In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

Housing prices are tied to taxes

Higher costs for housing more tax money for government.

The government will do nothing to lower the cost of housing.

We must end property tax and zoning laws that prevent affordable housing for min. wagw
Housing prices are tied to taxes

Higher costs for housing more tax money for government.

The government will do nothing to lower the cost of housing.

We must end property tax and zoning laws that prevent affordable housing for min. wagw
/—-/ The medium house in Malibu CA is $1.97 million. You’d need a minimum wage of $65 just to make ends meet. It’s a racist Climate Change denier effort to keep the middle class in trailer parks.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Republicans not only do nothing, but they couldn’t care less about the housing crisis.
That is why people vote Prog. They love to raise all of the taxes possible much faster and even create new taxes. Just imagine all of the taxes added to and affecting rent in the last 50 years that we do not know about. We know the Progs care. Older cities with their older housing stock is their only saving grace. The last tax cut by the Dems now the Progs for the peasants was JFK. Yeppers...privileged blue collar jobs and being of a special group pays off.
The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Yet are no different than the Dems who simply pay lip service to us all

Who are we protecting? Landlords or tenants?

It's not the job of the government to protect either. The market does that.

Two people entering into a strictly voluntary agreement that exchanges use of property for money isn't the concern of government.

If either side violates, or is believed to have violated, that agreement, it's up to the courts to decide if redress is required. That should the extend of the state's involvement.
So landlords should be free to discriminate against any tenant for no good reason? Landlords should be free to collide on rents, lease conditions and residency requirements with no in put from representative governments. No health and safety regulations are needed because the landlords who are actually slumlords should have a free hand. What about rent subsidy vouchers? Should the voucher issuing authority not inspect subsidized units?

I see that you prefer fascism to free markets.
So free markets without any laws whatsoever is your ultimate goal huh? How do you think that would work out? If the answer is no, then how about you tell us how much government we should have?
/——/ I agree with you. Ban free markets and have strict laws ruling our every move, thought and deed. 100% Central Planning rocks.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
/—-/ Oh bullshyt. Your worn out cliches are tiresome. President Trump’s tax cuts and elimination of anti business regulations helps the poor and middle class who are willing to work for a better life. DemocRATs never ending welfare and high taxes don’t help anyone. GOP Tax Reform Favors Middle Class, Not Rich | National Review
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Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.
I'm not sure I like where this is going, Billy, when you talk about a "livable" wage. What does make sense is being able to monitor abuse in rental rates, but it might be too late now. When I was a young adult, the rule of thumb was 25% of your take home income should be for rent/mortgage. Now people are routinely paying 50%. People who rent are usually the least affluent, and they get soaked the worst. That is why people are living on the streets and in their cars.

There has to be a clever way to let landlords make a profit and still offer housing that is not nose-bleed high. I'm not sure what that clever solution is, but it should not be raising wages until EVERYONE can afford a nice two bedroom apartment on their take home salary. Never happened, never gonna happen.

"There has to be a clever way to let landlords make a profit..."

Why do you feel the need to determine who can and cannot make a profit and how much they're allowed to make? Do you realize that you're espousing fascist economic ideology?

He also TRIED to...
He TRIED to take good used cars off the market. Cash for Clunkers! And succeeded!

Who did that fuck!?

It was a full frontal assault on the poor and lower middle classes. Obama and the Democrats were obviously trying to make jobs less available to certain classes of people.

In most parts of the USA, if you do not own reliable transportation, you are not eligible for a good job because you are less free than somebody who does own reliable transportation to go wherever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

It was part of the keep the poor, poor program. Just a part of the OED (Obama Economic Depression) fuck Americans program.

Paying people to destroy material wealth is not sound economic policy.

Cash for Clunkers was intended to help the UAW. Government subsidized automobile purchases to strengthen the UAW.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Another parrot blaming all the problems conveniently on the other party. Nevermind the fact that from 2008-2013 millions lost their homes at the same time the investment banks that owned the mortgages were bailed out 100%..including potential profits. So Obama ensured the stock holders kept their profits while millions lost their homes.
Nevermind that the Democrats played a key role in the dramatic home price increases in the 90's that, obviously also increased rent cost.
I am not saying it is the Democrats fault instead, I am pointing out that it was BOTH parties. And anyone who doesn't know that is a sheep.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Why do you feel you're owed something?

He also TRIED to...
He TRIED to take good used cars off the market. Cash for Clunkers! And succeeded!

Who did that fuck!?

It was a full frontal assault on the poor and lower middle classes. Obama and the Democrats were obviously trying to make jobs less available to certain classes of people.

In most parts of the USA, if you do not own reliable transportation, you are not eligible for a good job because you are less free than somebody who does own reliable transportation to go wherever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

It was part of the keep the poor, poor program. Just a part of the OED (Obama Economic Depression) fuck Americans program.

Paying people to destroy material wealth is not sound economic policy.

Cash for Clunkers was intended to help the UAW. Government subsidized automobile purchases to strengthen the UAW.

/——/ It caused many working class poor to give up perfectly serviceable older cars with new ones that required full insurance. Yet another Prog failure because they don’t understand the free market. The Obama administration accidentally accelerated the Corolla conquest of American roads
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Kind of hard when Obama mandated you pay for health insurance before you pay your rent or buy food.

Kind of hard when Chicago has an extra tax on snickers bars

Kind of hard when living in blue cities and the local dog catcher is driving around in a BMW.

Kind of hard when your blue citiy city clerk is taking working vacations to Tahiti.

There appears to be a housing shortage and that would explain why in my neck of the woods they are building houses like crazy. As the price of homes increase the FED is set to raise interested rates. People who can afford it want a new home.

The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to 2.25% in July 2019.
It had just raised it to 2.5% in December 2018.
It's the first rate cut since December 2008.

Wages are rising and unemployment is low

Average home prices of new homes are falling after rising with May average new home at of 371000

used homes at 314000

when the crash comes there will be a big hurt and that kid will have to move out or pay rent

Still may cannot afford a new home and have to buy used homes with all the headache that the previous owner didn't tell you about.

What the heck is wrong with buying a used home, a starter home?

If the previous owner didn't disclose issues with the house the new owner has right to recourse.

If you live in California I understand your comment about housing prices and building like crazy. The problem is 'new' houses are not being built where they are needed most.
There appears to be a housing shortage and that would explain why in my neck of the woods they are building houses like crazy. As the price of homes increase the FED is set to raise interested rates. People who can afford it want a new home.

The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to 2.25% in July 2019.
It had just raised it to 2.5% in December 2018.
It's the first rate cut since December 2008.

Wages are rising and unemployment is low

Average home prices of new homes are falling after rising with May average new home at of 371000

used homes at 314000

when the crash comes there will be a big hurt and that kid will have to move out or pay rent

Still may cannot afford a new home and have to buy used homes with all the headache that the previous owner didn't tell you about.

What the heck is wrong with buying a used home, a starter home?

If the previous owner didn't disclose issues with the house the new owner has right to recourse.

If you live in California I understand your comment about housing prices and building like crazy. The problem is 'new' houses are not being built where they are needed most.

There is a solution here but you won't like the answer.

Republicans not only do nothing, but they couldn’t care less about the housing crisis.


Democrats not only do nothing, but they couldn't care less about the housing crisis.

Example: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit ...
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

It is a damn good thing that less than 4% of all US workers earn minimum wage then!

Why do you speak of "middle class" when talking about minimum wage. The only way minimum wage affects the middle class is by how much their teenage kids get paid during their high school years.
There appears to be a housing shortage and that would explain why in my neck of the woods they are building houses like crazy. As the price of homes increase the FED is set to raise interested rates. People who can afford it want a new home.

The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to 2.25% in July 2019.
It had just raised it to 2.5% in December 2018.
It's the first rate cut since December 2008.

Wages are rising and unemployment is low

Average home prices of new homes are falling after rising with May average new home at of 371000

used homes at 314000

when the crash comes there will be a big hurt and that kid will have to move out or pay rent

Still may cannot afford a new home and have to buy used homes with all the headache that the previous owner didn't tell you about.

What the heck is wrong with buying a used home, a starter home?

If the previous owner didn't disclose issues with the house the new owner has right to recourse.

If you live in California I understand your comment about housing prices and building like crazy. The problem is 'new' houses are not being built where they are needed most.

There is a solution here but you won't like the answer.

You don't know what I'd like or dislike.

I'm not done responding to the OP.


Republicans not only do nothing, but they couldn’t care less about the housing crisis.


Democrats not only do nothing, but they couldn't care less about the housing crisis.

Example: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit ...

Name one major city that the republicans have stepped up to the plate. Aren't you all smarter and should be able to handle it better? Or are you running scared and letting the Democrats take the lumps.
still way below the cost of living needs for a person working 40 hours a week

So don't work for them.

No one forces anyone to take a job that doesn't support their needs. If you aren't making enough money at your job, change jobs or spend less.
Okay again this a matter of simple mathematics. If everyone took your advice, who would be left behind to fill those jobs?

Teenagers, who those jobs were designed for.
There appears to be a housing shortage and that would explain why in my neck of the woods they are building houses like crazy. As the price of homes increase the FED is set to raise interested rates. People who can afford it want a new home.

The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to 2.25% in July 2019.
It had just raised it to 2.5% in December 2018.
It's the first rate cut since December 2008.

Wages are rising and unemployment is low

Average home prices of new homes are falling after rising with May average new home at of 371000

used homes at 314000

when the crash comes there will be a big hurt and that kid will have to move out or pay rent

Still may cannot afford a new home and have to buy used homes with all the headache that the previous owner didn't tell you about.

What the heck is wrong with buying a used home, a starter home?

If the previous owner didn't disclose issues with the house the new owner has right to recourse.

If you live in California I understand your comment about housing prices and building like crazy. The problem is 'new' houses are not being built where they are needed most.

There is a solution here but you won't like the answer.

You don't know what I'd like or dislike.

I'm not done responding to the OP.


You mean you don't want to know the solution? There is one, you know. But you aren't going to like it.

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