In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.
Then work to improve yourself so that you have those things. It is not your employers job to give you those things, their only job is to make money for their company, which keeps the company in business.
40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

LMAO, pregnancy is not a disease.

40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

LMAO, pregnancy is not a disease.


If it is ... we have a cure...

Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.

Once again, I quote Rush Limbaugh:

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

If you are working minimum wage, why should you be living in a two bedroom apartment in the first place? You should still be living in your Mom's basement or get a room mate!

Roommate? LOL or 3

They can always hot bunk the way illegals do.

Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.

Once again, I quote Rush Limbaugh:

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."

Then why do you people keep telling me how much Trump is trying but can't get it done due to the Dems?
1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency

They just keep on repeating the same lie over and over and over
And Im no BUsh fan

Bush saw it coming in 2002 and presented a 733 billion buyout to congress in 2003 where he was laughed off of capital hill. So don't give me this, "It's Obama's Fault". It isn't even Bush, Jrs fault.

Well thats what im saying it aint shrubs fault
Its not even jug eard oreos fault

Its democratic policy fault

Actually, it goes back to the heavy deregulation during the Reagan era. Before that, there were many regulations about relocating overseas, the Rico act was enforced, the Sherman Anti Trust act was enforced and more. It just took Corporations a bit longer to figure out what they could or could not do to stay out of trouble. Which meant, there wasn't a hell of a lot they couldn't do anymore that could get them in trouble. So the Corporations started "Merging" and moving their operations overseas in the 80s. By the 90s, it was a friggin exodus. And what Corporation was leading the pack? Walmart learned from Ben Franklins who learned in the 60s how to have about 50% of all their merchandise imported but by 1991, Walmart had hit about 91%. And if you didn't do it the Walmart Buyer way, (they told you what they were going to pay for it) you moved your operation overseas to meet the price point Walmart was willing to pay. Of course, all the other retailers fell into the same line and purchased from the same outlets to stay competitive. The Japanese learned to get around the tariffs by shipping in the parts and assembling the cars in places like Tennessee (complete cars had a quota, parts did not). And part of the Reagan change was the lower of the Made in USA from 75% to 70% which allowed companies like Ford and GM to say that many of their autos were US made when, in fact, their engines and trannies were made in Brazil or Mexico. Today, they might be made in South Korea of even China.

It's not just a Democratic Party lines problem. Both parties made gazzillions from this. You won't do a thing about it because you are too busy playing the blame game. I may say a lot of bad things about Trump (and he deserves it all) but I am supportive of his Tariffs. But it doesn't go far enough. We need to tax the crap out of the corporations themselves until they move their butts back to the US while giving generous tax breaks to those that are already here and do move back to the US. If the CEO wants to take advantage of the calm and safety of the US (no matter where they claim that their headquarters are) they need to be penalized. They can either get the hell out or get their companies back to the US where they are making the lions share of the profits.

Like I said, already, no more free rides.
Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.

Once again, I quote Rush Limbaugh:

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."

Like how Trump intended to bring a great health care plan to the country? Or like how he intended to end the Iraq war? Or how he intended to do a massive illegal alien sweep?
Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.

Once again, I quote Rush Limbaugh:

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."

Like how Trump intended to bring a great health care plan to the country? Or like how he intended to end the Iraq war? Or how he intended to do a massive illegal alien sweep?

You mean we are still at war in Iraq? Who said he didn't do a massive illegal alien sweep? ICE just refuses to release the results. You don't know how it turned out.

The results are already in. We have the best economy in a half-century, and maybe we will beat that in the coming months. We have more jobs than Americans to fill them. I don't know what's going to happen with healthcare. But the last person that messed with it did a real disservice to middle-class Americans and actually made things worse.

It's only been two and a half years, half a year with a Democrat led Congress. Along with them are their activist judges who are stopping Trump no matter what improvements he wants to make in this country. All in all, I say given the opposition and hurdles Democrats are putting in front of him, the results are absolutely amazing.
Something not so funny was that I saw a whole lot of really good cars go off the market that lower income people should have been able to afford.

A masked result which further injured low and middle-income workers were that all those cars were totally destroyed. That removed all those used parts unavailable for repairs to older model cars. Everything from body parts, seats, headlight assemblies to engine parts.

A program supposed to help our economy and environment ended up hurting those who could least afford it the most.

Once again, I quote Rush Limbaugh:

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."

Like how Trump intended to bring a great health care plan to the country? Or like how he intended to end the Iraq war? Or how he intended to do a massive illegal alien sweep?

You mean we are still at war in Iraq? Who said he didn't do a massive illegal alien sweep? ICE just refuses to release the results. You don't know how it turned out.

Lol, right, OK. LOL
we would do better if we got washington to look more like our best run cities and towns, not the other way around
Me and my friends rented apartments on minimum wage jobs when we were in our early twenties. Granted, seven people and a Rottweiler were packed into a two bedroom apartment that didn't allow pets, except it worked out and was actually a fun time.

"According to the NLIHC report, $22.96 is the 2019 national housing wage for “a modest two-bedroom rental home” and $18.65 is the baseline for a one-bedroom."

I followed the link to the report and I was unable to find specifically how that they came up with those figures. If you make $7.25 an hour and work 60 hours a week (full time and part time job), it averages to about $1,875 a month (4 and 1/3 weeks per month).

I looked for the cheapest apartment in the city I live in and it found one for $585 a month in a very quick search. Let's assume you eat nothing except eggs, lard, bread, and vitamins. We'll say a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread used to make lard sandwiches being a typical daily diet. This is about 150 dollars a month on food. This is now 735 dollars a month. You can walk to work if you live within 5 miles. This leaves about $1,1150 dollars a month. You could actually be stockpiling money that way.

What is the average income of a household where at least one worker, in the household, earns the minimum wage?
1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency

They just keep on repeating the same lie over and over and over
And Im no BUsh fan

Bush saw it coming in 2002 and presented a 733 billion buyout to congress in 2003 where he was laughed off of capital hill. So don't give me this, "It's Obama's Fault". It isn't even Bush, Jrs fault.

Well thats what im saying it aint shrubs fault
Its not even jug eard oreos fault

Its democratic policy fault

Actually, it goes back to the heavy deregulation during the Reagan era. Before that, there were many regulations about relocating overseas, the Rico act was enforced, the Sherman Anti Trust act was enforced and more. It just took Corporations a bit longer to figure out what they could or could not do to stay out of trouble. Which meant, there wasn't a hell of a lot they couldn't do anymore that could get them in trouble. So the Corporations started "Merging" and moving their operations overseas in the 80s. By the 90s, it was a friggin exodus. And what Corporation was leading the pack? Walmart learned from Ben Franklins who learned in the 60s how to have about 50% of all their merchandise imported but by 1991, Walmart had hit about 91%. And if you didn't do it the Walmart Buyer way, (they told you what they were going to pay for it) you moved your operation overseas to meet the price point Walmart was willing to pay. Of course, all the other retailers fell into the same line and purchased from the same outlets to stay competitive. The Japanese learned to get around the tariffs by shipping in the parts and assembling the cars in places like Tennessee (complete cars had a quota, parts did not). And part of the Reagan change was the lower of the Made in USA from 75% to 70% which allowed companies like Ford and GM to say that many of their autos were US made when, in fact, their engines and trannies were made in Brazil or Mexico. Today, they might be made in South Korea of even China.

It's not just a Democratic Party lines problem. Both parties made gazzillions from this. You won't do a thing about it because you are too busy playing the blame game. I may say a lot of bad things about Trump (and he deserves it all) but I am supportive of his Tariffs. But it doesn't go far enough. We need to tax the crap out of the corporations themselves until they move their butts back to the US while giving generous tax breaks to those that are already here and do move back to the US. If the CEO wants to take advantage of the calm and safety of the US (no matter where they claim that their headquarters are) they need to be penalized. They can either get the hell out or get their companies back to the US where they are making the lions share of the profits.

Like I said, already, no more free rides.

Housing prices are tied to taxes

Higher costs for housing more tax money for government.

The government will do nothing to lower the cost of housing.

We must end property tax and zoning laws that prevent affordable housing for min. wagw

If you are making minimum wage, you don't need an apartment, duh!
Everyone needs a place to live.
40 hours a week is evidence of trying to improve ones self. Those bootstraps go just so far up.

Do you think poverty is a character flaw?

Conservatives love to blame victims.

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

And that just happened under Trump? What did Trump or Republicans do to cause this?
Defund Planned Parenthood.
the premise of your thread is flawed. Minimum wage is not for middle aged people raising a family. It is for teens working part time and people just starting out with no education or training. If you reach middle age and are still making minimum wage then you are either very stupid, untrainable, or just plain lazy.

There were people making a liveable wage at Lowes. They had benefits like health care and a 401k. Lowes are firing thousands of them to replace them with minimum wage employees (or illegals).

No, there are not thousands of good paying jobs out there to simply go to.

Wages stalled but costs haven’t, so people increasingly rent or finance what their parents might have owned outright

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class

I think you just defeated your own argument. allowing the influx of illegals has deprived hard working americans of good jobs, glad you finally realized that.

It's business that is inviting them. I'm for extreme measures to stop this. When do you suppose Trump will address the illegal actions of employers?

Get a mirror.

its already happening, those employing illegals are being charged and taken to court. Yes, many businesses like cheap labor, no one ever said otherwise. When will the dems in the house pass a bill to deal with securing the border and enforcing our existing immigration laws?

When will Moscow Mitch allow the bills that you demand to reach the floor of the Senate.

Oh, you mean the immigration reform bills that the Democrats have never passed? Are those the non-existent bills you are referring to?

Poverty stems from several areas. Again, drugs are a huge problem in the US today. You can't get well paying jobs and smoke pot at the same time. Irresponsible decisions is another. If you are working at Target, don't have any children. If you do have children, don't have them with your boyfriend that you knew for a couple of months. Have children with a guy that you've known for a considerable amount of time that you're assured they won't pack up and leave you with the kids. Poverty is directly related to single-parent households. If you don't make a lot of money, don't buy things you don't need or can't afford. Don't worry, they'll be another new iPhone when you get back on your feet.
So is eliminating women's health facilities a good step toward reducing poverty? Is having artificially high rents a good first step toward reducing poverty? Is reducing school funding themnest way to reduce poverty?

Tax cuts for the super wealthy are embraced, as is cutting any services for reducing poverty. And that's the best way to serve all voters?

So what health facilities were eliminated and what school funding do you speak of?

This isn't anything new, it's been going on for a long time. If anything, things are better today for most people. But nobody is going to come knocking at your door with a great paying job doing nothing. Nobody is going to give you dirt cheap rent when there are so many people in need of living space and are willing to pay most anything to get it.

The solution to these problems are the individuals--not companies or rich people. You people on the left are going to have to learn you can't get everything you want. You can't make 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts. A guy can't become a woman by wearing a dress. You can't eliminate crazy people by taking away guns.
There is now only one health clinic providing abortion services in all of Missouri. There is only three such facilities in the entire state of Texas.

And that just happened under Trump? What did Trump or Republicans do to cause this?
Defund Planned Parenthood.

We did? Last I looked the federal government was still providing funds to them.
Housing prices are tied to taxes

Higher costs for housing more tax money for government.

The government will do nothing to lower the cost of housing.

We must end property tax and zoning laws that prevent affordable housing for min. wagw

If you are making minimum wage, you don't need an apartment, duh!
Everyone needs a place to live.

Yes they do, but who's responsibility is it to provide such a place?

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