In Regards To DACA, what Should Be The Priority?

What takes precedence?

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You didn't read my words back to me, you made up your own words and claimed that I said them. There is a big difference. Lets have an honest conversation or no conversation at all. ok?

You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
It is possible to walk and chew gum... Trump could have proposed an immigration reform plan to protect the dreamers, which is the moral and right thing to do, while also rescinding the EO to make the constitutional point. Or he could have let the EO get shut down by the courts and set a precedent on its constitutionality. This move was super careless, sloppy and divisive.
why? he didn't run on that, he ran on ending DACA, he just did that.
Good for him. He did so in a sloppy and divisive way when he could have done so in a much more effective way. It is not a surprise, just disappointing
sorry for your illegal loving butt hurt. cry me a fking river you anti american.
Priority is first kick this little Pendejo out.

Sad thing is, amnesty is coming.
no it isn't.

It is. It's on Paul Ryan's website, but it's not amnesty. The illegals get to stay, but it's not amnesty. Really, its amnesty.
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan.

OK, so what would YOU like to see in this detailed plan?

P.S. What "assumptions" are you referring to?
If all we did was follow the rule of law and not push to evolve our laws with the changes and advancements of our society then we would still have slavery and segregated schools.
Trump did challenge congress to pass a law changing the status of the dreamers, which probably was going to be changed to illegal and subject to deportation by the courts.
It is the right move to push congress to take care of this issue via legislation, the EO wasn't going to last. I don't think scaring the shit out of 750,000 people by threatening deportation is a smart tactic to use. This move should have been handle much better
I think the Dreamers are going to be scared. Trump has little option to say unless congress gives them legal status, he'll refer them to the DOJ for deporation like everyone else here illegally
Agree'd and he will receive tremendous backlash for it making the division in this country all that much more polarized.
Yes, and it's ironic but richly (-: deserved that he will receive even more antipathy from latinos if congress fails. BTW, he may just be holding this hostage for a tradeoff by immigration nutters like Steve King to get him some funding for his "wall."
I have no doubt the two are related. I understand what he is trying to do, i just don't think it is a good tactic. Just one guys opinion. I'm sure many out there disagree. I'd just really like to look at my president and be proud, not see a douchebag playing dirty games.
the losers are american children who are citizens of the US that have been wronged for a very fking long time. you all are useless americans.

The real Dreamers that we should be concerned with are the American children that have seen their American dream taken way from them by Obama's welfare state while the the Beaners flood in and get free citizenship and welfare.

Obama fucks real Americans by increasing poverty, decreasing family income, increasing debt and producing dismal economic growth while giving little Brown asshole welfare queens our taxpayer money.

The despicable thing is that Obama did it for racial reasons. He wanted to import and legalize a million Beaners so that the White influence in the red states would be diluted.

If these little shitheads were dreamers why don't they dream of changing the government in Mexico so that it won't be a disaster and have its poverty imported to the US?
Priority is first kick this little Pendejo out.

Sad thing is, amnesty is coming.
no it isn't.

It is. It's on Paul Ryan's website, but it's not amnesty. The illegals get to stay, but it's not amnesty. Really, its amnesty.
dude, it will never get voted on. there are elections coming in 2018. these fools would be tagged to do this. it's a true suicide vote.

I don't think congress even gives a shit. Maybe they just sit on the ball and blame Trump?
You didn't read my words back to me, you made up your own words and claimed that I said them. There is a big difference. Lets have an honest conversation or no conversation at all. ok?

You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
Ouch, you really got me there. Good one.
Excuse me for caring about PEOPLE. Especially innocent people who are being outcasted for no fault of their own.
You didn't read my words back to me, you made up your own words and claimed that I said them. There is a big difference. Lets have an honest conversation or no conversation at all. ok?

You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
How precisely did he "give America back to American children" by telling congress to pass a Dreamer Act or see the kids being deported?
You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
Ouch, you really got me there. Good one.
Excuse me for caring about PEOPLE. Especially innocent people who are being outcasted for no fault of their own.
but you don't, you don't care that american children are harmed by illegals. you lie like a fking rug.
You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
How precisely did he "give America back to American children" by telling congress to pass a Dreamer Act or see the kids being deported?
because he knows that congress will do nothing. it's all they know how to do.
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
How precisely did he "give America back to American children" by telling congress to pass a Dreamer Act or see the kids being deported?
because he knows that congress will do nothing. it's all they know how to do.
He knows that? Despite members of both parties being on record of supporting a legislative fix?
you libturds continue to expunge american children like trash. how fking patriotic of you assholes.
You are correct that I didn't literally "read" your words back to you; I merely quoted them. As to having an honest conversation, what would YOU have advised the President to do? Continue to abide by an Executive Order that has been ruled Unconstitutional?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
Ouch, you really got me there. Good one.
Excuse me for caring about PEOPLE. Especially innocent people who are being outcasted for no fault of their own.

People being outcast? You mean people that are American citizens?
Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
How precisely did he "give America back to American children" by telling congress to pass a Dreamer Act or see the kids being deported?
because he knows that congress will do nothing. it's all they know how to do.
He knows that? Despite members of both parties being on record of supporting a legislative fix?
simple question, so why haven't they then?
I already stated what I think he should have done. Proposed a clear immigration plan showing his support and intent to protect the "Dreamers" then challenge the Congress to legislate a bill. If he did that then he could go after the EO from a constitutionality standpoint or let the courts shut it down without all the confusion. The way he did it leaves 750,000 people fearing for their future. Its extremely careless and is only going to multiply the problems and feed division.

Any plan Trump might put forward (other than unconditional amnesty) would instantly be torn to pieces by the DemPress as inherently racist. What is so wrong with following the Constitutional provision that legislation originates in Congress?
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
Ouch, you really got me there. Good one.
Excuse me for caring about PEOPLE. Especially innocent people who are being outcasted for no fault of their own.

People being outcast? You mean people that are American citizens?
he doesn't care about american kids. he's a fking illegal lover.
It is possible to walk and chew gum... Trump could have proposed an immigration reform plan to protect the dreamers, which is the moral and right thing to do, while also rescinding the EO to make the constitutional point. Or he could have let the EO get shut down by the courts and set a precedent on its constitutionality. This move was super careless, sloppy and divisive.

Quite the contrary, his move managed to unite Congressional Republicans and Democrats, both sides are falling all over themselves to get legislation going now.

They've only had FIVE YEARS to act on legislation but now it's an emergency that they care so much about? The DACA folks should be pissed off at Congress not Trump, Trump did the right thing for a change.
ohh, great tactic, threaten 750,000 people with deportation to motivate congress. Maybe he should threaten to seize Americans assets to pay off the debt as a tactic to motivate congress to get Tax reform done! :cuckoo:

Dear Cardinal Richelieu,

Apparently the Constitution and the Rule of Law aren't your cup of tea.

Perhaps someday the absolutist Presidency you're looking for will emerge but today isn't that day.

"They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men." -- John Adams
If all we did was follow the rule of law and not push to evolve our laws .
LOL, Trump is trying to do both and you're proposing that we do neither and just govern the country by the dictates of our "feelings".

"Evolving our laws" is a pointless exercise if you supplant the rule of law with rule by executive branch fiat.

Way to destroy your own weak attempt at an argument. :clap:
It is possible to walk and chew gum... Trump could have proposed an immigration reform plan to protect the dreamers, which is the moral and right thing to do, while also rescinding the EO to make the constitutional point. Or he could have let the EO get shut down by the courts and set a precedent on its constitutionality. This move was super careless, sloppy and divisive.

Quite the contrary, his move managed to unite Congressional Republicans and Democrats, both sides are falling all over themselves to get legislation going now.

They've only had FIVE YEARS to act on legislation but now it's an emergency that they care so much about? The DACA folks should be pissed off at Congress not Trump, Trump did the right thing for a change.
ohh, great tactic, threaten 750,000 people with deportation to motivate congress. Maybe he should threaten to seize Americans assets to pay off the debt as a tactic to motivate congress to get Tax reform done! :cuckoo:

Dear Cardinal Richelieu,

Apparently the Constitution and the Rule of Law aren't your cup of tea.

Perhaps someday the absolutist Presidency you're looking for will emerge but today isn't that day.

"They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men." -- John Adams
If all we did was follow the rule of law and not push to evolve our laws .
LOL, Trump is trying to do both and you're proposing that we do neither and just govern the country by the dictates of our "feelings".

"Evolving our laws" is a pointless exercise if you supplant the rule of law with rule by executive branch fiat.

Way to destroy your own weak attempt at an argument. :clap:
You make assumptions, that means nothing and is no excuse to support inaction from Trump as far as providing a detailed plan... There is nothing wrong with using Congress to legislate, thats what should happen. DACA was never meant to be permanent law, it was a deferral to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation while congress figured out legislation.
he just gave american children their country back. you illegal lover.
How precisely did he "give America back to American children" by telling congress to pass a Dreamer Act or see the kids being deported?
because he knows that congress will do nothing. it's all they know how to do.
He knows that? Despite members of both parties being on record of supporting a legislative fix?
simple question, so why haven't they then?
No pressure. Don't get me wrong. I'd like nothing better than to get rid of Trump and you racists. And, ending the Dreamers would be a step in that direction because even with people like me who are in favor of having every illegal immigrant subject to deportation, the Dreamers are a pretty sympathetic lot - didn't come here with an intent to break laws, got educations, got jobs, pay taxes .... not much to hate there .. unless you're a racist loser who can't find a job because you lack skills or motivation ... unlike the Dreamers

But furthering the goal by seeing people hurt is not an acceptable strategy. The gop may further the goal, but it won't be a good day.

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