In the name of Islam

The rest of us are bloody sick-and-tired of this Muslim shit, and we're tired of hearing your (Liberals) never-ending advocacy for them, rather than your own people.

Muslim Americans are our "own people".
Yes. So you've said. Time and again. The rest of us, however, have stopped listening.

Ignoring the fact that Muslim Americans are Americans doesn't change that fact.
Actually, it sounds more like the usual suspects are intent on discounting mental illness if a muslim is involved :dunno:

How do you tell the difference between Islam fundamentalism and mental illness?

The same way you tell the difference between Christian fundamentalism and mental illness. You look at the individual.
That's interesting. So it's always going to be mental illness. At least that's what I'm getting here.

Define "always". Have I "always" blamed violence on mental illness?

"Always" As in consistently discounting the idea that this man may in fact be a Muslim and not mentally ill.

I haven't discounted the fact he may be Muslim at all. He is. One CAN be Muslim AND mentally ill you know. Just like one can be Christian and mentally ill. Why is it impossible for people to admit that it might be mental illness? If this dude weren't Muslim, would people argue that it was religion? Like the woman who drowned her son?
I think his mother is more likely to know. She also said she tried to get help for him. My brother was mentally ill for sometime and my father in complete denial.

Why is it you can't accept mental illness if the perp is Muslim? It's not like it's mental illness always - for example I wouldn't say that about the Bernadino shooters. But when there is evidence indicating it might well be, you just want to deny it.
For me, it was his statement before the shooting, "In the Name of Islam..." I would think if he was insane, he would be saying something like, "In the name of Teddy Roosevelt."
IMHO, anyone that perpetrates a terrorist act is mentally ill but not necessarily insane regardless of whose name it is in.

I believe our primary defense against terrorism is the awfulness of the act. There are few people that believe in a cause enough, have the psychological makeup, and presence of mind to kill innocent people and sacrifice their own life. If this were not true we would have far more terrorist attacks than we do.

It hasn't worked so far, has it? It hasn't even worked with Muslims living in Western countries where life is a lot more pleasant than the cesspits they came from.
Of course it works. Islamic Terrorist attacks are rare. Worldwide the chance of dying in an attack is about 1 in million, a lot less in the US.
That no longer matters.

Every one that you (Liberals) allow to come into the country, the odds increase that such an attack will occur.

The rest of us are bloody sick-and-tired of this Muslim shit, and we're tired of hearing your (Liberals) never-ending advocacy for them, rather than your own people.

If you won't stand alongside your own, then you're gonna have to excuse the rest of us, as we stop listening to you.

You've chosen where to make your stand... and it's not with us.

Message received.

So what are you going to do with American citizens who happen to be Muslim?
For me, it was his statement before the shooting, "In the Name of Islam..." I would think if he was insane, he would be saying something like, "In the name of Teddy Roosevelt."
IMHO, anyone that perpetrates a terrorist act is mentally ill but not necessarily insane regardless of whose name it is in.

I believe our primary defense against terrorism is the awfulness of the act. There are few people that believe in a cause enough, have the psychological makeup, and presence of mind to kill innocent people and sacrifice their own life. If this were not true we would have far more terrorist attacks than we do.

It hasn't worked so far, has it? It hasn't even worked with Muslims living in Western countries where life is a lot more pleasant than the cesspits they came from.
Of course it works. Islamic Terrorist attacks are rare. Worldwide the chance of dying in an attack is about 1 in million, a lot less in the US.
That no longer matters.

Every one that you (Liberals) allow to come into the country, the odds increase that such an attack will occur.

The rest of us are bloody sick-and-tired of this Muslim shit, and we're tired of hearing your (Liberals) never-ending advocacy for them, rather than your own people.

If you won't stand alongside your own, then you're gonna have to excuse the rest of us, as we stop listening to you.

You've chosen where to make your stand... and it's not with us.

Message received.

So what are you going to do with American citizens who happen to be Muslim?

So long as they keep their noses clean, understand that Sharia is subject to constitutional law and do not expect exceptions to be made, nothing.
Black Muslim shoots cop.
Black Muslim declares shooting was done in the name of Islam.
Mayor declares shooting has nothing to do with Islam.
Libs claim this has nothing to do with terrorism.
Initial reports say shooter admits to being one of 3 ready/willing to carry out other attacks

This 'WTF IS WRONG W/YOU LIBERALS' Moment was brought to you by CAIR, Barak Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and ISIS - who is currently 'contained'.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.
Would you supply a link, please?
His mommy said he hears voices. His brother wasn't given the memo.
Shane Archer says his brother is NOT mentally ill.

SOURCE: Police Investigating Further Possible Threat To Law Enforcement

I think his mother is more likely to know. She also said she tried to get help for him. My brother was mentally ill for sometime and my father in complete denial.

Why is it you can't accept mental illness if the perp is Muslim? It's not like it's mental illness always - for example I wouldn't say that about the Bernadino shooters. But when there is evidence indicating it might well be, you just want to deny it.
You started posting as though it's fact that he's mentally ill and doesn't attend mosque. I suggested mothers have been known to lie for their children and that her word does not constitute evidence that he is mentally ill. Moreover, his brother says he is not mentally ill. None of us know whether he is or not, yet you keep pushing this line as though your life depends on it. As you do whenever Muslim criminals are discussed here, even for the rapists in Europe. You are constantly applying moral relativism and spinning for Muslims, usually in the absence of evidence.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

Clearly he is influenced on the notion of killing in the name of Allah for the Islamic State.......a trend we see on the rise in the US and other western cultures regardless of official mental state or mosque attendance.
There is no proof he did not attend a mosque.

Quite possible. I was going by what one of the Imam's said - and what he said was he had no recollection of attending his mosque. My mistake.
An illustration of how willing you are to spin for Muslims. One imam says he has no recollection of archer attending his mosque, and you endlessly post that Archer 'did not even attend mosque'. Lol.
Thank you for the link! Uppermost in the case is his travels to the Middle East and his own proclamation that he did the shooting in the name of Islam. The mother suggested he had mental issues, not a Dr. She could have suggested this so he would have an insanity defense. She hoped the police had the wrong man when he was shot by the police officer at the scene and dropped the gun that was used to shoot Jesse. A hopeful mother does not make it true.

The mother is usually the first one to notice mental issues, men tend to deny them because of stigma. There's little in this person's actions to suggest rational thinking.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

THIS is quite significant:

"Investigators believe Archer traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and to Egypt in 2012, FBI special agent Eric Ruona said, and the purpose of that travel was being investigated by the FBI."

I've seen a theme too, where the perpetrator is "not the most radical" yet carries out a undeniably radical act out in the name of Islam. I'm sorry to break some hearts here, but it is looking increasingly possible that he was a Muslim.

The likelihood of him attending a mosque is extremely likely. As the Imam of the Masjid Mujahideen said as per this video that it is "plausible" that Archer did come there to pray, though he didn't recognize his name or likeness. However, the language is pretty vague.

Note that I am not linking anyone else in that mosque, the mosque itself, or the rest of Islam for that matter, to what Archer did.

So, is anyone else going to continue sitting here and keep denying this?
There are also plenty of Muslims who say you can pray anywhere, it doesn't have to be a mosque, and you are still a Muslim. It is preferred that Muslims pray together, but not doing so doesn't mean you are not, or no longer, a Muslim.
Black Muslim shoots cop.
Black Muslim declares shooting was done in the name of Islam.
Mayor declares shooting has nothing to do with Islam.
Libs claim this has nothing to do with terrorism.
Initial reports say shooter admits to being one of 3 ready/willing to carry out other attacks

This 'WTF IS WRONG W/YOU LIBERALS' Moment was brought to you by CAIR, Barak Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and ISIS - who is currently 'contained'.
Seems like they think Muslims are liars.
Something I have noticed:

When a Christian man shoots people at an abortion clinic or other venue.

He is immediately declared not to be a Christian and mentally ill.

But when a muslim man is involved in a similar act of violence.

He is said to be perfectly sane and a devout follower of his religion.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.
Would you supply a link, please?
His mommy said he hears voices. His brother wasn't given the memo.
Shane Archer says his brother is NOT mentally ill.

SOURCE: Police Investigating Further Possible Threat To Law Enforcement

I think his mother is more likely to know. She also said she tried to get help for him. My brother was mentally ill for sometime and my father in complete denial.

Why is it you can't accept mental illness if the perp is Muslim? It's not like it's mental illness always - for example I wouldn't say that about the Bernadino shooters. But when there is evidence indicating it might well be, you just want to deny it.

You started posting as though it's fact that he's mentally ill and doesn't attend mosque.

I posted my opinion. Kind of like you posted your opinion.

I suggested mothers have been known to lie for their children and that her word does not constitute evidence that he is mentally ill.

It's possible. Prove he was clear thinking then.

Moreover, his brother says he is not mentally ill.

And his brother could have lied.

None of us know whether he is or not, yet you keep pushing this line as though your life depends on it.

Likewise you keep insisting he's not don't you?

As you do whenever Muslim criminals are discussed here, even for the rapists in Europe.


As for the rapists in Europe - all I've said is let's look at the evidence not the emotional hype. But that's asking a bit too much for you guys isn't it?

You are constantly applying moral relativism and spinning for Muslims, usually in the absence of evidence.

If you call digging into the news and looking for facts "moral relativism" and "spinning" than that is your problem.
Thank you for the link! Uppermost in the case is his travels to the Middle East and his own proclamation that he did the shooting in the name of Islam. The mother suggested he had mental issues, not a Dr. She could have suggested this so he would have an insanity defense. She hoped the police had the wrong man when he was shot by the police officer at the scene and dropped the gun that was used to shoot Jesse. A hopeful mother does not make it true.

The mother is usually the first one to notice mental issues, men tend to deny them because of stigma. There's little in this person's actions to suggest rational thinking.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Something I have noticed:

When a Christian man shoots people at an abortion clinic or other venue.

He is immediately declared not to be a Christian and mentally ill.

But when a muslim man is involved in a similar act of violence.

He is said to be perfectly sane and a devout follower of his religion.


There is a whole list of crimes posted earlier where God or Jesus or some other religious figure told the person to murder another person. In several cases, the mother's stated they had tried to get pyschiatric help. But hey - they aren't Muslim so let's believe the mother than even though Jesus told 'em to kill.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

Clearly he is influenced on the notion of killing in the name of Allah for the Islamic State.......a trend we see on the rise in the US and other western cultures regardless of official mental state or mosque attendance.
There is no proof he did not attend a mosque.

Quite possible. I was going by what one of the Imam's said - and what he said was he had no recollection of attending his mosque. My mistake.
An illustration of how willing you are to spin for Muslims. One imam says he has no recollection of archer attending his mosque, and you endlessly post that Archer 'did not even attend mosque'. Lol.

Another lie. I posted it once. And then a correction (I made my comment early on, based on what was said in the news at the time).
Black Muslim shoots cop.
Black Muslim declares shooting was done in the name of Islam.
Mayor declares shooting has nothing to do with Islam.
Libs claim this has nothing to do with terrorism.
Initial reports say shooter admits to being one of 3 ready/willing to carry out other attacks

This 'WTF IS WRONG W/YOU LIBERALS' Moment was brought to you by CAIR, Barak Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and ISIS - who is currently 'contained'.

What report was that? The only thing I've read so far as a "tipster" made that claim and the police are investigating it.
Thank you for the link! Uppermost in the case is his travels to the Middle East and his own proclamation that he did the shooting in the name of Islam. The mother suggested he had mental issues, not a Dr. She could have suggested this so he would have an insanity defense. She hoped the police had the wrong man when he was shot by the police officer at the scene and dropped the gun that was used to shoot Jesse. A hopeful mother does not make it true.

The mother is usually the first one to notice mental issues, men tend to deny them because of stigma. There's little in this person's actions to suggest rational thinking.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
You really do have very serious comprehension problems. I have never stated the man is sane or insane. You have stated several times that he is mentally ill, on the basis of his mothers comment alone, and you have implied he isn't even Muslim on the basis that an imam said he doesn't recognise him. Your behaviour here is one of a low IQ idiot desperately spinning for Islam. :) lol.
IMHO, anyone that perpetrates a terrorist act is mentally ill but not necessarily insane regardless of whose name it is in.

I believe our primary defense against terrorism is the awfulness of the act. There are few people that believe in a cause enough, have the psychological makeup, and presence of mind to kill innocent people and sacrifice their own life. If this were not true we would have far more terrorist attacks than we do.

It hasn't worked so far, has it? It hasn't even worked with Muslims living in Western countries where life is a lot more pleasant than the cesspits they came from.
Of course it works. Islamic Terrorist attacks are rare. Worldwide the chance of dying in an attack is about 1 in million, a lot less in the US.
That no longer matters.

Every one that you (Liberals) allow to come into the country, the odds increase that such an attack will occur.

The rest of us are bloody sick-and-tired of this Muslim shit, and we're tired of hearing your (Liberals) never-ending advocacy for them, rather than your own people.

If you won't stand alongside your own, then you're gonna have to excuse the rest of us, as we stop listening to you.

You've chosen where to make your stand... and it's not with us.

Message received.

So what are you going to do with American citizens who happen to be Muslim?

So long as they keep their noses clean, understand that Sharia is subject to constitutional law and do not expect exceptions to be made, nothing.

In otherwords like any other religion or is this just special for Muslims?
The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

Clearly he is influenced on the notion of killing in the name of Allah for the Islamic State.......a trend we see on the rise in the US and other western cultures regardless of official mental state or mosque attendance.
There is no proof he did not attend a mosque.

Quite possible. I was going by what one of the Imam's said - and what he said was he had no recollection of attending his mosque. My mistake.
An illustration of how willing you are to spin for Muslims. One imam says he has no recollection of archer attending his mosque, and you endlessly post that Archer 'did not even attend mosque'. Lol.

Another lie. I posted it once. And then a correction (I made my comment early on, based on what was said in the news at the time).
Another lie. You posted it SEVERAL times, hoping it would be viewed as another of your 'facts'. Lol.

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