade their service, or at least competently fix it. Theyve conned 15 states into suing to block the tmo/sprint merger because only a fool would look at their 5g plan and not see the writing on the wall for fixed wire service providers (who are already hemorrhaging subscribers and consistently top the charts for worst customer service in the country).

The more this shit goes on, the more i think the only fix is dismantling it all and starting the federal govt from scratch. Its all too large, wasteful and partisan to do anything, let alone anything competently.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

The diamond market is collapsing regardless of what DeBeers does. Man crafted diamonds simply are too good, even a top jeweler can't tell them apart. Chunk of coal in a hydraulic press and you have a diamond.
I wasn't the one touting diamonds as proof of concept to free markets working out.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

I'm just pointing out that the long standing monopoly is crumbling. They always do.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

That article is full, pure 100% bullshit.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution.

It is. If you're an adult working for minimum wage and you're not a bored housewife or retired person then you're a fucking loser who needs to figure out where you went wrong in life.
It’s a good solution on an individual, anecdotal scale. It is not a cure-all solution to the complexity of poverty in general.
There are free markets and there are fair markets. When you work 40 hours a week as an adult, the very least thing you deserve is decent, safe and scecure housing.

Then work to improve yourself so that you have those things. It is not your employers job to give you those things, their only job is to make money for their company, which keeps the company in business.
40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.
Then work to improve yourself so that you have those things. It is not your employers job to give you those things, their only job is to make money for their company, which keeps the company in business.
40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

So what? There is a bridge connecting Missouri to Illinois at East St Louis- nothing to stop gal looking for abortion from crossing the state line. East St. Louis is in bad shape economically, maybe attracting people as the new Abortion Capital of the Mid West. might help revive them.

And Texas is connected by bridge to Mexico at Matamoros. Mexico might want Abortion Tourism too. The name "Matamoros" means "Killer of Moors", maybe they can tweak it to mean "Killer of Fetuses"?
If you're an adult working for minimum wage and you're not a bored housewife or retired person then you're a fucking loser who needs to figure out where you went wrong in life.
It’s a good solution on an individual, anecdotal scale. It is not a cure-all solution to the complexity of poverty in general.

The United States doesn't have poverty
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
What are you doing? You giving them your paychecks?
As I said, corporations in the US were making record setting profits before the tax cuts...thus they were exceeding their budgets.

Not if the budget called for the record profit? If my budget calls for $100 in profit and last year I hit $95, which was a record and this year I achieve $115 because of the tax cuts then I can take $7 of the $15 extra and give it to my employees and that is what happened.


Nobody budgets for record profits.

What? If my business achieved a profit of $10 last year and it was my record and I budget for 10% growth this year or $11, I just budgeted for record profits. Do you understand basic finance? I recommend an education.

no, you are budgeting for growth, not profit. :290968001256257790-final:

Wrong. I said Profit!!! Aka EPS. Revenue growth is meaningless but profit is the key. I work in this field you asshole. No one budgets for record revenues and losses you’re making an ass of yourself. Want to bet our status on this board? You do this often, that earnings growth is the critical aspect and not revenues.

All liberals think growth is better than profit for some reason.
Wages have stagnated since the 80s. The cost of living rises. The Gap is widening between the two. Yet we are critical of 24 year olds living at home. If their wages are average what do we expect?

As you know, that is not true.

If a 24-year-olds wages are average, they need to be out on their own.

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